On the brink of civil war; all nations, please read this!!!!
Demonic Terrorists
19-06-2004, 01:29
Chief Jabari Ruuhulla Shoobooshaaba has just been captured. Since then, there have been massive peace demonstrations in the cities. Thousands of Shoobooshaaba tribesmen are waving signs begging the government to release their precious chief. Others are on their knees, weeping. Still others are holding hands signing non-violence anthems; some are even immolating themselves in the center of busy streets. In response to this, we have imprisoned thousands of these traitors. Men will be executed. Women will be forced into prostitution. Children will be sold to other nations as slaves for the incredibly low price of 10 blood-stained dollars. Chief Jabari's fate depends on world opinion. Because our police are tired, frustrated, and outnumbered, they need help. It's not that the demonstrators are armed or violent, it's just that we want them suppressed as quickly as possible before others start thinking disturbing thoughts. Please help!
hell if they want we will arm the resistors with weapons so they can topple your evil dictatorship
Opal Isle
19-06-2004, 01:33
The Enlightened Dictator's Advisor on Domestic Affairs:
While the Dictator would be dissappointed to know that I'm enlightening someone aside from him, this is my advice. Release Chief Jabari Ruuhulla Shoobooshaaba from your custody, but bar him from your nation. Take him to the border and dump him off. If you are lucky, his followers and supporters who have trouble taking your orders will also leave your nation.
Evil Geeks
19-06-2004, 01:35
Evil Geeks will immediately send an additional 50,000 of the most brutal, savage, bloodthirsty, rapacious, remorseless soldiers in the world to help suppress these cretins.
The Champaigne Isles
19-06-2004, 01:36
release him or we will help the Resistors fight a Guerilla war. 1 Exacution, 1 Child sold into Slavery, 1 Women forced in Prostitution, eqauls 3. for that 3, 9 of your Soldiers will die.
Socialist Cockroaches
19-06-2004, 01:36
We'd recommend executing Mr. Shoobooshaaba. Can't help ya, though, 'cause we ain't got no more government. :cry: :cry: :cry: :cry:
:cry: :cry: :cry: :cry: :cry: :cry: :cry: :cry: :cry: :cry: :cry: :cry:
The Steel Legions
19-06-2004, 01:36
Lord General Dresk
If you need I can have orbital gun platforms target them and have viral bombs launched within the hour.
Demonic Terrorists
19-06-2004, 01:39
Champaigne Isles, if we release Chief Shoobooshaaba, will you take him? And Steel Legions, to whom were you referring when you said you'd target 'them'?
Demonic Terrorists
19-06-2004, 01:45
If anybody wants Chief Shoobooshaaba to be released, let him speak now! And he will not be released unless someone will accept him in their nation!
we will take him and all who wish to leave
Demonic Terrorists
19-06-2004, 01:53
Very well...(snicker) Chief Jabari Ruuhulla Shoobooshaaba has hereby been executed. He has been decapitated, and his head is being shipped to Irondin as we speak!!! :twisted: :twisted: :evil: :evil: :D :D :lol: :lol:
We suggest you deport the prisoners to Muktar.
Generic empire
19-06-2004, 01:56
The Generic Empire would be interested in purchasing all of the captured women and children. Give us a price.
19-06-2004, 01:57
ooc: What's happening to our troops? They should be at an airbase you've leased to us, have they been attacked?
Demonic Terrorists
19-06-2004, 01:57
Heh, heh, heh...sorry, Muktar. We aren't RELEASING anybody...except in a body bag!! :x :D :lol: :twisted: :evil: :wink: :roll: :!:
Demonic Terrorists
19-06-2004, 01:58
They're still there, Bonstock. Not to worry. None of them have been attacked. The Shoobooshaaba are pacifist worms.
Demonic Terrorists
19-06-2004, 02:00
Generic empire, we'll sell you them for $10 a piece, depending on what you do with them. If you plan to buy them and release them, forget it! Only those who plan on using the women as prostitutes and the children as slaves can buy prisoners from us!!!! :twisted: :twisted: :evil: :evil:
Generic empire
19-06-2004, 02:02
We plan to employ the women as prostitutes solely for the upper class aristocrats and possibly use the children to run on wheels in order to generate electricity, or just use them as prostitutes as well. :twisted:
19-06-2004, 02:12
The Holy Empire of Sporkeric beleives the execution of the chief is wrong and we are willing to provide shelter for his people. The treatment of his people as slaves and prostitutes is not supported by this nation. We want to negotiate, if possible, to take any of the people of his tribe who have not already been sold off to other foreign nations as slaves in Sporkeric's control. If needed we will pay for the releash of these people.
The Holy Empire of Sporkeric beleives the execution of the chief is wrong and we are willing to provide shelter for his people. The treatment of his people as slaves and prostitutes is not supported by this nation. We want to negotiate, if possible, to take any of the people of his tribe who have not already been sold off to other foreign nations as slaves in Sporkeric's control. If needed we will pay for the releash of these people.
Irondin will fallow suit
DT your damn lucky hogsweat is protecting you, you son of a bitch
Demonic Terrorists
19-06-2004, 02:28
Irondin, no cussing, please.
Demonic Terrorists
19-06-2004, 02:30
Sporkeric, we're not releasing anybody. We'll SELL them, but we won't release them. By the way, does anybody have any nuclear weapons? We would like to nuke Mh'ii Tso province into oblivion. We'll pay up to 50 billion for a nuke.
19-06-2004, 02:31
Sporkeric is offering $50,000 for the people.
all right then
DT im would (Bleap) you (bleap) you (bleap) you know what (now the bleap goes off for a full 10 mins) but you have to have hogsweats protection....
Generic empire
19-06-2004, 02:33
We will pay up to 20,000,000 for the women and children if delivery can be made swiftly before things take a turn for the worse.
Demonic Terrorists
19-06-2004, 02:37
What will you do with the women and children if we sell them to you? Answer that first.
Generic empire
19-06-2004, 02:38
I told you. Prostitution and food for the dogs.
19-06-2004, 02:38
We are now preparing to send troops to safely free these people,if need be. Our offer of $50,000 is raised to $70,000,000 and we are wishing to provide the people with a safe place to live.
Sporkeric finds the selling & treatment of these people completely wrong and we are ready to put a stop to it.
Generic empire
19-06-2004, 02:42
If we are to make a deal for the slaves then we must act quickly before Sporkeric takes action. 20,000,000 dollars American to be paid in cash. The women are to be prostitutes for the Imperial government and aristocracy and the children will serve us as laborers, prostitutes, and feed for our animals.
Demonic Terrorists
19-06-2004, 02:46
Half of the women and children have been sent to Generic empire; the other half have been sent to Sporkeric. Wire the money, please.
Generic empire
19-06-2004, 02:47
20 miliion American Dollars wired to Demonic Terrorists.
19-06-2004, 02:48
The money has been wired.
Demonic Terrorists
19-06-2004, 02:48
Thank you.
19-06-2004, 02:51
A plane has now been sent to pick-up the people and transer them to Sporkeric. For security, the plane is being military guarded.
19-06-2004, 02:51
A plane has now been sent to pick-up the people and transer them to Sporkeric.
Generic empire
19-06-2004, 02:54
10 Cargo freighters are on their way to pick up the prisoners and transport them to Generia under military escort.