The Holy Land Of The Poodles Declares War
The Kingdom Of
17-06-2004, 18:42
I at the command of The Holy Empire Of This Empire have been commanded to say that we, The Holy Land Of The Poodles Declares war upon The East Pacific. Die you stupid idiots. Up with the Atlantic. Down with the pacific. Die you B******s you Mother F**kers.
17-06-2004, 18:44
The electric monks
17-06-2004, 18:49
what do you intend to attack WITH?
you have declared war, good for you now they can attack you!
17-06-2004, 18:51
"The Kingdom of The Kingdom Of
Received: 1 minute ago
The Holy Land Of the poodles declares war on you die. "
Very cute. You've been added to my telegram ignore list.
North West Somerset
18-06-2004, 08:21
Stop flaming, the kingdom of. You and the holy land of poodles are idiots and if you continue someone will destroy you.
The Kingdom Of
18-06-2004, 08:24
I was only doing what The Holy Empire Of This Empire told me to do.
The Kingdom Of
18-06-2004, 08:26
By the sounds of it he was being serious. He is jelous of you automagfreak and he thinks your a b*****d.
Penpusher Confederacy
18-06-2004, 08:28
I hope you and your friend get nuked to the ground.
By the way, intelligence services have told us that several nations in the east Pacific are loading up their silos...
The Kingdom Of
18-06-2004, 08:30
WE DECLARE WAR!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ARE TANKS WILL BE MOVING INTO ACTION!!!!!!!!! WE WILL GIVE MORE WAR DETAILS LATER! for more info see this empire.
Denny Island
18-06-2004, 08:31
As a member of the East Pacific I will suggest we declare war on the holy land of poodles. My tanks are being readyed.
The Island of Rose
18-06-2004, 08:45
Time to pull a random IGNORE cannon out of me a**, hm, this is decent enough eh?
-By Fluffywuffy.
Donate your cannons to the cause!
And Laughing...
The nation of Thearas makes the following statement
18-06-2004, 11:09
Denny Island
18-06-2004, 11:09
Denny Island will ready for war. Two squardrons are being fomed. Each on has 10,000 soldiers (fully equipped marines) and 200 tanks (Tiger 1B's).
The Kingdom Of
18-06-2004, 12:55
The Kingdom Of
18-06-2004, 12:55
The Kingdom Of
18-06-2004, 12:56
So you think i was bluffing do you. i am only following the orders of this empire. die i will destroy you.
The Kingdom Of
18-06-2004, 12:56
So you think i was bluffing do you. i am only following the orders of this empire. die i will destroy you.
18-06-2004, 13:08
After laughing hysterically, and poking the n00b with a stick, Macisikan has fired its IGNORE cannon.
Imperial Brits
18-06-2004, 13:15
The Imperium decides that it is necessary to wipe you out.
The emperor while eating his daily selection of Condor eggs got a nasty shock. Some vile stentch had come through the window, there could only be one causea, A n00b. The emperor now marginally peed off that his breakfast was ruined runs up to his bedside cabinet and and breaks a glass seal. He then quickly pushes the button inside satasfied that the n00b would be dealt with.
The anti-n00b cannons in orbit of TKO fires obliterating him from existance.
Failing Sun
21-06-2004, 08:33
The Holy Empire of the Failing Sun agrees with you. WAR!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!