NationStates Jolt Archive


Jefe W
17-06-2004, 00:14
How do you attack another nation :?: :twisted:
17-06-2004, 00:31
You made the server crash! YOUR A BAD PERSON!
17-06-2004, 00:32
1. Get a good IC reason. For example, maybe your nation is run by catholics and some country begins executing catholics for their religion.
2. Telegram them ahead of time so they know to be on.
3. Start a thread for the war to be RPed, starting with the declaration of war, which should specify what forces you attack with and why you are going to war (Step 1).
4. Be sure not to godmod. Read the sticky near the top of the forum for details on that.
5. Rp the war.
6. If you win, do as you will, but keep in mind inhumane behavior will inevitably bring reprecussions.
7. If you lose, your opponent will do as he will. If he maintains control, you could probably RP a rebellion to reclaim your independence. Be ready for that if you keep your foe if you win.
8. Be reasonable. Don't say a missile doesn't hit a city because the range is three feet short, and don't say your missiles get double the range because of backwind.

This should summarize things.