The Hellenic Empire to remain 'Racially Pure'
The Holy Republic of the Hellenic Empire today passed through legislation banning Jews from entering the country. The small population of 70,000 Jews still in The Empire will be deported forthwith to any country that wants them. The Grand Archbishop Makarios IV has recieved critiscm for this move but defends it in a statement today:
"The Hellenes must remain racially pure, we cannot allow a group such as this to infiltrate our customs and beliefs and attack our very way of life, we do not wish this to be seen as provokative but we will not allow these people to mingle with the blood of the master race. As the racist Zionists proclaim to thier termbling flock of sheep "Do not marry a gentile", well we are saying today, we will not allow Judaism in The Hellenic Empire, not matter what the cost is and if World Finance Jewry thinks it can drag the peoples of this world into another World War then the end result will not be the destruction of the Hellenes of the Empire but the annihliation of the Jewish race."
This news comes after the terrible events of 2 Months ago when a Zionist Jew entered a Greek Orthodox Church and mowed down 100 Worshippers, in response to that particular incident the Grand Archbishop Makarios IV declared that open Judaism such as worshipping in Synagogues and wearing skullcaps was illegal. Anyone found disobeying these laws would be executed, as 400 already have been. The Empire are still waiting for a response on who will take the deported Jews into thier nation.
Makarios the IV said today that any attempt by an outside Nation to attack The Hellenic Empire, after its recent repatriation with our brothers in Cyprus, would be met with "Wrath of Christiandom upon Earth, and our Greek brothers everywhere"
This is the Hellenic News Network.
<Patriotic pictures of the parthenon and the worldwide Greek struggle against Zionism>
Muktar will accept all Jews from the Helenic Empire to prevent further violence against them. Muktar, although dominated by a particular ethnic group and religion, is open to new peoples and cultures.
17-06-2004, 00:02
Official Statement From the Foreign Ministry
The Grand Duchy of Hamptonshire is willing to except as many of the 70,000 Jews living in the Hellenic Empire as possible. Any refugees are free to settle in the Oltremare Province of Hamptonshire.
We strongly suggest that The Hellenic Empire refrain from the murder of addition Jews.
Lord Easton
Foreign Minister, President of the Privy Council
We are not going to murder any Jews who dont break the law, we just dont want the jews in our country, that is why we have offered for the world to take them.
Muktar can take them, transportation will be arranged. But bewarre of the risks of taking on these Jews, they are dangerous and deceitful and 50% are Mossad Agents.
Holy panooly
17-06-2004, 14:02
It is wonderful to see yet another nation who realized having a pure nation without outside filth is the truth.
17-06-2004, 14:05
An open offer to any Jew in The Hellenic Empire who wants to return their spirtual homeland is being made and the Jeruselem government will pay their expenses to return home. Since we are not far from Greece and Cyprus, transport will not be an issue.
God bless
Any nation taking these Jews is welcome to stop over in Jeruselem to resupply.
The Horned Rat
17-06-2004, 14:06
I will PAY you to deport them to my nation
17-06-2004, 14:12
*Dispatch from MinGov - Smolinsk*
The Domninion of Archosauria believes that it is the right of the Hellenic Empire to handle their own internal affairs as they see fit. Thus we will not attempt to interfere with their sovergnty.
*Gov. Boris Badanov - Inner Party Member - MiniGov*
The Imperial Knights
17-06-2004, 14:56
The hellenic Empire has shown it's wise integrity to further the greatness of it's nation by eliminating unsavory citizens. The Imperial Knights suggests that other nations take an example from him for doing a favor to his country. My nation will accept 2,000 jews fleeing The Hellenic Empire for testing purposes.
17-06-2004, 14:58
The hellenic Empire has shown it's wise integrity to further the greatness of it's nation by eliminating unsavory citizens. The Imperial Knights suggests that other nations take an example from him for doing a favor to his country. My nation will accept 2,000 jews fleeing The Hellenic Empire for testing purposes.
<= NS has a Swastika ban, better remove.
The Imperial Knights are welcome to use my land for military purposes if they see fit. The arrangement will be made Imperial Knights, the 2000 Jews are being deported now.
Jerusalem, Jerusalem is not only for the Jews you know. It is a Christian and Muslim holy-land as well. But your offer is accepted. You can have them.
The Horned Rat
17-06-2004, 14:59
PLEASE, give us as many jews as you can WE WILL PAY 5 MILLION( :shock: ) for all deported to us!
17-06-2004, 15:00
The Imperial Knights are welcome to use my land for military purposes if they see fit. The arrangement will be made Imperial Knights, the 2000 Jews are being deported now.
Jerusalem, Jerusalem is not only for the Jews you know. It is a Christian and Muslim holy-land as well. But your offer is accepted. You can have them.
Like I don't know :D
Arrangements will be made now and our ships will start transporting your Jewish population to our nation.
No problem, The Jews will be given safe passage through our waters, as I said again, this act is not inflamatory. Although we are National Socialists we do not believe in mass genocide to achieve purification, this is unnecessary and evil. We can simply deport those who we dont want and that is fine.
17-06-2004, 15:20
A fleet of transports will be sailing to Greece and Cyprus with armed escort against pirates. We require a full list of who we are taking in to speed up the paperwork involved.
Procco is open to all deportees.
17-06-2004, 16:06
The Rogue Nation of Twoacrestan wishes to show its respect and admiration for the Holy Republic of the Hellenic Empire with this gift of 6,000,000 for each citizen of your glorious nation. Enjoy.
The People of Twoacrestan wish you and your people all the best.
That is all.
The IFR congratulates The Hellenic Empire for reaching a pure stage in its life. We are happy to see another pure country in the world.
Muktar has made accomodations for the jewish people who will be relocated into our unbiased nation.
Austo Hungary
17-06-2004, 18:52
The Trojan Empire
17-06-2004, 18:53
<OOC: hellenic empire, eh? oh well, Ive got to deal with Automagfreek Greece>
The Imperial Knights
17-06-2004, 21:13
The Theocracy Thanks The helenic empire for it's contribution to our arms research, also our minister would like it to be known that Helenic troops are also free to pass in and out of our country at will. Our country also would love to send emmisaries to The Helenic Empire and establish an embassy there. We value the freindship newly forged with the Helenic Empire and will continue to make transactions in the near future.
Kaiser Wilhelm the 4th of the Imperial Knights
The Empire stands behind you, Imperial Knights. You have anything you want from our nation, bases, research and development centres and even our scientists.
May this historic alliance last for a long time.
The Holy Meritocratic Republic of Argyres condemns these actions which reflects poorly upon Hellenes everywhere, and (OOC :P) wishes the Greeks of AMF the best of luck against the foul barbarians of Troy.
BoogieDown Productions
17-06-2004, 22:58
You guys should all just get a life, or at least talk about something real
Yeh but what is real?
Films arent real.
Games arent real.
But we still enjoy them immensely.