NationStates Jolt Archive

United Arabia *Our region is for you our brothers*

The Psychoes
16-06-2004, 14:12
United Arabia...

We are looking for new exciting nations to join us in our peaceful, calming way of life in United Arabia. We would be most pleased if we had a warming responce from you the reader...

These Links will get you on the right track: (our personal forum) (Our weaponry forum)

World Factbook entry:
United Arabia is a region of nations who follow similar views on creating a Pan-Arab state. One of our main aims is the end the corruption currently plauging both the 'Middle-east' region in Nationstates and in real life. We are 100% behind an increase in civil rights for the Arab peoples who have struggled for centuries under one corrupt government to another. Join us and help make Arab republicanism work! This is where the region really gets going. Freedom is the future!

President and Founder: The Arab Republic of Saddaam
Vice President and Minister of Transport: The Commercial Boycotting Land of The Psychoes
United Nations Delegate: The Revision Sessions of Bree Tonia
Prime Minister: The Arabic Land of D- GenerationX
Deputy Prime Minister: The Commonwealth of The Barronian States

This is an advertisment based for younger nations just settling in on Nationstates but older nations can use this as well.

We would like to see you soon...

President of The Psychoes.
V.President of United Arabia.
Minister of Transport for United Arabia.
The Psychoes
17-06-2004, 10:15
Bump, Bump, Bump it up...
The Island of Rose
17-06-2004, 10:49
OOC// Man Nike has their logo on everything now o.O