NationStates Jolt Archive

The Illiad (any interest?)

Generic empire
16-06-2004, 03:55
((OOC: I need to know if anyone would be interested in RPing an NS version of the Illiad, so tell me if you are, and feel free to make suggestions. If people are interested I'll create a thread for it.

Just a few ideas first. This is essentially, as the title suggests, Homer's "Illiad" in thread form. It takes place in the days of the Greek Akhaians and has the same general plot (Helen runs off with Prium, etc.) Each nation can just use their current name, but think about themselves as being in Mycenaean Greece, so no rifles, tanks, and nukes. In this, Generia will play the role of Troy, and Prium. We'll need people to be interested enough to volunteer to be the Akhaians, but the plot will basically unfold as it plays out. The main idea is to create as interesting an RP here as possible. Heros are going to be a major focus so character development is gonna be really important. Honor and glory are the two main virtues that each nation should be after, after all thats the point of the Illiad. You have to have at least some idea of what happens in the Illiad, preferably from actually reading it and not just from the movie "Troy," but i suppose either way works.

Those are my ideas for now. Tell me if you're interested.))
Generic empire
16-06-2004, 04:13
16-06-2004, 04:24
OOC: What a shame! I've only read the Aeneid and The Oddysey. I might join up if i can get a synopsis from sparknotes.
Generic empire
16-06-2004, 04:36
16-06-2004, 04:38

Interesting, and I loved the Illiad, buit I doubt I'd make a very good RPer for something like this . . . g'luck, and I'll be tracking this with interest
Generic empire
16-06-2004, 05:19
The Peoples Scotland
17-06-2004, 14:48
Illiad beats the shit out of the movie Troy.

Not much of a RPer but I love the idea, big classics buff.
The Peoples Scotland
17-06-2004, 14:48
Illiad beats the shit out of the movie Troy.

Not much of a RPer but I love the idea, big classics buff.

17-06-2004, 14:50
There's a nation around here called "The Trojan Empire". Ask him.
The Horned Rat
17-06-2004, 14:57
I have a question,
1.You said that this incorporates are nation today, correct?
2.This is mythology, correct?
If these are true, can I use my nation of Skaven?
Generic empire
18-06-2004, 04:34
I have an answer,
1. This does incorporate your nations in the sense that they keep their current names only, but play the roles of different factions in the Iliad.
2. This is basically mythology, in that it involves Gods.
3. I dont see why you wouldnt be able to use your nation of Skaven.