Cordial Invitation to a World Conference
To: All Nations Willing
From: Lord Sebastian Norton, Foreign Minister for Knights of Nationstates
The Knights of Nationstates, and Newtdom wish to invite all nations to a world conference held in the Spring Palace in Newtdom. It will consist of alliance building, and trade agreements. The Empire will provide daily feasts, protection for delegates, and recreation grounds. The Alliance in particular wishes for all nations who wish to open trade agreements, and/or become binded in economic/defensive alliances. Please RSVP immediately as the conference will begin with in the week.
Rest assured, the IFR shall be there, headed by Foreign Secretary Timothy Burkin.
Premier Rufai
Security Minister for Knights of NationStates.
16-06-2004, 00:30
This will be a good opurtunity to speed up the reconstruction of Chochezkoo, We will send a representative.
Branko Dragomir
Speaker of the House, Chochezken Parliament
16-06-2004, 00:34
Although the Commonwealth of McQuaide does not at this time commit itself to any agreement at the moment, the Commonwealth would be honored to have the opportunity to dispatch a team of delegates to the Conference.
Trekys shall come, but since our Overseas Relations Officer is out else where, The President wishes to come
16-06-2004, 00:40
The Kingdom of Phil-Land wishes to send its international advisor and cheif of staff to the conference.
May this be a great start to world co operation.
Internation affairs
Councilman of Forgien Matters Kelly Durman would like to go to the confrence discussing the matters of trade with Truitt.
We ask however that two Liberty Service Officers (LSO) (Truittian Secret Service) accompany her. They will only carry rubber round based hand guns. If you decline this, then I will just them naked.
We have had some troubles in the past of assasinations and such to our political leaders and even now it is the worst it was been in ages
That is fine, they may come with their own weapons. But we will have a Royal Guard Division, a House-Hold Guard Division, and a counter-terrorism unit on station for this event.
We trust our allies' power to defend all personnel sent by the IFR. Members of the RdK Elite Guard are able to be dispatched, should Newtdom require it.
*bump* OOC: Come on people...alliances, pacts, treaties...AND FREE FOOD.
"It appears that this is based more on a defensive treaty than a trade negotiation, Nation of Phyrric will not be attending as we do not desire an entanglement of treaty obligations. If this organization is bound to peace and not war, then we are interested in being nothing more than a trading partner and ally, nothing more, nothing less."
Premier Nasir Muhanad wishes to attend this meeting and advertise the recent creation of the Islamic Defence Alliance.
16-06-2004, 16:20
We thank all nations who responded. To Phyrric, we will be holding different sorts of meetings. Pacts and treaties will vary, they will include defensive. But there will be many trade treaties as well. It is your choice to enter whichever of the many available.
17-06-2004, 02:14
The McQuaide negotiating party represented one of the largest and brightest diplomatic delegations ever fielded by the growing state. Headed by the Minister of State herself, the delegation included two industrialists, four generals, and representatives from the Ministries of Science, Education, Welfare, and Interior. These delegates were supported by a team of fully 35 communications specialists, diplomats, researchers, translators, and by another 35 security officers from the 23rd Light Infantry Brigade’s Urban Operations Company.
At the airport, a second platoon of Special Operations soldiers, this time heavily armed urban assault specialists, waited within the C-5B Galaxy that had accompanied the Gulfstream V executive transports. Their accommodations were simple cots near the nose of the aircraft. They were equipped with armored and upgraded SUVs. Their orders were to monitor the bodyguard’s tactical radio traffic, and deploy a rescue mission via the SUVs should anything go wrong at the negotiation sites. Although things were supposed to be peaceful, summits such as this were prime targets for attack of all kinds.
Once they had been moved into their rooms and the command center established in the largest of the rooms, the delegation sat down for one last time to strategize. The general negotiation strategy had been established back in the capital and in during the flight, but there was still much to establish before the first of the Conference meetings.
Phyrric will be sending a delegate for trade negotiations only as we have no desire to enter into treaty obligations involving our military. If this organization is determined to be an ally, Phyrric will stand behind them.
17-06-2004, 23:52
I shall come personally in 24 hrs. I will arive in a limo. Maybe I could discuss trade and diplomatic relations. By the way if you wish to know my name I am Dictator Asonvich. However you do not mind if I bring in some of my representitves and some of my most trusted bodygaurds.
~Spring Palace~
The Foreign Minister of Newtdom, Lord Sebastian Norton, walked from his mansion on the Palace's grounds. As he strolled down to the main path, which led through enchanting gardens and plazas, he took a deep breath. Not only would this be an integral day for the Empire, but also for the Knights of Nationstates Alliance. He had a lot on his plate, but was more than willing to handle it. As he neared the main palace he was awe-struck by the massive amount of work being done. Limousines and convoys were pulling up, royal guards were preforming their ceremonial duties, and grounds people were making final touches on the gardens.
He entered the palace and was greeted by his underminister, Lord Thomas Gabriel, both men were of the highest class diplomats. Trained for years at the Imperial University, and coming from most noble families. As they paced throughout the palace making sure everything was up to par they discussed their ideas for each nation attending. They were amazed at the size of some of the parties joining in on the conference. They went throughout the staterooms, and private rooms making sure there was food laid out for the famished visitors.
Dracun imperium
18-06-2004, 23:09
The private Jet of Clan Chanellor Kotan flew over Newtdom. Under escort of two D-71s. The D-71s flew off lowing low on fuel. The Jet flew like a bird of prey swooping down and painted dead black. It approached the Newtdom airport of (Insert name here). Two Previously arrived Limos and 5 ATTs. lined up. The leader of the N.S.P.O. (Foremely known as K.N.S.) for now until elections walked down the landing stairs. He quickly entered his spacious limo with no fewer then 10 minister,aides, and generals. The Armed escort enter the Newtdom Capital city and drove to the palace, where security was tight. He talked to the closest guard"We are here to help represent the N.S.P.O."
OCC: Well, its actually outside the city but it give you an idea of what it looks like here ya go:
IC: The guard did not show any sort of motion to the men entering the palace. He was unable to move, nor talk until the changing of the guard. (he looks like that)
A man walked down the entrance's steps and went straight to Chancellor Kotan. He began to speak "My apologies sir, the guards are not allowed to talk. Lord Norton sent me to recieve you." He gave a low bow and continued to talk "If you will follow me, your room is on the third floor. We have a conference room for your enterege, and rooms for them on the same floor as well. If you will." he motioned his hand up the steps and began to walk.
19-06-2004, 02:46
I have arrived at the place via limo. I have requested to the servant to see the person running the party. The servant said he will bring him down immediatly.
A porter came up to Lord Gabriel, he bowed and spoke "My lord, the emissaries from Yugolsavia are here and wish to meet with Lord Norton." The lord looked up from his desk, and nodded "Inform them that Lord Norton is quite busy with final touchs. I will go and meet them." The porter bowed again and ran out of the room.
Several minutes later Lord Gabriel walked down from his office. He extended his hand to the emissary. He began to speak "Hello sir, I am Lord Thomas Gabriel, I am the Underminister of Foreign Affairs. My boss, Lord Sebastian Norton is unable to be here at the moment as he is making final touchs to certain prewritten documents. I am second in charge of this even, so feel free to ask me for anything." He finished with quite the diplomatic smile.
19-06-2004, 23:00
Dictator Asonovich looked at lord Gabel and said, "I would like to discuss trade." that is one of my main reasones for comming here". Asonovich then says, "I see your country has many reasources my country can benifit from and my country has reasources you can benifit from. give me your terms and if I deem them reasonable then we have a deal.
Lord Gabriel gave a slight chuckle and spoke "Well sir, we were planning on having a conference with all nations at one time. But to give you a list of our resources for trade we can do that now of course." He hands a sheet of paper to Dictator Asonovich.
OOC: here it is:
Wood, all types
Horses (Fine breeds)
Gunnery of all sorts
Space Tech
Training in Military Arms
etc (thats the basic)
20-06-2004, 16:40
Lord Gabriel gave a slight chuckle and spoke "Well sir, we were planning on having a conference with all nations at one time. But to give you a list of our resources for trade we can do that now of course." He hands a sheet of paper to Dictator Asonovich.
OOC: here it is:
Wood, all types
Horses (Fine breeds)
Gunnery of all sorts
Space Tech
Training in Military Arms
etc (thats the basic)
Good I am getting a bit tired I would like to find a hotel and later we can talk about Guns, shipping, military training, gold, silver, lead and horses. Do not worry when the guests come I will come back.
21-06-2004, 03:02
We are opening diplomatic relations with your nation.
21-06-2004, 03:07
President J.L. would like to attend the world conference. With your permission, of course.
He is welcome. And thank you IIRRAAQQII. We would be most honored if you attended the convention, and met with not only the Empire, but her allies.
Lord Rufai The Great, or The Messiah as He is known in His country, has landed at the airport. A RdK limousine is bringing Him to the conference. He is accompanied by 5 members of the elite Rdk "Guderian" division for bodyguards. They are only armed with pistols and bowie knives.