NationStates Jolt Archive

People's Republic of Corrheia - statement on the Accord

15-06-2004, 23:05
Of the many evil spawns of capitalism, perhaps the most evil of them all is the so-called Ali'Staan Accord. The group of oppressive fascist imperialists is headed by an insane maniac - Alexander Kazansky - the leader of Allanea.

The capitalist scum will stop at nothing to achieve their goal. They support fascists coups in peaceful progressive nations such as Zvarinograd. They use nuclear weapons against their allies. They use boy scouts as troops.

And what do all those capitalist scumbags do that for? For a piece of land or a fistful of dollars.

But worry not, Corrheians! Our noble leader stands on guard! Evil shall not prevail!
15-06-2004, 23:12
"Should the Corrheian minister like to know why capitalism is better than the defunct communist ideals of Corrheia and like minded nations, I will gladly go on and on about that. However, for the mean time, I would like to say that those accusations are false. Allanea has not used nuclear weapons on an ally-as far as I know-and I am pretty sure that Allanea-or te Accord for that matter-does not support fascist dictatorships. To the contrary, Accord leaders are going to be elected once the Accord expands enough, and many of our members are democratic."

Ronald Francis
Foriegn Minister
15-06-2004, 23:20
Citizens of the People's Republic!

The capitalist governments, funded by their corrupt corporate pseudo-demrocacy continue spawning lies yet again. But their crimes shall not go unpunished. The blood of the Allanean boyscouts, the Yurkan mothers, the Edolian babies screams for vengeance. One day, they will awake and see the ground burning under their feet. Their very people will revolt and destroy them.
Workers of Allanea, FluffyWuffy, Pontevedra, fear not. Your day shall come.
15-06-2004, 23:21
Citizens of the People's Republic!

The capitalist governments, funded by their corrupt corporate pseudo-demrocacy continue spawning lies yet again. But their crimes shall not go unpunished. The blood of the Allanean boyscouts, the Yurkan mothers, the Edolian babies screams for vengeance. One day, they will awake and see the ground burning under their feet. Their very people will revolt and destroy them.
Workers of Allanea, FluffyWuffy, Pontevedra, fear not. Your day shall come.
15-06-2004, 23:43
"We, the largest representative of workers in the Allied Confederated States, find you call for communism extreme and your basis in opression unfounded. Corporations in the ACS have a limit upon the amount of workers that thier income can be, for now no employee may make more than 30 times that of another employee, including the CEO. This also reflects wages within our nation; as the economy falls wages are slashed but people can still work. Under socialism, everyone is forced to work for whatever the government says. Who has the better system?"

-Confederate Worker's Union
15-06-2004, 23:53
"If the Allaneans and other members of the Accord are so committed to democracy, why would they sign a mutual defense agreement with an alliance called the Global Dominion of Dictators AGAINST DEMOCRACY? I'm sure there's an excellent reason for it that the Fluffywuffians would love to explain."
Thomas von Leifric
Minister of Foreign Affairs
16-06-2004, 00:02
16-06-2004, 00:18
"We are not committed to "democracy". Allanea is not a "democracy". It's a friggin' democratic republic "

Official Statement by the Allanean Department of Foreign Affairs