NationStates Jolt Archive

Army Corps Relocated to Foreign Bases

Ponte Vedra
15-06-2004, 19:55
Port-Allanea, Allanea

The merchant marine force was unloading, one quarter of the entire logistics fleet was stationed outside of the port waiting to unload. Ship after ship, three army corps were being entirely unloaded, then loaded onto trains and being prepared for shipment to the southwestern quarter of the nation. The three army corps, made up of around twenty-two divisions each, totaling around six hundred thousand troops, were being placed in Allanea as a requirement for the rapid-defense force under the command of Maj. General Ricardo Martinez.

He and his staff were flying in their private jet provided for by the Air Force to oversee the unloading operation. They were flying just underneath the three air corpses that were being transferred to several Allanea military and civilian bases to be distributed across the country. The sight was extraordinary. The fleet had arrived: eighteen assault carriers and twenty-four battleships made up the main capital ship presence in the theater. Why were they here?

The public reason for the massive Ponte Vedra presence in Allanea was the rapid defence force that they were obligated to commit to. But why would they need this large of force?, the public asked. It wasn’t a time of war, there wasn’t a danger. No, the public reason was an anti-terrorism operation that was taking place in Allanea and Axackal. Extremists openly challenged the government using not words, but C-4 explosives. It was a problem that needed to be dealt with. And while Allanea was involved with stabilizing Axackal after the liberation movement, Ponte Vedra moved in to take out the wrong doers.

Martinez stared out the window of the private jet, “Martin, that ship has been there for some time now, what are they doing?”

“It is refueling, sir. That one had some fuel cell container problems on the trip out here and lost a good majority of its tank. It’ll only be there for a bit more, They are making room at those docks over,” he pointed, “there, and they’ll be offloading there. We are only twenty minutes behind schedule, sir, and the skies are clear for some more time. Good weather is expected for the rest of the week. The rest of our heavier assets, the tanks, are being offloaded at a bigger dock closer to the railway. They’ll be getting off last though, the engineers will be getting off before them in order to get to the sector first.”

“Good.” He went back to reading his briefing on the troops, current status, and set up for the actual threat. The actual threat was the Ilek-Vaad fleet poised off of the Southwest coast of Allanea. That sector was red hot, and poorly defended. It was Martinez’s job to fix that. He’d use his infantry, air force, armor, artillery, and everything else to establish an extensive defense line for the Allanean public. He’d use the region, the climate, the ground, the trees, everything he could. As Ponte Vedra’s Theater Commander, he was allowed information as to why they were there. Information came through that UnAPs was planning an offensive that information came from an anonymous member of the alliance who gave information on all sorts of military operations and details of member nations. Because of this, Ponte Vedra was able to train their soldiers against common UnAPs tactics and possible methods of invasion. Engineers would be assembling surface to air missile stations across the coast in order to defend against the bombers and attack fighters that they would be sending in first. Time was of the essence.

The third, fourth, and fifth army corps would be fully unloaded in two weeks and would trickle into the front and begin pre-determined defenses such as artillery, tank holes, foxholes, pill boxes, Anti-Air defenses, cover, bridges, and assorted other countermeasures needed against a possible sea invasion. Three lines, the first was the beachhead that would be spotted with artillery and pillboxes, cement walls, barbed wire on steep inclines tanks cannot go up, mines scattering the sand, magnetic mines floating in scattered positions on all possible routes of invasion, “booby traps” and iron crosses; the second was composed of an artillery line, counter artillery line, forward helicopter positions, anti-air, some armor, and assorted minefields; the third was the main front with heavy artillery, anti-air, armor, infantry, and assorted other goodies. They were going to be ready. The only hope was that none of this would be necessary.

There was one last thing he had prepared. Cement-hulled submarines. They were being built over in the Allanea southwest coast and shipped out to sit underwater, virtually undetectable, and wait for the UnAPs members to invade. Their six torpedoes for two tubes, two mines, and a hydrogen fuel cell engine made it a competent defensive strategy against virtually anything that advanced. The navy was building tons of them too. Already a squadron of 20 of these short, yet powerful were being put to sea in defensive lines against the Ilek-Vaad threatening presence.

Martinez could only pray that none of this was necessary and that all these men and women could go back home unharmed, and that none of them would be in caskets.



3 Army Corps; 3rd, 4th, and 5th will all be deployed to the southwestern allanea border which UnAPs plans on invading

12th Armoured Division (3rd Army Corps)
13th Armoured Division (4th Army Corps)
14th Armoured Division (5th Army Corps)
7th Mechanized Division (3rd Army Corps)
8th Mechanized Division (4th Army Corps)
9th Mechanized Division (5th Army Corps)
11th Field Artillery Division (3rd Army Corps)
12th Field Artillery Division (3rd Army Corps)
13th Field Artillery Division (4th Army Corps)
14th Field Artillery Division (4th Army Corps)
15th Field Artillery Division (5th Army Corps)
16th Field Artillery Division (5th Army Corps)
22nd Motor-Rifle Division (3rd Army Corps)
23rd Motor-Rifle Division (3rd Army Corps)
24th Motor-Rifle Division (4th Army Corps)
24th Motor-Rifle Division (4th Army Corps)
25th Motor-Rifle Division (5th Army Corps)
26th Motor-Rifle Division (5th Army Corps)
44th Infantry Division (3rd Army Corps)
45th Infantry Division (3rd Army Corps)
46th Infantry Division (3rd Army Corps)
47th Infantry Division (3rd Army Corps)
48th Infantry Division (3rd Army Corps)
49th Infantry Division (3rd Army Corps)
50th Infantry Division (4th Army Corps)
51st Infantry Division (4th Army Corps)
52nd Infantry Division (4th Army Corps)
53rd Infantry Division (4th Army Corps)
54th Infantry Division (4th Army Corps)
55th Infantry Division (4th Army Corps)
56th Infantry Division (5th Army Corps)
57th Infantry Division (5th Army Corps)
58th Infantry Division (5th Army Corps)
59th Infantry Division (5th Army Corps)
60th Infantry Division (5th Army Corps)
61st Infantry Division (5th Army Corps)
14th Airborne Division (3rd Army Corps)
15th Airborne Division (4th Army Corps)
16th Airborne Division (5th Army Corps)
3rd Ranger Brigade (3rd Army Corps)
4th Ranger Brigade (4th Army Corps)
5th Ranger Brigade (5th Army Corps)
20th Attack Chopper Division (3rd Army Corps)
21st Attack Chopper Division (4th Army Corps)
22nd Attack Chopper Division (5th Army Corps)
3rd Medical Division (3rd Army Corps)
4th Medical Division (4th Army Corps)
5th Medical Division (5th Army Corps)
3rd Logistics Division (3rd Army Corps)
4th Logistics Division (4th Army Corps)
5th Logistics Divison (5th Army Corps)
3rd Engineering Division (3rd Army Corps)
4th Engineering Division (4th Army Corps)
5th Engineering Division (5th Army Corps)
3rd Reconnaisance Divison (3rd Army Corps)
4th Reconnaisance Division (4th Army Corps)
5th Reconnaisance Division (5th Army Corps)
3rd Air Defence Brigade (3rd Army Corps)
4th Air Defence Brigade (4th Army Corps)
5th Air Defence Brigade (5th Army Corps)
3rd Military Police Brigade (3rd Army Corps)
4th Military Police Brigade (4th Army Corps)
5th Military Police Brigade (5th Army Corps)
3rd Field Intelligence Brigade (3rd Army Corps)
4th Field Intelligence Brigade (4th Army Corps)
5th Field Intelligence Brigade (5th Army Corps)

Air Force:

2 Air Corps
Each Air Corps is composed of:

3 Squadrons of B-1C Lancers
1 Squadron of B-2C Spirits

2 Squadron of F-117 Nighthawks
3 Squadrons of AC-130 Spectres

6 Squadrons of F-22 Raptors
2 Squadron of F-23 Black Widows
6 Squadrons of F-35 JSFs

2 Squadron of C-5 Galaxies
1 Squadron of C-9 Nightingales
1 Squadron of C-12F Hurons
2 Squadrons of C-17 Globemaster III's
1 C-20 Command Shuttle
1 Squadron of C-22Bs
1 Squadron of C-40Cs
2 Squadrons of C-130s
2 Squadrons of C-141C Starlifters
2 KC-10C Extenders
2 KC-130Ds
2 KC-135Cs
3 E-767 AWACs

To be posted at a later date once defence operations are devised.
15-06-2004, 21:33
Build up of Accord forces on the border of any Haven Nation will be seen as aggression and we will consider it as such when dealing with the Accord. Ilek-Vaad has not seen any buildup of UnAPS forces, only a buildup of Accord forces, it is obvious that if anyone is planning an invasion it is the Accord.

We once again offer to help find a peaceful solution to the Accord/UnAPS conflict. UnAPS nations have shown willingness to meet and discuss peaceful solutions. I have yet to hear from the Accord leadership. I only see antagonism from the Accord.

Minister of Foreign Affairs, Ilek-Vaad
Ponte Vedra
15-06-2004, 21:37
Build up of Accord forces on the border of any Haven Nation will be seen as aggression and we will consider it as such when dealing with the Accord. Ilek-Vaad has not seen any buildup of UnAPS forces, only a buildup of Accord forces, it is obvious that if anyone is planning an invasion it is the Accord.

We once again offer to help find a peaceful solution to the Accord/UnAPS conflict. UnAPS nations have shown willingness to meet and discuss peaceful solutions. I have yet to hear from the Accord leadership. I only see antagonism from the Accord.

Minister of Foreign Affairs, Ilek-Vaad

This is not on a border of a Haven Nation, it is on the border of a body of water, foo!
15-06-2004, 21:52
Allanea borders TWO Haven nations. You have been warned.

Perhaps the intelligence services of Ponte Verde need a map?

Minister of Defence,Ilek-Vaad
Ponte Vedra
15-06-2004, 23:15
Allanea borders TWO Haven nations. You have been warned.

Perhaps the intelligence services of Ponte Verde need a map?

Minister of Defence,Ilek-Vaad

f00! I am putting my forces on the southwest coast of Allanea, not a border...f00!
Ponte Vedra
16-06-2004, 17:18
The current status of the movement was rapid. After the C-5 Galaxies landed, unloading either their cargo of necessary engineering equipment or the divisions of engineers that were needed to begin work on coastal defences. The first train was loaded with all sorts of workhorse equipment from bridging tanks, repair tanks, to HUMMWVs. They were a little off schedule due to a mild storm that unexpectedly hit the Port and nearly capsized two overburdened transport vessels. Progress continued, as would the cause.
Scandavian States
16-06-2004, 18:15
[Then someone lied to you. We've decided to ignore any Allanean (and by extension Accord) efforts to make war against us. It's a waste of our time and we desire no repeat of the last war.]
Ponte Vedra
16-06-2004, 19:44
[Then someone lied to you. We've decided to ignore any Allanean (and by extension Accord) efforts to make war against us. It's a waste of our time and we desire no repeat of the last war.]

I must say, I am intrigued. While Ilek-Vaad managed a semi-detailed post in character, he also managed to triple post. None of you can get it straight where my troops are located, and none of you can RP worth a damn (Not like some of my allies can't either, but I haven't seen a decent RP post, either war or character, from any of you. Not to be conceited or vein, be conceited or vein, I kick ass).

All of you merely pull shit out of your ass, know sometimes nothing about responses, counter-attacks (I am not saying offensives, because some of you guys know how to operate a spearhead), and most importantly defenses.

In the Axackal war, you guys managed to lose land while putting millions of soldiers on the frontline, and you lost to the Bisons. You suck. You never made a single defensive line that was capable of supporting your military, even though you had air superiority, and your naval battles included Ilek-Vaad saying: "My REVENGE batt3ships show up and lob <Insert insanely large shell size> at ur fleet! Post losses, you have 3 days!"

While you seemed to understand the need for a supply line, you also put your strongest navy into defending it (I mean Doujin, he was in charge of your supply line). Now, I might have to say that is dumb. I'd certainly put a decent naval force to support and guard a logistical supply line as it crosses that large body of water, but I wouldn't put my best. That is a strategic error right there.

Now all of you are managing to put almost 1,000 ships in that area of water southwest of Allanea? You claim you are going to ignore the warmongering but you all started loading forces there in preparation for a ground war? And you call our response warmongering? Oh, this is the best. You claim it was counter-terror. Like Allanea needed any help. Counter-Terror/smuggling is essentially declaring war on the Allanea itself. I find that funny.

This is the Edolian War Effort right here:

1) Station troops off enemy territory.
2) While enemy troops build up in retaliation, fire the ignore cannons even though you started it first.
3) Keep your troops there just incase you want to view a desolate land that is now under the ignore curtain. Don't forget to be a dumb bastard while you are at it too.

Scadavian, I find you ignore my military buildup without cause. I will say that you are the warmonger, and I will say that your alliance as a whole needs better structure, strategy, and RP. In the mean time, I kick ass. I will always kick ass. There is nothing you can do to stop me from kicking ass simply because I’m one of the better roleplayers in this game. Until you get as good as me, or better, you have no right to ignore me.
Scandavian States
16-06-2004, 20:31
why there will not be another war RP with your win-at-all-costs, I R teh best!!!shift1 attitude. Roleplay isn't about winning, it's about having fun. Until the majority of the Accord learns that (Fluffywuffy is the notable exception to this attitude, I think) we will not RP with you and until the Accord learns that the quality of your RP, no matter how well typed and reasoned, will be so much dung.

PS - Nobody has to RP with anyone, if we don't want to RP with the Accord then tough shit, Charlie.]
16-06-2004, 23:17
Allanea borders TWO Haven nations. You have been warned.

Perhaps the intelligence services of Ponte Verde need a map?

Minister of Defence,Ilek-Vaad

f00! I am putting my forces on the southwest coast of Allanea, not a border...f00!

OOC: And your posts are good RP? Listen, last time, Allanea borders TWO Haven nations. As my IC posts states, any buildup on the borders of Haven nations will be seen as aggression. Your post stated that your troops are arriving in Port Allanea, which is in Allanea, Allanea (all together now) BORDERS HAVEN.

So, either you are not sending your military to Allanea, or you don't understand english.

By the way, I have never been ignored, so far I have see you be ignored by several nations after some very poor RP. Ending your IC posts with f00! of course is a sign of superb roleplaying.

As far as you kicking ass, let's see I beat Fluffywuffy with Allanea and Edolia's handpicked ref (Ruhr) watching, I invaded and took Allanea's coast and capital with the same ref watching, I think I'll ask Camewot how good your RP skills are.........................
Ponte Vedra
17-06-2004, 05:19
I am Ruhr, f00! And your post wasnt' clear wether or not you were saying you were threatening the buildup of forces period or on a specific border. I think we are in our right to build up coastal defences of a sector that doesn't border nations, only water. Ok?
17-06-2004, 14:26
OOC: WEll, whoever you are, you are being ignored, just like the rest of the Ali'staan idiots. This is the 6th thread that I can find about Ali'staan accord buildup, if you morons can't get your act together and post in one place or TG other people involved, then I'm not going to sift through the forums to find you. I'll RP with people that know how and make an attempt at it.
17-06-2004, 18:51
Vaad, Allanea has several borders with non-haven nations.

The troops are positioned on the border of the South Allanean Sea.

And, indeed, Ponte Vedra is Ruhr.
17-06-2004, 18:57
OOC: not any more:
Ponte Vedra
17-06-2004, 21:33
Drr drr drr drr drr drr drr.

How about you try this one on for size:

The people in my alliance suck, and I have big testicles. Your alliance with UnAPs also sucks. So there. Swallow that. I really don't care what you have to say about why my people being positioned here is wrong, considering that you did the same thing (also with OOC permission with Allanea). What was that about RP Ettiquete? Oh, yeah. I had RP ettiquete because I talked with Allanea on mIRC before hand. Well, that settles it. Invalid.