The Game's Afoot II: ATTN Africa - ANGOLA/Botswana [Open RP]
Continued from this thread. (
Short Summary: I have two carrier groups stationed off the coast of Namibia, from which I am landing the 400k strong Eredron Expeditionary Force. Namibia(played by Namibiaa) has signed a treaty making Namibia a Principality of Eredron.
The notice of Namibia's acceptance reached Admiral Dreyfus a quarter past midnight, who then relayed it to the capital. He had not believed Namibia would refuse their offer, and had been making preparations for his next step since that afternoon.
He had landed in Walvis Bay, Namibia, in order to personally inspect the nearly 100,000 men that had already arrived, as well as to oversee the continued landing operation. M-1A2E Abrams were rolling out of the cavernous bellies of C-5 Galaxy's, landed on a temporary airstrip. Naval transports parked off shore were transferring munitions and supplies, while helicopters flew overhead, each dropping off dozens of men at a time.
Dreyfus stood in the makeshift command center, leaning over a large map of Namibia. Gesturing to the others, he spoke:
"The number of men in the 1st Division holding Walvis Bay secure during our landing operation can be safely halved; that will allow five thousand men to move to Windhoek and hold that city secure - it will serve as the center of our supply line through the country."
His fingers followed a road leading eastward to Windhoek. "The 5th Division will advance along this road, stopping in Windhoek to resupply, and then hold position at Gobabis.
The 2nd Division will follow the 3rd and 4th along this road, moving northeast through Karibib. When they reach Kalkfeld, the 2nd Div. will split off, and move due east to the Botswana border. The 3rd and 4th will continue to the city of Bagani, here in the northern corner of Namibia.
He straightened his back. "We will hold their positions for now, though, until we have all nine divisions combat ready. The 6th and 7th Divisions will move southeast to Aranos, and the 8th and 9th to Tsumkwe. We will enter Botswana from these five positions when the time comes. The 6th and 7th Division will move immediately to take the capital, while the others form a hook, circling across the north and taking the major cities.
During this operation, I will prepare additional divisions to hold the border to South Africa secure, as well as the Angolan border."
Troops and vehicles landed day and night in Walvis Bay, with dozens of air and sea transports dedicated to the operation. Troop levels in Namibia surpassed 120,000 men, with hundreds arriving by the hour.
With the time fast approaching for the next step in Operation Vanguard, precautions were being taken to prepare the Expeditionary Force. With AIDS rampant in Botswana, soldiers were under strict orders as to how to treat wounded enemy combatants; contact with the local populace was severely restricted; soldiers were to take all necessary steps to prevent the spread of the disease.
Intelligence reported Botswana's military strength at less than 9,000 strong, with an air force of no significance; a few dozen aircraft in total, mostly transports. Admiral Dreyfus, seeing no need to take chances, ordered that two squadrons of F-22E Firehawks be prepared for deployment in twenty-four hours.
Meanwhile, as the formalities ended and Namibia officially became an Eredronian Principality, Deputy Minister Rawlin began forming a similar treaty to present to Botswana, when the time came.
Free Pacific States
17-06-2004, 01:58
No time for a detailed post, so I will just BUMP this thread by updating troop strengths.
The Eredron Expeditionary Force in Namibia stand at 250,000. No offensives into Botswana have commenced yet. That will have to wait a bit. 8)
At approximately 3 AM local time, the 3rd and 4th Armored Divisions rolled south, crossing the Namibia border and entering Botswana. In southeast Namibia, the 5th Division moved due east towards Mamuno with the 2nd Division angling in from the north, while the 6th and 7th took a parallel course south of their position, intending to drive towards the capital. In all, roughly 100,000 soldiers were entering Botswana, accompanied by nearly two hundred M-1A2E Abrams Battle Tanks, and assorted APCs and supply vehicles.
As this step of Operation Vanguard was carried out, Admiral Dreyfus prepared nearly seventy thousand more soldiers to send south, to fortify the border with the Sniper Country-controlled South Africa, while twenty-four F-22E Firehawks were sent into the air; the jets had been ordered to fly over Botswana, destroying any target of military value, and to soften up positions ahead of the Eredron Expeditionary Force.
Chellis is appaled at Eredron expansion through africa with no real purpose, and does not want a warmongering force on its borders. Chellis extremely condemns Eredron for its actions, and will be taking measures to at least protect some of the Botswanese.
Chellian military units in Zimbabwe, about 20 divisions meant for defense, were quickly mobilized to cross the border. Chellis wasnt wanting war, and infact would not fire on Eredron forces. They were crossing the border to expand Zimbabwe's borders(to the line shown in a second). Chellian units were to only fire if fired upon. Chellian Heaven cargo planes have already been sent toward the capital, a division sized airbourne unit, to protect it and claim it for the chellians.
The accusations made by Chellis ring hollow, when one looks back at their recent conquest of Zimbabwe. Now, under the guise of protecting Botswana, they will attempt to subjugate it as well.
It is not the intentions of Eredron to instigate open war with Chellis, but all means will be used to defend against Chellian forces moving against the EEF.
With the 5th Armored Division holding in Mamuno for twenty-four hours, the 2nd Division had moved northeast towards Ghanzi, encircling the southern half of the city's outskirts. The 3rd and 4th Divisions were holding position in Sehithwa, having met no resistance in Tsau.
The 6th and 7th Divisions were rolling through the dusty interior of Botswana, moving towards Khakea, and ultimately the capital, Gaborone.
Airborne Eredronian aircraft had reported unidentified contacts entering Botswana; presumed to be elements of the Botswana Air Force, a dozen F-22E Firehawks had been ordered to visually inspect and, if necessary, force the aircraft to the ground.
OOC: I will hold off further RPing until you fix your image URL, so I can see what you have planned.
24-06-2004, 06:28
We wish to establish a sea shiiping route to your country. The route from Lagos, Nigeria to Walvis Bay, Nambia is a short one and will be very prosperous.
OOC: Im sorry, photobucket sux...
Copy/paste the link if it doesnt work...
The Republic of Eredron would welcome all members of the international community to open up commerce and trade with the Principality of Namibia; however, at this time, all airspace and waters around Namibia are closed; vessels entering this area will be ordered to leave, or be forced to.
While the 8th and 9th, stationed on the Botswana border east of the city of Tsumkwe, began rolling into the country to meet up with the 3rd and 4th Division to form the Northern Army, troops landing in Walvis Bay were quickly being assembled into their divisions in preparation to send them east. Mobilizing the 10th, 11, 12th and 13th Division, Dreyfus also gave orders for the four Tu-180E Implacable Strategic Bombers ( in Mauritius to take flight, circle the tip of Africa, and land in the Walvis Bay Airport for possible campaigns against Chellis, should their forces move en masse into Botswana; F-22E Firehawks had also reported contact with Chellis military aircraft, and were holding tight escort, demanding it turn about and return to Chellis airspace.
The Chellian forces had the advantage of bordering Botswana on the east. Chellis securing the eastern half of Botswana, in which the majority of the population and water was located, would ruin western Botswana. Dreyfus had been told that such a situation was unacceptable by Command, and been ordered to use any means necessary to secure all cities and rivers east of the capital(imagine a straight line draw straight up from the capital, with me wanting to secure everything left of it).
[code:1:729f3fc383]To:Eredron Command
Chellis is willing to negotiate for a quite smaller portion of the nation of botswana than we are planing to take. However, if we were to do that, we would also want a small section of the namibia north, particularly, to the west of the Caprivi Strip. We would be willing to give you most of the rest of the land, we would take from Serowe to Kasane, to the caprivi strip. Should you not accept, we are willing to leave with a scorched earth policy, one we are very capable of executing, and our expeditionary forces have already entered serowe, with our forces spread across the newly proposed borders. End.
Private Communique, Chellian Government
While Eredron is fully prepared to negotiate, the terms offered are unacceptable. Granting the Caprivi Strip to Chellis would deny our Namibian principality of its wettest region, as well as several major rivers. We offer a counter-proposal, granting Chellis sovereignty of territory east of a diagonal line from Mahalapye to Maun, then north to the Angola border. We would also propose a mutual agreement not to hinder or block the use of the natural rivers and water sources in the region, or enter into activity of such nature.
It is in the interest of both Chellis, and the Republic of Eredron, to establish a peaceful and cooperative relationship, to use this opportunity to build close and beneficial ties, instead of waging a costly war. As a sign of goodfaith, Eredronian forces are holding at their positions(OOC:in Maun, in the region east of Rakops, in the southern tip of Botswana near Jwaneng). We urge Chellis to use this as a chance to continue diplomatic negotiation, and not seek to use this to obtain a military advantage.
Private Communique, Chellian Government
While Eredron is fully prepared to negotiate, the terms offered are unacceptable. Granting the Caprivi Strip to Chellis would deny our Namibian principality of its wettest region, as well as several major rivers. We offer a counter-proposal, granting Chellis sovereignty of territory east of a diagonal line from Mahalapye to Maun, then north to the Angola border. We would also propose a mutual agreement not to hinder or block the use of the natural rivers and water sources in the region, or enter into activity of such nature.
It is in the interest of both Chellis, and the Republic of Eredron, to establish a peaceful and cooperative relationship, to use this opportunity to build close and beneficial ties, instead of waging a costly war. As a sign of goodfaith, Eredronian forces are holding at their positions(OOC:in Maun, in the region east of Rakops, in the southern tip of Botswana near Jwaneng). We urge Chellis to use this as a chance to continue diplomatic negotiation, and not seek to use this to obtain a military advantage.
Chellis finds the terms acceptable. Our forces will begin to remove themselves from non-chellian areas, including the capital. We thank you for seeing the advantage of cooperating.
After first ordering for all planned air and ground campaigns against Chellian positions to be indefinitely halted, Admiral Dreyfus sent a dispatch to Command, appraising them of the situation and Chellis' agreement.
Within an hour, waiting for the primetime news in Eredron to end, the Consul issued a public statement announcing Eredron's annexation of Botswana territories, and the granting of a small portion of Namibian land to Chellis. At the same time, the Consul ordered a special committee to be formed to analyze the possibility of a Chellis-Eredron African Pact, to formalize relations and secure an agreement of non-aggression from both parties.
* OOC: Well? 8)
And besides Zimbabwe, what countries do you control?
After first ordering for all planned air and ground campaigns against Chellian positions to be indefinitely halted, Admiral Dreyfus sent a dispatch to Command, appraising them of the situation and Chellis' agreement.
Within an hour, waiting for the primetime news in Eredron to end, the Consul issued a public statement announcing Eredron's annexation of Botswana territories, and the granting of a small portion of Namibian land to Chellis. At the same time, the Consul ordered a special committee to be formed to analyze the possibility of a Chellis-Eredron African Pact, to formalize relations and secure an agreement of non-aggression from both parties.
* OOC: Well? 8)
And besides Zimbabwe, what countries do you control?
OOC:We shall see about a pact...
Chellis owns Southern algeria, Malawi, Mozambique, Zimbabwe(Malawi, Mozambique, Zimbabwe are now called Greater Mobica), and I recently 'liberated' Nigeria, Niger, Chad, and Cameroon, although Cameroon has turned into more of an international crock pot. Effectively though, from Nigeria to Algeria, I have made a Iron curtain in africa, splitting it... Seeing as chellian borders are closed.
With the last of the Eredron Expeditionary Force landed, the carrier groups prepared to leave the area and return to port; already, a replacement force was enroute to the area, expected to arrive in three days.
The 400,000 strong EEF was reorganized into the Northern and Southern African Armies, tasked to hold the newly acquired territory - roughly 800 miles square - against foreign and domestic threat. Close to ten divisions remained actively patrolling Botswana after a series of small attacks against troops near the capital, while a smaller number of troops remained spread throughout Namibian cities, assisting in the establishment of a new infrastructure. Over a dozen private Eredronian companies had been contracted to assist in the development of the new African principalities, which would employ tens of thousands in an unprecedented effort to bring the desert and impoverished countries to a new level of living standards. Out of a desire to both create opportunities to succeed, and to pacify international criticism, the Consul had held a widely publicized conference in which he outlined a bill that would send over 60 billion Eredronian Marks to the African principalities annually.
Meanwhile, over 225,000 soldiers had been assigned to move north to the Angolan border within the week, after fresh supplies and equipment was delivered.
This should show my holdings, and Chellis' holdings as outlined. More for my personal use in RPing, but perhaps others will find it useful.
"Well, General Moore, I trust you have found everything in order?" Dreyfus asked.
"Quite, Admiral. You've done a superb job here."
"Thank you, General."
The two were walking together, inspecting the assembled formation of troops in Windhoek.
"Deputy Minister Rawlin assures me the entire country has been pacified; we've met no significant resistance in Namibia since the operation first began, and I'm pleased to say progress is well underway for the Consul's African Development programs."
"It would seem Botswana has not been as cooperative, though," General Moore replied.
"Yes, but I do say that my boys have done remarkable work. An area of nearly one and a half million square kilometers largely secured, and our offensive only began three months ago. Naturally, my staff has prepared our most up-to-date information regarding Botswana for you. I have dedicated most of our troops there to patrolling the southern region near the capital, where our most recent insurgent strikes occurred."
They stopped, gesturing for the men to be dismissed. "We lost thirty men in the attack. Some on my staff have suggested that Chellis may have been involved in backing them, but I don't believe so. Probably whatever held together of Botswana's army after our campaign."
The two were now standing at the edge of the airfield; a hundred yards away, a helicopter was waiting, its rotors slowly beginning to turn.
"General, I wish you the best of luck."
"Good day to you, Admiral."
The two men saluted. Admiral Dreyfus turned and strode across the airfield to his helicopter, and command of the Eredron African Armies was transferred over to General Moore.
Ostensibly, the command transfer had been ordered to allow Dreyfus to take charge of the Indian Ocean Fleet, centering around Mauritius. In all actuality, it had been made because of concerns over how Dreyfus would respond to the latest series of orders regarding Operation Vanguard..
26-06-2004, 16:44
The Republic condemns war of any sorts, and would like to send out a humanitarian mission to the sector to coordinate humanitarian and relief efforts. We request permission to send in our resources, together with a small security force for defence.
Lacus Clyne
Minister of Foreign Affairs
Republic of Anime-Otakus
Minister Clyne,
At this time the request made by your government must be denied. Any effort to land or violate the sovereign boundaries of the Eredronian principalities, both in Africa and around the world, will be considered an act of aggression, and a declaration of war upon the Eredron Republic.
"Set it...Set it up damnit!" Barked an algerian man in common civilian clothes for botswana. The two had a nice shady tree and a stand on the side of the road, selling various trinkets and scrap metals. Underneith the stand, which had Opaque covers over it to the ground, an 144mm Milan ATGM sat. Two Botswana militia members sat with him, trying to sell their wares to go-ers by.
"M1a2. North road. Eredron. Wait until it gets into side hitting range, so we can penetrate it." Said the Algerian, as in the distance, a small convoy of tanks and APCs could be seen going to reinforce the city, at a distance of about 1,600m. Hardly visible to the Africans, they had to use the imaging system of the Milan to get a good look. Making sure no civilians were close enough to see them, the Man fired, the Missile streaking towards the side of one of the M1a2's, being guided by the gunner. The Missile struck, but the african couldnt tell if it penetrated. No time to. He quickly loaded another, and Fired again, going for a second M1a2.
OOC:Just to say, the M1a2 was penetrated by the side with an RPG-7V with 900mm of penetration. The Milan has 1000mm, so its likely not going to just not penetrate. They think one of the two M1a2's downed in Iraq were by a Milan, the other by the RPG.
"Roger, Gaborone Command. ETA fifteen minutes."
In the heat of the afternoon, the line of vehicles made their way through the winding road towards the capital, dust churning in its wake. Looking out the hatch of his APC, Sergeant Miles wiped the sweat from his brow. He had been one of the first to enter Botswana a few days ago, and one of the first to be reassigned to the Gaborone region. A massive diplomatic campaign was being waged to pacify the local populace as the Eredronian military sought to put down the small pockets of insurrection that had formed.
He slowly scanned the horizon in front of him. Having grown up on the southeastern coast of Eredron, he wasn't used to the dry desert terrain, although they had had extensive desert training prior to the campaign.
He caught sight of movement to his right; turning his head, he could see the blurred projectile flash across the open ground; before he could react, he felt a blast of heat and debris hit him from behind. The second missile was lost in the smoke rising from the damaged tank.
The undamaged APCs and tanks moved to return fire, although few had seen from which direction the attack had come. A few soldiers escorting the convoy on foot fired, rather blindly, in the general direction of their attackers.
The sergeant, shaking his head, grabbed the dangling radio in the APC. "Gaborone Command, this is Convoy ATA, repeat Alpha Tango Alpha taking fire."
"Confirmed, ATA. Do you request air support?"
"Negative. Two RPGs hit us. No sign of hostiles. We have two tanks damaged, cannot determine how severe at this time."
"Confirmed, ATA. Assess the situation. Reconaissance drones are inbound."
"Get out of here guys!" Yelled the Algerian, as the two botswana men grabbed the Milan off the Tripod and threw it in the back of a technical, then beginning to drive away. "Wait for me god damnit!" Yelled the algerian, as the botswana insurgents ignored him and fled. "Mother ******* ********!" screamed the Algerian man, as an HE shell landed too close to home. The remaining ammunition was hit, sending a large explosing, quite visible to the Eredron soldiers in the convoy. Shrapnel layed scattered around the algerian, his leg badly bleeding, but he was alive and awake. It was only a matter of time until he was found, lying there by the explosion site.
"Hold fire," the captain ordered. Their barrage appeared to have hit a target, sending a pillar of fire into the air. The team of twenty soldiers that had been cautiously advancing on the enemy position had thrown themselves to the ground; they now slowly moved forward again, wary of a trap. It had been determined that both tanks had been damaged so severely as to make repairing them infeasible. Both were being rigged with high explosives to render them totally useless should the enemy attempt to salvage them.
By the time the soldiers had reached the tree from which the attack had been launched, there was little left. Debris was scattered around the area. A few trinkets, partially melted, were laying about..
And one man, bleeding and motionless.
Sergeant Sanders, gazing menacingly down at the man, called for a medic before reporting back to the convoy of their discovery. Meanwhile, Predator UAVs were flying criss-crossed paths over a twenty square mile vicinity searching for the insurgents, although their success was not counted upon.
"Yes I ordered those birds fueled! I don't care how much it's costing, I want them ready day and night!" General Moore yelled into the phone, making his voice heard over the roar of the helicopter's rotors. "No, I don't agree with that assessment. Tell them I'm doing what needs to be done. Out."
He handed the phone to a subordinate. "Politicians always try to stick their necks where they don't belong. They give me an order, then try to block me with these restrictions. Too expensive to maintain the Implacables; too much risk of collateral damage in sending our birds against these Botswani rebels..if they would stick to what they know, I'd have this campaign wrapped up in a week."
Moore looked out the small windows of the helicopter. The terrain below was passed by in a blur as the aircraft flew across Botswana. On either side there were multiple Apache helicopters actively patrolling for hostiles, ready to bring down any anti-air missile attack. Moore had decided to attend the final negotiations occuring in the Botswani capital between the government and Deputy Minister Rawlin's team, as well as inspect the troops stationed along the Chellis border.
"Here is the troop report you requested," a lieutenant said. "Twenty-two divisions are holding position at the Angolan border, concentrated here, at Ruacana."
The general took the offered papers, reviewing them. "Angola will be far different from what we experienced before. Population almost six times larger than Namibia, a country engulfed in civil wars for three decades...when we cross over, I don't know what they'll try to throw back at us," Moore said.
"Division Six has reported progress with their initial interrogation of the detainee," Colonel Hill of Gaborone Command told General Moore as the two men strode through the GC base - a converted hotel. "We estimate ten to thirty killed; our latest strike took out a large supply of what we believe to be RPGs. I assure you we will have the resistance shut down in a matter of days."
"What has D6 learned?"
"Algerian. D6 has used limited drugs on him due to his medical condition, but we do know he was involved in training the local insurgents, probably in arming them as well."
"Algerian? That's a long way from here. What would he be doing in Botswana, training insurgents? I want any information forwarded to me immediately. Use whatever methods necessary, but keep him alive. In the meantime, get D6 to check out Algeria."