NationStates Jolt Archive

TAS Ramsses dispatched to Quell pirate’s

The Fedral Union
15-06-2004, 14:28
June 15 2521 :
On the TAS Ramsses :
Ops: were ready to depart sir.
Cap: good get us en route.
Helm : * starts pressing buttons the TAS Ramsses then departs from the ship yard and slowly glides out in to the pitch blackness of space *
Cap : set a Crouse for the nearest pirate colony and cloak .. I want to give them a little surprise
Helm : yes sir *sets Crouse and the ship warps out *
--------- :
Tact: Cloak engaged sir
Cap : good ETA ?
Helm : 10 minutes sir
Cap :I want those weapon’s primed and read
Tact : yes sir
Cap : engineering can we engage that negative energy shielding when we get there ?
Engineering : yes sir we can
Cap : good do it then
Engineering : all right
The Fedral Union
15-06-2004, 14:43
:arrow: :arrow:
The Fedral Union
15-06-2004, 14:55
:arrow: :roll:
The Fedral Union
15-06-2004, 16:15
Ops : Sir we are detecting some thing !
Cap : what is it ?
Ops : I don’t know a dimensional rift
Cap : what the ? drop out of warp..
*the Ramsses dropped out for warp and stood there looking at the rift and what was coming threw it *
Tact : sir some things coming threw it I cant scan it !
Cap : On screen !
Ops : *puts it up *
Cap : what the hell is that thing ?
Ops : un known sir ….
Cap : Go to yellow alert ..
Tact : dose so
Ops :sir they are trying to hail but our UT cant distinguish the language
Cap : hmmm….
15-06-2004, 17:37
The hail is received on board TAS Ramsses.

" Bor! NAhi ned bahem! " came the "voice" of a....well, an allien.

It had only 1 eye that could be seen upon the screen, and this was large, and centered in the middle of what seemed to be the face. the mouth was covered by hair, much like a mans beard. The rest of its features were hidden by darkness
The Fedral Union
15-06-2004, 18:33
Cap : try to translaite it
Ops : i cant sir
Tact : sir were getting a few more ships commeing out of the vortex
Cap what the hell! ?
The Fedral Union
15-06-2004, 19:13
Ops : sir there’s another rift opening !
Cap : what ?!
Ops : Un known ships they have there weapons charged
Cap :RED ALERT! All hand's to battle stations !
Tact : yes sir
Cap : sir what should we do ?
Cap : engage amour !
Tact all right tactical presses a few buttons and amour is deployed so are shields and weapons