War Declared on Railail (Closed RP) [ATTN Railail + Camewot]
The O Faolains
15-06-2004, 13:44
Due to the failure of the Republic of Railail to accept our offer of quarter, and due to their outward aggression upon the Commonwealth of the Island of Rose, The Confederacy of the O’Faolains hereby declares war upon the Republic of Railail. With official hostilities to begin at 00:00 this evening (i.e. no hostile actions till tomorrow (16 June 2004).
Countries Invited [check Telegram]
Railail and any official allies
The O Faolains
The Island of Rose
The King Fleet has been mobilised with elements of the 3rd and 4th Wolf Marines. Wolf Guards of the Arkala-Team Alpha. An initial force, of around 50,000 to be backed later, will be sent to the shores of The Republic of Railail. Our intention is to stop the hostile Government from operating in the Republic of Railail, and replace it with a friendly, pro-Victoria, pro world government.
CSS Golgotha,
The sunset over the sea made the tall ships stand out like towers of darkness on the pink seas. The sun itself was like a Blood drop in the cold sky. It was 14 0C outside but it still seemed cold. The air was still and the crowing of Seagulls above brought a sense of Serenity to the War machine that gently moved closer to the Republic’s shores, the O’Faolains were in no hurry to kill and be killed.
Grand Marshall Michael O’Faolain wandered up and down the deck, greeting his men and joining them for their prayers. Landing Craft prepare for launch, hundreds of Marines form orderly lines and head for their designated Rally points on board the Giant Troop Ship. All around the ship twelve frigates guard, whilst Tiger Class Destroyers patrol the area around the “Convoy” Banshees carrying messages weave in and out of the fleet. The Submarine, the CSS Fraternity leads the hunter-killer pack a league ahead, ready to destroy all in coming naval units. The Armada advances.
When the message came in from The O Faolains requesting air support for its navy, Emperor Jens dident doubt it a second....
He made sure 5 of his Battling and Bombarding Air Batallions were put on standy for The O Faolains to confirm again...
OOC: Each Batallion consists of 5 Stealth Fighters and 5 B-52 Bombers, Due to a recent blockade the government of Camewot cant send Naval support
The O Faolains
15-06-2004, 14:03
[To the music of Disco Inferno]
B. U. M. P. O.
15-06-2004, 14:06
OOC: Hope you dont mind getting into this, were all VA after all...
No kidding....
Yes sir, its true....
You're telling me the Island of Rose was threathened by two nations and now Camewot and O Faolains are destroying one of theire allys?
Yes sir...
Perfect! Another beautifull day for freedom-fighting!
Get ready a Navy Group...
Sir yes sir
By 5 minutes, 5 flydeckships, 5 warships and two underseeboats where leaving Wrakistan to catch up with the O Faolain Fleet...
He stood on the deck....
Meckabaa get here
Yes sir
Send a message to Camewot
Message to Camewot:
We hereby offer you the full right to use our flydeckships....
You may use it to fuel youre Air units anytime...
Have a nice day,
USSS Freedom
The 5 (50 planes in total) Air Groups just left when they got the message...
Message to USSS Freedom
We will gladly use youre flydeckships.....
We will meet where the navy of the O Faolains is stationed..
I hope to meet you on deck,
Air Batallion I
The O Faolains
15-06-2004, 14:55
CSS Insufferable
Several marines stood to attention as their Leader marched past them, "Stop bloody saluting me, don't you know we're in a combat zone!" he bellowed at them. Many of the marines dumped their packs down on the deck, checked over their weapons CV-104 Assault Rifles, 12-Guage Viking Shot Guns, AWP Sniper Rifles and Wolf Bane GPMGs.
Michael's Royal Blue trench coat billowed out behind him, he reached for his pistol and checked it was loaded, but not cocked. He was nervous, this was the first war he had led. He was actually leading an entire Alliance to War! He checked his pistol again before stopping in his tracks and shaking his head. "Get a hold of yourself man." he said to himself. By the time he reached his cabin a paln had hatched in his head, with Plans B and C. But it would rely heavily on Air Superiority.
He quickly changed into Combats, to the point that apart from the Black and Blue arm band, no-one could distinguish him from the ordinary Private. He was Consul of the Confederacy, Grand Marshall of the Northern Army, Colonel in Chief of the Kings fleet. Yet to look at he was an ordinary soldier, a little older perhaps at 31 but not by much.
CSS Goliath churned past the Insufferable, her tank crews already preparing the Wolf Tanks, "All's ready sir!" commented Colonel Connor O'Rourke of the Lupagrad based Marines,
"Good," The Grand Marshall replied, "get the men a decent meal in the morning and make sure they get some good rest tonight, no films in the mess, just get them to their bunks, we have a heavy task tomorow!"
"Yes Sir" the Colonel said dutifully.
15-06-2004, 15:09
About two hours after the men went to their bunks, the Wrakistan navy arrived..
As planned 5 flydeckships, 5 warships and 2 Undersees layd silent on the water and the USSS Freedom, the comanding ship, messaged the CSSS Insufferable:
Camewottian Air Units comming soon, We have 5 flydeckships wich can each contain 5 planes...
Theye are coming with 50 planes, could any of you help us?
We await youre response,
USSS Freedom
The O Faolains
16-06-2004, 09:37
Bump [Come on Railail]
The Island of Rose
16-06-2004, 09:58
OOC: There's the thread! Welp time to post.
CRS Rose:
General Roska on the Phone:"... we're at war again sir. Some random country, like always. I know, I'm close to invading a country for no reason too. Well I can't send the CRS Rose, but I'll send a light carrier over there, I mean, what resistence do they have?!" He laughs. "Oh you're going to have a special announcement when this is over? Okay, good bye sir, and I'm not gay. I'm not!" click.
The CRS Roska and CRS Ilyanov get the response code. Now they must sail towards the nübe, they'd arrive in two hours, they were docked and had to be readied....
OOC: Each carrier has:
10 RB-1s (Harrier)
25 RF-1s (F-18)
100 Marines
1,000 as crew.
5 RCP-1s (Hercules II Cargo Plane)
3 RCH-1s (Chinook)
RLAH-1s (Blackbird)
They're light carriers, sorry if I got the forces wrong.
The O Faolains
16-06-2004, 10:12
CSS Golgotha
The troops loaded themselves onto the landing craft, this was a an exercise to them, they had seen nothing of the men they were coming against, no sign of naval defence.
The Landing craft stormed for the beach, with Banshee support, the Lead Banshee had a special Cargo, Michael O'Faolain, Consul of the Confederacy of the O'Faolains. The Banshees hit the beach and with traditional high disciplined actions, the Arkalas stormed the beach head, hundreds of Marines landed in the first wave, fourteen Wolf Tanks, all hit the beach and charged up in record time, there was nothing, no mine fields as had been expected, no defensive fire, nothing.
The beaches code named, Royal, Cutthroat, Fodder and Sapphire were taken in less than five minutes suffering just one casualty, a marine breaking his arm as he fell out of the landing craft.
"Nothing, I don't like it when its this quiet!"
The Island of Rose
16-06-2004, 10:30
The CRS Roska was already prepped and was already out in sea, the CRS Ilyanov was still being prepared, these type of things take time you know. As CRS Roska left her harbor she started talking to nearby O Falion forces.
CRS Roska:"This is Captain Einvoltada to nearby allied forces. We're coming to aid with air power, we should arrive in around two hours and a situation report would be nice eh?"
The CRS Ilyanov was still getting prepped, men worked hard to load inside, free her from her chains, prepare the systems and coordinate the attacks.
The O Faolains
16-06-2004, 10:37
CSS Hera
"This is Rear-Admiral O'Brian of the CSS Hera Aircraft carrier, Capitain the situation is simple, either we're walking into a trap or they aren't going to fight, so far we haven't a single casualty.
"Marines are being shipped a shore as we speak, several beach heads have been firmly secured. We request that you join some of our Aircraft in patrolling Railail's air space in the Eastern Sector, you should look at the grid we tried sending you (not real no panic) we need aerial support."
16-06-2004, 10:46
IC: From the shores of the Mexica Union:
Lord Rift passed up and down when he finaly got the message that the spy statelite network was brought up. He got a big bag of popcorn, something to drink, orderd his two massive bodyguards inside and activated the holoscreen.
The crispclear image of the Kings fleet came into view and Rift sat back and watched, his satalites would record this entire thing, for his own fun.
OC: Not getting involved or anything, I'm just bored.
The Island of Rose
16-06-2004, 10:49
CRS Roska:
"Okay, thank you, we're plotting our course on the eastern side, also any advanced reconnaissance of military bases and the like would help." The Captain's computer on the bridge lit up, showing the grid. "Ah there's the grid. We should be getting there in... oh my we're almost there!"
Captain Rientalov:"This is the CRS Ilyanov reporting in. We're going to connect with you now and we received the information, this luckily doesnt add another minute to the schedule."
Captain Einvoltada:"Agh, great. Well allied forces, you're going to have to use your own planes until we get there. Over and out."
The CRS Roska slows down, allowing the CRS Ilyanov to catch up, they should rendeavouz in 10 minutes and then sail to Railail, which would take 10 minutes. They now must meet each other..
The O Faolains
16-06-2004, 10:56
One off chance to see CSS Hera Flag ship of the Kings Fleet
[Although at the moment she only has 5 Harrier Jump-Jet Fighters, four Super Marine Spitfires and 2 swordfish.]
The O Faolains
16-06-2004, 11:05
El Bumpinio
While the O Faolains were getting men on the beaches, the 5 Air Batallions came in sight of the beaches....
The plan was simple:
Destroy all SAM Batterys and the closest citys power supply....
The fighters and bombers are currently resupplying on the fly decks...
OOC: Railail, give me a map of youre country to see wich city is closest
The Blockade was finally done, all nations had go home and everyone was pakced and ready to go....
The Navy going out consisted of:
10 Fly Decks
15 WarShips
10 Carrys each carrying 200 men
ETA 2 Hours RL theyll be there and get with Faolains on the beach..
The Island of Rose
16-06-2004, 11:13
The O Faolains
16-06-2004, 11:27
Banshees rushed in and out of the fleet carrying messages to and fro from the Beach to the Kings Fleet the message got to Grand Marshall Michael that Dumpsterdam would be watching, he smiled gently and looked to the sky.
A Banshee rushed to join the Isalnd of Rose Battle group
Whilst the Raider Fleet Katherine pulled alongside the Camewot Naval Fleet.
The Island of Rose
16-06-2004, 11:27
OOC:We should be reandevouz by now -.O
The CRS Roska and CRS Ilyanov meet up, with cheering from both decks. You could hear pro-socialist and pro-Rose cheers among the men. As soon as they stopped cheering they got into their battlestations, of course. Unfourtunately, the only defense were M2 50 Caliburs. But the RF-1s and RB-1s could still save them.
CRS Roska:"This is Captain Einvoltada reporting in. We have already reandevouzed with the CRS Ilyanov. Unfortunately we have arrived late. We need 10 more minutes to get to the eastern quadrent, but this'll be settled. As soon as we are there give us sections to patrol so we can releive you."
CRS Ilyanov:"This is Captain Rientalov reminding you to say over after you're done, over."
Snickers are heard throughout the radio.
Captain Einvoltada:"Well? Please respond... OVER."
The O Faolains
16-06-2004, 11:51
Frigates streamed past the Wrakistan fleet, each heading for the shore line as though a naval battle was being lost, each seemed to race the other for shore and yet here was something very organised, each one obviously having their own destination.
The first of the frigates arrived at her position. The clanking of metal could be heard on the beach as each of the 12 pound guns un locked from their defensive positiomns and readied to cover the beach should the attack come sooner rather than later.
CSS Virgin Zara sat just 50 yards from a sand bank, the sonar regularly picked it up giving a gentle ping every few seconds.
"Rear Admiral O'Brian to Commander Phelan. Over" The message came in over the encrypted radio, "Yes sir?" The Commander replied with an element of anxiety in his voice, "Launch the Booey," "Yes Sir, Over and out"
With that the rear missile tubes opened up, and out of just one came the roaring flame of what looked at first like a missile.
CSS Virgin Zara wasn't a regular frigate, in fact she wasn't technically a frigate, sure she was frigate on the outside, but her armaments were heavily depleted to be replaced by high tech computers and radios, she was a Psych-Ops ship.
The Booey began to play radio messages to the Railail people, telling them freedom was on its way, that soldiers of the Confederacy were not to be feared, they had come to free them of their oppressive government.
It was all so gentle. So pleasant, as tough it were a mother speaking to her child, in fact it was in a way, it was Michael O'Faolain's daughter Maire, she could speak Railail, well she had had a crash course but her words were well pronounced.
The Camewottian fleet arrived and finally all 50 bombers and fighters got a place on a fly deck...
The carriers together with the battleships cruised for the beaches where they would meet up with O Faolains privateers...
After they dropped of all the men, the carryers got to the backline and the battleships formed a blockade, together with the Wrakistan navy for any people wanting through.
16-06-2004, 12:46
the sephritohian naval forces and land and air wish to help
the sephritohian naval forces and land and air wish to help
Fuck of Sephriot, this is a closed RP dont spoil it with youre bad spelling!
The O Faolains
16-06-2004, 13:42
Sephrioth is invited to join my forces, directly beside mine, IF he has agreed to the terms I sent to him in my last Telegram.
If he has agreed to those general terms then he may send the following forces.
1) 1 Destroyer or Frigate
2) 2,000 men (No Special Ops)
3) Medical Services upto 500 men
Nothing else, you are going to be here as my guest and no-one elses, so you send these or you send nothing!
You can only take part in this if you agree to the terms sent by Telegram! And publish your agreement to the general community!
The O Faolains
16-06-2004, 13:49
The O Faolains
16-06-2004, 13:49
16-06-2004, 19:00
i agree floalians can i have a titan class nuclear attack sub insted all my destroyers are being retrofitted
same or my frigates why no spec ops my spec ops are the best
16-06-2004, 22:19
OOh, this should be fun! Can I provide the land forces? We can land them within about forty hours, of course they'll have supply for only 2 days fighting...
The Island of Rose
16-06-2004, 22:36
OOC: I won't IGNORE him for this.
The CRS Roska and CRS Ilyanov arrived at the eastern quadrent. RF-1s started taking off, in total 10 on patrol in two man teams. They started flying around looking for any action and God knows what.
Tiger 1:"This is Tiger 1 on patrol on eastern quadrent. We've come to relieve you boys. Please respond over and say thank you!."
Tiger 1 had a plane flying next to him, Tiger 2, they went into a side by side formation, to see all sides of the ocean. Other RF-1s were flying in the area too. More were to take off on further orders.
The O Faolains
17-06-2004, 08:26
"Sir, sir!" The young harrier pilot shouted into his radio set, "its the...the CRS Roska, its here, I can see their RFs, wow they look good!"
"Keep your head lieutenant!" The voice came back booming, he knew he was being completely scolded.
The young lieutenant shook himself out of it, and began to look over the bay, he could see More and more O'Faolain (Sephrioth Take note of the Spelling) troops being dropped off on the shore line and march up into the surrounding countryside like many giant snakes. He could see the tanks roll through Roads, cruising just to find somebody.
The Island of Rose
17-06-2004, 08:52
The RF-1s started flying, 5 got into a triangle formation as a celebration of their arrivile.
Bull 1:"You damn O' Faoalins! Get out of our quadrent and go back to the beach eh?" He says this houmourisly.
Tiger 7:"No wonder your name is 'Bull'"
Snickers are heard throughout the radio.
Bull 1:"Anyway, any places to patrol specifically would be nice eh? Hell let's put on a show!"
The 5 RF-1s do a roll in their triangle formation, cheering can be heard throughout the radio, but it stops. Now it was time for serious business... like now.
Bull 1:"I'd like a SITREP(Situation Report) and important spots to look for. We need something to do eh?"
They wait for a response.
OOC: My bombers and fighters are waiting for action, I dont think Railail will defend himself, hes to pussy and nOObish, he thaught he was great speaking big words to us but now he sees hes being invaded he scared out..
The young general walked to the O Faolain officer with his platoon...
Wats up? Weve got 2000 Camewottian soldiers here, whats there to do then?
While talking he could see many and many airplanes flying over and more and more soldiers arriving...
The Island of Rose
17-06-2004, 10:16
ooc// Yo Camewot, it'd be great if someone talks to the RF-1s, I need a good roleplay o.O
On the USSS Freedom they heard the transmissions from the planes..
General Huskey got a message back:
Nothing is known, there is no fight back at the beaches and we have no idea of nearby villages/towns/citys/docks Over
The Island of Rose
17-06-2004, 10:25
Expletives can be heard over the radio.
Bull 1:"Agh, that's FUBAR! We'll just patrol the eastern coast until we find something I guess, do you need air support, over?"
17-06-2004, 10:28
Due to the failure of the Republic of Railail to accept our offer of quarter, and due to their outward aggression upon the Commonwealth of the Island of Rose, The Confederacy of the O’Faolains hereby declares war upon the Republic of Railail. With official hostilities to begin at 00:00 this evening (i.e. no hostile actions till tomorrow (16 June 2004).
Countries Invited [check Telegram]
Railail and any official allies
The O Faolains
The Island of Rose
The King Fleet has been mobilised with elements of the 3rd and 4th Wolf Marines. Wolf Guards of the Arkala-Team Alpha. An initial force, of around 50,000 to be backed later, will be sent to the shores of The Republic of Railail. Our intention is to stop the hostile Government from operating in the Republic of Railail, and replace it with a friendly, pro-Victoria, pro world government.
CSS Golgotha,
The sunset over the sea made the tall ships stand out like towers of darkness on the pink seas. The sun itself was like a Blood drop in the cold sky. It was 14 0C outside but it still seemed cold. The air was still and the crowing of Seagulls above brought a sense of Serenity to the War machine that gently moved closer to the Republic’s shores, the O’Faolains were in no hurry to kill and be killed.
Grand Marshall Michael O’Faolain wandered up and down the deck, greeting his men and joining them for their prayers. Landing Craft prepare for launch, hundreds of Marines form orderly lines and head for their designated Rally points on board the Giant Troop Ship. All around the ship twelve frigates guard, whilst Tiger Class Destroyers patrol the area around the “Convoy” Banshees carrying messages weave in and out of the fleet. The Submarine, the CSS Fraternity leads the hunter-killer pack a league ahead, ready to destroy all in coming naval units. The Armada advances. :arrow: :arrow: :arrow: :twisted: :twisted:
17-06-2004, 10:29
i agree floalians can i have a titan class nuclear attack sub insted all my destroyers are being retrofitted
same or my frigates why no spec ops my spec ops are the best :twisted:
The Island of Rose
17-06-2004, 10:31
OOC: Who are you?
Expletives can be heard over the radio.
Bull 1:"Agh, that's FUBAR! We'll just patrol the eastern coast until we find something I guess, do you need air support, over?"
Negative, weve got our own air support here, keep us in touch OVER AND OUT
The Island of Rose
17-06-2004, 11:14
Bumpernickle bread!
The O Faolains
17-06-2004, 11:15
"CRS Roska, this is Grand Marshall O'Faolain, come in!"
There was a crackle in the radio signature and then excitement, Orders, background noise told everyone that something was happening.
"We have found a village, we have no translators though, we can't tell if there are any soldiers here about, we're lookig for a head honcho, but so far nothing.
"Sergeant, move that Wolf over to the bridge! Please send aerial support to scout around, sending grid co-ordinates... now."
letters and numbers blink through across the hologrid, 4DG-5FF
"Over and out!"
The radio goes dead.
"USSS Freedom this is Grand Marshall O Faolain, get your boys to grid reference, 5DG-5FF I want that area secured, and a camp set up, I'll send across the 2nd Pioneers! Over and out"
The Island of Rose
17-06-2004, 11:17
OOC: O Fal, you can't assume theres a small village there man. Maybe the Capital but that's it. Other then that, no. Just tryin to help man :wink:
Message received, we will send a few men, over
Sergeant Pumperninckle?
The O Faolains men have found a village, take a few of the 2000 men and get there...
Sir yes sir...
20 are coming under lead of Sergeant Pumperninckle, theyre there if you post next.
Edit: The other 1980 men are making a beachhead on the beach and making sure everyone can land safely
17-06-2004, 11:24
200 seprioth seal teams take off from the aircraft carrier invincible and ooc O Fal im having a ir craft cairier
The O Faolains
17-06-2004, 11:30
Island of Rose: I know but I'm bored of him not responding, I think we need to recall our troops and go home, if he won't fight, he won't fight.
However, Camewot and myself just made a little freind didn't we? and he says he has four thosand nukes and 1000 billion members etc, you know a n00b so I was thinking, we burn out of here and either call it a day or attack him. (damn broken finger takes years to type)
Can't find his capital.
"This is Grand Marshall Michael O'Faolain to All troops. I think we've made our point, time to pull out. Rally points to be transferred to Hologrids, all O'Faolain troops embark ASAP, I don't want you to be away from your families any longer than nessecary!
"Good Work everyone!"
With that the O'Faolain Troops, all 50,000 of them, began to march triumphantly back to the coast, casualties, 0.
CSS Golgotha
"Prepare engines, recall all aircraft, Stand down battle stations, go to yellow alert!" Rear Admiral O'Brian bellowed out his orders, "We're going home." A young rating murmured under his breath
17-06-2004, 15:25
even my forces
The O Faolains
17-06-2004, 15:28
I'm afraid so Sephrioth, everyone's pulling out. Bigger fish to poach.
17-06-2004, 15:33
can we be of asitance
The O Faolains
17-06-2004, 15:58
OOC: Listen up kid I think you've got a lot of potential but you need to listen up to some advice.
A lot of the guys don't like you because although you've got a nation nearly 600 million strong, you act like a n00b. In fact you don't and your arguements would be valid with the correct evidence. You need to read exactly what you're posting before posting it. You need to check it Spelling mistakes and grammar, ok so putting "me and my mate" won't be looked down on but huge mistakes are. And stop god modding or going against what you're told. If an ally, however temperory says you can't have say 10,000 men in the field, you can't say I'm putting 5,000,000 out in the field.
You could probably legitimately say a this point you have 10,000,000 to 15,000,000 in your armed forces, don't forget if you have a weak economy, chances are you won't be able to support too many men. Don't rush into war, get allies, close allies that will back you up and agree with your ideas and reasons for going to war. Don't form your own alliance yet either, look around and see what other ones you can join. But only join one for now.
If you ain't an English Speaker and that's why your Spelling isn't so good, SAY SO, that way people will give you abit of dispensation, a little lee-way so you can get away with your spelling.
Follow this advice and you'll do well. Oh and always check how to spell the names of the people you are trying to address, I'm not O'Fal I'm O Faolain of The Confederacy of the O'Faolains best ally you ever had!
M of the Whelan Clan, tributary to the O' Faolain Clan (RL)