NationStates Jolt Archive

Contacting Suppliers

15-06-2004, 10:20
*at first sorry for my bad english, cos i'm dutch*

------------INCOMING TRANSMISSION------------

Michail Edvardovitsj Sergetov's Headquarters.

Greetings to whom recieved this message,
hereby we are contacting people who can get on any way doesn't
matter how their hands on a assault rifle specificated as the FN P90.
We are asking for about 350 rifles and fitting ammunition for at least
let we say plenty of training with the gun 8) And we are talking about
the semi automatic version of the rifle, supported with parabellum
bullets, or kevlar piercing ones.

We have some very nice projects working here, and we surely can
arange a nice price.

Signed, Sergetov of Endegeest. *contact me for further info*

15-06-2004, 10:34
I think I can help you..
I can deliver you guns... I'll contact you!
Regards... :lol:
15-06-2004, 10:47
------------INCOMING TRANSMISSION------------

Michail Edvardovitsj Sergetov's Headquarters.

*looks out of the window, where he sees a small militairy colone with
trucks and armored vehicles driving away*.

It was nice doing bussines with you comrad, hope we can help each
other again sometime. You're supplies will arive on the given place
in 3 days. I'm confident you will be wise enough to furfill your part of
the deal.

Signed, Sergetov of Endegeest

15-06-2004, 10:57
The guns will be delivered there, where you want them..

Greetings from Headquarters Ladielalaa
15-06-2004, 11:16

The P-90 can deliver up to 900 rounds a minute on full rock-n-roll (full automatic), you need a hell of a lot of ammo.

15-06-2004, 13:15
Yes i'm aware of that ....

Thx for helping :)...

Signed, Sergetov