Foreign Aid Requested
15-06-2004, 04:08
The following letter has been sent to various nations across the world:
To all who are interested,
The Holy Empire of Sporkeric is on the brink of a potential civil war. Recents evens has caused the state of Fletch Island is preparing to break off from the rest of the nation. Fletch Island is an important part of Sporkeric and it's sucession would have great impact on the nation, mostly the economy. The federal government is now working hard to prevent Fletch Island from breaking free of Sporkeric and declaring independence. If needed, the National Army is ready to take action. Currently we are planning to take Fletch Island and it's Governor captive. We hope to avoid warfare, but we are prepared for that scenario. International assistance is needed. The Prime Minister, King, and Queen of the Holy Empire are seeking help from any foreign nation willing to help in our cause. Foreign aid, in any way, will be greatly appreciated.
Tony Soclot, Sporkeric Sec. of Foreign Affairs
15-06-2004, 04:35
The Republic of Roach-Busters has just wired $1,000,000,000 and 25 tons of food. 750 Marines have been deployed to help your government preserve order.
We will provide humanitarian aid (food supplies and medicine) to troubled areas, but to provide additional aid we must inquire as to the reasons for this state wishing to secede.
Nova Hope
15-06-2004, 04:49
The Noviet government isn’t one for writing blank cheques. We could send some foreign aid money your way should you inform about the reasons for separation and what overtures of negotiation you have made before deciding violent action was in order. Or you could simply apply for some ‘trade subsidies’. This would mean you lift all taxes, tariffs and duties from our corporations and we provide you with some income to insure that you ‘develop your infrastructure
15-06-2004, 04:55
Diplomat Bill Fargen says,
"Well I'll be.So you need foreign aid,right?I'll see what the Dominion of ArchDuke can do.I'm confident that we will come to your aid.Even though our resources aren't as abundant as many others,we can still help.It may take some time before we can act though.We are still a small nation,but we'll try our best to aid you as much as possible."
The Captain
15-06-2004, 05:03
You do not need any of the nations that refuse to give you aid. All you need is us. Ask and you shall receive. We will send over $10 billion as an introduction between our nations.
Thomas O'Reilly
President of The Senate
The Dominion of The Captain
Communist Louisiana
15-06-2004, 05:05
We will send humanitarian aid(food, medical aid, etc.). As for financial aid, we will need to know the stance of the region wishing to secede.
Well, being out of a civil war myself, I would be glad to manuver around laws and regulations to help you. I just need to know the exact causes of this war.
15-06-2004, 06:13
The Sporkeric federal government is currently reviewing all offers of foreign aid. Diplomats are being sent to the various nations which have replied for negotiations.
15-06-2004, 06:13
For information about events leading up to this war see:
Armed Knights is seeking new allies for foreign affairs.
We provide 400 of each military ground equipment for Sporkerician new forces to use and 40,000 Knight forces
15-06-2004, 06:40
Armed Knights is seeking new allies for foreign affairs.
We provide 400 of each military ground equipment for Sporkerician new forces to use and 40,000 Knight forces
Your offer is being run through Parliament.
We have a diplomat prepared to be sent to the Armed Knights Republic if the offer is aprooved.
Nova Hope
15-06-2004, 06:56
I don't think military action is the proper response here. Perhaps you could hold a referendum to see what the position of the people is on the environmental issue. We would be willing to support that and foot the bill for it. You are an accountable government and these people are your constituents, do you not at least want to see what their opinion is?
As for the forcible putting down of this insurgency I do not feel that this warrants violent action. As we are putting a carrier group on alert may you heed these words of advice. Violence begets violence.
As an observer we’d also like to issue some advice to Gov. John Hedrick, you may not have the backing of most of your people. Separating is extreme and this action will leave you with a massive bill to foot as you set up your own national institutions. That being said perhaps a referendum is in order? Should it be determined that your constituents do in fact desire independence from Sporkeric we would be willing to support that decision.
15-06-2004, 07:04
I don't think military action is the proper response here. Perhaps you could hold a referendum to see what the position of the people is on the environmental issue. We would be willing to support that and foot the bill for it. You are an accountable government and these people are your constituents, do you not at least want to see what their opinion is?
As for the forcible putting down of this insurgency I do not feel that this warrants violent action. As we are putting a carrier group on alert may you heed these words of advice. Violence begets violence.
As an observer we’d also like to issue some advice to Gov. John Hedrick, you may not have the backing of most of your people. Separating is extreme and this action will leave you with a massive bill to foot as you set up your own national institutions. That being said perhaps a referendum is in order? Should it be determined that your constituents do in fact desire independence from Sporkeric we would be willing to support that decision.
The plan to take Fletch Island under federal/military control is still a plan, but we are willing to attempt negotations. The plan of invasion will be kept as an alternative however.
Gov. Hedrick and most of the Fletch Island population are extreme beleivers in Environmentalism.
A referundum will be held. We will attempt to make a compromise with Gov. Hedrick, and your help is optional but is welcomed.
Nova Hope
15-06-2004, 07:15
With the permission of both sides we are willing to insert peacekeeping forces onto the island to keep order. The peace keeping troops would have the 2ndary job of checking the political climates. These observers would keep an eye on things and give us the information needed to make a more informed decision.
The message to the government faction continues here…
These forces can be used to ensure the obedience of the civilian population should military action become needed to put down the insurrection. We’d ensure the safety of the civilians and you can trust that my men will have no feelings of sympathy for these people as yours might because they are their countrymen.
The message to Gov. John Hedrick continues here…
These forces can be used to ensure that the government doesn’t wrongfully injure or kill anymore of your citizens. The forces will act as a neutral body, allowing your citizens to act in free conscience knowing they have my protection.
Nova Hope
15-06-2004, 07:16
And we are still willing to assit however we can in a democratic, peaceful solution
15-06-2004, 07:20
We are receiving help from other foreign nations to help us in negotiations with the rebelious faction. Thank you for your offer of assistance.
Please send a diplomat to Sporkeric City a.s.a.p.
15-06-2004, 07:58
415 miles above Sporkeric Fletch Island
[Movie script-like formatting]
Extreme Close Up:
We see what appears to be a camera lens. The lens turns, making a high-pitched noise.
We see a satellite with no visible marking on it, with 3m solar panels deployment on either side of the main cylindrical bodies.
'Camera Zoom noise'
We go from orbital view to aerial view, we see a series of burning buildings, flames engulfing large populated areas on Fletch Island. Abruptly, the still images become life video. A vague shape (badly pixelated) of a human form runs out of a building in centre view, this human form is alight. We see a person with what appears to be a long firearm, approach this burning form and hold up the rifle. The burning human form drops to the ground.
Lens cover is retracted.
[/Movie script formatting]
Nova Hope
15-06-2004, 08:12
We will begin prepping a diplomat and sending him immediately.
Deputy foreign affairs minister Robert Blanely was on the plane and cramming hard for his meeting with the Sporkeric officials. He had to deliver the Noviet position of a hard line, while appearing compassionate and not incurring the wrath of their new powerful ally. Lets just hope this turns out more productive than the anti-slavery conference.
With the plane only five hours away Robert was reading every report on the people and the situation he could, he’d be prepared for this one.
Ooc: I need sleep its like 4am. I’ll pick this up later.
The State Department has considered this matter and will sent financial aid as well as a M1-a1 Abram Tank Division (our divisions are made of 250 Tanks) and 1,000 Marines.
Westtle-State Department
The Mighty Mattman
15-06-2004, 09:32
Dear Foreign Affairs Secretary Soclot,
As a gesture of goodwill and friendship, my people are prepared to send 5,000 highly trained urban defense fighters and any funds you need.
May our friendship last for thousands of eyes of the Mattman,
Jonathan "Whitey" Ford, Secretary of War, The Theocracy of The Mighty Mattman.