NationStates Jolt Archive

Rebels Strike in Gaia Rodina

Gaia Rodina
15-06-2004, 04:05
Jack was handing out AK-249 military grade assault rifles that his men had pilfered from the local garrison. The men loaded the ammunition and grenade clips expertly. Jack took a ZF-1 assault rifle for himself.
"You sure you wanna go through with this, Jack?"
"Yeah. I'm sure. The commie bastards wont know what hit them. It's time for our motherland to have a change for the better."
An AR-290 "Penetrator" Vulcan MBT rumbled past the government center in the city of Vladistok. Two "Pinpoint" supersonic cruise missile launchers were erected in the middle of the yard, but they were pointing out to sea. A pair of marines stood at the main entrance to the center, but they were obviously second string personnel. One was even asleep. They never saw the three men in black clothing silently kill the gunner on the tank and then take it over. Only the awake one had time to aim his weapon before the GAU-8 heavy vulcan cannon shot out a steady stream of hot depleted uranium.
A pair of 20mm HE rounds streaked towards the guard tower. The heavy machine gun nest and the two men manning it were vaporized. A team of thirty heavily armed men stormed the perimeter. A few guards managed to fire their assault rifles, but only three rebels fell before the garrison was wiped out. The rebels blew open the door to the government center and stormed inside, killing all there.
The V.K. Duran, a Lenningrad-class BBG, sat idly in the port of Vladistok. Its slumbering crew, not bothering to post a night watch, was awakened abruptly by a massive explosion in the port. As men rushed abovedecks, they were cut down by rebels that had stormed the deck before the decoy bomb was set off.
Jack smiled as the multiple reports came in. Every objective had been completed, and only ten out of two hundred had perished. His assosciate gave him the cue, and he began talking to the camera.
"People of Gaia Rodina, your days under communist rule are over. We, the Free Capitalists of Gaia Rodina, have taken control of Vladistok. Unless the government relinquishes control of the nation to us, we will destroy them with their own weapons. The V.K. Duran has been taken, and its nuclear arsenal is ours. You have forty-eight hours to comply.

Have a nice day."
15-06-2004, 04:11
President J.L. would like representatives of both the Free Capitalists and the communists to meet in the Republic of Roach-Busters to try and negotiate this matter peacefully.
15-06-2004, 04:26
The Commonwealth does not support armed rebellion that places the lives of innocents the line of fire. We condemn Free Capitalists of Gaia Rodina for their threats to use nuclear weapons indecriminately. Nonviolent methods should be tested beforehand, and we urge both sides to meet and negotiate. Granzi will be standing by to observe this conflict.

Best Regards,
Nathanial Sun
Minister of Foreign Affairs

OOC: Gaia Rodina, what are the rebel's demands?
North Romakia
15-06-2004, 04:35
The government of North Romakia states its support of the capitalist/pro-democracy movement. Having troubles with both revolts and communism in the past, we have been in your position (as my former nation) and we had once wished for support that never came. Our resistance was battered and nearly destroyed until we re-emerged to defeat the communist/socialist government and replace it with a democratic government. That lasted until the South Romakians thought they were superior than us, they seceded and voted to be under the protective wing of Soviet Bloc. North Romakia was then invaded and we suffered many revolutions and coup-de-etat's, many overnight. But finally, our democrative government emerged and has stood tall ever since.

People and revolutionaries of Gaia Rodina, we will not hesitate to assist a friend in need.
15-06-2004, 04:42
While The United States of Trekys hates communism, it does not want to see the use of any nuclear weaponry and will condemn the act fully and aid Gaia Rodina in anyway. We would like to see peace come without any more bloodshed, and we await the word on wheter or not both sides will meet.
15-06-2004, 04:47
Rebellions were always a tricky issue. The Commonwealth of McQuaide was the result of several rebellions in what was once the Georgian Republic, after all. However, their attempts to join the international community usually necessitated the condemnation of such rebellions. In this case, Prime Minister Sweeny saw things as a little more clear. McQuaide itself was a socialist-leaning country, and she condemned as a policy the use of weapons of mass destruction.

"Activate our Reconnaissance Wing. Put them over international airspace, and begin monitoring things. Deploy the fleet to international waters, and put them on a defensive alert posture. And get the Minister of State in here, so we can draft a statement."

*Constant E-767 AWACS, E-8C JSTARS, and EC-135 Joint Stars coverage of the region to begin tracking communications, air defenses, ground movements, and air movement.

*Amphibious Task Force with:
LHD MSDFS Gabaldon—1 Company Marine artillery, 1 Company LAV, 1 Force Recon Platoon, 2 Army Special Forces Companies, 9 F-35C Joint Strike Fighter.
LPD MSDFS Tinsley—3 Companies Marine Infantry
LPD MSDFS Wilson—3 Companies Marine Service and Support
Arleigh Burke-Class DDG Reilly
Arleigh Burke-Class DDG Sechrist
Udaloy-Class DDG Allen
Udaloy-Class DDG Bury
Ticonderoga-Class CG Cowden—Flagship
Neustrashimy -Class FFG McConnell
Neustrashimy -Class FFG Cline

*1 Airborne Division, 1 Mechanized Division, 1 Urban Combat Brigade, 1 Special Forces Infantry Brigade are on alert. Merchant Marine being recalled to port to prepare for maritime sealift operations.


The Commonwealth of McQuaide joins Granzi in their condemnation of the rebellion instigated by the Free Capitalists of Gaia Rodina for their threat of nuclear force. We also echo Granzi's call for negotiation, and desires to host a peace summit between the Gaia Rodinan government and the leadership of this rebellion. In the mean time, the McQuaide Expeditionary Force shall be dispatched to the region to observe.

OOC: Gaia Rodina, where are you, geographically?
The Captain
15-06-2004, 04:47
Peace is unattainable between capitalists and communists. Therefore, we will donate and publicly sponsor any and all efforts of the Free Capitalists to overthrow their communists oppressors.

Thomas O'Reilly
President of The Senate
The Dominion of The Captain
15-06-2004, 05:12
Granzi is a capitalist, democratic nation, yet does not support this uprising. Why? Because they have threatened used of WMDs without negotiations, making them no better than terrorists. They have shoen intentions of using these weapons agianst civilans and miliatary targets alike, and not shown any attempt to resolve this issue peacefully. We still hope that peace talks can still play a role yet.