14-06-2004, 22:59
Hector the apprentice brewer wiped sweat from his brow. The barricade was almost complete. It was an impressive sight to behold: A motley combination of wood, brick, and metal, it rose 11 feet, and spanned across the street. The shift leader, Louis, also beamed at the structure with pride.
"This street is a strategic spot, the largest one leading downtown," Louis said, adressing the crew of rebels. "The Army will surely attack us. But, they will be weak; ambushes are planned to take place on the streets before here. And, we will be strong. Almost all the ammunation shipments have arrived. Now, as you all should now, they're probably going to attack tonight. I want you all here at six o'clock, sharp." His voice lowered-"Say goodbye to everyone." Louis' voice rose again. "Okay, everybody, get some rest, be careful." The group of would-be revolutionaries dispersed, none talking, all thinking of the coming night's events.
Letter from Matthias Hinnely, Leader of the rebel group The University Resistance:
"Dear fellow comrades:
This day, we are all preparing for tonight's upcoming--I do not want to beat around the bush--uprising. Some of us will survive, some will fall; but it will be for the great cause of freedom, which has been snatched away from us. If none are willing to do for liberty, then it will not happen.
Now, for the specifics; the majority of us will be stationed at the Elyees Street Barricade, were will fight the Army which will inevitabley come to us to secure the downtown area. The rest will be stationed alongside streets before Elyees, ambushing, harrassing, and weakening the enemy as much as possible. At the barricade, we will hold out againts them with our large amount of supplies. Meanwhile, the citizens should be gathering, taking up arms against the Army. They will aid us.
Remember, it is better to die on your feet than to live on your knees.
Your Brother-in-Arms and Liberty,
Matthias Hinnely."
Hector the apprentice brewer wiped sweat from his brow. The barricade was almost complete. It was an impressive sight to behold: A motley combination of wood, brick, and metal, it rose 11 feet, and spanned across the street. The shift leader, Louis, also beamed at the structure with pride.
"This street is a strategic spot, the largest one leading downtown," Louis said, adressing the crew of rebels. "The Army will surely attack us. But, they will be weak; ambushes are planned to take place on the streets before here. And, we will be strong. Almost all the ammunation shipments have arrived. Now, as you all should now, they're probably going to attack tonight. I want you all here at six o'clock, sharp." His voice lowered-"Say goodbye to everyone." Louis' voice rose again. "Okay, everybody, get some rest, be careful." The group of would-be revolutionaries dispersed, none talking, all thinking of the coming night's events.
Letter from Matthias Hinnely, Leader of the rebel group The University Resistance:
"Dear fellow comrades:
This day, we are all preparing for tonight's upcoming--I do not want to beat around the bush--uprising. Some of us will survive, some will fall; but it will be for the great cause of freedom, which has been snatched away from us. If none are willing to do for liberty, then it will not happen.
Now, for the specifics; the majority of us will be stationed at the Elyees Street Barricade, were will fight the Army which will inevitabley come to us to secure the downtown area. The rest will be stationed alongside streets before Elyees, ambushing, harrassing, and weakening the enemy as much as possible. At the barricade, we will hold out againts them with our large amount of supplies. Meanwhile, the citizens should be gathering, taking up arms against the Army. They will aid us.
Remember, it is better to die on your feet than to live on your knees.
Your Brother-in-Arms and Liberty,
Matthias Hinnely."