NationStates Jolt Archive

Why do n00bs what me dead...

The Island of Rose
14-06-2004, 18:29
Why do n00bs want me dead? This topic is about that... please answer your question. It seems to be a hobby for n00bs to attack me... and I am annoyed. Please answer this, I must be at peace...
14-06-2004, 18:33
Because nOObs want to destroy something. So they pick on the first person they see.
The Island of Rose
14-06-2004, 18:35
But why me! I'm too sexy... :(
14-06-2004, 18:36
Not to mention this thread needs to be in GENERAL,or perhaps NS..Not here.Oh,and..the icing on the cake is,you arn't that doggone old yourself.
The Island of Rose
14-06-2004, 18:43
Eh thanks for telling me where it belongs, heh. And yes I am young... eh. They're young too ya know :roll: but that Sephiroth grr... why does HE want me dead?! It's like the second time.
14-06-2004, 18:46
you spelt my name wrong its sephrioth
14-06-2004, 18:46
He pissed you off, BUT what did you do to piss HIM off?
14-06-2004, 18:46
if i wanted you dead i would send two of my black sqaud in
14-06-2004, 18:48
Why do n00bs want me dead? This topic is about that... please answer your question. It seems to be a hobby for n00bs to attack me... and I am annoyed. Please answer this, I must be at peace...

Well you are kind of the nation that everyone wants dead! I mean, I just coulden't help taking a nuke and blasting you to thy kingdom come!

Ptth! Just kidding. The n00bs probably are meglomaniacs. 8)
14-06-2004, 18:49
If this ends up in a war, I will protect Sephrioth with my life.
14-06-2004, 18:52
too right cam
The Island of Rose
14-06-2004, 18:53
The Island of Rose
14-06-2004, 18:53
Cam III arn't you in Victoria? So you're supposed to protect me too XD
The Island of Rose
14-06-2004, 18:55
He pissed you off, BUT what did you do to piss HIM off?

I really don't know, ask him :roll:
14-06-2004, 18:56
n00bs standard conquest practice is as follows....

Place map of world on a wall. Normally these maps are acquired from Dennys and such places. They're also actually educational placemats for kids.

Throw a dart at it while blindfolded.

Repeat steps 1 and 2 until the map is actually hit.

Look at the area hit and declare war. "Hoorah! I declare war on that volcano!"
14-06-2004, 18:57
I trust Seph more than you. And I have known him longer.
14-06-2004, 18:57
But why me! I'm too sexy... :(

*Puts on music*

I am too sexy for my shirt/ too sexy for my shirt/ so sexy yeah :D
Tuesday Heights
14-06-2004, 19:00
N00bs come after me, too, for recruiting. I always tell them to read the rules and get back to me when they have a few more citizens. :wink:
The Island of Rose
14-06-2004, 19:01
Okay Cam, I understand. It's acceptable. Eh, and yes I'm too sexy... to BE sexy...
14-06-2004, 19:01
HEY SEPH! This is WiH(i went, now im back for a little), why do you keep attacking these people! A lot of people on NS will be attacking you if your not careful, leave of him unless you want me to take out your army and make you a colony
14-06-2004, 19:01
N00bs come after me, too, for recruiting. I always tell them to read the rules and get back to me when they have a few more citizens. :wink:

you little meanie head, you :D
14-06-2004, 19:02
Well, not everyone new here wants you dead, if it's any comfort. Or are you differentiating people who are simply new from n00bs?
14-06-2004, 19:05

The Island of Rose
14-06-2004, 19:14
No not new people. Just n00bs.
14-06-2004, 19:20
Because they don't like you?
The Island of Rose
14-06-2004, 19:27
I think it's the name. The Island of Rose. Rose is such a sissy name lol. Heh, I was listening to "Roses" that day so I decided to call it the Island of Rose. Caroline, Caroline! All the boys say you so mighty fine, Mighty fine!
14-06-2004, 19:30
Sephrioth is everything that is wrong with Bush. That's why he wants to attack you. Cam III supports him because he is a genocidist.
14-06-2004, 19:35
Now Muktar lets not start bashing Bush here.
The Island of Rose
14-06-2004, 19:37
Ummm I'm right wing in real life o.O
14-06-2004, 19:37
I wasn't bashing. Bush has both pros and cons. Sephrioth has all of his cons and none of his pros. that's all I was saying.
14-06-2004, 19:39
Yeah, it's gotta be the sissy name. Wouldn't be surprised if they think you're a pushover.
The electric monks
14-06-2004, 19:39
think about it, what have you doen to make n00bs hate you. if nothing well you are obviously a person people like to attack and you should carry a loaded shotgun EVERYWHERE in rl, and practice the george bush method of foreign policy in ns
The Island of Rose
14-06-2004, 19:43
The Island of Rose
14-06-2004, 19:47
Yeah, it's gotta be the sissy name. Wouldn't be surprised if they think you're a pushover.

To invade or not to invade...

And to the electric monks.

*picks up an RPG* Time to shoot some bogeys whoo whee! *starts talking like Dubaya*
14-06-2004, 20:21
i have pros just that i prefer to shoot first ask qestions later
The Island of Rose is you leader male or female
The Island of Rose
14-06-2004, 20:36
Just for your pleasure, here's a short bio of my leader :roll:

Name: Sergei Ilyanov
Party: Red Party
Political Standings: Moderate Left
Wife: (none)
Son: (none)
Daughter: (none)
Religion: Roman Catholic
Best Friend: General Roska, currently in International waters.
Useless facts: Virgen, hates formal, easy to get along with, rather eccentric at times, gun lover, and sexy.

Hope that's enough.
The Island of Rose
14-06-2004, 20:38
Just for your pleasure, here's a short bio of my leader :roll:

Name: Sergei Ilyanov
Party: Red Party
Political Standings: Moderate Left
Wife: (none)
Son: (none)
Daughter: (none)
Religion: Roman Catholic
Best Friend: General Roska, currently in International waters.
Useless facts: Virgen, hates formal, easy to get along with, rather eccentric at times, gun lover, and sexy.

Hope that's enough.
The Island of Rose
14-06-2004, 20:39
Just for your pleasure, here's a short bio of my leader :roll:

Name: Sergei Ilyanov
Party: Red Party
Political Standings: Moderate Left
Wife: (none)
Son: (none)
Daughter: (none)
Religion: Roman Catholic
Best Friend: General Roska, currently in International waters.
Useless facts: Virgen, hates formal, easy to get along with, rather eccentric at times, gun lover, and sexy.

Hope that's enough.
14-06-2004, 20:48
Because if they tried to destroy me, my military, which numbers more than their population, would squash them into oblivion.
15-06-2004, 18:48
Ummm I'm right wing in real life o.O

Thats your problem, I'm left wing. You facist, you. (Joking, don't hurt me!) *Hides under desk*
15-06-2004, 18:53
If it comes down to war, I'll smash every last country into the ground that attacks Rose.
15-06-2004, 18:56
*Climbs further under desk*
15-06-2004, 18:57
*Climbs further under desk*
15-06-2004, 18:57
*Climbs further under desk*

*throws fragmentation grenade at desk*
15-06-2004, 18:59
*Frag Grenade blows arm off and runs away*
The Island of Rose
15-06-2004, 19:15
Since we're on the subject on n00bs what detterents/IGNORE cannons do you guys use?
15-06-2004, 19:16
A big one.
The Island of Rose
15-06-2004, 19:19
Eh, I was expecting pictures. They always give me a good laugh. Especially that one with soldiers and the monkey...
15-06-2004, 19:21
Okay Cam, I understand. It's acceptable. Eh, and yes I'm too sexy... to BE sexy...

Your to sexy to play this game maybe you should leave
The Island of Rose
15-06-2004, 19:25
I'm not that sexy :wink: