NationStates Jolt Archive

Nationsates Grand Alliance (N.G.A.)

14-06-2004, 17:44
Hey fellow nation leaders,

I am aware that some nations on this site have alliances with each other. However most alliances between nations seem to be within their own regions. This is obviously understandable. However, I believe that it would be a good idea to form the Nationstates Grand Alliance (N.G.A).

This would be an alliance between any nation who want allies. Size of a nation wishing to be a member or political status, are irrelivant. Nations in the alliance may wish to inform allied nations of upcoming UN resolutions and how they may affect them and suggest how their ally might vote.

The allied countries may also wish to aid each other in times of war. The allied would also boost the reputation of the countries involved. Think of it as a sort of nationstates UN - with collective security etc.

If you are interested, simply send a telegram to me - the 'Empire of Ramyaraj' - located in the region of Bhattman. I will add anybody who telegrams me about this to the NGA. I will later (in perhaps a couple of weeks) post on this board the members of the alliance. You may also post your request to join here.

All nations will be regarded as EQUAL - regardless of size of beliefs.

Keep it real people. Until next time,

the Emperor of Ramyaraj