14-06-2004, 06:31
Xiansheng City,Wulaishen-a crowd of over ,1,800,000 protestesters are currently filling the streets of Xiansheng City,a large port city of 5 million known as Wulaishen's Administrative capital,after a woman was executed,the woman was a major figure for the Wulai Republican Party(her name was Deng Li Kuashin),a party which opposes Wulaishen's major communist regime.As of 6:34(AM)PT,470 Wulaishen People's Army T-74 Tanks have closed off Xiansheng city's roads,and as many as 1020 people have been killed and 5000 wounded by PM Fengshan's attempt to shut down the uprising,The brunt of the violence happening in Gaolin Square were you can hear gunfire from both sides,730 Wulaishenese Armed Servicemen are dead or missing,At 7:44(PM)PT,the violence increased so badly that 15 Q-5 Fantan Fighter Jets were sent in to stop the violence in the Mt.Sai Area,a mountain area in Xiansheng City,4 Q-5 Fantans were shot down by stinger AAMS form that area,after firing shots at a group of opposers,we will continue covering this dramatic tragedy.
900 Civilians killed by T-74 Fire
100 killed by fighting
200 killed by accidental stray fire
4 Wulai A-5 Fantan pilots(Lt.Kang Huang,Col.Baiping Xuo,SA Feng Kwon,Lt Jack Keung)
over 700 killed by gunfire,fighting,stray friendly fire.
8 T-74s destroyed
Xiansheng City,Wulaishen-As another day of violence in the metropolis of Xiansheng is here,the new death toll is 33,567 after a nightlong battle between the Wulai Goverment's Forces and the "Democratic Guard",after Wulai Special Forces failed to sabotage a major operating center for the Democratic Guard in the Huge 70sq km. Xiansheng Port,Su-37 Fighter/Bombers were forced to use AGM-90 Mephisto Laser Guided Bombs in an area of the port known as the Kwan Lo City,a major urban gang's grounds,only 58 people were killed in the bombings,but the centerpiece was the raging nightlong battle between The People's Army and the Democratic Guard,The Wulaishen People Miltia sent 14 T-87 MBTs to try and rescue the special forces officers being held in the Kwon Lo Area,and Democratic Guard combatants lauched an unbeliveably large salvoe of Anti Tank Missles,and the Army was forced to fire back.As of 11:09pmPT,the Wulai Army took control of Kwon Lo,and as they thought all was done in that area, 7 hijacked Hind Attack Helicopters from nearby Lingsuotan Air Base started firing at the Wulai Forces,which all were shot down, with a sacrifice,300 Wulai servicemen were killed and as many as 30,000 Xianshing Citizens were killed-We will continue to report on this ground breaking internal war
900 Civilians killed by T-74 Fire
100 killed by fighting
200 killed by accidental stray fire
4 Wulai A-5 Fantan pilots(Lt.Kang Huang,Col.Baiping Xuo,SA Feng Kwon,Lt Jack Keung)
over 700 killed by gunfire,fighting,stray friendly fire.
8 T-74s destroyed
Xiansheng City,Wulaishen-As another day of violence in the metropolis of Xiansheng is here,the new death toll is 33,567 after a nightlong battle between the Wulai Goverment's Forces and the "Democratic Guard",after Wulai Special Forces failed to sabotage a major operating center for the Democratic Guard in the Huge 70sq km. Xiansheng Port,Su-37 Fighter/Bombers were forced to use AGM-90 Mephisto Laser Guided Bombs in an area of the port known as the Kwan Lo City,a major urban gang's grounds,only 58 people were killed in the bombings,but the centerpiece was the raging nightlong battle between The People's Army and the Democratic Guard,The Wulaishen People Miltia sent 14 T-87 MBTs to try and rescue the special forces officers being held in the Kwon Lo Area,and Democratic Guard combatants lauched an unbeliveably large salvoe of Anti Tank Missles,and the Army was forced to fire back.As of 11:09pmPT,the Wulai Army took control of Kwon Lo,and as they thought all was done in that area, 7 hijacked Hind Attack Helicopters from nearby Lingsuotan Air Base started firing at the Wulai Forces,which all were shot down, with a sacrifice,300 Wulai servicemen were killed and as many as 30,000 Xianshing Citizens were killed-We will continue to report on this ground breaking internal war