The Kingdom of Austica has decided to follow the example of Roycelandia and seize Timor and the Solomon Islands.
We do not intend to hurt anybody within these areas so for your own sake, just let the invading forces settle. We shall set up administration governments in the same ways as Roycelandia has.
Should any nation presently have interests in either Timor or the Solomon's, you have 24 hours to protest, after that it's set in concrete
By His Majesty's Command
Sir John Grey
Prime Minister
Clearly nobody has any objections as nobody has even posted the slightest protest to our actions, therefore we proclaim Austican Timor and Austican Solomon Islands.
The constitution below is a draft and obviously is missing much! We ask that anybody willing to contribute, help to form this constitution by giving ideas and suggestions, as well as proposed ammendments.
We would appreciate your help!
Colonial Constitution for Austican Timor and Austican Solomon Islands
I. The King of Austica shall appoint two officers. One for Austican Timor, and one for Austican Solomons
II. Such Officers shall be known as the Governors-General of Austican Timor, and Austican Solomon Islands respectively.
IIa. The Governors-General shall both possess the same powers, which shall be outlined within this constitution. Henceforth the Governors General shall be known as the Governors-General of the Colonies
III. The Governors-General shall be the representatives of the Crown of Austica in their respective colonies, and shall fulfil the legal, constitutional and ceremonial roles of the Monarch of Austica in his/her absense.
IIIa. All powers referring to the Governors-General shall extend to the King of Austica, his hiers and successors, when His Majesty is present in the respective colonies.
IV. The Governors-General of the Colonies have the power to raise militia's in the King's name to defend their respective colonies. The Governors General shall be the Commanders-in-Chief of the respective militias.
IVa. All other defence shall be the responsibility of the King's Armed Services of the Kingdom of Austica.
V. There shall be two legislatures, one in each colony, and both independant of each other, known as the House of Representatives, which shall consist of elected members of the respective colonies.
VI. The Governors-General, at the enactment of this constitution, must call an immediate general election within their colony. Candidates who shall stand for election, must be natives of the respective colonies - that is, have been born within thier respective colonies.
The leader of the party, or group of members who holds a majority in the house of Representatives, shall become known as the Chief Minister, and shall be the Governor-General's Chief Advisor.
VII. The House of Representatives may introduce bills into the Parliament, and if passed, may be assented on behalf of the King, by the Governor General of the respective colonies. The Governor-General reserves the right to reject proposed legislation
VIII. No bill that calls for the independance of the colonies may be introduced or passed as law. The only method for the independance of the colonies, is if the Parliament of the Kingdom of Austica passess such acts, and such acts are assented to by His Majesty the King.
IX. A Magistrates Court shall be established, to deal with minor offences. Such court shall handle all summary offences and civil claims up to and including $120,000.
X. A Supreme Court shall be established to deal with indictable offences.
Major Offences will be handled within this court, and the extent of civil claims is unlimited.
Xa. Appeals from the Magistrates Court go to the Supreme Court.
XI. The next court of appeal shall be His Majesty's Crown Council in Austica, which in addition to its role as appeals court shall be the only court able to interpret the constitution.
XII. Natives of the colonies, may at the King's pleasure be appointed to the Crown Council as Privvy Councillors.
Oaths to be taken by all officials of the Colonial Governments
I. A.B. Do solemly swear to well and truly serve, His Majesty, King Robert II, His Heirs and His Successors, according to law. So Help me God!
[i]The name of the King or Queen of Austica shall be substituted with that of the present monarch in the sovereignty of the United Kingdom of Austica.