The Fuehrer Speaks!
Groesser Deutsch Reich
13-06-2004, 05:43
OCC: Note before beginning: This is a locally televised event, so it is not accessible to the outside world. Also, there is no Internet access within the civilian population. Internet access in my country is banned outright, and only the military has access to such resources.
Pre-Scene Information: A crowd numbering over 3 million rallied around the massive palace, as the Fuehrer, for the first time in his 13 year reign, prepared to speak publicly to the people. Security around Berlin (the capital city) was considerably lax, aside from the elite SchutzStaffel forces scattered on the rooftops of the buildings surrounding the palace, and the palace itself. There was, after all, no need for heavy security, as the populace has embraced the Fuehrer due to his remarkable economic achievements, and his slow but steady increase of civil rights.
IC Scene:
Three television cameras, all belonging to the only news station in the Groesser Deutsch Reich, zoomed in on the upper-palace balcony as the doors opened, and the Fuehrer walked out. The crowd roared euphorically as he approached the podium. Once on the podium, the Fuehrer raised his right hand to hush the crowd, and almost immediately the crowd fell silent. He nodded, as if in appreciation, and he put both his hands on the platform, and began his speech.
“People of the Groesser Deutsch Reich, thirteen years ago, after one of the bloodiest civil wars ever experienced in this nation, and one of the hardest struggles on my life, I became leader of this nation. After this internal strife that lasted over 5 years, I began to implement a series of radical changes to improve the status of this nation in the world and fulfill the promises that I made to all of you when I began my revolution. Some of those promises included bringing peace and stability to the nation, eliminating unworthy and inferior life forms, such as criminals, and restoring the devastated economy.”
(OOC: In my nation, people with genetic diseases are eliminated, due to inferiority. The same applies to the mentally handicapped and criminals, as both are a waste of precious resources. There is no, however, elimination of humans due to race or color, as the statement might have implied.)
“Now, 13 years later, the economy is at the highest points it has ever been, crime is non-existent, civil rights are continually improving, and there is no longer any inferiors to bring us down. This brings me to the point of this speech…”
The leader paused for a second before resuming his speech, and looked into the crowd, who were maintaining absolute silence.
“Now that we are a united and strong peoples, we must spread our influence in a positive way. Today, I am beginning a massive military buildup so that we may assist repressed people in other nations, and give them the freedom and luxuries that we enjoy. [Voice increasing in loudness.] Today I announce the dawning of a new age for the Groesser Deutsch Reich!”
With that, the crowd burst into a roar louder than when the Fuehrer first came out of his palace. Thousands and fireworks then began to light the night sky over Berlin, and the Fuehrer retreated to office. There, he spent the rest of the night writing memos to his top generals that outlined what he wanted for the Groesser Deutsch Reich and how he was going to go about obtaining it.
Der Auftrag
13-06-2004, 05:49
OOC: Sorry to burst your bubble, but it's: Fuhrer. Not Fuehrer. :)
OOC: He can name his dictator whatever he wants. Its not like his entire post was in german or anything.
IC: The three chellians that were tourists in the city cheered for the Fuehrer. They liked his policy's, which were similar to President Raslin's.
Germanische Zustande
13-06-2004, 05:53
Oh, this is precious. Very good. (golf clap) You all make Germans seem like fascist supremacists bent on a perfect society through scapegoats and terror. Not all Germans are warmongering megalomaniacs. I mean, a few German countries like this are okay, but almost all of the German Nations that I have seen are communist or warlike or have some terrible flaw. It is disgusting. But, I do applaud you for the effort.
Here, in German.
OH-, dieses ist kostbar. Sehr gut (Golfklatschen) scheinen Sie alle Marke Deutschen wie faschistische supremacists verbogen auf eine vollkommene Gesellschaft durch Scapegoats und Terror. Nicht alle Deutschen warmongering Größenwahnsinnige. Ich bedeute, einige deutsche Länder, wie dieses okay sind, aber fast alle deutschen Nationen, die ich gesehen habe, kommunistisch oder kriegerisch sind oder irgendeinen schrecklichen Fehler haben. Es ist ekelhaft. Aber, ich applaudiere Sie für die Bemühung.
Attican Empire
13-06-2004, 05:54
OOC: No, it's Fuehrer. The proper Deutsch spelling is Führer, which comes out in English as Fuehrer (Since the only proper way to translate an umlaut is to take the base letter and append an e to it.).
OOC: Spelling aside, I'm quite enjoying this. Let me know when this speech leaks so that others can get involved.
Der Auftrag
13-06-2004, 05:57
OOC: True I suppose Chellis. And yes I know what the Deutsch spelling is, just I've only ever seen it refered to with the two dots or like: Fuhrer - that. My mistake. And Groesser Deutsch Reich my country is based on Nazism/Fascism. -.-
Attican Empire
13-06-2004, 05:59
OOC: Sprechen sie Deutsch, Germanische Zustande? Ich spreche etwas Deutsch. Es ist nicht so gut. Ist deinem Reich Deutsch auch?
Germanische Zustande
13-06-2004, 06:02
Ja. Meine Nation ist germanisch. Ich spreche auch Deutsches, aber nicht zu gut. Ich erlerne noch.
Attican Empire
13-06-2004, 06:04
OOC: Attikischreich, oder "Attican Empire" auf Englisch, ist auch Germanisch, aber der Kaiser haben ein Polnischnachname.
Germanische Zustande
13-06-2004, 06:07
Who cares if your leader's last name is Polish?
(I hate typing in German, all the Foreign language structure is a pain)
Wer interessiert sich, wenn letzter Name Ihres Führers polnisch ist?
Attican Empire
13-06-2004, 06:08
OOC: The Attikan people, thats who. It's a German country, with a Polish leader. Weird?
Die Attikischvolke, das ist wer. Es ist ein Germanischreich, mit ein Polnischführer. Fremd?
Germanische Zustande
13-06-2004, 06:10
Umm... Not really, Hitler was Austrian, but that is a REALLY bad example.
OOC: Think you've got problems? My state's leader is a body-worshipping Austrain immigrant. I know I've seen this happen somewhere before.
So, is there going to be a time that others can get involved (diplomatically in my case, I'm not up for a war), or are you keeping it closed for now?
Attican Empire
13-06-2004, 06:13
OOC: True. I mean like, he is Attican, but, it's a Germanic country with Polish leaders being prevalent.
True. Ich meine dass er ist Attikisch, aber es ist einen Germanischreich mit häufig Polnischführere.
Archaic Slang Words
13-06-2004, 06:15
OOC: Just as an aside, I believe Hitler slated cripples and mentally handicapped for death just like the Jews. I'm not sure, but I'm pretty sure. A safe 80%.
Groesser Deutsch Reich
13-06-2004, 06:20
OOC: Andolai, if role-played correctly, then the speech could obviously be leaked by a tourist or something. After all, there were over 3 million people around the palace and it was on television (locally). In terms of war, my nation would be ready in a day or so real time to begin liberating and mediating conflicts. (I'm not a locco hombre who wants to conquer the world, as Germanische Zustande probably presumes.)
Edit: Didn't want to double post, but I wanted to reply to Archaic Slang Words. Yes, Hitler did slate the mentally handicapped and physically disabled for death.
Germanische Zustande
13-06-2004, 06:21
That provides some comfort.
Attican Empire
13-06-2004, 06:22
OOC: Well, if he WAS planning on taking over the world (or begins trying), I will liberate his country for the good of Germans everywhere.
OOC: Sorry to burst your bubble, but it's: Fuhrer. Not Fuehrer. :)
fueh·rer (fy‹r“…r) n. Variant of führer.
füh·rer also fueh·rer (fy‹r“…r) --n. A leader, especially one exercising the powers of a tyrant. [German, from Middle High German vüerer, from vüeren, to lead, from Old High German fuoren. See per-2 below.]
Attican Empire
13-06-2004, 06:25
Ich habe auch das ausgedeutet :)
Groesser Deutsch Reich
13-06-2004, 06:29
OCC: Don't worry, I'm not going to try to do that. I'm also refraining from developing a nuclear or ICBM program, as I distest weapons of mass destruction, and my ground forces are going to be lightly-armored but quick-moving so I can reply quickly to civil wars and instability before the human toll becomes too great. So I highly doubt I'd have much of a chance at even conquering a nation of equal size, not to mention the tens of thousands larger than me.
Attican Empire
13-06-2004, 06:31
OOC: Just don't try an Anschluss mit the other German nations such as mine. Just as a reminder, just think in IC you saw on TV on the history channel a military parade in my country with my 3 million man army.
Umm... Not really, Hitler was Austrian, but that is a REALLY bad example.
I think Bismark was Prussian.
**eep! G-g-germans!** Please don't kill me.
I'm sorry, Germanic languages are just so harsh sounding. I had a book of Peter Rabbit in German, and it scared me to death.
Attican Empire
13-06-2004, 06:36
OOC: Prussia was a Germanic state up until 1871, where Otto von Bismarck united the German Empire under Prussia, after the Franco-Prussian War. The coronation was in Versailles, no less.
Germanische Zustande
13-06-2004, 06:37
that always makes me laugh.
OOC: Prussia was a Germanic state up until 1871, where Otto von Bismarck united the German Empire under Prussia, after the Franco-Prussian War. The coronation was in Versailles, no less.
I know that. But since he was the one who UNITED Germany, he couldn't have been FROM Germany.
Anyways, I just said this to reassure myself that I remember some Modern European history and so I could make a snide remark about Germanic languages.
I wish I was Japanese. >.<
Speaker Aaron Sanchez of The Anodlaian People's Moot glanced through the file.
"This is all we have? The phone call of some tourist? What the hell were they doing in that country anyway? We don't have any diplomatic relationships with them".
The Diplomatic Advisor spoke plainly. "It's my niece, sir. She went there for the architecture"
"The archi...never mind. So how does this impact us?" Sanchez took a deep drag off of their pipe.
"Well, sir, if they mean what they say...then not at all. We're historically neutral, so are they. However, their governmental policies are completely antithetical to our way of life"
"And that's none of our business. Tell you what: I want to believe that this man's insane policies will stop at his current borders, but it might be best to keep an eye on him. Get me the State Advisor"
To: The Groesser Deustch Reich
From: The Most Serene Republic of Andolai
Dear Sir,
We are sending this diplomatic communique with an eye towards improving relations between our two people. After prolonged discussion, we have decided to offer the opening of diplomatic relations between our people, and the exchange of embassies.
Please let us know if you would be interested in pursuing this matter.
Speaker Aaron Sanchez
Andolaian People's Moot
Archaic Slang Words
13-06-2004, 06:39
Umm... Not really, Hitler was Austrian, but that is a REALLY bad example.
I think Bismark was Prussian.
**eep! G-g-germans!** Please don't kill me.
I'm sorry, Germanic languages are just so harsh sounding. I had a book of Peter Rabbit in German, and it scared me to death.
Wizard of Oz: Lollipop Guild scene. You won't sleep the night you see it, and it will haunt you for a week.
Groesser Deutsch Reich
13-06-2004, 07:12
“Schroeder, a letter has arrived from Andolia. Would you like to see it now?” asked the secretary of the Fuehrer, over the intercom.
“Yes, send it in immediately Ivy,” replied Schroeder.
A moment later, a young and beautiful brunette secretary came in and placed the letter on his desk. Once she left, the Fuehrer got his letter-opener, opened the letter, and read it. After a minute or so of contemplation, he put the letter down, and began to write one in response.
Dear Speaker,
The Groesser Deutsch Reich desires peace and prosperity throughout the world, so we shall humbly accept your offer. Our nation is also interested in establishing economic ties to other countries; perhaps you would be interested in this also?
The Fuehrer
He placed the letter in an envelope, stamped and addressed it, and called for his secretary to send out the letter immediately.
Dear Fuehrer,
We thank you for your acceptance of our offer, and look forward to establishing peaceful diplomatic ties with you at your earliest convenience.
Currently, the People's Moot is discussing the possibility of economic ties with your nation. We beg you to understand that due to certain extreme political differences between our nations, it would ill behoove us to be seen as somehow contributing to the economic health of any governmental initiative we find antithetical to our socially libertarian values. Indeed, we would additionally find it untenable for your government to discover that it was providing economic support for anything you found immoral or unethical.
Therefore, we have decided that limited economic ties would be in the best interests of both of our people for now. The Moot is currently discussing exactly what that would entail.
Aaron Sanchez
The Andolaian People's Moot