Denunciation of Christians and Jews! (Seriously)
The Blooded Lands
13-06-2004, 03:59
A simple broadcast: Channel 3
A small woman, clothed in a simple white robe, standing behind an elaborately carved desk, she slowly walks around until she reaches the front, blocking many of the carvings with her flowing clothe, she begins to speak,
“Lumanes First and Second born, I am Helena, Speaker for the Third Born, children of the Great Lord, may she always be favored. I am here before you today not to condemn, but to enlighten.
Many of you are of the First and Second born, meaning in your tongue, Christians and Jews, and more likely than not (for I must converse with our Great Lord as more religions become known) any other religion. Now, I know many questions must know flit across your mind: Why call them First-born if you know your name? Who is ‘Great Lord’?, and so on.
Do not fear, for I am here to answer you. First born meaning your were the first forged by the Great Lord (OOC: lord is unisex it just has male connotations), you were given shape in the earth and given life with her breath. I shall not go on into your history for I fear you know it better than I. However I will say this, at one time the First born were the Great Lords people. You were once led by a great Speaker, Moses, just as I know lead the Third born. However, for reasons our goddess has not made known to me entirely yet, she turned away. From what I can gather you loved your laws more than you loved her.
She once again turned to her children of dust, and made the Second born, lead by the Speaker Jesus of Nazareth. Yet, despite his eloquence and grace, the Second born too fell from the Great Lord’s favor.
This is when she, in her infinite wisdom decided to begin anew, so she took from herself three things: Her tears for her failed children, her blood from the wounds you did cause, and down from her wings. Taking her blood and tears she forged our land of which we live. And then gathering the soft down feathers she made us from her own god flesh, hoping it would be purer than the dust of earth.
She was right, for the past 1600 of your years we have lived in her grace, granted her power through our-her flesh. Therefore, now I call out to you from the chosen few, save yourselves, fall no more, shed your weakened dust and become reborn in her loving fires."
The screen fades to black as she slowly walks back behind the desk.
((OOC Stuff: I will post more details if you request it, however I will say this (as a tidbit); Modern Magic))
13-06-2004, 04:03
OOC-hmm thats an intresting thing you have going there, as a Chirstian though, i am offended that you are saying that Jesus fell short, when he was the perfect sacrifice, and his blood has made it possible for us to be as white as snow
The Blooded Lands
13-06-2004, 04:04
OOC: Did it come out as that? Sorry, I ment to say that after he was gone (ie around 400 AD when thing happened) it went to hell.
13-06-2004, 04:06
OOC- yeah it seemed(to me at least) that you were saying Jesus was less then perfect, i apolgize if that isnt how it was meant
TAG for now......I would post something but i havent the time. Sorry.
This looks good!
The Blooded Lands
13-06-2004, 04:42
A simple broadcast: Channel 3
Once again, the same woman is shown, this time the focus is better, and more details are present. Despite being short she is what one could almost say is perfectly proportioned. The carvings on the desk now seem more lifelike as they depict, what seem to be biblical scenes, but none that are familiar. As she walks around the walls behind the desk become clear; they seem to be windows, showing outside a lavishly green garden, dotted with an assortment of colors.
Once again in front of the desk she speaks,
“I am glad that some have already heard our call, if not yet acted. However I feel it is my fault they hesitate, for I have not put to rest all their questions.
The Great Lord, our Goddess, is the maker of all things, earth, sea, air, flesh and bone. Now matter your belief of something different this is fact and it is not changed. The proof is here, on our lands. Here we have writings forged with her own fiery pen upon our rock of ages, if my testimony is not enough I implore you to pilgrimage here and gave with your own eyes.
Know I have sense that some feel I have insulted Jesus of Nazareth. If you feel that way I am humbly sorry, for I meant it not. What I misspoke was the fall of the Second born after the ascension of Jesus, in your year of four hundred or so when a great empire turned Jesus’ teachings to shame and torn asunder the written works.
Furthermore, if you are wondering, yes I too am a Speaker, forged of the same mold as those of old. However, I have been given my charge for far longer at the will of the Goddess. For twelve hundred of your years I have guided my people with the Goddess, finding rebirth in her purifying fires every fifty or so of your years.
Now I once again I shall resign, if you still yearn for more answers merely call out and I shall hear you.”
She turns her back and begins to recite what seems to be a small prayer, “May the Great Lord's blessings pour upon us like flames over chaff. May her fire cleanse our heart. May her heat warm our body and mind. May her light be a guide in the dark.”
And the screen fades to black.
13-06-2004, 05:24
Much as the Jordaxian GIE would love to listen to what you have to say, interupting civilian broadcasts as you do, we feel we have to ask a simple question. Where is your proof? You speak in your condescending tones that we are made from dust, whilst you are made from the very blood of your Goddess. How typical of a religion. I assume that if I was to convert that would all change, would it? I would be allowed, no, encouraged to disrespect and talk down to my fellow man? They would become nought but dust in my eyes? Well. I have a message for you! You are not but dust in my eyes. An irritation. I shall have no more to do with you.
(OOC: Nice stuff blooded. Consider this a tag. Did you notice the play on words? I'm a genius.)
The Andolaian People's Moot invites you to set up religious facilities within our nation if you so choose. Greater diversity of belief allows for greater progress.
Pedro Mugambe
Cultural Advisor/Religious and Spiritual Practices
Andolaian People's Moot
The Blooded Lands
13-06-2004, 05:36
A simple broadcast: Channel 3
For the third time, the woman appears upon the screen. This time her robes sit not while upon her frame, but seem to move upon their own accord, a tinge of orange flicking upon its edges.
She speaks, her voice is diffrent, not calm and cool, but distorted as if she was speaking over a fire,
"Dust? Dust? How dare you call me, the undying Speaker to the Great Lord, dust!"
She quickly looks to the floor and looks up again, "You of the Earth born think you are so powerful, with your mechanical magic. I shall tell you this, what ever you can do so can we." Her eyes flash, as if a sparkle of flame lies behind their lenses, "If I was not so mercyful and forgiving I would smote you where you stand."
Her robes are moving more violently now, as if some wind blew threw the enclosed hall. Slowly but surely the dressings thrashings begain to subside and she once again speaks,
"But no matter, I know what I am and I know what you are Earth born. You have been forged from the cold dust and its chilling embrace is all you have in your future. Your forsaken soul has the taint of a thousand deaths.
You can still be saved, I invite you, to see for yourself, if the blind can see, our Rock of Ages. If not may the eyes be the first to return to their home."
And the screen fades to black.
Red Tide2
13-06-2004, 05:42
Modification to law 31703:
Signed by Supreme Commander Gregory McKenna
From this point forward... this modification makes it ILLEGAL too practice this religion in Red Tide... this will add this as-of-yet-unnamed-religion to the following list of illegal religions: Islam, Buddhism, and Coversionism(Made up religion), the penalty is death by hanging.
Communist Louisiana
13-06-2004, 05:42
OCC: Me (a wanna be Rasta-Farian) will just have to toke up on this one. :lol:
The Blooded Lands
13-06-2004, 05:48
A simple broadcast: Channel 3; Andolai area (the post after yours was to Jordaxia BTW)
The woman, calm now, speaks, "Wonderful, we shall arrange for it. May the light guide you to the warm embrace of the Goddess."
Red Tide2
13-06-2004, 05:55
Law 31817
Signed by Supreme Commander Gregory McKenna
This law gives the right of police officers and consortium agents to shoot on sight a violator of law 31703.(see earlier post)
The Heavenly Dragon
13-06-2004, 06:13
"And what authority have you to impress yourself upon the beliefs of others? I, too, am a god after a fashion," snarls the Heavenly Dragon, from his throne of jade, gold, and jewels, "and the people of my Invincible Dominion need nothing more than me to survive!"
The Dragon then rears his golden scaled head and breaths a blast of flame into the air.
"Jesus! Hah! Moses! Hah! Great Lord! Hah! I spit on them all, and greatly enjoy the thought of their souls in Ruttungatturakullu, the Land of the Dead, dwelling in the endless gray boredom where unworthies go when they die, and I am safe in the knowledge that you, too, are mortal, and shall go to that gray place when you die! Your religion has no place in my Invincible Dominion! Now stop interrupting 'Everybody Loves Raymond'!"
The Blooded Lands
13-06-2004, 19:11
((OOC: Oh Damn, she can take most of that stuff, but its always a bad idea to insult a god and the conduit of which it speaks to the people))
A simple broadcast: Channel 3
The woman is furious, what seem to be flames lick around the edges of her whirling robes.
"Fool of a creature! How dare you insult the Great Lord and insinuate that she could die! I know not how such a creature could ever gain sentience with such a small head.
But that doesn’t matter; what does is where you came. You and your kind are the bastard creations of air and earth. You have not God, you have no souls, and you are but empty shells of randomly forged flesh and bone!
You in your ignorance, declaring your soulless husk to be a god is such a farce,” she chuckles at your ignorance.
“To prove to you our power and the truth of my words, I shall give you Anivlumus!”
She drops her head slightly; her fingers and mouth begin moving ever so quickly, shadowed by the red-orange flames upon her body. Suddenly the gestures stop…
***Elsewhere in the Invincible Dominion***
A very large wayward anvil falls upon a village, crushing many homes. The death toll is estimated near several dozen.
***Back to the show***
The woman seems drained, as if she has just run a marathon, but despite that she continues to speak,
“I would check the news again you heathen bastard, and when your shell begins to decay and turn to air and dust, please do hesitate to come crawling back for forgiveness and the warm bosom of the Great Lord.”
Fades to a PBS fund raiser, blocking your normal programming.
13-06-2004, 20:02
13-06-2004, 20:04
Official Statement from the Armed Republic of Tyrandis:
"No one gives a crap about you and your religious whackjob followers."
A Mekantan biological leans toward a camera, smiling.
"Our god gives us immortality in this life."
"Therefore, our god is better than yours."
"While we have a common foe in Christianity, we've tracked your broadcasts to your location. Any attempt to try to curse Mekanta or anything of the sort will result in a Mekantan Armada folding in above your location, and orbitally bombarding you until you are, once again, dust."
"Buh-bye now, and have a nice day... you bunch of whack-job freaks..."
Lord Vek
13-06-2004, 20:10
After another mass cult-inflenced suicide in the lands of *The Heavenly Dragon*, The Holy Empire of Lord Vek sends out a regement of missionary troops to aid this vile-creature-worshiping nation's blinded peoples. "My son was always such a good boy," cries Lacy McNiel, a mother of one of the cult victims, "these government influenced cults must be stopped, they told my son if he drank the so-called dragon bllod that he would turn into a dragon.... the gave them all cyanide." The speaker of Lord Vek announces, "Our great nation cannot allow false profits to spread false words among people, leading them to eternal damnation. By order of Lord Vek himself, these troops will be sent off to spread the word, shortly after a mass execution of POWs captured in our last raid on local cannibal tribe." The screen then fades... then appears again, a bright room with a figure sitting at a desk, the voice of Lord Vek speaks, deep and serious, "It is rare that i make an appearance and do not speak through my speaker, though at times such as these, such decisions must be made. I speak of the recent broadcast interuptions made by *The Blooded Lands*, the security leak has been found and Lord Vek's broadcast system will no longer be compromised by these interruptions. I now must take a minute to discuss this woman. She has been identified as an escaped mental patient from a mental institution that was designed to deal with the most obscure cases of dissociative disorder. She believes that she is a prophet, and due to an abusive past by men, she couldn't possibly view a god with a masculine appearance. This shows why she vividly describes god as a "she" as well as trying to make herself appear powerful. Viewing this woman's actions I can see that she seems to be very guilty of committing vanity, and should repent of her deadly sin. She is very confused by her use of language, we in Lord Vek describe god as "he" not to describe him as male, but instead of using the degrading pronoun "it" as a way to describe one not viewed as having a sex. Many languages use the masculan pronoun to describe things without sex. Our lord is a powerful lord, and we shall all worship Christ till the end. We thank Christ for forgiving our sins." The screen fades back to the speaker, "Thank you Lord Vek, our wonderful guiding leader, in thanks, the peoples of Lord Vek have captured the false-prophet of *The Blooded Lands* and imprisoned her in a more secure institution, due to international laws though we will be unable to execute her without causing turmoil, since she is not a citizen of Lord Vek. Instead we invite everyone to view the beheading of several dozen atheists, members of the government of Red Tide2. Their heads are then to be mailed back to their families, showing them how short their mortal lives truely are, and their carcass's shall be burned and kept as a reminder that they will burn in hell for their sins."
Mexica Union
13-06-2004, 21:07
A note from the Office of Forgien Affairs
These broadcasts our our first interactions with a religon different then our own. While some members of the household of Emperor Cauthactatill IV think that you are a becrazed loon Helena, most notably the Crown Prince Motecuhzoma ,the Emperor is willing to allow you to found a school on the outskirts of New Tenochtitlan, as long your followers do not cause any public distribences
13-06-2004, 21:30
A man looks up to a camera from watching the TV from his couch. "Meh. The Religion of the Invisible Pink Pony is better"
oh. um. I mean tag.
13-06-2004, 21:52
Feletropolis supports your views! Those two religions have only brought bloodshed throughout the ages!
The Heavenly Dragon
14-06-2004, 01:16
After another mass cult-inflenced suicide in the lands of *The Heavenly Dragon*, The Holy Empire of Lord Vek sends out a regement of missionary troops to aid this vile-creature-worshiping nation's blinded peoples. "My son was always such a good boy," cries Lacy McNiel, a mother of one of the cult victims, "these government influenced cults must be stopped, they told my son if he drank the so-called dragon bllod that he would turn into a dragon.... the gave them all cyanide." The speaker of Lord Vek announces, "Our great nation cannot allow false profits to spread false words among people, leading them to eternal damnation. By order of Lord Vek himself, these troops will be sent off to spread the word, shortly after a mass execution of POWs captured in our last raid on local cannibal tribe." The screen then fades... then appears again, a bright room with a figure sitting at a desk, the voice of Lord Vek speaks, deep and serious, "It is rare that i make an appearance and do not speak through my speaker, though at times such as these, such decisions must be made. I speak of the recent broadcast interuptions made by *The Blooded Lands*, the security leak has been found and Lord Vek's broadcast system will no longer be compromised by these interruptions. I now must take a minute to discuss this woman. She has been identified as an escaped mental patient from a mental institution that was designed to deal with the most obscure cases of dissociative disorder. She believes that she is a prophet, and due to an abusive past by men, she couldn't possibly view a god with a masculine appearance. This shows why she vividly describes god as a "she" as well as trying to make herself appear powerful. Viewing this woman's actions I can see that she seems to be very guilty of committing vanity, and should repent of her deadly sin. She is very confused by her use of language, we in Lord Vek describe god as "he" not to describe him as male, but instead of using the degrading pronoun "it" as a way to describe one not viewed as having a sex. Many languages use the masculan pronoun to describe things without sex. Our lord is a powerful lord, and we shall all worship Christ till the end. We thank Christ for forgiving our sins." The screen fades back to the speaker, "Thank you Lord Vek, our wonderful guiding leader, in thanks, the peoples of Lord Vek have captured the false-prophet of *The Blooded Lands* and imprisoned her in a more secure institution, due to international laws though we will be unable to execute her without causing turmoil, since she is not a citizen of Lord Vek. Instead we invite everyone to view the beheading of several dozen atheists, members of the government of Red Tide2. Their heads are then to be mailed back to their families, showing them how short their mortal lives truely are, and their carcass's shall be burned and kept as a reminder that they will burn in hell for their sins."
OOC: Vek, don't be a godmoding munchkin.
When the Heavenly Dragon saw the announcements from Vek and the goddess of the Blooded Lands, whom, he was now very sure, was as divine as himself, his laughter rattled the palace like a thunderstorm.
"What a great propaganda system this Lord Vek has," sneered the Dragon, when he heard of the "cult suicides" in his Dominion. "I hope his citizens don't believe this vast putrescence of faked news!"
Then, occupying himself with the recent falling anvil incident, the Heavenly Dragon released this message:
"So, you exhibit divine qualities. Well, I am convinced. I did not say that there were not other gods! No! However, I am the greatest god, and no amount of celestial anvils will change that!" He snorted a small blast of fire.
"However, this is not our focus. We do not denounce the Christian and Jewish religions, but they have no place in my Invincible Dominion. They mean well, but lack the godly muscle to enforce their," here he chuckled, "Ten Commandments."
Lazily batting a platter of rakda steaks from a feast table before him, the Heavenly Dragon then smiled a razor-toothed grin and said:
"That is all. My heavenly will stands firm, and you may keep your Hebraic religions out of my Invincible Dominion!"
P.S.- My religion is not state-sponsored, it IS the state.
The Blooded Lands
14-06-2004, 03:38
((OOC: Lord Vek I'm just gonna ignore that, if she can summon anvils I think she can turn back your capturing force))
She once again appears, now the fire has subsided and her temper hath cooled.
"First I shall address Mekanta, immortality in this life does not mean your god is better, it often means your god is crueler. Forging a perfect world is impratical if impossible. Pure immortality would be a living prison. But if it is what you wish then I can merely show you the door, you must have the will to walk through it. As to your threats, we care not for violence and at this time our Great Lord feels no hostility towards your nation.
To the Mexica Union, we accept your offer, and I can assure you we shall not distrupt normal life in your nation.
Feletropolis, yes these religions hath brought bloodshed, but only in their fallen forms, they were the Goddess first two attempt, and through muddeled hands they failed.
Now once again, Heavenly Dragon, if that is your wish then so may it be. As to your comment of being the greatest deity; so you say."
Fades to black.
((OOC-PS: the religion is the state here too. (hehe celestial anvils, I like it) and Lord Vek, I say 'she' because it is a she, but it is not human shaped (think phoenix-esk).))
A Few Rich People
14-06-2004, 04:06
Official statement from the Mikosolf Corperation: Bah.
[code:1:094f387f1c]Where did you get the iron needed to make that anvil? Unless you're violating the laws of thermodynamics. In that case, either hand over the philosopher's stone research, or be prepared when your nation explodes from the thaumaturgic flux.
N. H. neverille
Grand Alchemist of The Tower
Former Metal Lattice Alchemist[/code:1:094f387f1c]
J. W. Gibbs sighed. Another day, another job, another fool proclaiming their own divinity. Some were like gods, that was true; some were even so long-lived as to be immortal. Yet they were not gods in the sense of the word.
"You are powerful, yes," he sent. "Maybe too powerful. I suggest you consider the implications of your actions before you take any more lives. If you wish to establish an outpost for your religion within the Kingdom of Weyr, you may do so. Follow the three laws: don't murder, don't steal, and don't manipulate with malicious intent, and you will have no problems in Weyr."
14-06-2004, 04:37
As a Christian nation(well the vast majority of my 2.785 billion people) we say that you are not gods. There is but one God. He is the maker of heaven and earth. He sent His Son, Jesus the Christ, to die for us for as the perfect sacrifice so that we dont have to spend all eternity suffering in the lake of burning sulfur. Jesus has made it possible for our sins to be forgiven by our Lord. Christ Jesus is the Word made flesh
The Ten Commandments are the fulcrum on which all laws in Nighthawk are based off.
We obey the 2 commandment, which is "Do not put any other gods in place of me"
The Blooded Lands
14-06-2004, 05:05
A simple broadcast:
((I think we know who is talking by now))
"I never declared myself to be a god(dess), merely the conduit for the Great Lord. I am Speaker just as Jesus once was. Christianity has fallen from favor, you declare yourselves saved, and you would be, had it not been for the failure in the year four hundred, when the basterdization of your faith began, twisting it to something untrue. Your faith has been tainted by human hands.
Furthermore, we have faith in the same being as you Christians do. We merely are the Third born and you the Second.
To Weyr, we thank you for your offer and will assure you none of the three laws will be broken."
Fade to black...
((OOC info: What she did was quite simple; (based on the infinite universe theory and Douglas Adams) everything is possible, just not probable; all she did was make the possibility of an anvil materializing over Heavenly Dragon 100%, nature did the rest.))
A Few Rich People
14-06-2004, 05:53
Friendly ba-ump!
Red Tide2
14-06-2004, 15:20
Official Statement from the goverment of to the world Red Tide:
"This woman is obviously INSANE! She has nothing better to do then hack into channel 3 and propheisze a false religion. But do not fret my citzens! The Consortium is working too find this woman and-eventually- KILL HER! As we all know there is only one god... GOD! And he(yes he) is the only true god. This woman is prophesizing a fake ideology... and we will not stand for her corrupting the minds of our citizens!"
14-06-2004, 15:52
Following the path of the false prophets will lead into the darkness of Satan where black hearts rule and pits of Hell await.
Ministry of State Security Headquarters
Rekjyavich Andropov Military City: Capitol of Derscon
"Oh boy, another demigod," the Colonel-in-charge of the night shift said. "Did you track the signal yet?"
"Yessir," the one satillite operator said. "We have pinpointed the broadcast system."
"Excellent," the Colonel said. "Block all signals from that location, and print out the coordinates." The operator pressed a button, and the laser printer shot out the paper with the wavelength data and the coordinates of the broadcast. The Colonel gave it the a courier to take up to the Boss. THe courier took the papers and immediately dissapeared in a flash of light.
At the elevator, he reappeared. THe bunker system in the KGB was designed so nothing can go in and out without going through the elevator. He got in the elevator and went to the ground level. He walked out, left the two security rooms, passed three security checkpoints, and made his way down the hall. He finally got to the anteroom/Great Hall of KGB headquarters. He looked down at the massive Seal of the KGB on the shining tile floor, made out of marble (reinforced, of course, under it, with about ten-foot-think concrete). He made his way to the elevator to go to the top floor after passing the security checkpoint. He made it to the top floor, and went back over to the Northeast wing, where the 3CD (NRO) was located. (the top floor of the building was only accesible by that elevator). He ran down the hall and finally got to the door.
He walked inside and spoke with the secretary.
"Hey Nancy," the courier said.
"Hello. What can I help you with?"
"I've got some stuff for the Director." She called in and ten seconds later looked back to the courier.
"OKay, you can see him."
"Thanks." He walked through the door and saw the NRO director, William Pinkering, staring at him with curiosity from behind the think oak (actually, concrete with an oak outer shell) desk.
"Yes?" the Director said.
"From the basement. It is about the Blodded Lands broadcasts. There's the responses of the other nations, there, too." He handed over the documents.
"Thank you. Have a seat. Coffee?"
"Thank you sir. I'm not a coffee drinker, though."
"Okay," the Director said, reading the documents. "More for me, then." He finally finished reading and choked on the coffee. "What the hell!?!" He got on his secure computer and logged in to the DSSINIMS (Derscon Security Service In-House Instant Messaging System: Basically, a highly secure IM program) and contacted the Czar.
NroMn87: You see this TBL crap?
CoolCzar679: Yes, I have. Quite funny, really.
NroMn87: Are you going to make a statement about it?
CoolCzar679: I doubt it. Just another moron who thinks they are God.
NroMn87: I think that is bad judgement. you saw what she did to The Heavenly Dragon.
CoolCzar679: Just another pagan religious crusade. Let them kill each other, then you have two pagan religions gone.
NroMn87: So you are going to keep quiet?
CoolCzar679: Officially, yes. I know you are going to do something, so do it, as long as it hurts them.
NroMn87: Is that a permission slip?
CoolCzar679: You betchya. Have fun.
CoolCzar679 Signed Off
William Pinkering turned back to the courier. "You are dismissed." The courier got up and left and he turned back to the computer and logged off. He then called The Derscon Aerospace Commander, General Remius Aerostalvich.
Pinkering: General? This is the Director of the NRO.
Aerostalvich: Hey, Will! Whatsup?
Pinkering: You saw the stuff with TBL?
Aerostalvich: Yeah. I wanna carpet bomb the bastards.
Pinkering: I got the Czar's permission. Position a Goldeneye EMP satellie over the coordinates that you have just been faxed. The wavelength is one that will be affected.
Aerostalvich: The Goldeneye will blow up ALL electronic devices.
Pinkering: Good point. Don't fire, just move and target. DO NOT FIRE.
Aerostalvich: Consider it done.[/code:1:544dbbba18]
Pinkering hung up and dialed the Derscon embassy in Jeruselem.
Pinkering: This is Derscon NRO director William Pinkering.
Derscon Ambassador: Hello. What brings you to call here?
Pinkering: Don't ask questions. Put me through to the Jeruselem head-of-state.
Derscon Ambassador: Yessir.[/code:1:544dbbba18]
A seried of staticy blips occured and the Jeruselem Head-of-state picked up.
Jeruselem HoS: Hello?
Pinkering: Hello. This is Derscon National Reconassainse Director William Pinkering. Have you seen this thing with The Blooded Lands?[/code:1:544dbbba18]
OOC: A person is more likely to be Muslim than Jewish. SO it should be ore addresed to Muslims and Christians.
14-06-2004, 17:07
Queen Mariah I picks up the phone thinking "Who on Earth would ring someone 2 AM in the morning".
"Queen Mariah speaking, who is this?. Oh, you're from Derscon. Nice to speak to you William Pinkering." the Queen sleepily spoke
<a pause ... William Pinkering speaks>
"Me, don't know much about The Blooded Lands. The press release was done by the Foreign Affairs Department. The usual response to false prophets who seek to pervert the word of God. Can we talk later, I really need some sleep tonight. God bless you.".
She's Catholic ...
Rishi Land
14-06-2004, 17:08
As a Christian nation(well the vast majority of my 2.785 billion people) we say that you are not gods. There is but one God. "
Well, as a Hindu, I declare that there is not just one God but many.
14-06-2004, 18:20
Here in Assor-Hu, we try to keep an open mind about religion. Of course, there are many converts to our ancient Assor religion, which venerates each star as a god. However, there are also sizable numbers of Hindus, Muslims, Pagans, Christians, Jews, Silver Flamers, and even Heavenly Dragon worshippers. It is not in the interests of our Emperor or our Parliament to tell anyone who they should and should not be worshipping.
We welcome the Great Lord and her religion to our nation, but please, try to keep religious violence to a minimum, yes?
A man appears on the tv. "Hello, Im President Handstand Jr. of Brydog" "This woman is speaking crazy talk." "We must found this woman and stop her at once."
14-06-2004, 19:06
14-06-2004, 19:06
Feletropolis supports your views! Those two religions have only brought bloodshed throughout the ages!
Don't support it just because it's the enemy of your enemy. Judging by similarities between characteristics, this religion could prove to be devastating as well. Also, it's fallacious to say that Christianity and Judaism have brought only bloodshed. They have been responsible for some socially progressive efforts in history and are a means of allowing others to find happiness and fulfillment.
A man appears on the tv. "Hello, Im President Handstand Jr. of Brydog" "This woman is speaking crazy talk." "We must found this woman and stop her at once."
Let her talk all she wants. We can only dispose of her once she does something illegal. Promenea disapproves of her condescending and incendiary remarks, but we will defend her right to make them.
... We think she's a nutjob too.
Official Statement from the goverment of to the world Red Tide:
"This woman is obviously INSANE! She has nothing better to do then hack into channel 3 and propheisze a false religion. But do not fret my citzens! The Consortium is working too find this woman and-eventually- KILL HER! As we all know there is only one god... GOD! And he(yes he) is the only true god. This woman is prophesizing a fake ideology... and we will not stand for her corrupting the minds of our citizens!"
In fact, we find intolerance and fanaticism of this level to be far more dangerous.
The Blooded Lands
14-06-2004, 19:09
Channel: 3.1 (actually no, its still 3)
"First to those whom have responded positively, Assor-Hu, we thank you for your open mind. We shall send a small group of us to your nation to begin a convent there. Thank you.
As to you who declare your God to be better and apart from our Goddess I must once again say; they are one in the same. You perceive it as either genderless or male because of the inclination of your society, nothing more.
As to those who declare me "insane" I can do nothing more than say that you are wrong, I feel I have shown truth with my power if you disbelieve your own eyes then may they rot.
To those who wish me harm, I think not. Not only would reaching me be a feat in itself, but actually killing me would defying the Great Lords will."
Fades to black...
((OOC: I have a way to denounce muslims to, its just not as compelling (saying he be a false prophet is less interesting than calling it 'fallen')))
14-06-2004, 19:18
OOC: Wait, never mind - Lord Vek scares me more.
The Blooded Lands
14-06-2004, 19:37
((OOC: Ya, Lord Vek is quite off, thats why I just had to ignore his whole post.)hidden bump)
The Heavenly Dragon
14-06-2004, 19:47
OOC: He is, in the parlance of roleplayers across the world, what would be called a munchkin or powergamer. :roll:
The Blooded Lands
15-06-2004, 00:47
(geeze, and I didn't ever want to have to bump this :( )
A Few Rich People
15-06-2004, 02:06
(Because bumps are old news)
The Holy Empire of Eshli is a Jewish nation, but it preaches religious tolerance and understanding. The government of Eshli is trying to figure out what to make of this new religion. We would like to learn more about it before we pass judgement on it. What is this new religions possition on Jews and christians. Are they still loved by G-d, or are they to be killed or converted, as in Islam? Is it Anti-Jew, neutral, or pro-Jew. Finally we wonder How can G-ds chosen people have fallen from favor?
Rabbi Yaakov ben Akiva
Chief Rabbi of Eshli
Eshli Central Rabbinate
Ministry of Internal Affairs
New Jerusalem, Eshli
The Blooded Lands
15-06-2004, 16:36
A simple broadcast: Channel 3
"Today I appear to answer a direct question, not mere idle threats and complaints.
Eshli, first we shall consolidate our stance; we feel that since the religions have fallen conversion is the best route or if the old faiths can be revieved out of the depts. We only ask for an ear to listen so those who find new faith my follow.
So in a sense we are neutral towards Jews and Christians (and Islam is just fake to us, how could he have been a Speaker if I have been one for the past 1600 years).
You ask how? How could you have fallen. You have loved the law more than your 'God' (I use the masculin form just for you), that is how."
Maybe so, but we loved HIS law, not the law of Man.
Moshe emet, v'torahto emet
"Moses is true and His (the Lord's) Torah is truth"