Greece and Cyprus announce massive new Contract
We are looking for a naval works (as our naval production facilities are currently undergoing new work and investment) to produce us a New Fleet.
This will be the biggest contract G&C has ever commisioned and it will be for a new 'Third Fleet' to be built over the next 3 NS Years.
Each of our Fleets contain 3 Battle Groups which contain:
1 Nimitiz Class Carrier
4 City Class Destroyers
3 Ticonderoga Class Cruisers
2 General Purpose Gunboats
2 FFG7 Class Frigates
2 Virginia Class Attack Submarines
2 Trident Class Ballistic Missile Submarines
This will result in:
-3 Nimitiz Class Carriers
-12 City Class Destroyers
-9 Ticonderoga Class Carriers
-6 General Purpose Gunboats
-6 FFG7 Class Frigates
-6 Virginia Class Attack Submarines
-6 Trident Class Ballistic Missile Submarines
Could I have a quote on the price in $ this kind of a contract would have?
OOC you ask for some one to build the you for them to give a ship yard to build them
13-06-2004, 01:54
13-06-2004, 01:54
I'd go to Hamptonshire, he is the naval man.
So is Doujin, but I suggest Hshire becouse he is on now :wink:
Nah I'd prefer a contract. What are we looking at here, $50-60 Billion. Anyone is welcome to offer a contract. What is 'tag' hamptonshire?
13-06-2004, 01:59
OOC: Tag means I'm going to crunch some numbers and see what I have available to build all those ships in 3 years.
if you give us the planes we will build them
Hamptonshire has the contract now.
13-06-2004, 02:03
Greece and Cyprus this the estimate:
-3 Nimitiz Class Carriers
-12 City Class Destroyers
-9 Ticonderoga Class Carriers
-6 General Purpose Gunboats
-6 FFG7 Class Frigates
-6 Virginia Class Attack Submarines
-6 Trident Class Ballistic Missile Submarines
The HDC can get them done in three years at a cost of $55 billion. We will give you the option of replacing your designated ships will comparable vessels from the HDC's inventory at no extra cost.
It usally means it made a double post, via lag or pressing Reply too much.
Anyways, as for contracts.
The Truittian Airforce (TAF) would like to build a Truittian owned Airforce base in any location you need. It would be ran and owned by the Truittian Government, but would also supply great support incase of need.
Good Things:
No workers needed, we will supply our own (unless you say otherwise)
Will pay national taxes, but no workers tax
Gets its own supplies.
Things that are required:
Efficiant area for the airfield and housing quarters/stores
Direct retrival of power from your nation (we will pay for it of cource)
Own Class 3/Restricted Airspace.
We will pay for building and anything else except the price of the land.
Taxes are paid for (Land and any other except workers)
What do you mean by 'comparable vessels' do you mean ones that are more modern?
If so, its a deal.
If not, its still a deal.
Also Truitt, I accept your proposal, the airfield can be located near Athens.
13-06-2004, 02:54
What do you mean by 'comparable vessels' do you mean ones that are more modern?
If so, its a deal.
If not, its still a deal.
Also Truitt, I accept your proposal, the airfield can be located near Athens.
Comparable vessels are vessels that the HDC makes that are "inspired" by the vessel classes you have purchased. Please look here ( to examine your options. For example a Alfred Thayer Mahan Class Guided Missile Cruiser is roughly comparable to a Ticonderoga Class Cruiser.
Construction will begin immediately at our Port Victory Yards, the Majesto-HDC Shipyards, and the Seaburg Construction Facility.
Lunatic Retard Robots
13-06-2004, 03:07
G&C, are you the anti-semite who was posting several days back?
If you aren't, Lunkwill&Fook shipyards might consider your contract.
Why use inferior Naval vessels?