Credonian President Goes On International Tour - June 04
12-06-2004, 19:35
Credonian Presidential Palace, Press Room 1:30 pm CDT
In the Presidential Palace Press Room, members of the media are bustling around waiting around for the next big news story to break. Suddenly a door at the front of the room opens and in steps Melany Mitchelson, the Presidents personal aid and press secretary. The room immediately settles down as members of the press assemble in their seats. Ms. Mitchelson steps up to the podium bearing the Presdential emblem of the Presidental office on the front and looks down at a portfolio containing her brief announcement.
"Good afternoon ladies and gentlemen. I have a brief announcement to make after which I will be taking a couple quick questions from the media. Today, President Sutton will be leaving Credonia for a few days on an international tour to meet with various leaders of nations around the world. This tour is designed to build relations with these nations that he will be visiting over the course of the next couple days. An intenary is being passed out to you by some of the aids at this moment. So far, only three nations will be voisited, however, if national leaders wish to meet with the President before he returns to Credonia, they will need to contact the Presidential Palace right away so that he may put the plans into his agenda before his return."
She pauses for a moment, looking out into the assembled reporters and personel from the media corps while tv camera's video tape her and camera's flashes go off lighting up the room like the lightninig lighs up a dark cloudy night sky.
"Now i will take questions from the media."
Just as she says that, hands shoot up into the air eargerly waiting to be called upon.
"Yes, Jennifer (Credonian News Network Reporter - Cable News)" Melany says, pointing to a woman wearing a carnation pink dress, holding a mini notepad and pen.
The reporter stands and begins speaking.
"Ms. Mitchelson, what will be the central theme or goal of these meetings and what does President Sutton wish to accomplish?" Says the reporter.
"Good question. The basis of these bilateral talks will be to establish alliances with these nations and possibly forge an alliance with a couple large allied regions, as well as bettering relations with the nations that he will be going to during this trip. His goal is to make new friends for Credonia as well as provide trade and business opportunities for not just Credonia but the nations who will be visited on this trip. Next question"
Hands shoot up again and she looks around the room for another reporter.
"Yes, Tom (Credonia Daily - National Newspaper)"
He stands.
"Thank you. Now, ive heard that President Sutton is starting a number of new well as starting to provide special aid to nations such as MMI, which has been listed first on the interary. Can you specify what kind of aid and projects he will be proposing to these nations?"
"Thats another good question. MMI is currently in an energy crisis. Their power and energy system is in shambles and President Sutton gave that nation a promise to help them fix their energy crisis, as an act of good will. We arent expecting to get anything in return for this, but yes, this is one of the President's top priorities. As for other projects, I cant comment on their nature at this time, but it will all be released soon.:
A man emerges from the door she entered the room and whispered something with his hand covered so the press couldnt distinguish what he was saying.
Looking back at the croud Melany gives one final statement.
"The President is now departing the Palace. Any and all questions should be directed to the deputy press secretary. Thank you."
With that, she exits the room and begins gathering her belongings to take with her on the trip.
[code]Credonian President Diplomatic Tour, June 2004
Office of the Presidential Press Secretary
Official Diplomatic Tour Stop List
First Stop- MMI
Second Stop- Alkemia
Third Stop- Inyurface
Fourth Stop- Celtayoshi
Fifth Stop- Greenmanbry
Sixth Stop- Momanguise
Seventh Stop- The Federal Union
Eighth Stop- Undecided
Ninth Stop- Undecided
Final Stop- Undetermined[/b]
Sutton Air Force Base, Credonia City, Credonia 2:30 pm CDT
On the tarmac waiting sat Credonia One, The Presidential transport jet, a heavily modified 747-400, capable of conducting a full allout nuclear or conventional war from that facility capable of refueling inflight, giving it an unlimited flight range.
The President and his wife wasted no time getting on the plane and within moments the plane carrying the Presidents cabinet and wife were on their way to their first destination. ETA...8 hours.
12-06-2004, 19:40
As the Premier of Celtayoshi is my duty to offer you an invitation to come to our nation. As Premier I have also noted that Credonia does not have an embassy in Celtyoshi (OOC: I am not sure, my list went AWOL). It is therefore my suggestion that we offer an embassy exchange, perhaps you could lay the first brick in a symbolic act?
The Fedral Union
12-06-2004, 19:46
Hmm the fed union would like to invite him hear also we would love a diplomatic vistor
12-06-2004, 19:48
Your excellencies,
In an effort to establish prospering relations with other countries, President Ahmed Byrnashty feels it is his duty to invite you to Greenmanbry. Also, there are several subjects that are on the President's agenda, including:
1) The policies of the Ottoman Alliance.
2) A possible embassy exchange.
3) Mutual moral and material support.
4) The general situation on the world stage.
We await your arrival, if you accept it, and hope that this meeting is a constructive one to the utmost degree.
Ministry of Foreign Affairs
On behalf of The Office of the President
12-06-2004, 19:52
Though presumably inundated with requests, Momanguise would love to entertain President Sutton, and would make his stay most aimiable. As a prominent member of the RBA and of the International, Momanguise feels that extended relations between our two country's would be most beneficial.
12-06-2004, 20:09
[code:1:13e93a3435]TO: All Nations Wishing To Meet With President Sutton
FROM: Melany Mithchelson, Personal Aid of the President
Subject: Extention Of Presidential Tour, June 04
Thank you all for your invitations. The President has asked me to convey to you that he will be adding your nations to the agenda will be making stops to each of your nations in coming days. You will be informed the day before his arrival so that you may prepare promptly for his arrival. Thank you and we look forward to meeting with your leaders
Melany Mitchelson
Presidential Assistant
Alexander Nicolas Sutton
President of the United States of Credonia[/code:1:13e93a3435]
12-06-2004, 20:58
Al-Sabir invites President Sutton to come to visit our nation and discuss extention of diplomatic and trade relations.
12-06-2004, 20:59
Al-Sabir invites President Sutton to come to visit our nation and discuss extention of diplomatic and trade relations.
Official Statement by the Allanean Government
President Sutton is invited to Allanea, of course.
Cyper Cero
12-06-2004, 21:09
Will you be coming to vist our beautiful country? We are willing to offer the best in accomendations and activites while you are here. Please accept and reply so we may begin preparations. Oh, and while you are here would it be possible to discuss an ambassador exhange program and/ or alliances between our nations. Thankyou for your consideration.
------As spoken by the God Emperor Cero
The Island States
12-06-2004, 21:10
If the Credonian President wants to make a stop at The Island States (part of the United Socalist Republics), then he may do so. He can meet with Vice President John Taylor.
12-06-2004, 21:17
Official Statement From the Foreign Ministry
Credonian President Sutton is invited to the Grand Duchy of Hamptonshire to discuss:
-Possible Future Bi-lateral Relations
-Formalized relations with The Unforgiven Regional Alliance
-Formalized relations/bi-laterial relations with The Commonwealth Multi-Regional Alliance
It is requested that if our invitation is accepted, President Sutton visit the Grand Duchy last on his scheduled world tour.
Lord Easton
Foreign Minister and President of the Privy Council
The People's Republic of Kay Son invites your president on a tour of the Republic. Along the many tours that you will be presented with, the Prime Minister would like to express an acute interest on trade relations as well as military export/import. Please respond if interested.
Lady Lin Pak
Minister of Foreign Affairs
Independent Hitmen
12-06-2004, 21:26
President Anderson wishes to express his wishes for President Sutton to visit the USIH for a time on his trip around the world.
We notice that several other nations have also requested that the President may not be able to find the time to visit our nation which is already close with Credonia.
However if a space can be found we would be most welcome to invite President Sutton and his wife to stay at the New White House for as long as they want to. The Tsar of Dr-Twist is currently also residing in the USIH in political asylum at an undisclosed location, and we are sure that a three way talk could be arranged.
Secretary of State Tom Alder on behalf of President Anderson.
OOC: Whats happening about the wedding? are we waiting for a bit.
OOC2: Not entirely sure if the Tsar is staying, i offered and he excepeted but i have lost track of the situation there im afraid.
President Sutton is welcome to visit Izistan.
The Island of Rose
12-06-2004, 21:34
The President of Credonia is welcomed into the Island of Rose. We are currently having a meeting in the President's Villa with all socialist nations, but if you come it would be wonderful. You may stay withen the Villa to rest if you want. Again, it'd be a great honor if you were to stay with us and our beautiful nation.
-Vice Minister of Forgein Affairs: Roska Einvach
12-06-2004, 21:38
President Sutton is more than welcome to visit Praetonia, where he will (should he chose to visit) be greeted by our Prime Minister. We are, however, aware that his schedule appears to be quite full, and so we understand if he is not able to visit. In any case, we wish to further diplomatic relations with Credonia by entering into an embassy exchange. Would this be acceptable to you?
12-06-2004, 21:46
Sarzonia would like to host the Credonian President as part of this International Tour. You would be meeting with Senior Vice President for Internal Affairs Nicole J. Lewis. President Mike Sarzo is currently in Nellisland and Senior Vice President for External Affairs Mark Lorber is currently in Morathania.
Becky Davis
Executive Secretary to the President
Incorporated States of Sarzonia
[OOC: I know this is the personal secretary of the President, but Mike's being a bit generous with his authority at the moment. Besides, the laptop was shut down so he couldn't send his signature electronically.]
Thank you for the offer of hospitality, which i would like to take you up on. The Credonian people welcome an exchanging of ambassadors so that we may forge better relations and learn more about each other as time progresses. Perhaps after my visit to your nation a return of the deed may be agreed to to vitis beautiful Credonia City, Credonia, the heart of the Credonian nation, and one of the safest places on earth.
To: President Sutton
From: Secretary of the Emperor, Office of the MMI Emperor
Sir, I have alerted our Department of Defense of your visit. When you are ready, our fighters will escort you into the airfield outside of the Emperor's winter palace. Unfortunately, we have very bad news that has not been released yet to the people of MMI or the rest of the world. The Emperor's eldest son will meet with you at the palace to conduct business as usual in the Emperor's stead. We look forward to your visit and wish you a smooth landing.
Gaia Rodina
12-06-2004, 23:55
Gaia Rodina would be honored to host the Credonian assembly on their journey, provided that the Credonians do not mind a bit of cold weather and/or vodka.
13-06-2004, 00:57
Due to the unexpected and overwhelming amount of requests to see the President, a second and third agenda will be drafted to accomodate all of the nations who wish to see the President. (There goes his "leisure time" schedule for the next 1-2 rl months lol). We will send a response to each of your respective nations shortly with the plans.
13-06-2004, 03:03
13-06-2004, 09:42
the leader of sephrioth wishes to form a millitary alliance with credona
Fruity Loops
13-06-2004, 10:05
Fruity Loops
13-06-2004, 15:01
Why not visit the Fruity Loops?
13-06-2004, 15:21
Finalized Presidential International Tour Agenda:
MMI- The Credonian President's ETA is 2 hrs
Finalized Presidential International Tour Agenda:
MMI- The Credonian President's ETA is 2 hrs
Squeltch .... "Credonia One, this is MMI DoD flight control, you are cleared for landing on lighted lane-6. Fighter escort will see you in safely. Over."
15-06-2004, 19:52
Finalized Presidential International Tour Agenda:
MMI- The Credonian President's ETA is 2 hrs
Squeltch .... "Credonia One, this is MMI DoD flight control, you are cleared for landing on lighted lane-6. Fighter escort will see you in safely. Over."
"Roger MMI Control, Cleared for landing on runway 6. We'll keep an eye out for those escorts. ETA 5 minutes, were now coming in on final apporach." The captain says into the radio.
"Alright, speed 140 knots, flaps 40 percent"
"Roger, set flaps full"
"Flaps full, maintaining 140"
"Control, Credonia One, fighter escort spotted, now descending below 2,500 ft."
The plane continues its steady 700 fpm descent until it reaches 500 ft.
"Thrust zero, beginning flare. When i touch this baby down, I want full reverse thrust"
"Roger that, sir"
The wheels squeal as they make smooth contact with the runway. The reverse thrusters whine to full as the plane slows down as it continues its roll down the runway until it reaches 60 knots and the thrusters whine back up to zero thrust.
The pilots taxi the plane to the tarmac where the press and media are roped off a fair distance from the red carpet which is flanked on both sides by military bands playing the Credonian national anthem.
As the plane comes to a complete stop, the stairs to the Presidential Jet move to the forward hatch and it is opened. President Sutton emerges, holding his wife's hand, waving to the crowd that has assembled to catch a glimpse of the President and his First Lady. Secret service agents follow the President down the stairs and is met by another group of agents that flank the President and his wife and escort him to a armored limousine. Before stepping in, he gives a final wave to the crowd and steps inside and waits for the motorcade to finish loading the members of his cabinet into the trailing limousines.
"Not bad, feels good to be out of the country again. Perhaps I will enjoy this as much as i thought i would" Alex says to Fate as the motorcade pulls off.
Attican Empire
15-06-2004, 20:56
OOC: I see how you just ignored the other nations in the region :/
As the escorts pull alongside of President Sutton's craft ...squeltch... "This is Shadow-1 to Credonia One, ... you're looking good so far. We'll watch your back from here. Welcome to MMI sir."
Secretary of State Rivers watched as the plane sat down on the tarmac in a perfect landing and taxied over to the reception. He waved his assistants to work and motioned for security to be on the ready. He then put on a smile and walked up to the visiting Jet liner. He stood at the ready as the band played the official reception program and the crowds cheered. Photographers were in the multitudes but kept at a safe distance. Amid and over the noise of the pomp and circumstance, Secretary Rivers bowed and introduced himself to the Credonian President. Almost having to yell to be heard "IT'S A PLEASURE TO MEET YOU SIR. WELCOME TO MMI. RIGHT THIS WAY FOR THE FORMAL INTRODUCTIONS SIR."
He made his way to a man surrounded by what looked like a ring of security in suits. "Mr. President, I am pleased to introduce to you Emperor Saudakus the Ninth. My Lord, please welcome President Sutton of Credonia." He motioned to a very young man dressed in ceremonial black robes and wearing dark sunglasses. The Emperor looked at the president and shook his hand with a slight bow. "It is a dictinct pleasure to meet you Mr. President. I hope your journey was tolerable. Welcome to my country of MMI. We are all very excited about your visit. Now if your motocade will just follow us to the transport facility. I look forward to our journey to my Palace and hope that we can finally get acquainted along the way."
Formal Dances
15-06-2004, 21:59
Messege to Credonia
From Formal Dances State Department
We know that you have a busy schedule but we would be honored if you could attend the inaugeration of our new president. We are inviting as many heads of state as we possibly can. Thank you.
The motocade made its way through the airport to the transport facility. This airport was special and run by the MMI Department of Defense specifically for political, military, and corporate affairs. It was situated approximately 60 miles north of the capital city of Psychropolis in the frigid cold north of the country. The airport was surrounded by beautiful snow-covered mountains and a small nearby city. Since it was the summer month, the nearby lake was not frozen over and shimmered in the approaching evening. The Emperor's Palace was a short distance away in the mountains and only accessible by rail from the transport facility.
As soon as the motocade left the airport grounds, it entered an underground tunnel to the transport facility. There, the entourage exited the motocade and made their way to a special tram destined for the Palace. With a swoosh of the doors and a hum of the engine, the tram was on its way. As it accelerated to maximum speed, it exited the darkness of the tunnel into the fading red sky at night. It moved at a very face pace and the lake below whizzed past in a solid stream of motion. They passed the airport corporate city of Reelin and were now in the mountains. The view was beautiful.
The Emperor sat down across from President Sutton in a private car shared by just the two men. As the scenery flew by, the Emperor offered the President a drink.
17-06-2004, 23:08
"I'll have a vodka martini please" politely requests Alex.
He is handed a glass full of the liquor.
"Thank you. Quite a beautiful country you have here. You must be very proud to lead such a nation." he continues to remark.
Alex gazes out of the window for a moment taking in the scenery, taking in the sweet scent of the air. He then turns back to Secretary Rivers, smiling approvingly showing his admiration of the nation so far.
"So, Mr. Rivers, whats the situation with your nations energy crisis? I sent a message to your secretary of energy letting him know that Credonia is fully willing to assist your nation and perhaps restore and fund your nations power and energy grid. Could you tell me a bit more?"
Alexander takes a sip of his martini and looks back up at the Secretary making direct eye contact hopefully showing that he is taking the crisis seriously as if it were a crisis that invoved Credonia herself.
Formal Dances- Do you have a thread? I wont be able to come myself, however i can send my Secretary of State to represent me.
18-06-2004, 05:36
"Thank you Mr. President ... " states the Emperor "... for your most kind remarks of my country. But you are too flattering for you have not yet seen my country in the south. It is a wasteland of pollution from our most out of date energy production resources."
The Emperor motions to Rivers. Rivers hands President Sutton some information on MMI energy facilities:
The Emperor looks at President Sutton again. "As you see Mr. President, we are one of the most polluted nations in the world per capita. I would like to change that if I could. It might be difficult given our political climate of free industry. But I am the Emperor and the conglomerate affiliate council must deal with me. Of course, it must be profitable for even me to be of influence."
"There is another matter of great importance that I must convey to you. You see, you were scheduled to meet with my father whom was Emperor not too long ago. Perhaps I could fill you in on the details of the matter."
The Emperor tells his story outlined here ...
"So you see, I inherited his regime. He had to make some hard decisions and, well, we are suffering from some of them now. But today and in the future, I now face my own decisions in this country. I would like to see some things change. What kind of proposal did you have in mind Mr. President?"
18-06-2004, 22:38
Would the Credonian President like to visit our country?
23-06-2004, 12:59
23-06-2004, 13:01
23-06-2004, 15:55
Alexander looked up at the Emperor
"Im sorry to hear aboout your father. Thats rather unfortunate. As for your energy crisis, I know we can take care of that. Perhaps we can get rid of some, if not most of your coal and oil plants and install water damns, solar power plants, and alternate enrgy sources that are cleaner. Nuclear power is a good way to go, but honestly, i wouldnt torally rely on nuclear power since one accident could spell certain death to hundreds thousands, or even millions of people."
Alexander pauses a moment.
"As for the problems that your faced with in your nationim going to have to give it some thought as a thorough and effective plan or course of action cant really be thought of on the fly, however, did you have any ideas in mind that you would want to impliment?"
23-06-2004, 15:55
Alexander looked up at the Emperor
"Im sorry to hear aboout your father. Thats rather unfortunate. As for your energy crisis, I know we can take care of that. Perhaps we can get rid of some, if not most of your coal and oil plants and install water damns, solar power plants, and alternate enrgy sources that are cleaner. Nuclear power is a good way to go, but honestly, i wouldnt torally rely on nuclear power since one accident could spell certain death to hundreds thousands, or even millions of people."
Alexander pauses a moment.
"As for the problems that your faced with in your nationim going to have to give it some thought as a thorough and effective plan or course of action cant really be thought of on the fly, however, did you have any ideas in mind that you would want to impliment?"
23-06-2004, 15:55
Alexander looked up at the Emperor
"Im sorry to hear aboout your father. Thats rather unfortunate. As for your energy crisis, I know we can take care of that. Perhaps we can get rid of some, if not most of your coal and oil plants and install water damns, solar power plants, and alternate enrgy sources that are cleaner. Nuclear power is a good way to go, but honestly, i wouldnt torally rely on nuclear power since one accident could spell certain death to hundreds thousands, or even millions of people."
Alexander pauses a moment.
"As for the problems that your faced with in your nationim going to have to give it some thought as a thorough and effective plan or course of action cant really be thought of on the fly, however, did you have any ideas in mind that you would want to impliment?"
23-06-2004, 16:12
The Tsar of Dr_Twist Would Like to Meet with President Sutton During this Time, Especially after the Terrible things that have happened in DT.
23-06-2004, 17:41
The President will be making an "emergency" stop in Dr_Twist to hold a conference with the Tsar on the future of DT. FOllowing his stop in DT, the tour will continue as scheduled.
Communist Mississippi
23-06-2004, 17:42
Come on over to Communist Mississippi :)
23-06-2004, 18:16
Just out of intrest, when is the visit to Momanguise planned?
Alexander looked up at the Emperor
"Im sorry to hear aboout your father. Thats rather unfortunate. As for your energy crisis, I know we can take care of that. Perhaps we can get rid of some, if not most of your coal and oil plants and install water damns, solar power plants, and alternate enrgy sources that are cleaner. Nuclear power is a good way to go, but honestly, i wouldnt torally rely on nuclear power since one accident could spell certain death to hundreds thousands, or even millions of people."
Alexander pauses a moment.
"As for the problems that your faced with in your nationim going to have to give it some thought as a thorough and effective plan or course of action cant really be thought of on the fly, however, did you have any ideas in mind that you would want to impliment?"
The Emperor thought for a moment, took a sip of his liquor, and began to speak ... "Yes, I understand. My experts tell me that coal and oil are cheap and therefore, highly desirable by our industry. Gas, damns, solar, and other alternatives are less efficient and expensive. Nuclear is dangerous but safety issues have been getting better. Over half of our energy is currently nuclear and since we have a huge industry in uranium mining, and a good safety record, I loathe to disturb our current production there. However, I would love to sacrifice our oil and coal burning efforts for something cleaner. The acid rain in our country is killing everything and even corroding our granite and steel in the cities."
The Emperor looks at his Secretary, "Mr. Rivers, give the President a copy of our city logistics info." Rivers digs through his briefcase and hands President Sutton a small brochure ...
After the President finishes, the Emperor begins to speak again, "So, we would entertain a proposal from you for alternative energy investments and development at the expense of much of our coal and oil industry. Our current oil production is enough to sustain our military but we need to import additional sources for other demands. If we could lower these demands, I would be very happy indeed. I will need to pass it through our conglomerate affiliate council and they will not like it at first. I must convince them that it is in our best interest and will actually be profitable in the longterm. Now, let us talk specifics. What type of agreement are we looking at here?"
24-06-2004, 03:58
24-06-2004, 03:59
Dictator Asonovich would be honord if Credonia come to Yugolsavia. I would like to talk about trade and diplomatic relations.
24-06-2004, 03:59
Dictator Asonovich would be honord if Credonia come to Yugolsavia. I would like to talk about trade and diplomatic relations.
03-08-2004, 15:24
"Well, as you know, oil polluts the environment. my suggestion would be to slowly phase out that kind of energy production resource and focus on more economical and cleaner energy sources. Water for example. There is an abundence of it, and you will never run out, so long as you find a large enough power csource that will drive the turmines. You can also harness geothermal energy (heat) to produce usable energy. I personally would recommend the water source because you can build many damns, creating enough power for a large area. Does your nation have many large water sources?"
The Czar asks me to graciously extend an invitation to Derscon. The Czar will meet you at the airport personally, and a tour of the nation can be set up, if you wish.
May you be Blessed by the Grace of God, and conforted by the presence of the Lord.
General (retired) Franz von Papen
Foreign Minister to the Czar
The Protestant Prussian Czardom of Derscon
"Well, as you know, oil polluts the environment. my suggestion would be to slowly phase out that kind of energy production resource and focus on more economical and cleaner energy sources. Water for example. There is an abundence of it, and you will never run out, so long as you find a large enough power csource that will drive the turmines. You can also harness geothermal energy (heat) to produce usable energy. I personally would recommend the water source because you can build many damns, creating enough power for a large area. Does your nation have many large water sources?"
"Our country is located in the northern regions and is frozen over for much of the year. I'm sorry to say that water will not be an option for us. Unless of course, we could melt it which would take an exorbitant amount of energy input. Wind is a possibility but also given our frigid temperatures, we would have to find a way to prevent freezing of the turbines and blades. So you see, our problems are very real and might require something quite innovative."
05-08-2004, 09:30
President Sutton lets out a polite, yet hearty laugh.
"Interesting predicament your in if I may say so myself. The only viable option i see at this time is to power your nation ourself, unless we were to research some type of alternate energy source, perhaps something that could harness the power of a hydrogen atom. This would be a serious advancement in the history of modern energy but perhaps something can be be done with it. What do you think? It would take billions, if not trillions of dollars to develop, but in the end, im pretty sure the results will be satisfactory."
08-08-2004, 14:25
President Sutton lets out a polite, yet hearty laugh.
"Interesting predicament your in if I may say so myself. The only viable option i see at this time is to power your nation ourself, unless we were to research some type of alternate energy source, perhaps something that could harness the power of a hydrogen atom. This would be a serious advancement in the history of modern energy but perhaps something can be be done with it. What do you think? It would take billions, if not trillions of dollars to develop, but in the end, im pretty sure the results will be satisfactory."
We are already spending more than we care for repairing our ailing infrastructure. Let us start a new investment into the future. We are prepared to spend mightily. Perhaps we will stumble on other useful technologies along the way. Let us show the world what we may accomplish and perhaps we may even get rich.