Tricantri declares War on Hallad!
12-06-2004, 18:31
After a brief encounter with Hallad, Caporegime Scott II (who took over after his Father, Scott I, died by the knife of an assassin), has mobilized his army, consisiting of:
250,000 Army Personall
250,000 Marines
150 Armoured Divisions
12 Battalions of Army Engineers
534 F-15 American Fighters
120 B1 WWII era bombers
And his navy consisiting of
100 Aircraft Carriers
120 Missile Cruisers
243 WWII Era Battleships
23 Destroyers.
The troops have already crossed the border into Hallad and are marching torwards it's capital as we speak.
Official Statement from Foreign Affairs
The United Socialist States of Bergist request your reasoning in this attack. What offense did these people commit? Regardless, we would urge an attempt at a diplomatic resolution if possible.
Saz Berogost,
Minster of Foreign Affairs
12-06-2004, 18:40
((OOC: A few quick observations--
Don't know what a B-1 WWII era bomber is. Know what a B-1 is, but that's 1980s-today tech. Unless you're talking some hinky Soviet or Italian design or something obscure like that...
Your population is less than present-day USA, which is having trouble keeping 12 aircraft carriers afloat. You, on the other hand, claim to be able to deploy 100 for one conflict. Even during WWII, there were not 100 aircraft carriers in operation at one time.
I'd suggest more RP, less 'number-wanking.' You're apt to be dismissed by folks with this sorta "I mobilize billions of things and tell them to sic the bad guy" stuff.))
12-06-2004, 19:10
This unprovoked act of agression has been condemned by Dumpsterdam and its leader, Lord Rift.
Hallad, we make available to you:
- 22 and 54 infantry division.
- the 9th mechanised division.
- 5th and 6th airborne wings
- the combined forces of the entire DRN south fleet.(wich numbers around a 200 ships or so)
These forces will assist you should you require it.
Lord Rift.
Red Wales
12-06-2004, 19:39
OOC: In the topic "Elections in Hallad" You posted this:
Founded: 20 Apr 2004
Posts: 12
Posted: Sat Jun 12, 2004 1:24 pm Post subject:
If you are going to war because of this, it is going to war for an OOC reason I believe....
12-06-2004, 19:48
Actually, it is an unreasoned war of agression, based on two things.
1. There are elections going on (and In a real life situation, that would make a country strategically weaker)
2. He insulted Reagan, a personal hero of mine
also some of the #s are typos here.
250,000 Army Personall
250,000 Marines
150 Armoured Divisions
12 Battalions of Army Engineers
134 F-15 American Fighters
120 B1 bombers
And his navy consisiting of
10 Aircraft Carriers
12 Missile Cruisers
24 Battleships
23 Destroyers.
and sorry for any confusion with #s.
Also, if my military seems big, thats because I have compulsary military service when needed. :wink:
I need a war to expand any territorial claims I have.
Also, the Sic the bad guy thing, i'm trying real hard to be the bad guy in this conflict (I need a war about now, too, to show I am willing to fight over nothing... :wink: )
Withdraw the Reagan thing and I withdraw my imaginary troops from this immgingary conflict.
12-06-2004, 19:50
Also, my troops are willing to make a more diplomatic resolution, if you perfer.
Make an offer. I will consider it.
12-06-2004, 19:58
Momanguise seeks to make Tricantri fully aware of the foolishness of this endevour. Hallad and all the nations who have signed the mutral defence pact could stamp you into the ground.
The Fedral Union
12-06-2004, 20:00
:roll: Tricantri you touch one hair on hallad and your going to be steam rollerd buy me ...
12-06-2004, 20:01
I am only after a small amount of land to expand my Uranium mining industry, as of now thats all I want. Perhaps if Hallad (or someone else) offers me a trade agreement I shall withdraw my troops.
The Fedral Union
12-06-2004, 20:03
Ohh please :roll: withdraw your troop or i will remove them ... :roll:
No one will even offer you a trade agreement becuse of your agression for no reason .
12-06-2004, 20:04
Trade Agreement?
Yea or Nay.
I don't want this war, but I need the $ for my econemy.
12-06-2004, 20:05
if you leave hallad alone, I will let you take over my entire uranium mining industry.
12-06-2004, 20:08
I see no harm in trading rather than war, Tricantri. If Hallad thinks otherwise, I advise you to withdraw your troops and try elsewhere. Though this aggression is not needed, I see the reason behind it. For the future of your economy, withdraw your troops, Tricantri. Perhaps then other countries will think better of you then and decide to trade with you.
12-06-2004, 20:08
12-06-2004, 20:09
if you leave hallad alone, I will let you take over my entire uranium mining industry.
Who who who, don't let him get into a dream.
Tric, withdraw those, unless you want to get them back on spikes and marinated in BBQ sauce.
Last warning.
The Fedral Union
12-06-2004, 20:12
You have 10 minuites rl time to withdraw or ill send in a MOAB..
12-06-2004, 20:12
You have far more to lose by war than by trade. Tread carefully.
12-06-2004, 20:12
Troops are withdrawing now.
Pedephiliac, I will not take over your entire uranium mining industry, lets say i get 3% of your profits for the next 10 years or untill I can get enough funds to support building a new capital for tricantri.
Thank you all, and I am happy to say that the war is over with 0 casualties, but I do not take kindly to threats, Fedral States...
But expect no retribution.
12-06-2004, 20:13
Tric, We will now be forwarding 8% of all profits to your country untill otherwise told to Ef off.
The Fedral Union
12-06-2004, 20:17
Troops are withdrawing now.
Pedephiliac, I will not take over your entire uranium mining industry, lets say i get 3% of your profits for the next 10 years or untill I can get enough funds to support building a new capital for tricantri.
Thank you all, and I am happy to say that the war is over with 0 casualties, but I do not take kindly to threats, Fedral States...
But expect no retribution.
YOu are now under heavy embragos . and implore other nations to suppourt these embargos and sactions
12-06-2004, 20:23
Central Facehuggeria
12-06-2004, 20:24
OOC Joke:
Furhrer Reagan paced about the Reichstag building apprehensively. There were far too many nations that were opposed to National Socialists. He had to thin their ranks out somehow. Somehow that would not arouse suspicion. A nuke would work, but that is fairly easy to trace.
Bioweapons would work, but those are too easy to protect against, and too difficult to safely use. Chemical weapons had the same flaws.
Then, he had it. Reagan would send a cell of specially trained 'freedom fighters' into the nation of Tricantri. Just a few fertilizer bombs at major metropolitian areas would certainly serve as a warning to all who opposed Fascism.
Reagan smiled. He had the perfect plan. And there was plausible deniability. No one would know that the United National Socialist States had ordered these 'heinous' attacks.
Two hours later, Five average Joes were boarding a plane to Huzen Hagen. Then, they would follow a route to Aust, and from there a roundabout rout, going through many different countries and connecting flights before they arived at the Tricantri capital city. There is nothing to distinguish them as being from Central Facehuggeria at this time, except for several "Re-elect Reagan" buttons and numerous republican pamphlets.
(OOC: Highlite the very top of my post.)
12-06-2004, 20:42
Fedral Union, do you want to start a war? I don't, and I withdrew my forces peacefully. No harm was done, and here we have you imposing embargos on me! Is this an act of agression?
12-06-2004, 20:55
No actualy not.
*signs law stating all trade with Tricantri is forbidden for Dumpsterdanian citizens*
If you see it a act of war, then you also have trouble with me.
12-06-2004, 20:58
Ah, I see that you despise any country in need of economic help.
*Creates new tricantrian law banning anyone from the Fedral Union or Dumpsterdam, and any of their citizens found in tricantri shall be delt as terrorists*
You have left me little choice,
12-06-2004, 21:01
Well good thing I don't have any citizens in youre country, we'll check over here if there any of youre citizens here. They will be put on a flight home ASAP.
Don't think you can scare either me or Federal union.
12-06-2004, 21:02
Its not ment to.
The U.S.S.B. condemns acts of aggression meant for the conquest of land. For these acts, all trade ties have been severed with Tricantri. Furthermore, though our records show no Tricantri citizens to be living within our borders, consider them closed to the Tricantri people. Though no Bergistian citizens are currently within the your nation, none shall travel within its borders indefinitly, or until these sanctions are lifted.
The Fedral Union
12-06-2004, 21:47
:lol: Well all your "citzens" are on there way back to you . and i dont care if you do classify my citzens as terroist if you dare touch one hair on them well .. i dont have to tell you what happens
12-06-2004, 22:34
Duno I liked this one better.
12-06-2004, 22:39
Can't we all just get along :roll:
This thread is getting funnier and funnier by the minute. :lol:
I herby give up all laws retaining to immigration etc. etc.
I hope you will do the same
Nice pics nice pics.
Also, all Tricantri Citizens you sent back have been executed for treason, thank you.
All your vacationers and spys should be reaching your boarder as we speak.
12-06-2004, 22:44
Damn, I got in JUST too late to look threateningly at you. Oh well, I'll settle for looking suspicious instead.