Hunt down of UKN
It is now time for UKN to disarm. We've gave them a fair one month warning, and still no sign. We are now ready for a fight. Yet, we are in a disadvantage of the nuclear threats UKN holds.
All forces on lookout.
UKN has exactly 2 days to disarm. And we will return to peace. Just disarm and rearm again would be fine.
United Korean Nations
12-06-2004, 08:10
all UKN Nukes wher returned to factorys for a day, there Warheads where removed, replaced, and then they re-entered serviced about 3 weeks later.
heppy? :lol:
Now open for attack! Yay!, all forces move in!
United Korean Nations
12-06-2004, 08:29
Now open for attack! Yay!, all forces move in!
UKN Defense Units rushed in, all guns blazing.
12-06-2004, 08:32
Official Statement From the Foreign Ministry
Lord Easton
Foreign Minister and President of the Privy Council
"No nation will enter the United Korean Nations as long as Rotovia still stands. We are dedicated to protecting our region, and the nations therein. Be warned, attacking the Chairman-Nation of our Regional Council will be met with unbridled force"
Senator Charles Wheeler
Minister for Foreign Affairs
United Korean Nations
12-06-2004, 16:19
"No nation will enter the United Korean Nations as long as Rotovia still stands. We are dedicated to protecting our region, and the nations therein. Be warned, attacking the Chairman-Nation of our Regional Council will be met with unbridled force"
Senator Charles Wheeler
Minister for Foreign Affairs
"we thank Rotovia for there help in defeating our longtime enemies.":
President Athena Vathwood
Head of Goverment
The battle still continues...
In the protected tent of General Yuishi along with 3 top guards and 1 reporter.
Yuishi: Damn. The bullets are everywhere! Woah!
Guard 1: Sir, We are under heavy artillery by the Rotovians.
Yuishi: Damn those Rotovians!
Reporter 1: Uh.. We had just lost 200 soldiers from one artillery shot!
Yuishi: Damnit!
Guard 1: Ahem! What should we do now?
Yuishi: Shit! Call in for more reinforcements!
Reporter: Uh... We just loss another 30 troops!
Yuishi: Damnit! Who are these people who are wandering idiots! Send a message to the President and tell him we need troops that know what they're doing!
Guard 2: Flying bullets of shit is everywhere! Blahhh!!!!
Yuishi: No... Those idiots!
Guard 1: Now what?
Yuishi: Send our elite troop that we have left out!
Guard 1: Only 200? Thats all we have.
Yuishi: DO IT!
All troops move into nearby UKN cities and houses.
Also the Capture of one UKN Military Base.
Amazingly, one AK sniper has been said to have shot a UKN leader
Rotovian National News
Reporter: "Good evenign and welcome, tonight our top story is the War in The United Korean Nations. After hearing of enemy forces entering the nation, the President of Rotovia announced a policy of unrestrained defence. It is unclear exactly what that mean, ecept that Rotovian Forces have been hitting the enemy with everything they've got... not a hard feat considering the close proximity of our nations.
Our Air Force began tactical strikes against Armed Knight's Naval Forces, of the coast of United Korean Nations.
Officers from the Rotovian Intelligence Burue and the DATA team began raids against Armed Knight strongholds with United Korean Nations.
All captured soldiers will be deported to Rotovia to stand trial for Unlawfully Entering Reformed Oceania: With the intent to wage war, as soon as they are released as Prisioners of War.
I'm Louise Brown, and you heard it first here... on Rotovian National News"
13-06-2004, 03:21
Official Reaction Of The Credonian President
"Heh, this is funny. Lets keep watching, i think we'll catch a few more laughs then our movie"
OOC: I've never been ashamed of my own RPing before...
Three nuclear missiles has been shot at UKN Cities and Military Bases.
^^^ This one is a UKN city ^^^
^^^ This on is a UKN/Rotovian Airforce Base
We still have more, and not afraid to use them.
OOC: I've never been ashamed of my own RPing before...
I see nothing wrong..
UMN 5th Intelligence Division, Cassandra watches her monitor as hundreds of Armed Knights civilians and NPCs are mowed down by Rotovian troops
"Ugh...I can't believe those Armed Knights haven't discovered colored film yet..."
"Serves them right for attacking the UKN...I hope Athena is ok..." said Cassandra, "I'll write my report later...Maybe all those pamphlets strewn across the UKN and Rotovia, showing nukes being blown up over poorly Photoshopped UKN and Rotovia targets, symbolizes Armed Knight's way of 'n|_|k1n6' targets and junk...Those things are just making a mess of the streets..."
OOC: honestly...this is a very gruesome(sp) and sad picture...if someone wants me to remove it...i will gladly do so...
13-06-2004, 05:41
Roach-Busters officially condemns both sides but will remain neutral. We would recommend peace negotiations, and you would be more than welcome to hold them in our nation.
United Korean Nations
13-06-2004, 05:48
ooc: Armed Knights what is your problem with me? you Nuked me twice in a row now!
1 million Koreans have been killed in the Fighting, the Military Base was a Suurplus weapons depot with some AK-47s and T-34s, and Athena Vathwood has annouced from here vacation in Matich;
"i have not been assainated."
United Korean Nations
13-06-2004, 05:49
UMN 5th Intelligence Division, Cassandra watches her monitor as hundreds of Armed Knights civilians and NPCs are mowed down by Rotovian troops
"Ugh...I can't believe those Armed Knights haven't discovered colored film yet..."
"Serves them right for attacking the UKN...I hope Athena is ok..." said Cassandra, "I'll write my report later...Maybe all those pamphlets strewn across the UKN and Rotovia, showing nukes being blown up over poorly Photoshopped UKN and Rotovia targets, symbolizes Armed Knight's way of 'n|_|k1n6' targets and junk...Those things are just making a mess of the streets..."
OOC: honestly...this is a very gruesome(sp) and sad picture...if someone wants me to remove it...i will gladly do so...
ooc: yes please, replace it with something else.
13-06-2004, 05:58
Terry Harris, Minister of Foerign Affairs has stated the following a press conference after a parliment meeting:
"I condemn the acts of Armed Knights, as well does Prime Minister Helms who I am also representing. Three nuclear bombs have already been launched at an innocent UKN. Millions who didnot dsesevre to die have because of the Armed Knights. This is discraceful! Buechoria would intervene if we were not already at war..."
In the Presidential Briefing Room sat the men, and women, who would decide the fate of Rotovia... and possible the world. These were the Members of National Defence Commission, known simply as the N.D.C. Every Member held immunity under the National Securities Act and were both the cause and prevention of nearly every military conflict Rotovia had faced.
At the head of the table sat President Baccheus, President of Rotovia, to his right sat VicePresident Julia Aptiva and to his left was the Minister for National Defence and Internal Security, Senator Ivana Cuvalo, known best her hard-line polcies on defence. The remaining key-figures were, Fleet Admiral Helen Charters, General Isaac Hawldings, Dr Peter Misso and Admiral Juliette Baccheus.
By this time all Members were noticabley anxious by the time President Baccheus sat down, he opened the dossier infront of him and wasted no time getting to the point.
President: "Thoughts people?"
The General was the first to respond in his gruff military-tone and curt reply, indictive of a man of the Army.
General: "We have to nip this thing in the butt, they have to know if they prick us... we'll stab 'em right in the heart..."
There was an eery squeeking of chairs as the Members eased around in their chairs, not quite liking the General's rather colourful analogy. If not for the more cultured intervention of Admiral Baccheus the silence would have gone on longer.
Admiral: "Surely not General? Before us is the issue of lives and not something that can be put down to a childish push and shove match"
President: "Indeed, Dr Misso...?"
Doctor: "If we are to do it, we must act now..."
Senator: "Exactly, but before we do there must be absolute unity"
VicePresident: "And obsolute resolve, can we all stomach this?"
Fleet Admiral: "I will have to defer to the Doctor on this one, if we do not act we will loos face and open ourselves to further attacks..."
General: "It is better to appear ruthless than impotent, sir"
President: "Let's have a vote, raise your hand is you are agreed to act in this mannor..."
Scanning the room he notices the gradual rasing of every hand, unanimous concent.
President: "Then it's agreed, I infront of you is the nesscary papers... if you sign them I will have the orders sent out immediatly."
Soldier: "Sir, we have just received these order or Enigma II..."
Commader: "Is their confirmation?"
Soldier: "Yes sir..."
Commander: "Sent a reply to Ministry for National Defence, request a second confirmation... this is big"
Soldier: "No need sir, a third confirmation was sent..."
Commander: "From who?"
Soldier: "The President myself..."
Commander: "Then do it..."
Removing a keycard from his wallet, the Commander enters a code into the computer. Two additional soldiers do the same, before entering the code on the three documents infront of them.
Commander: "May God have mercy on us all..."
Rotovian National News
Reporters: "...just moment ago a full-scale nuclear assault was launched upon Armed Knights, in response to their use of nuclear weapons against Rotovian troops.
As yet we have no casualty reports, however twelve missiles were targetted on military installation, and major infastructure.
There has been no word from the Government as yet, except to indicate that they remain dedicated to protecting our allies..."
OOC: Actually, UKN, it was three nukes... As I posted, three pictures. Oh and for the AK sniper, I said the sniper shot an UKN leader.. that can be a Treasurer or Military Advisior... etc.
The two nukes launched at Knights Mainland kill over 500,000 people including a military base of 200 soldiers (defense). Altho, there was an extra nuke found at the capitol of Armed Knights, but has not yet exploded. The nuke was taken away from the capitol and to an abandoned ship out in the middle of the ocean.
An temporoyily peace treaties are acceptable. The treaty will give both of us time to rebuild out population and army, but more than 2 million people died in this first battle.
Terms of Peace Treaty
Article One: All forces of Armed Knights are to stand immediatly and without delay.
Article Two: All forces of Armed Knights are to withdraw from the United Korean Nations.
Article Three: Armed Knights shall acknowledge a victory by the forces of Rotovia and the United Korean Nations.
Article Four: Armed Knights may continue self-government with no penalty.
Article Five: No penalty shall be sought against Rotovia or the United Korean Nations.
Article Six: Forces from all parties are to be granted free passage for the purposes of returnign home only
Article Seven: Armed Knights if to assume the following flag, as a sign of respect towards Rotovia.
No... No..
This treaty last only a 3 RL month period. This is not a permanet treaty. This treaty states NO attacks from either sides. The forces of Armed Knights will remain at UKN, but only a colony, that takes up a city. No attacks or claimings.
During or after the treaty, we can discuss an permanet treaty we both can agree on.
Armed Knights Republic
President of Foreign Affairs: John C. Mendice
Terms of Temporary Peace Treaty
Article One: All forces of Armed Knights are to stand immediatly and without delay.
Article Two: All forces of Armed Knights are to withdraw from the United Korean Nations.
Article Three: Armed Knights shall acknowledge a victory by the forces of Rotovia and the United Korean Nations.
Article Four: Armed Knights may remain within international waters.
Article Five: No penalty shall be sought against Rotovia or the United Korean Nations.
Article Six: Forces from all parties are to be granted free passage for the purposes of returning home only
Terms of Temporary Peace Treaty
Article One: All forces of Armed Knights are to stand immediatly and without delay.
Article Two: All forces of Armed Knights are to withdraw from the United Korean Nations.
Article Three: Armed Knights shall acknowledge a victory by the forces of Rotovia and the United Korean Nations.
Article Four: Armed Knights may remain within international waters.
Article Five: No penalty shall be sought against Rotovia or the United Korean Nations.
Article Six: Forces from all parties are to be granted free passage for the purposes of returning home only
Change Article 3 to Armed Knights is acknowledged as being retreated to a colony.
14-06-2004, 06:09
Terms of Temporary Peace Treaty
Article One: All forces of Armed Knights are to stand immediatly and without delay.
Article Two: All forces of Armed Knights are to withdraw from the United Korean Nations.
Article Three: Armed Knights shall acknowledge a victory by the forces of Rotovia and the United Korean Nations.
Article Four: Armed Knights may remain within international waters.
Article Five: No penalty shall be sought against Rotovia or the United Korean Nations.
Article Six: Forces from all parties are to be granted free passage for the purposes of returning home only
note: this is a puppet of UKN.
Terms of Temporary Peace Treaty
Article One: All forces of Armed Knights are to stand immediatly and without delay.
Article Two: All forces of Armed Knights are to withdraw from the United Korean Nations.
Article Three (Amended): Armed Knights is hencforth retreated to a colony.
Article Four: Armed Knights may remain within international waters.
Article Five: No penalty shall be sought against Rotovia or the United Korean Nations.
Article Six: Forces from all parties are to be granted free passage for the purposes of returning home only[/quote]
Change Article 3 to Armed Knights is acknowledged as being retreated to a colony.[/quote]