Minority Population deported.
11-06-2004, 10:19
TNN News Excerpts
"In offical news today, as part of Welfare, and Purity reforms, The Tersanctan Government has commisioned over 5000 Transport Ships too deport the 450,000 plus Elven Refugee Population."
"...There has been much backlash from Civil Rights Groups,a nd Government Watchdog agencies..."
"...over 45 Repoted injured in rioting taking place in largely Elven Communities..."
"...Police have taken control of the situation, though Southern Tersanctus still remains in an Uproar..."
"...Over 300,000 have already been shipped out too countries and lands willing too take the Innocent Refugees.."
Secret IC, Executors Mansion
"There will be some backlash in International relations with this, Executor."
"Bah, I dont care, get those pointy-eared freaks outta my land!"
The Ctan
11-06-2004, 10:34
Press Conference, Imperial Palace, Duat.
"…As usual, we are making all efforts to pick up these refugees. We have already successfully interdicted two hundred and fifty thousand of these refugees."
A private reporter spoke up, questioning the nondescript officer of the Emperor, “Shouldn’t Menelmacar be doing this?” he asked, “Sirithil does claim to be the ‘protector of elves.’”
There was a long, uncomfortable pause. The man listened to something inside his mind, “Yes. Yes they should. The Empire is beginning to doubt the veracity of that claim in the current situation.”
“You mean we no longer recognise that title?” the reporter asked.
“Err, well…” another pause. “Not at this time. No.”
The Atheists Reality
11-06-2004, 10:55
Message to Executor Christopher Dantes
lord dantes, the government of Tar has decided it is willing to take in an amount of elves not to exceed 100,000, they shall be picked up by several soras, We hope there shall be no interference in the collection.
yours, Sir Lavido Corados
The Ctan
11-06-2004, 11:10
"You said what?" The fairly low ranking officer stammered something.
The Emperor darted forward, and grabbed him by the collar, and, saying, "You're fired," flung him through the window. Literally. The window remained, and he began the very long drop from the Emperor's office. Mepeht'ran wandered over to the desk and said, "Ilene, issue a retraction..."
As an afterthought he slowed the falling ex-employee down so that he 'merely' broke his leg upon his rather uncomfortable landing in the gardens below.
Red Scandinavia
11-06-2004, 11:12
The Peoples' Federation has more than ample space for the remaining 100,000 deported elves - Having no elven population we know integration into our glorious nation may be hard, but the equvialent of 1,5 billion USD has been taken off the budget to properly house, support and integrate these elves in Sweden and Denmark till they become accepted and productive citizens of the federation.
11-06-2004, 11:43
Celdonia abhorrs such treatment of minorities and condems the actions of the Tersanctan government.
However, given the current plight of the refugee population, we offer to take as many of the displaced population as we can cope with. We recognise that most would prefer to relocate to elven nations, but offer then residency in Celdonia or a staging platform from where they move on to a destination of their choice.
Mike McKay,
Celdonian Foreign Minister.
Dyelli Beybi
11-06-2004, 11:53
Unable to resist putting the boot in, and flying completely in the face of their own laws which make it considered illegal to be an elf, the Dyelli Beybian Government drafted up a letter of condemnation,
Here we see once again the evil perpetrated by Tersanctus. Tersanctacus is a vile Imperialistic state who's beady eyes of conquest have turned now onto Mother Klatch, specifically the Republics of Dyelli Beybi. They accuse us of violations of human rights, of being a threat to world security, yet here they show themselves for the hippocrites they are.
The leaders of Tersanctus are little more than warmongering genocidal maniacs.
11-06-2004, 12:00
The Republic of Anime-Otakus condemn Tersanctus for what she sees as the ill-treatment of minorities. However, in the name of international goodwill, the Republic will send two Silverwind-II class atmospheric transports escorted by four TAS-02 mod.00 Moebius Zero Mobile Armors to pick up 5000 of the deported elves (We are currently making adjustments to our economy and are unable to take in more). We hope that clearance will be given to them immediately and seek assurance that there shall be no interference with this operation.
Suga Sayaka
Foreign Minister
Republic of Anime-Otakus
11-06-2004, 13:04
At least we have the decency too Deport them, rather than burn them.
We care not of your accusations, as your flapping toungues will soon be ripped from your skulls.
Oh, and have a nice day too.
Executor Christoper Dantes
Imperial Republic of Tersanctus
Kunghshao Hungers
11-06-2004, 13:04
At least we have the decency too Deport them, rather than burn them.
We care not of your accusations, as your flapping toungues will soon be ripped from your skulls.
Oh, and have a nice day too.
Executor Christoper Dantes
Imperial Republic of Tersanctus
Kunghshao Hungers
Five Civilized Nations
11-06-2004, 13:29
Dracun imperium
11-06-2004, 13:34
The Dracun imperium alo severly condems these action in an offical statement released by Clan Chancellor Manstara
We are heavily disapointed in the state of Tersanctus. We condem these actions an encourage other nation to condem. Even though we have no trade with the state of Tersanctus we are putting sanctions on their nation. We encourage all other nations to do the same. To show the world elves are sentient also not some mindless people.
offical dracun statement
11-06-2004, 13:44
The Government of Falastur also offer to house as many Elves as need a new residence.
We merely ask, if it is possible, that you might tell us roughly how many Elves we are requested to take, so that we might make appropriate logistical arrangements.
Dyelli Beybi
12-06-2004, 02:37
Military analysts indicate the course of events suggested by the Executor to be highly unlikely.
The Horned Rat
12-06-2004, 02:42
we will gladly take in the pointy ones to, er...."accomodate" them....
Chellis will take them in, to torres (Chellian subcontinent)... There are many elves there, as its the only place in the Chellian Empire where Sirithilists(and so many elves) are allowed to be... Not that there arent many prominent non sirithilist elves...
Anyways, they will be given $10,000 Chellian Euros to begin, so that they may rent apartments or whatnot, and play the game(chellian economic system ;) )
Music Nuts
12-06-2004, 03:03
Executor Christopher Dantes:
The Federation of Music Nuts (FoMN) deplores the action recently taken to expel members of your minority population. We strongly believe that inclusion of members of a wide variety of races strengthens a nation, rather than weakens it.
As a small nation, The Federation is not currently prepared for a large influx of refugees. However, we are willing to extend an invitation for up to 25,000 Elves to join us on Manitou Heights. If this is acceptable with your government, we will make immediate arrangements for air transport from Tersanctus to FoMN.
In harmony,
Alexander Borodin
Secretary of Health and Welfare
The Horned Rat
12-06-2004, 03:04
We will PAY you to deport elves to us!
Der Auftrag
12-06-2004, 03:09
The empire of Der Auftrag has sent three Class C Megaloth Transports to freely take 50,000 of these elves from Tersanctus. No questions will be asked aslong as you dont ask us any. Our nation will kindly place them on an artificial moon within out region. Do you accept?
12-06-2004, 03:23
Gosselania will gladly accept up to 15,000 elvish refugees.
In addition, we condemn the act of racial segregation and deportation, and are also imposing sanctions on Tersanctus.
Secret IC to Dracun:
To help the displaced Tersanctan elves, and to ensure that the Tersanctus government learns to respect its citizens, we propose a total trade blockade of Tersanctus.
We propose sea and air cover of the nation in an effort to cripple its economy and force the Executor to allow the Elves to return to their homes. It is commendable that so many nations have taken in refugees, but they should not have to.
We can contribute 2 Destroyers and 5 Frigates to the force, but we regret that we only have a small coastal defence Navy. (http://meinfuhrericanwalk.spymac.net). We hope that you can contribute at least an aircraft carrier battle group, and whatever surface forces you see fit. We would also seek support and contributions from other nations. We look forward to your response,
Admiral H. Holst, Imperial Gosselin Navy
Somewhere in Vrak...
Translated from Vrakian.
-What news?
-It appears that Tersanctus is now deporting elves from their nation.
-Interesting. It certainly appears that their justification for war against the Klatch grows weaker every day.
-Well, Dyelli Beybi still does burn them...
-That is still unconfirmed. Besides which, doesn't a nation have the right to secure their own borders? Next you would be telling me that it's okay for homosexual monkeys to wander our lands because they are living beings. Never mind the fact that a homosexual monkey would sooner eat your face off than look at you.
-You're quite right sir. Shall we issue a statement?
-Of course. I'll do it up myself.
To: Executor Christoper Dantes
From: Vrak Diplomatic Corps
Subject: Elves
We are glad to see that you generate backlash for your increasing political blunders. Try to remember that since Nekoa Bay did fail, then the FKC is not bound by any such agreement. We add that one of the reasons why those negotiations failed was because of the elven clause - which ultimately sought to control the internal affairs of the Klatch.
We realize that you do not know nor sought to educate yourself in the inner workings of the Klatch, but each province can make their own laws as they see fit. Sovereignty is something that we value.
We once did admire you for standing up to Menelmacar and leaving the UE to chart your own path. But, you are growing desperate in your attempt to manufacture reasons to wage war against the FKC. Hence, you are becoming...annoying.
Dracun imperium
12-06-2004, 03:36
Secret ic to Gosselania: We accept your offer. He has no right to deport elves. they are as sentient as a human beings. We will contribute the following naval vessels
4 tidal class battleships
4 seawolf subs
4 lightning carriers
We hope this is suffieceint(sp) due to we are heavily involved in wars around the globe we are sorry we cannot contribute more
On behalf of the Xocotl Cluster, we are willing to accept 300,000 of the elven refugees aboard the ambassador ship: Verdant Phoenix. We also condemn Tersanctus for their actions.
12-06-2004, 07:19
Tersanctus: Gosselania and the Dracun Imperium are blockading your nation.
Any ships steaming to your shores will be halted or sunk. Any aircraft attempting to supply you will be intercepted and shot down if they do not comply.
We demand that you accept the Elvish peoples back into your nation, that they are allowed full rights under the laws of your nation, and that their freedom as a people is ensured.
We and the Dracuns stand united to condemn your actions and promote tolerance and acceptance.
The Ctan
12-06-2004, 09:54
Chellis will take them in, to torres (Chellian subcontinent)... There are many elves there, as its the only place in the Chellian Empire where Sirithilists(and so many elves) are allowed to be... Not that there arent many prominent non sirithilist elves...
OOC: "Sirithilism" isn't a religion widely practised by elves...
The Atheists Reality
12-06-2004, 10:27
Tersanctus: Gosselania and the Dracun Imperium are blockading your nation.
Any ships steaming to your shores will be halted or sunk. Any aircraft attempting to supply you will be intercepted and shot down if they do not comply.
We demand that you accept the Elvish peoples back into your nation, that they are allowed full rights under the laws of your nation, and that their freedom as a people is ensured.
We and the Dracuns stand united to condemn your actions and promote tolerance and acceptance.
ooc: ahahahahaha! terse isnt even going to bother with responding to it :roll:
12-06-2004, 11:20
OOC: Actually,TAR, I will, just for shits 'n giggles.
Enemy fleets barely a fraction of the size of the Tersanctan Defense Force began whining about the Elven Deportation.
The reported Forces were:
4 tidal class battleships
4 seawolf subs
4 lightning carriers
2 Destroyers and 5 Frigates
Inbound, Over 60 Arkhangelsk-Class Destroyers, 40 Guided Missile Cruisers, 35 Guided Missile Destroyers, 15 Carriers, 20 Type-45 Friagtes, 20 Type 42 Frigates, 23 Attack-Class Submarines, and Eight Arsenal Ships (500 VLS Tomohawk Lauching Platform) converged on the puny Sanctions Fleet.
Reportedly over 15,000 Missiles, torpedos, Guided Laser Bombs, etc. were fired on the Ships...it was highly doughted there were any survivors, but then theres always hope.
Meanwhile....at the Bat-Transmission Cave
"Too all nations seeking the Allowance of these Elves into thier Borders, we have taken them into international waters, any seeking thier admittance, will travel there with there own transport vessels, and pick them up. That is all."
"And too the Klatchians, I have but this too say. Save your breath cowards, youll need it for when you scream....I am coming for you."
Executor Christopher Dantes
Imperial Republic of Tersanctus
12-06-2004, 11:39
Somewhere in Macisikan
Intern: "My lord Regent! My Lord Regent! Tersanctus has begun exiling an entire minority population!"
Regent: "This is terrible! A crime against humanity and an abomination in the eyes of God!"
Press officer: "Shall I contact the External Affairs Ministry, my lord Regent?"
Regent:"Immediately, tell them that we condemn this deplorable and reprehensible action against... what minority group was that again?"
The intern consults some notes, and frowns in puzzlement
Intern: "Uh, "elves", my lord Regent..."
Regent: "Elves? Do we have any? No? Didn't think so... elves... hang on a second, does anyone know if they actually exist?"
General shrugging and shaking of heads
Regent: "In that case..."
Official Response of the Holy Empire of Macisikan
-Issued by the Ministry of External Affairs.
Dyelli Beybi
12-06-2004, 12:56
Imperialist Capitolist Pig-dogs. Your 'armies' will be slaughtered upon the beaches and the corpses fed to the crocodiles. Klatch will never bow to the brazen warmongering of a young upstart fascist, pagan, sodomite. Klatch is more than some playgroung for the toy armies of the supposed 'Nation' of Tersanctus, it is a proud and ancient Nation. It cannot be conquered by a foolish adolescent with a preference for young boys and his so called 'army' of underexperienced, overvaunted aristocratic lackeys, better suited for a parade ground than for any real combat.
The Grand Vizier of Eastern Benjia
Eamon Collins.
12-06-2004, 13:25
A Fleet of Converted Liners has been dispatched to take as many Elves as see fit to join us. The Fleet has space for around 120,000, however we can dispatch more ships if necessary.
Music Nuts
12-06-2004, 17:01
Executor Christopher Dantes:
As a small land-locked nation, the Federation of Music Nuts does not have any transport ships available to pick up refugee elves. We again offer to have several of our airplanes come to Tersanctus to pick up the elves for relocation. If this proposal is not acceptable, please inform us of a location where we may meet and make the exchange.
As an alternative, if you would be willing to send several pilots who are capable of landing on an aircraft carrier to the Federation, and who are willing to fly our planes to your fleet for transfer, we would welcome this as a possible solution as well.
In harmony,
Alexander Borodin
Secretary of Health and Welfare
Federation of Music Nuts
Greater WallyWorld
14-06-2004, 01:49
26-06-2004, 17:09
The Republic regards Tersanctus' words as insults. However much, our Silverwind-IIs are already leaving your airspace with 10000 of your deported elves. The Republic has since decieded to cut diplomatic relations with Tersanctus for an indefinite period of time.
Relena Peacecraft
Secretary of the Foreign Affairs Office
Republic of Anime-Otakus
Drakonian Imperium
17-07-2004, 03:11
It is with deep sadness that the Grand Dominion of Drakonian Imperium must comdemn it long-time ally and neighbor. Loyal citizens of any nation should not be treated as they have been in Tersanctus, a long nation of honor. No justification is good enough.
However strained our alliance is now we are still allies and the acts of agression perpetrated by the rogue states of Gosselania and Dracun will not be tolerated. The Imperium hereby declares a status of war again these agressors. Any Gosselanian or Dracun vessels encountered on the open sea will be captured or sunk. Any vessels entering Tersanctan or Drakonian Soveriegn Waters will be treated the same. Economic Sanctions as well have been enacted throughout the Greater Drakonian Economy.
All Tersanctan Elves wishing to live in the Imperium will be granted nationalization. Full immigration will be allowed. As well, Drakonian Vessels have been dispatch to escort the Tersanctan Transport Ships to safe port. The Imperial Drakonian Navy Oceanic Fleets have also been notified to provide escort to where ever the refugees may go to call their new and more hospitable home. Escort will as well be offered to the other international humanitarian vessels.
It is a sad day when one of the champions of good, acts as one of the cowards of evil. We can only hope Tersanctus will come to it's senses and reverse this travesty.
Drakonian Diplomatic Corps.
located in Drako Throne,
capital of the Grand Dominion of Drakonian Imperium
17-07-2004, 07:46
I believe that Tersanctus is not in the wrong here, it is the nations that are blockading thier ports and making threats against them. It is none of your business if Tersanctus decides to deport certain people, it is the right of any sovereign nation to do so. Don't like it? Tough shit, there's nothing you can legally do about it. If I chose to deport elves, there wouldn't be a God damn thing anyone could do about it, because I have the right do decide who I want inside my borders.
A blockade against Tersanctus is an open act of war, and if this blockade continues we will be forced into action to protect our blood ally.
---Damien the Destroyer---
-Supreme Warlord of AMF-
Warring Barbarians
21-08-2004, 20:56
we will gladly take in the pointy ones to, er...."accomodate" them....
Anyone need a better safer nation go to SNBG but also you need a password and TG me.
Elves and Men United
21-08-2004, 21:00
Anyone need a better safer nation go to SNBG but also you need a password and TG me.