Bleland asks other nations to join the fight against the CAD.
OOC: In case anyone is wondering who the actual bad guys are, Crimsdale is the actual bad guy. Crimsdale said that Vladimir was an evil dictator and this is propaganda (it can’t be real because it would be god modding to force another player to be an evil dictator) Vladimir had never stated that he was an evil dictator who killed his own people in an OOC or even secret IC post. So the accusations from Crimsdale were either god modding or propaganda, and since the former is not allowed, it’s probably the latter (it would be god modding to force another player to kill their own people, just like it would be god modding for me to say that everyone in Crimdale committed suicide)
New Development.
Doomingsland, a member of the CAD stated their lack of concern for the wellbeing of Vladimir civilians, despite the fact that the CAD stated in the first war that they have the civilians’ best interest in mind.
"To Vladimir- We'll leave your country if, and only if, you surrender yourself to us. Those are our terms, the fact that your civilians are burning themselves means nothing to us." - Doomingsland
A direct quote, see if for yourself.
Bleland encourages Nations to join the war against the CAD in Vladimir, what kind of peace keeping force doesn’t care about civilians? The CAD is not on a peacekeeping mission, they are trying to take over another nation.
Here is a link to the war if anyone is interested in helping.
Facts on the first war:
Members of the CAD: Crimsdale, Doomingsland, Imperial Artica: agreed to help Vladimir Stremouchov with the rebels and turned on him.
They claimed he had killed many people, civilians. They provided tapes which Vladimir denounced as fabricated lies. These nations did not provide any proof that they were in fact real. They also spoke of a mass grave and invited others to inspect. Halberdanger inspected and announced they were fake.
Imperial Artica then made a demand that Vladimir explain the tapes but did not take into account the possibilities of situations arising which would prevent him from responding. After an explanation of what delayed him Imperial Artica still sided with Crimsdale and Doomingsland.
They said they had nothing to gain by fabricating lies, but at the end of the first war what had happened? If they had nothing to gain why is there a city named New Crimsdale?
A quote from Vladimir
“"My new territory" and how Crimsdale has "merly given the freedom loving people of Vladimir a place to rest and live in peace." (directly quoted) Im sure they people love you crimsdale, when my spy plane photos show your troops marching them into iron mines, and working 24/7, with little or no food. Hospitals shut down so the medical supplies can be shiped back to crimsdale, and my funuture restoration workers are working for nothing. PEACEKEEPERS, somthing must be done about this, MY people are suffering, and crimsdale continues his propaganda. Send your own spyplanes, see for yourself. Crimsdale has taken advantage of the situation and is using the "colony" as a source of revenue, for which he has to put no money into. what does this mean? 100% profit for him! Crimsdale must be stoped now! Anybody willing to commence peace and situational talks please send me a telegram via the NationStates service. Thanks”
After the war a term for peace proposed, no demanded, by Imperial Artica
The 3 citys under CAD control be returned to Vladimir. But for the next 3 years, 75% of all ressources and produced goods must be shipped out to CAD nations.
Vladimir thought it was a bit much but offered 45%, this was met with bargaining. The end result was 48%
No gain? I don’t think so.
Earlier on:
A quote from Crimsdale’s militia
“Vladimir we give you are word that we will fight for you, we know that all the videos and mass graves have actualy been faked by the Army. We wish to join you,”
Vladimir then asked for peace talks which Crimsdale answered
“We will not so easily give up your peoples land, we have more troops and care little for the surrendered ones. We wish that you step down and let another ruler take control. If you fail to do so we will send in our elite troops.
Currently we will be sending in 200,000 new fresh troops. We are now very low on money and supplies but your people are generously giving up thier own food for our reinforcment troops.”
When is it justified for a peace keeping force to take food from civilians? Food that they need to survive?
The situation grew worse for Vladimir, a direct quote
“As for the rebels, I as owner of the Soviet Union Expanse Give them 400 square miles of land in the west to start their own country, and I ask that anyone willing to give them extra funds so they can set up their cities and raise industry quicker please do so. I Am just trying to get my country back. Since the rebels have been satisfied, all that remains is my southernland, and crimsdales troops,”
Afterwards the CAD still wouldn’t let Vladimir keep his country
“The "war" is between me and crimsdale now for control of my own country”
Halberdanger made a good point as tensions were rising
“Let's not forget, your ally Crimsdale is seizing land that does not belong to him, and has started a conflict without any real proof. We should all do well to examine this more carefully, don't you find it odd that Crimsdale spontaneously broke into Vladimir's land, called him a mass-murderer and then started to assume control?”
Imperial Artica’s response was to admit it’s imperialistic attitude
“I have no hidden ambitions, I admit that I am very imperialistic. I like to conquer things.”
Vladimir continues to try to reach an agreement
“Alas, I have returned. To buisness. I am eager to re-aquire my southern land. Crimsdale I am willing to give you money, scientific research, hell even english muffins if you cecede my country and we either become freindly or neutral, hostile if it must be, but I'd prefer to just get this incedent over with. Nobody here wants a massive war. All the death, and for what? control of the southern part of a small nation. If we could actually start to discuss terms of agreement I would be greatly abliged”
It was rather ironic, Imperial Artica demanded that the other countries not get involved when Imperial Artica would not leave to let Vladimir and Crimsdale sort things out for themselves.
Fighting broke out.
When Crimsdale started fighting his opening attack was a biological attack
“Rockets fired from the forward lines as Crimsdale launched it's L12 tactical missiles. Attached to them were type5 anthrax packages.”
The war continued in Vladimir’s country
Doomingsland spread miss information about an attack on CAD nations’ homeland
“In response to Japanses Antartica's attacks on CAD soil, the president made it clear in a speech today that he would ‘use all nessesary force to defend our homeland and liberate the oppresed peoples of Vladimir.’”
Note: Japanese Antarctica did not attack any CAD homeland countries.
Doomingsland then asked for a ceasefire, there had been a terrorist attack by communists.
“We would like ceasefire, we might be able to work this out peacefully and prevent any more loss of life. Our main concern now is the commies, since they killed 70 inncent people in a cowardly attack.”
Note: The rebels fighting in Vladimir were also communist.
Crimsdale also attempted to use a nuclear weapon
“The capitol of New Crimsdale exploded into flame, what was set to suprise the enemy became such a waste, 1 nuclear bomb exploding in the center of the medium sized city blowing only the civilians who failed to retreat to the underground bunkers.”
As stated before, the CAD demanded economic exports at the end of this war.