NationStates Jolt Archive

Teh Ninja's Military Arms Storefront...

Teh ninjas
10-06-2004, 23:43
Teh Ninja's is happy to announce, that TN Military Arms Industries, will now be selling it's products overseas. All products are made with the greatest amount of care and precision. Every purchase is non-refundable, and can be sent faster if there's such a need. Please do your own math
AIS Members-10%

Armored Vehicales
This Armored Tracked Vehicale has a low silhouette, and a long sloping front which presents a smaller target than an average Tracked Infantry Vehicale. Soldiers from inside are able to shoot their weapons from inside the vehicale.
Dimensions:Length21ft; width10ft4in; height6ft7in
Armament:one 30mm cannon; one AT-5 Anti Tank Missile Launcher;One 7.62mm coaxial Machine Gun
Power:one Model UTD-20 six cylinder diesel engine developing 300 HP
Performance:Max road speed 40.6mph; fording amphibious; verticale obstacle 2.4ft; trench 8.2ft


Warrior Tracked Infantry Vehicale
This vehicale has spectacular armor protection, and packs a nasty punch. Though not amphibious like the BMP-2D, it is slightly faster, can travel longer, and is a capable fighting vehicale on the battle
Weight:25,700 KG
Dimensions:length 20.10ft;width 10ft; height 9.2ft
Armament:one Rarden 30mm Cannon; one 7.62 co-axial Machine Gun; four smoke dischagers
Powerplanet:one Perkins V-8 Diesel engine developing 550HP
Performance:maximum road speed 46.8mph; fording 4ft 3in; vertical obstacle 2.5ft; trench 8.2ft


M2 Bradley
The M2 Bradley's armor is made of aluminum with a layer of spaced laminate armour for added protection. It contains firing ports which allows the soldiers inside to fire from within the vehicale. This vehicale is fully NBC protected, and often operates with Main battle tanks
Dimensions:length21.2ft; width10.6ft; height 9ft
Armament:one Hughes Helicopter 25mm Chain Gun; one 7.62mm co-axial machine gun; two anti-tank launchers
Powerplant:one Cummins eight cylinder diesel; developing 500hp
Performance:Maximum road speed 41mph; fording amphibious; vertical obstacle 3ft; trench 8.4 ft


BMD-1 Tracked Infantry Vehicale
The BMD-1 was specifically designed for use in airborne divisions to give increased firepower, and mobility for airborne soldiers. This vehicale has adjustable ground clearance, it is fully amphibious, NBC protected, and contains a smoke generating system. It's fairly light weight enables it to be transported via large cargo aircraft.
Dimensions:length 17.9ft; width 9.8ft; height 6.6ft
Range:200 Miles
Armament:one 73mm cannon; one co-axial 7.62mm Machine Gun; two front mounted 7.62mm Machine Guns, one AT-3 Sagger Air to Ground Missile
Powerplant:one V-6 liquid-cooled diesel engine developing 240 HP
Performance:maximum road speed 43mph; fording amphibious;vertical obstacle 2.8ft; trench 5.3ft


Scimitar Light Battle Tank
The Scimitar was at first mainly used in a fire support role, it's powerful Rarden cannon is able to penetrate all light armored vehicales, and the side armor of most main battle tanks.
Dimensions:length 15.9ft; width 7.4ft; height 6.11ft
Armament:one 30mm Rarden cannon; one 12.7mm Machine Gun
Powerplant:one Jaguar 4.2liter petrol engine developing 190hp
Performance:Maximum Road speed 50mph; fording 3.6ft; vertical obstacle 11.8ft; trench 6.9ft


T-72 Main Battle Tank
The T-72 MBT is a easy to maintain, and operate tank. This means that this tank would be an ideal tank for conscript army's. It is versatile, and can be equipt for deep-fording in a matter of minutes, something many tanks cannot do. It is fully NBC protected, and can be produced in an effective amount of numbers.
Dimensions:length 30.4ft; width 15.7ft; height 7.9ft
Armament:one 125mm rifled gun; one 12.7 anti-aircraft Machine Gun; one 7.62 co-axial Machine Gun
Powerplant:one V-46 Diesel Engine developing 840hp
Performance:Maximum Road Speed 50 Mph; fording; 4.7ft; vertical obstacle 2.9ft; trench 9.2ft


T-80 Main Battle Tank
The T-80 features a fully stabalized 125mm cannon, and was capable of firing a greater array of ammuntion including depleted uranium shells. The T-80 included 4 dischargers which could launch decoys to distract enemy missiles. It also has adjustable ground clearance, for better cross country mobility.
Dimensions:length 32.6ft; width 11.2ft; height 7.3ft
Range:281 Miles
Armament:one 125mm cannon; one 12.7mm anti-aircraft machine gun; one 7.62 co-axial machine gun
Powerplant:one V-46 V-12 Diesel Engine developing 840 MPH
Performance:Maximum road speed 50mph; fording 4.7ft; vertical obstacle 2.9ft; trench 9.2ft


M1A2 Main Battle Tank
The M1A2 Main Battle Tank has exceptional Chobham armor, which makes the M1A2 the best protected Tank currently in service in the United States.M1A2 tanks are fully NBC protected, and contains a gas turbine engine.
Dimensions:length 32.25ft; width 12ft; height 7.80ft
Armament:one 120mm cannon; two 7.62mm Machine Guns, one 12.7mm machine gun
Performance:Maximum Road speed 42mph; 5.1ft; vertical obstacle 42in; Vertical Trench 9ft
Powerplant:AGT-1500 Gas Turbine Engine, developing 1500 HP


StingRay Light Battle Tank
The Stingray is an exceptional Light Battle Tank. It has stabalization devices for it's cannon, it's fully NBC protected, and has the firepower of a main battle tank. It's drawback is it's light armor, however equipt with HEAT rounds, this will make little difference. This Light Battle Tank has performace, and power at a lower cost than your standard MBT.
Dimensions:length 30.8ft; width 8.11ft; height 8.4ft
Range:300 miles
Armanment:one 105 rifled cannon; one co-axial 7.62 Machine Gun; one 7.62 anti-aircraft machine gun
Powerplant:one Diesel Model 8V-92 TA diesel engine developing 535HP
Performance:Maximum road speed 43mph; fording 4ft; vertical obstacle 2.6ft; trench 5.7ft


Jaguar Close Air Support AirCraft
The Jaguar Close Support Aircraft is faster than the A-10 Warthog, however cannot a larger payload as the A-10. This aircraft is rather cheap for it's value on the battlefield, and can be used by beginners, and veteran countries alike.
Powerplant:Two Turbomeca/Rolls-Royce Adour 104 turbofans rated at 7,305lb st
(to be finished later)

(More to come. If you have any comments, or questions about my information please TG me. Thank you)
10-06-2004, 23:48
The GBER wishes to purchase 5 BMP-2Ds and 5 Warrior Tracked Infantry Vehicles. We shall test them in our current Anti-Terror ops in Xaniqall. If they prove of good quality and value then we will purchase more of these products. Good day.

~~~£14 million has been wired~~~
Teh ninjas
11-06-2004, 00:17
Order confirmed of 14M. Due to a rush delivery these will be delivered in 1 day, by C-141 Starlifters. Thank you
(I changed the prices a bit but i won't add it on)
11-06-2004, 00:19
Excellent. We look forward to the delivery. When can we expect delivery? We begin our assault on the terrorists in 3 RL days...
Oriental Arab States
11-06-2004, 00:43
the dictadorship of oriental arad states want to by 4 of each vehicle to make testing in the desert if there are sutited for our use, if satisfactory we will by more for a total amount of 694,000,000 fenix feather awaited arrive.
Teh ninjas
11-06-2004, 00:47
30.4Million is confirmed. Your shipment should arrive in 2 NS weeks. Thank you and come again.
11-06-2004, 00:53
the dictadorship of oriental arad states want to by 4 of each vehicle to make testing in the desert if there are sutited for our use, if satisfactory we will by more for a total amount of 694,000,000 fenix feather awaited arrive.

Is this the expected delivery for my order?
Teh ninjas
11-06-2004, 01:09
Teh ninjas
11-06-2004, 01:13
Your shipment should arrive very soon (Check editted post) It was rushed via C-141, and escorted by F-16's. Thank you
11-06-2004, 01:23
Thank you, excellent service. I shall highly recommend Teh Ninjas Storefront.

The vehicles bought will be sent straight to Xaniqall to spearhead the last assault on terrorist scum.
11-06-2004, 01:32
Do what you want to do
11-06-2004, 01:44
would like to buy 30 of each
11-06-2004, 01:45
On Behalf of His Royal Majesty, King Benjamin I

I request 10 T-72 MBTs

<$16000000 has been wired to your oversea account>

Zulu Marcelo
High Council to His Majesty
Do what you want to do
11-06-2004, 01:48
wiring 228 million
Teh ninjas
11-06-2004, 02:09
Both orders are confirmed. Expected delivery for all shipments are 1 NS month. Thank you and come again.
11-06-2004, 02:18
Kinda low prices.... Compared to real life...
Teh ninjas
11-06-2004, 02:30
OCC: Our West, and NorthWest provinces are filled with digging mines. They are mined by criminals, POW's, and anyone else deemed a threat. These people do not receive salaries thus we can produce our materials cheaper. The advance equiptment such as, the laser rangefinders, thermal sights, and stabalization devices are something we can't duplicate so we import these materials disassembled. Which saves us some money aswell. Our prices will rise in the future once demand increases, but since there insn't such a large demand we don't need to increase our prices yet. If you wish to furthur discuss this just TG me. Thank you.
11-06-2004, 02:30
Thank You on behaff of my King and my Country

Zulu Marcelo
High Council to His Majesty
Teh ninjas
11-06-2004, 17:26
bump for the morning
Teh ninjas
11-06-2004, 21:45
Teh ninjas
11-06-2004, 22:33
Teh ninjas
11-06-2004, 22:34
Teh ninjas
11-06-2004, 22:34
Teh ninjas
12-06-2004, 17:19
bump for some new items Aircraft soon
Idle Hands
12-06-2004, 17:43
The young nation of Idle Hands would like to place an order for our Defence Force.

20 BMP-2D
20 M2 Bradley
20 BMD-1
20 M1A2

Total cost 120 Million.

Money will be wired upon confirmation of delivery
12-06-2004, 17:54
I would like 10 of your best tanks. Money wired upon confirmation.
Upward Thinking
12-06-2004, 17:58
:lol: I would like 2000 BMP-2Ds, 1500 Warrior Tracked Vehicles, 2000 M2 Bradleys, 2000 BMD1s, 2000 T-72s, 1500 T-80s, 5000 M1-A1s, and 1000 Stingrays. :lol:
Teh ninjas
14-06-2004, 00:29
last bump of the day.
Teh ninjas
14-06-2004, 00:41
Teh ninjas
14-06-2004, 00:44
Teh ninjas
14-06-2004, 00:45
Patelli17 order of 10 M1A2 confirmed. ETA 1 Month
Idle Hands your order is confirmed. ETA 1month
Upward Thinking your order of 27.95B is confirmed. ETA 8 Months.

Thank you and come again.