Meeting of the International - Page 2
14-06-2004, 02:43
Schützer walked over, hoping he wasn't going to lose his head. "Yes, comrade President?"
The Island of Rose
14-06-2004, 02:48
The President looks at Schutzen.
"Two questions. What do you think of the Island? And would your nation like to have an embassy exchange?"
The Lands of Alex
14-06-2004, 02:49
The Lands of Alex
14-06-2004, 02:50
The door opens and a woman in mens pajamas and a tierra strolls in followed by a woman in jeans and a yellow t-shirt, plus a tierra. In pajamas is Princess Joe Ann and in the jeans is her aunt Princess Stacey.
Joe Ann: "Good morning eveybody."
Stacey: "Its in the afternoon, dear, where is the president?"
Joe Ann: "Over there, I'll get him, HEY MR. PREZ COME SEE!!!!!!!!!"
Princess Stacey blushes.
The Island of Rose
14-06-2004, 02:52
The President looks at the Princess. He excuses himself from his current guest.
"Excuse me..."
He walks towards the Princess.
"I see you got some of my clothes... and who is this wonderful woman next to you?"
By now his tuxedo is all wrinkled and stuff...
14-06-2004, 02:54
"Well, before your admirer rushes you from your feet, I think it's a lovely place. I've been before, remember?" Schützer grimaced momentarily at the memory. "And I will relay your question to the PM, once he gets back from Formal Dances. He'll probably agree. Anyway, enjoy your company!"
"hey look it's princess.." ambassador kerin waved and then went back to writing in a little book that he had pulled out of his coat pocket.
The Island of Rose
14-06-2004, 03:34
OOC: Time to put crappy 80s music.
Bump it all out! Just bump me what it's all about!
The Island of Rose
14-06-2004, 03:47
Bumpity bump, feel free for any form of propaganda to propagize.
The Island of Rose
14-06-2004, 04:31
Bimp ba bump
The Island of Rose
14-06-2004, 05:01
OOC: Me must go sleep, mingle with yourselves @.@
Aztec National League
14-06-2004, 07:07
Jorge turned to where the president was standing, only to see him in another place. 'Hyper, but friendly', Jorge thought. He walked over to the president and said "I was just checking out the archetecture design, very interesting." He then stood back and then spoke again "Although your Villa is beautiful, how is the standard of living in the rest of the nation?"
The Island of Rose
14-06-2004, 16:46
OOC: Bump, hahahahaha I will never let this thread dieeeeee
The Island of Rose
14-06-2004, 17:11
OOC: Bimpy bumpy boo
The Island of Rose
14-06-2004, 17:36
The Island of Rose
14-06-2004, 17:50
la bumpa
The Island of Rose
14-06-2004, 17:58
Oh please someone post to stop the bumping e.e
The Island of Rose
14-06-2004, 18:25
Eh.. bump..
14-06-2004, 18:35
On invitation from the President of the Island of Rose(and the fact that both parties have way to much time on there hands and are bored out of there skulls) the Lord of Dumpsterdam has arived on the Island of Rose via chinook helicopter.
Lord Rift walked out of the helicopter that was parked on the front lawn of the palace, behind him two 9 foot blue armoured men exited the rear ramp of the helicopter and took up position behind him.
Rift turned around to face them. "Alfarius, Smith keep your eyes open but no gun-ho situations like last time okay? The Federal Union is still very upset about you shooting there diplomatic envoy for taking a pen from his pocket to fast." He grinned as the two marines nodded, he turned around again and started walking towards the frontdoors, his bodyguard followed suit. As he walked up the steps to the grand doors he was stopped by two unarmed security officers.
Rift bowed sligtly."I am Lord Rift, from the monarchy of Dumpsterdam, I am expected by your president." He stretched himself out and waited for a reply.
International Terrans
14-06-2004, 18:43
As Sir Francis M. Cybulski III, Prime Minister of the Democratic Federation of International Terrans, walked up the path, he tugged repeatedly upon his rather flamboyant suit. The rose in the lapel was making his eyes water.
"Goddamnit, Blanckovich," he said to the foreign minister accompanying him, "Why do I have to wear this damn monkey suit!?"
"Now, now, sir, we have to put on a nice face for all the other socialists."
The Prime Minister muttered, "I'd rather wear jeans and go as a proletarian..."
He knocked on the door.
The Island of Rose
14-06-2004, 18:50
The President was eating his food, slowly he wasn't that hungry. He then listened to the door knock. He put his fork and knife down, walking towards the door, he thought no one else was coming but I guess he was wrong. He checked his suit to see if his Colt .45 was still inside, and it was. He finally opened the door. He saw the diplomat and Lord Rift.
"I welcome you both to my Villa. I hope your stay was sati-" He saw the Prime Minister's eye water, he looked down at the rose he was wearing. "You can take that suit off if you want and put on some casual clothes, I hate wearing suits myself." He then walks up to Lord Rift. "Ah royalty, I hope my accodomations suit you, are you enjoying yourself in the Island of Rose?" He waits for a response.
OOC: Eh, my RP skills are rusty :roll:
International Terrans
14-06-2004, 18:56
The Prime Minister gave a surprised look!
"Well thank you! Another person who recognizes the unique appeal of casual clothing! I'll go do that... Blanckovich, get my luggage, chop chop!"
The Foreign Minister muttered, "15 bloody years in office and I'm reduced to a freakin' bellboy... asshole..."
The Island of Rose
14-06-2004, 18:59
The President chuckles and offers to carry the luggage.
"I'll carry for that for you sir. You both are guests. But I wonder, why did you come here?"
He extends his hand to carry the luggage.
The Island of Rose
14-06-2004, 19:17
The Island of Rose
14-06-2004, 19:19
Agh, and I thought I could RP again. Bump
The Island of Rose
14-06-2004, 19:32
Aztec National League
14-06-2004, 20:02
Jorge saw the new delegates walking in. As he was about to o greet them, he saw TIOR's President already greeting them. Jorge thought "pretty nice guy, very informal. Rather refreshing for a political leader." Jorge went over to the new delegates and greeted them.
The Island of Rose
14-06-2004, 20:05
The President saw as Jorge walked up to him.
"These are some new delegates. This one." He points to the International Terrans' diplomat. "Seems to be from a capatilist country I hear. And this one." He points to Lord Rift. "I invited myself, I need diversity you know, if it was only socialists in this room, I'd kill myself..." He laughs to himself.
OOC: Welcome back, they've been gone for long time @.@
Aztec National League
14-06-2004, 20:20
Jorge nodded to the president and then said
"Hi, I am Jorge Martinez from the Democratic Proletariat Union of the Aztec National League. It is good to see more diplomats here. It is also good to see capitalists too, we need to co-operate and appricate our differences."
The Island of Rose
14-06-2004, 20:22
The President nods.
"Jorge, would you like to discuss diplomatic relations now? I think we've had enough small talk eh?"
The Island of Rose
14-06-2004, 21:21
Aztec National League
14-06-2004, 21:23
"Umm...sure, what do you want to talk about? Trading? Embassy Exchanges? Diplomatic Alliances?
OOC: Say, wasn't there a "nübe" threating to kill you in the Villa or something?
The Island of Rose
14-06-2004, 21:28
The President chuckles.
"All of them! Let's talk trade, what are you in need of?"
OOC: Ya, but it's Seph, I ignored him :roll:
Aztec National League
14-06-2004, 21:49
OOC: The ultimate WMD, the ignore cannon.
"Alright, that is a good place to start. Currently, the ANL has only four major trading partners: Rotovia, Communist Louisiana, Kay Son and Ithuia (I have other partners, but they have not been on the forums for a long time.) We do not need buy much, as we are able to produce much of what we need. Probably the only thing we do need is uranium-235 (nuclear fuel.) However, when our nation was first developing, our government built several titanium and steel mills and we have now an over production of metal. We have a plentiful amount of oil and we produce enough food, we can export 25% of our crops and livestock products."
The Island of Rose
14-06-2004, 21:49
Time to go bumpin again, and like I have always said, any form of propaganda bump is allowed -.o
The Island of Rose
14-06-2004, 22:02
The President sighed.
"Too bad, we don't have that much Uranium, according to my Minister of Economics anyway. What about entertainment? Or importation of our own foods? And for oil... hmmm maybe."
Aztec National League
14-06-2004, 22:03
"I also forgot to mention, the ANL has much in the way of oil, rubber and we are in the ability to trade electronics and iron."
The Island of Rose
14-06-2004, 22:10
"Well what about food for food? Our cuisine for your cuisine?"
Aztec National League
14-06-2004, 22:19
"That seems reasonable." Jorge then looked at his files and read them for a bit. Then he looked back up and said "Alright, this is what I have been authorized to put on the negotiation table.
-Meat (Although mostly cattle, we have chicken and pork)
-Fish (Talapia, Halibut, Trout, etc.)
-Beans (Pinto and Black)
-Spices(cumin, oregano,
-Bell peppers
-Jallapeños, Serranos and other peppers
Quanities are negotiable."
The Island of Rose
14-06-2004, 22:31
The President looks at the papers, looking interested.
"We have most of these, but the spices and Maize looks like interesting food stuffs. What about those two for croquettes and ummm fried rice?"
The Island of Rose
14-06-2004, 22:51
le bump
The Island of Rose
14-06-2004, 23:03
The Island of Rose
14-06-2004, 23:39
Bimp ba bump
The Island of Rose
15-06-2004, 00:21
The Island of Rose
15-06-2004, 00:39
Bump, bump, bump, bump.
The Island of Rose
15-06-2004, 01:55
The Island of Rose
15-06-2004, 02:00
The Island of Rose
15-06-2004, 02:16
Pazner bump!
Achtung bump!
Nazi Bump!
I feel like nazifying my bumps bump
The Island of Rose
15-06-2004, 02:38
Bump for the right wing homedogs O.o
The Island of Rose
15-06-2004, 02:48
Bump for my left wingers yo
The Island of Rose
15-06-2004, 03:12
The Island of Rose
15-06-2004, 03:31
The Island of Rose
15-06-2004, 03:50
Oh God... someone post... anything...
And uh bump e.e
The Island of Rose
15-06-2004, 04:06
lol, not much luck with the bumping hey?
We would like to enter into a trade agreement with ANL. We have many resources to trade for different agricultural products
The Island of Rose
15-06-2004, 04:13
OOC// Not even the badger song spinoff worked o.O
The President nodded.
"Eh that's the main reason of the meeting. Diplomatic relations and then video games!" He takes out a "Austo-Hungary vrs. AMF" video game or whatever it was called. "I can't beat the first level as a civilian..."
The Island of Rose
15-06-2004, 04:15
OOC// Not even the badger song spinoff worked o.O
The President nodded.
"Eh that's the main reason of the meeting. Diplomatic relations and then video games!" He takes out a "Austo-Hungary vrs. AMF" video game or whatever it was called. "I can't beat the first level as a civilian..."
The Island of Rose
15-06-2004, 04:16
OOC// Not even the badger song spinoff worked o.O
The President nodded.
"Eh that's the main reason of the meeting. Diplomatic relations and then video games!" He takes out a "Austo-Hungary vrs. AMF" video game or whatever it was called. "I can't beat the first level as a civilian..."
The Island of Rose
15-06-2004, 04:18
OOC// Not even the badger song spinoff worked o.O
The President nodded.
"Eh that's the main reason of the meeting. Diplomatic relations and then video games!" He takes out a "Austo-Hungary vrs. AMF" video game or whatever it was called. "I can't beat the first level as a civilian..."
The Island of Rose
15-06-2004, 04:21
OOC// Not even the badger song spinoff worked o.O
The President nodded.
"Eh that's the main reason of the meeting. Diplomatic relations and then video games!" He takes out a "Austo-Hungary vrs. AMF" video game or whatever it was called. "I can't beat the first level as a civilian..."
The Guerilla Unit
15-06-2004, 04:25
50 cent wants to talk about international drug traficking
The Island of Rose
15-06-2004, 04:28
OOC: I see you're new here. Please post your entrance and then we will RP, that's grounds for ignoration. Thank you. :D
*Plays Austro-hungary vs AMF game*
The Island of Rose
15-06-2004, 04:52
The President also starts playing the video game against him.
"Don't make me serve you foo!"
The Island of Rose
15-06-2004, 05:06
eh bump you too
The Island of Rose
15-06-2004, 05:18
*loses game* "Ehh, what else you got?"
The Island of Rose
15-06-2004, 05:28
The President goes through a bunch of games, he then takes out a game called "Red Rose".
"Ah a classic, first video game made by us. This has better graphics, of course. It's an FPS and it has co-op. Eh, it's fun. So what do you want to do? Co-op or deathmatch?"
The President waits.
The Lands of Alex
15-06-2004, 05:31
Princess Joe Ann runs down the hall to the room where the President is.
Joe Ann: "Mr. President, well I am kinda upset I just got a phone call ...... I was just named Empress and Amy Lyn Wu took office earlier than she was supossed to by act of Parliament, I'm affraid a dictatorship is in the making!"
Starts crying :cry:
The Island of Rose
15-06-2004, 05:35
The President look at the Princess.
"Ouch... that's going to change plans. But hey! You have power now! Congratulations, now what'll we do about that dictatorship deal?"
The Lands of Alex
15-06-2004, 05:38
Princess Joe Ann: "Well I'm seventeen so Parliament names aregent until I'm twenty-one, guess who it is. Amy Lyn Wu. The Democratic-Socialist Party is rumored (Wu's party) is rumored to be ending democracy!"
"Democratic Socialists ending democracy? Now thats a bit weird isn't it?"
The Island of Rose
15-06-2004, 05:41
The President sighs.
"You'll have my full support if it comes to it... now... Princess, let's discuss diplomatic relations, and would you like to play video games?"
The Lands of Alex
15-06-2004, 05:46
Princess Joe Ann: "Democratic-Socialists party leaders will end democracy to enforce other policies of their party; they would probaly just end federal democracy not local and provincial. No video games I'm a little distraught, but how about an embassy exchange?"
The Island of Rose
15-06-2004, 05:50
The President frowned and nodded.
"Eh I understand. And yes an embassy exchange would be nice. Let's talk details."
The Lands of Alex
15-06-2004, 05:51
Princess Joe Ann: "How about a trade agreement we need food and cotton we have oil."
The Island of Rose
15-06-2004, 05:54
"Excellent, food we can do. Not cotton, we can't export that yet. So what do you need in specifics of food?"
We have cotton, but don't really need oil. What else do you have?
The Lands of Alex
15-06-2004, 05:58
Princess Joe Ann: "We are only putting oil in trade agreements temporoarily, economic colapse looming and all, but food specifics: must be edible for human consumption."
The Island of Rose
15-06-2004, 06:06
The President chuckles.
"Of course! We have rice, beans, croquettes made out of ham, chicken, or fish, beans of any color, bananas, pineapples, mangos and the like. If you want to fix the economy, you're going to be a little more liberal with your laws. Allow gambling, increase Uranium mining and the like. Trust me, it'll help. Besides, the International can always help you."
OOC:Our food is like tropical food :roll:
The Lands of Alex
15-06-2004, 06:11
Princess Joe Ann: "Tropical, sounds good. Well the economy is in fact on the rise. And recently we statrted a new clean state with diplomatic relations, voiding all of our nations past governments treaties voided unless otherwise said by Parliament. So, the international is looking really good."
The Island of Rose
15-06-2004, 06:12
The President chuckles.
"Join the International and have 41 immediate allies by your side!"
The Island of Rose
15-06-2004, 06:33
Sigh, time to BUMP up the action.
The Island of Rose
15-06-2004, 06:52
The Island of Rose
15-06-2004, 07:14
Bimpy bumpy boo
The Island of Rose
15-06-2004, 07:23
OOC// me go sleep now!
The Island of Rose
15-06-2004, 10:55
Le bump
OOC: Tag, Rose, in some way, can you talk about a possible alliance between VA and the International?
The Island of Rose
15-06-2004, 11:02
OOC: I'll try my best. Though that means you're gonna have to protect socialist countries now :roll: I hope YOU do not have a problema.
OOC: I never said I was anti- socialist..
Its not about protecting, its about making bands with this alliance as trade and stuff...
The Island of Rose
15-06-2004, 11:08
Oh then in that case great. I'll work on it. 8)
The Island of Rose
15-06-2004, 11:45
Time to bust a bumpstyle yo o.O
The Island of Rose
15-06-2004, 12:03
The Island of Rose
15-06-2004, 18:20
The Island of Rose
15-06-2004, 18:34
The Island of Rose
15-06-2004, 18:37
The Island of Rose
15-06-2004, 20:04
The Island of Rose
15-06-2004, 20:41
The Island of Rose
15-06-2004, 21:01
The Island of Rose
15-06-2004, 21:04
The Island of Rose
15-06-2004, 21:09
Aztec National League
15-06-2004, 22:09
"About that trade agreement. I wouldn't be opposed to it, nor would the Soviet Congress or the Premier. I assume we may be able to open our ports to your ships immediatly. Of course, we have a high level of security and our customs agents are very specific in their searches."
The Island of Rose
15-06-2004, 22:30
The President nodded.
"Oh of course! I'll give the order to my Minister of Commerce. Excuse me."
Sergei on the phone:"... Mr. Orcharos, hello there. Yes you should be surprised, open all ports for the ANL. And increase security too! Ya ya, your pay is coming in a week. No I do not like to party party. Thank you. Good bye."
The President puts aways his cell phone.
"Well that's settled. Congratulations we now have a trade agreement. Now let me destroy you in video games." He laughs to himself.
The Island of Rose
15-06-2004, 22:45
The Island of Rose
16-06-2004, 02:15
16-06-2004, 02:18
The Duke slams his fist against the table, then adjusts his wig. "What do you mean, ve don't have enough freedoms of religion?! Ve allow sie people the right to be Catholic!"
The Island of Rose
16-06-2004, 02:21
The President walks up to the Duke.
"Well Mr. von Heimlichsburg, can they be Buhddists? Hindu? And God forbid Protestants? Well can they Mr. von Heimlichsburg?!"
16-06-2004, 02:35
He moves his arms around in the pattern of paintings of Vishnu, and speaks in a feined Indian accent. "Oh look at me, I'm Vishnu the god of snakes and poorly paid Hindi workers! I got sat on by the English!"
The Island of Rose
16-06-2004, 02:41
The President smiled.
"Excuse me."
He walks away from the main room, and for five minutes he's gone. He then runs back to the main room, having a rapier on his right hand, lifting it up high.
He ran towards him, getting in a duelist's position.
"Fight me good sir, if we leftists are so weak let's see you fight!"
He started cracking his neck, hopping up and down out of adrenaline.
The some what angry mood was interupted by a cellphone. It was John's and he answered it. after talking privately for a few moments he dropped the phone.
"Hello? Hello?" Could be heard from it.
"Oh god... I'm an enemy of the state..."
The Island of Rose
16-06-2004, 03:05
The President stopped hopping along, still with his rapier on hand. He sensed something was wrong. He ran towards John, with his rapier on his right hand.
"Is something wrong?"
The Island of Rose
16-06-2004, 03:10
Bump it up yo o.O
"I need to get to New Orleans! That's where we're rallying. The True Directorate, it's lost the elections! We've declared ourselves a Government in Exile."
The Island of Rose
16-06-2004, 03:20
The President dropped his rapier and took out his Colt .45. He then loaded it.
"It looks like we're going to have to shoot some people."
The Island of Rose
16-06-2004, 05:10
The Lands of Alex
16-06-2004, 05:53
Empress Joe Ann strolls into the room from outside and walks up to the president.
Joe Ann: "Well I just got off the phone with the Ministry of Foriegn Affairs. They think its best if the empress, me stays out the nation for a while. I heard from a friend protestors want me come take the throne. This is all to complicated. that old guys wig creeps me out."
The Island of Rose
16-06-2004, 06:03
The President puts away his Colt .45.
"Well Miss it's their custom and it's the only royalty that'll be here. And if you must stay out of the country, you can stay here. I'm trying to get your case through the International, but one of the nations are mad because your government supported their facist party. Eh, C`est la vie!"
The Lands of Alex
16-06-2004, 06:10
Joe Ann: "was it the Ronald Reagan one. Yeah we just honored Reagan we really knew he wouldn't if he had a chance we wouldn't have. And thanks for a place to live, I guess i'll start appartment shopping."
The Island of Rose
16-06-2004, 06:14
The President chuckled.
"Remember that you're welcomed inside the Villa."
The Lands of Alex
16-06-2004, 06:20
Joe Ann: "Why thank you. I also heard good news, the Regent-Minister (Amy Lyn Wu's new title), is cleaning up government corruption. You sure its ok if I stay here/ I don't wanna be a leach."
The Island of Rose
16-06-2004, 06:25
The President chuckles yet again.
"Oh of course! You can stay here. You can walk around and take a few drives. And tell Amy that I congratulate her. Anyway, do you plan to shop now? Or are you going to stay here and relax?"
The Lands of Alex
16-06-2004, 06:32
Joe Ann: "Relax, so what does your nation do for fun?.
The Island of Rose
16-06-2004, 06:38
The President chuckles.
"Oh come on! This is the Island of Rose for a reason. We have beautiful rose fields outside the major cities if you want to get away from it all. Also, since the City of Rose is a costal city as you might've telled, we have beaches, some of the best beaches in the world in fact. And it's free. You can also go to the local pub or go to the fair. There's lot to do here in the City of Rose."
The Island of Rose
16-06-2004, 06:54
Time to insert a bump
The Island of Rose
16-06-2004, 22:37
Bumpy bimpy boo!
New Austro Hungary
16-06-2004, 23:12
The Island of Rose
17-06-2004, 02:13
17-06-2004, 02:39
The Duke sits in gentle contemplation. "I would accept your duel...had it not be for the fact that you are a dishonourable dog!"
The Island of Rose
17-06-2004, 02:42
The President picks up his rapier and walks up to Duke Heimlichsburg.
"What? Are you scared of a petty leftist fool?"
He gets into a dueling position.
17-06-2004, 02:49
He draws his own raiper and smiles. "Petty insults will get you no where. Heimlichsburg's pasttime is fencing to the death."
OOC: Woo hoo! *grabs popcorn*
Glad I tagged this! :D
and a BUMP in return for your time
The Island of Rose
17-06-2004, 02:53
The President smirks at the Duke.
"My friend, who said anything about dueling with swords?" He takes out a Colt .45, now he has a rapier on his right hand and a Colt on his left. "Hunting is my past time." He points the gun to the Duke. "Now will we behave?" He puts his rapier in a defensive position.
Oh, I neglected to mention before that my presidents bodyguard also came along, and he is 200kg and a former soccer goalkeeper and olympic hammerthrower.
*bodyguard pulls out hammer and strides over*
"My boss says that this is irritating him. Still want to misbehave?"
17-06-2004, 03:14
The Duke places his hands up and upon his wig. The raiper slams to the ground. "Such dishonourable actions! Vhy, if I has some security..Good Roman Catholic security.."
The Island of Rose
17-06-2004, 03:18
The President chuckles, still pointing the gun at him.
"Honor? There is only victory or defeat. Guards!" Two soldiers armed with T-89s attempt to grab the Duke.
Soldier:"Okay come on you're getting kicked out."
The second soldier points the rifle at the Duke. The President then puts the pistol back in his suit.
"I'm not stupid enough not to provide security at an International affair." The President chuckles and sits down. "Say sorry and we can pretend this never happened."
17-06-2004, 03:23
"Sorry?! I'll be gladly kicked out before my honour is taken. Heimlichsburg uber alles! Seantus Popusaque Vaticanius! And put me down you oaf! Your hurting my harpsichord finger!"
17-06-2004, 03:23
The Island of Rose
17-06-2004, 03:29
Sergei smirks and walks up to him.
"Just say sorry, and we can forget this ever happened."
17-06-2004, 03:32
Adek growls. "Just kick me out.."
The Island of Rose
17-06-2004, 03:41
The President rolls his eyes.
"As you wish." The President snaps his fingers and the soldiers take him to the front doors.
Soldier 1:"One!"
Soldier 2:"Two!"
The two soldiers literally throw him out, a few feet out of the doors.
The President picks up his rapier and throws it out.
"And have your stinking sword too!"
He closes the doors and looks at the guests smiling.
"Excuse my rudeness. Butler, put some music!"
The Butler turns on the stereo and the Blue Danube starts playing again. The President then sits down looks at the guests, smiling. The soldiers go back to their original position and all is well.
(Heimlichsburg approved this so don't worry)
The Island of Rose
17-06-2004, 04:21
The Island of Rose
17-06-2004, 04:41
The Island of Rose
17-06-2004, 05:08
17-06-2004, 11:59
"Wasn't that fun?" asked Schützer with a grin.
The Imperial Knights
17-06-2004, 21:33
Disgusting Communists. You Bask in wealth while those who you supposedly "serve" starve and die. You manifest equality in a clever way that those who benefit are actually yourselves and no one else. You make me sick and are unfit to live upon this earth. Your people are better off dead than in the neglegent care of you pigs.
The Imperial Knights
17-06-2004, 21:34
Disgusting Communists. You Bask in wealth while those who you supposedly "serve" starve and die. You manifest equality in a clever way that those who benefit are actually yourselves and no one else. You make me sick and are unfit to live upon this earth. Your people are better off dead than in the neglegent care of you pigs.
The Imperial Knights
17-06-2004, 21:35
Disgusting Communists. You Bask in wealth while those who you supposedly "serve" starve and die. You manifest equality in a clever way that those who benefit are actually yourselves and no one else. You make me sick and are unfit to live upon this earth. Your people are better off dead than in the neglegent care of you pigs.
The Imperial Knights
17-06-2004, 21:35
Disgusting Communists. You Bask in wealth while those who you supposedly "serve" starve and die. You manifest equality in a clever way that those who benefit are actually yourselves and no one else. You make me sick and are unfit to live upon this earth. Your people are better off dead than in the neglegent care of you pigs.
The Imperial Knights
17-06-2004, 21:38
Disgusting Communists. You Bask in wealth while those who you supposedly "serve" starve and die. You manifest equality in a clever way that those who benefit are actually yourselves and no one else. You make me sick and are unfit to live upon this earth. Your people are better off dead than in the neglegent care of you pigs.
The Imperial Knights
17-06-2004, 21:38
Disgusting Communists. You Bask in wealth while those who you supposedly "serve" starve and die. You manifest equality in a clever way that those who benefit are actually yourselves and no one else. You make me sick and are unfit to live upon this earth. Your people are better off dead than in the neglegent care of you pigs.
The Imperial Knights
17-06-2004, 21:41
The Imperial Knights
17-06-2004, 21:41
Disgusting Communists. You Bask in wealth while those who you supposedly "serve" starve and die. You manifest equality in a clever way that those who benefit are actually yourselves and no one else. You make me sick and are unfit to live upon this earth. Your people are better off dead than in the neglegent care of you pigs.
The Imperial Knights
17-06-2004, 21:43
Disgusting Communists. You Bask in wealth while those who you supposedly "serve" starve and die. You manifest equality in a clever way that those who benefit are actually yourselves and no one else. You make me sick and are unfit to live upon this earth. Your people are better off dead than in the neglegent care of you pigs.
The Island of Rose
17-06-2004, 21:56
The President looks at Scutzer and grins back.
"You should never get on my bad side... bad things happen."
Personal Statement that does not represent Rose's views:
"Go to hell you facist pig."
-With a smile, General Roska
The Island of Rose
17-06-2004, 21:58
The President looks at Scutzer and grins back.
"You should never get on my bad side... bad things happen."
Personal Statement that does not represent Rose's views:
"Go to hell you facist pig."
-With a smile, General Roska
18-06-2004, 01:50
"Aye; I'll drink to that." Schützer looked around his person. "Damn, out of cigars. You wouldn't have one lying around, would you?" he asked the President. "I think that this deserves a celebration. After all, we agreed something or other."
The Island of Rose
18-06-2004, 01:55
The President raises his wine glass.
"Here here! To the death of that man's horrible wig!"
18-06-2004, 01:58
"Cheers!" He knocked back the wine. "Mmm. Excellent. What year and where from?"
The Island of Rose
18-06-2004, 02:01
The President looks at the bottle.
"1975. Eh, it's okay."
18-06-2004, 02:36
"I disagree. I'll have two cases, if it's alright."
The Island of Rose
18-06-2004, 02:39
The President sighs sadly.
"Sorry, there's only one kind of this bottle. I wonder how the Duke'll get out anyway..."
18-06-2004, 02:41
Schützer grunted. "I don't much care. Arrogant bastard." He looked out of the window, suddenyl struck with a jab of pain as the memories came back. He put them aside, breathed hard, and turned back to the President. "What about this war in Hallad? What's your opinion? The PM's sending over a Naval Mechanised Army and a heavy group to protect it."
The Island of Rose
18-06-2004, 02:48
The President sighed.
"It's a shame the Capatilists won. But if it would've stayed a democracy I wouldn't mind. But no, it's a dictatorship, hmph. I cannot send men, I've got my army spread out. Eh quite a shame I cannot do anything about it..."
18-06-2004, 02:51
Schützer snorted angrily. "Won you say! Those pansies! As soon as they encounter real resistance they run like chickens seeing a hawk! Back when I did my service in the Air Force, most of those idiotic cowards wouldn't have come through training!" Schützer came from a line of military men; his father had been a second officer on a cruiser, his grandfather a cavalryman. His sister had served in a support company for the tanks before she had met an honourable end in battle, and been buried with honours by the enemy. He was one of the few men who had not entered the military in his family line, but even he had done is compulsory service, and was damn proud of it too. "Won indeed," he concluded, and drank another glass of wine.
The Island of Rose
18-06-2004, 02:56
The President sighed.
"Hm, such strong words. I should've kept the sword it was oh so pretty..."
18-06-2004, 02:58
"Sword? What sword?"
The Island of Rose
18-06-2004, 03:01
"That sword he drew, I threw it out the door."
18-06-2004, 03:02
"Ah. Well, swords are a rubbish weapon anyway."
The Island of Rose
18-06-2004, 03:05
The President chuckles, and just can't help making a joke.
"But sexy."
18-06-2004, 03:09
"Hmm. I'm having visions I do not want," grinned Schützer.
The Island of Rose
18-06-2004, 03:13
Sergei smirked.
"Hmph. Seriously now, should I leave him grounded and let him suffer in a socialist state or should I have mercy and let him leave?"
Mien Gott
18-06-2004, 03:15
Field Marshell Model walked into the villa followed by two soldiers, each carrying a large case. He pasused for a minute soon eyeing the president, he walked over to intrroduce himself.
"Hallo, The Furher of Mien Gott sends his good wishes."
At that he snaped his fingers and one of the soldiers openend the case he was carying, revealing large quantities of fine brewed beer.
The Island of Rose
18-06-2004, 03:19
OOC: Wait 5 minutes brb and yes he was invited
The Island of Rose
18-06-2004, 03:48
The President smiles.
"Ah Guten Aben Field Marshel Model. I see you accepted my invitation, I have many things for you to talk about..."
He walks up to the Field Marshell and whispers in his ear so nobody can hear.
"Especially the Dora project."
Aztec National League
18-06-2004, 04:03
OOC: Sorry I post so sparatically...It's hard for me to keep up with this RP...Its commin' along so fast!
Jorge, intrigued by the fight and the interuption by the fascist, got back in and said "I wonder what that was about." However, after a while, he looked around and said "The Premier asked me to forward an invatation to all of you and your nations to visit the ANL, sort of a tour of the country."
OOC: I'm thinking of a spin-off RP after this one is done
The Island of Rose
18-06-2004, 04:14
The President turned around and smiled.
"I'll see if I can fit that into my schedule."