Pro-Galdanian Leader of Ghana Assassinated
10-06-2004, 00:53
Former Ghanaian revolutionary Guaman Umtata, democratically elected Administrator of the Galdanian Protectorate of Ghana, was assassinated this morning at 4 a.m. when four gunmen opened fire on him and his inner circle with Fuggolian-made assault rifles. Umtata waskilled, along with his wife (also a former revolutionary), and prominant socialist politician Garma Useika. Two other polticians and a bodyguard were also injured, none of them life-threateningly.
It is uncertain as to whether the weapons used were directly supplied by the Fuggolian corporate-dictatorship (a rabidly anti-communist organization), or by private arms dealers (Fuggolian weapons are some of the most easily obtainable on the black market.
A day of mourning will be held in Ghana for Umtata, who was to Ghana what Ché Gueverra was to Cuba or what Anna Nikolovitch was to Galdania.
Abu Ghival, President of the Galdanian Central Authority, the body in charge of the 26-nation Socialist Union of Galdania (of which Ghana has so far declined to join), has vowed revenge on those responsible for the attack.
Umtata's successor and fellow revolutionary, Rupert Taimes, will become Ghanaian Administrator until elections next June, which Umtata was expected to win.
11-06-2004, 01:08
18-06-2004, 10:40
"Fuggolia wounld like to express that although it weapons are widely eported we seldom supply them directly to revolutionary forces, regardless of their political asperations."
The Fuggolian Arm Company MA5 Assault rifle is one of the most effective weapons on the market today, notable for its ruggedness and ease of use, making it a pefect choice for a gurilla movement.
OOC: Of course, Fuggolia had a hand in this, want to make some more of it? ;)
18-06-2004, 11:04
Port Imperial, Roycelandian East Africa
"Your Excellency, the Ghanian Administrator has been Whacked!"
Governor-General Philip J. Fry looked up from the TV.
"Really? Did we have anything to do with it?"
"Quite possibly. The IIS are given to whacking Random African Government Leaders to keep the Natives on their toes."
"But Ghana???"
"Wait, we haven't authorised any operations there."
"Well, get the IIS to keep an eye on the situation. We don't want another Gabon...."
"Of course, Your Excellency."
United Elias
18-06-2004, 11:14
19-06-2004, 03:48
Taimes has won the election in Ghana with 57% of the vote. Voter turnout was 56%, down from 69% six years ago, when Umtata was elected.
Taimes has vowed revenge against the counter-revolutionaries who 'seek to undermine the peaceful sovereignty we enjoy today in our great nation'.
The main rival of Taimes in this election was Gregory Isaac, whose National Independance Movement Party claims that Ghana is merely another 'occupied state' of Galdania's. Isaac is not much different to Taimes regarding social or economic goals. He merely wants Galdanian soldiers to leave Ghana and give it 'full independance'.
Galdania officially regards Ghana as a fully independant nation. It says that it's forces remain in Ghana because of Umtata's request several years ago, after the former dictator was ousted by Galdanian-backed Revolutionary forces.
19-06-2004, 04:00
The Triumviate is disturbed at the state of events in Ghana. It is clear to our eyes that the sovereign nation is little more than a puppet state of Galdania.
Ostensibly, the Ghanans enjoy independent rule, with the Galdanian military serving merely as a guard. These are lies. The hand of the Galdanian government taints the nation, their diplomats the de facto rulers of Ghana.
However, we cannot support any new communist regime; therefore, Tyrandis will only intervene if a pro-capitalist revolution is launched.
19-06-2004, 04:46
19-06-2004, 08:10
Port Imperial, Roycelandian East Africa
Governor-General Philip J. Fry put down the report.
"Now that our work is concluding in Gabon, I think it's time we knocked things up a notch in Ghana. Get me Sir Duane on the secure phone..."
Nearly an hour later, Governor-General Fry put the phone down.
"Here's how it's going down. The IIS will infiltrate Ghana if possible, and use weapons captured from Gabon to spark an Anti-Communist Revolution. The resulting War will be fought by the Rebels and the Imperial Foreign Legion against the Communists, and if we win, Ghana becomes a Protectorate- not a colony, they'd still be independent in every other way- and if we lose, we loot the country, withdraw the Foreign Legion, and deny everything."
"Interesting plan."
"I thought so. Now, make the necessary calls and orders and put it into action..."
United Elias
19-06-2004, 13:14
Ghana-Cote D'Ivoire Frontier
The team's dark green civilian Land Rovers trundled down the track in the border regions just East of Abengourou where Echelon Ventures was setting up a small base camp to 'provide security' for an 'infrastructure redevelopment' project. The project itself was a legitimate enterprise and in return for allowing EV to base itself there, the UE had funded two water pumping facilties, and a hospital with the work being done by the Ivory Coast's government, a mutually beneficial agreement.
The initial team that was going to enter Ghana consisted of twenty four former Army special forces operatives, all carrying Sierra Leoni passports as their arab appearance could be explained by the large arab minority in that country. Although they carried a few weapons, untraceable AKs and Uzis, they were not designed to fight the Galdanians directly but to spread anti-communist propaganda and incite counter-revolution. Concealed in small compartments in the vehicles' fuel tanks they had radio transmitters, Satellite phones and hundreds of gold soverigns which they would use to bribe anyone they needed to.
Just after dark, miles from any official border point, the six Land Rovers crossed into Ghana to begin their mission. First of all they would try to find small villages and guage the level of ant-communist sentiment and more importantly how efficient the Galdanians were at dealing with it.
OOC: Galdania, Echelon Ventures is a legitimate private Security and engineering Company unofficially funded and tasked by the UE government to perform black operations, normally under legitimate cover. Of course you won't know who they are unless your nation somehow works it out ICly :wink:
Just a question, what sort of military presence can be expected in outlying areas of Ghana and how favourable would the locals be to the current administration?
19-06-2004, 13:49
[TAG] Hows it goin old friend? On a side note, do you have MSN? Ill do an IC post later.
19-06-2004, 22:36
OOC: The people in Ghana, for the most part, are overjoyed with Galdania's backing of the socialist revolution. Now 95% of all people in Ghana have access to clean drinking water and electircity. Government food depots ensure that famine never occurs. Consumer goods are somewhat lacking, but base neccecities are totally fulfilled.
BTW, you will soon see that Wewé is not anti-socialist. He is about as far from capitalism as you can get. :wink:
20-06-2004, 03:48
Ouagadougo, Burkina Faso
"And, if His Excellency would care to inspect the new Dalton ZRX300 that we have imported as a gift for him, I'm sure that it will be clear that this arrangement will be beneficial to both the people of Roycelandia and Burkina Faso."
"We renamed our Country several years ago. It's just Burkina now."
"My apologies, Your Excellency."
"That's alright. I preferred the old name, but that's Democracy for you."
The President of Burkina inspected the shiny new Sports Car this emissary of Roycelandia had presented to him. Leather Seats, cup holders, a V12 engine, on-board electronics, and a metallic Green paint finish. It was very nice.
"My Aide here will fix you up with the appropriate permits. Feel free to sign a Trade Treaty whilst you're here, as well. Shall we meet again for Dinner, say 8pmish? I wish to discuss the benefits of a Free Trade Agreement..."
Burkina Faso/Ghanian Boder
The Imperial Foreign Legionnaires quietly slipped across the border at night, their vehicles laden with supplies for anti-Communist elements in Ghana. Their orders were to maintain a low profile, and keep listening to the RBC World Service for the Code Phrase telling them to initiate Operation Cocoa...
20-06-2004, 04:01
Yjvol spotted something moving in the darkness. Could be gazelles...No, these were moving on two legs. Gorrillas? Not bloody likely. He radioed to Patrol VII.
"Nyvishki, ployotroz vokutranya. Peiyo byujin mlash bjoy."
Carrie picked up the radio 500 metres away. She and two others were patroling near the site of the unknown movement. She had bet Raj her nail polish that it was a gazelle. She smiled. Raj loved nail polish.
Patrol VII moved through the grass silently. They noticed something move near a tree. Quite a few other somethings accompanied it. She looked through the scope on her Ushnikov rifle, and made out several human figures, crouched in the tall grass. 'Damn' she thought. 'Red No. 13 is hard to come by!'
Patrol groups IX and IV surrounded the men, along with Carrie in group VII. Carrie pulled the pin on a shock grenade. She tossed it high into the air above the men. It exploded with a brilliant, blinding flash. Carrie and the eight others from the three patrol teams aimed their Ushnikovs at the illegal aliens. Carrie shouted in Galdanian, while Raj picked up the most common local dialect.
"Put your hands above your heads! Do not make any sudden movements. You are in violation of Ghanaian borders! If you do not comply, we may be forced to disable you!"
Their guns trained on the Imperial Legionnaires, they awaited a response.
20-06-2004, 05:40
Sgt. Telstrakov cursed under his breath at getting rumbled so quickly in their mission.
Fortunately, he'd had the foresight to break the team into three groups, crossing at different points, but anyway...
"We are friends" replied one of the IFL troops, who had learnt Galdanian as a child. "We have been sent to report on the situation and help the Galdanians keep order in the area, whilst our Governments organise a more formal arrangement."
Telstrakov weighed up just opening fire and running for it, but decided against it. These were obviously Galdanian Troops, who would probably be grateful for the help....
21-06-2004, 03:35
OOC: Galdania is very hard. I'm probably the only one who pronounces what I'm writing correctly. FYI, 'j's are more or less silent.
IC: "Papers! Where are your papers?" shouted Carrie (an English immigrant to Galdania). "Who are you affiliated with?" a momentary pause before she yelled "You are now in our custody! Drop your weapons or you will be disabled!"
21-06-2004, 04:31
"We are in no-one's custody!" Telstrakov replied. "Tell you what, we'll just leave, and forget this ever happened."
The IFL troops make no move to lower their weapons, and some of them are beginning to back towards the trucks (where there may or may not be more troops).
OOC: The IFL have nothing on them that would identify them as Roycelandians- their weapons are captured, and they could be anyone. They exist primarily for deniable ops, since Roycelandia isn't sending in the Imperial Guard for this one...
21-06-2004, 05:26
"We are in no-one's custody!" Telstrakov replied. "Tell you what, we'll just leave, and forget this ever happened."
The IFL troops make no move to lower their weapons, and some of them are beginning to back towards the trucks (where there may or may not be more troops).
OOC: The IFL have nothing on them that would identify them as Roycelandians- their weapons are captured, and they could be anyone. They exist primarily for deniable ops, since Roycelandia isn't sending in the Imperial Guard for this one...
Carrie and her eight other soldiers opened fire upon the IFL troops with their Ushnikovs.
The Ushnikov uses high-powered bullets, metal jacketed to avoid blowing off limbs. However, these bullets, at close range, would pierce right through a man. Body armour wouldn't stand up to more than a few shots. And these guns were pumping on full automatic.
At the sound of gunfire over the radio, the guard posts lit up, and snipers moved to the roofs. Communications to Military Command were automatic. The border was on full alert.
21-06-2004, 05:39
The IFL soldiers hit the deck as soon as the shooting started... many of them permanently.
Several returned fire with various weapons, all of the Full-Auto variety. One of them even had a Lewis Gun, of all things!
One thing Telstrakov had sensibly insisted on was an Auto-Destruct in the trucks. The minute his heart stopped beating... KABOOM! Napalm incineration.
OOC: Exactly how well patrolled is your border? I ask because the border with Burkina Faso seems a very strange place to have guard towers and heavy security...
21-06-2004, 05:46
The IFL soldiers hit the deck as soon as the shooting started... many of them permanently.
Several returned fire with various weapons, all of the Full-Auto variety. One of them even had a Lewis Gun, of all things!
One thing Telstrakov had sensibly insisted on was an Auto-Destruct in the trucks. The minute his heart stopped beating... KABOOM! Napalm incineration.
OOC: Exactly how well patrolled is your border? I ask because the border with Burkina Faso seems a very strange place to have guard towers and heavy security...
After three or four invasions, Galdania is going to have tight borders, as will any nations it protects.
But beyond the towers, there's open sea...Um, land.
In Galdania itself, tanks patrol urban areas 24/7. Streets have special 'military' lanes.