NationStates Jolt Archive

The Noxidom Regional War- IC only Closed RP

La Voile
08-06-2004, 10:58
This is a Closed RP for Noxidom only and Chellis.

The war, which begins with a skirmish between Luxiom and her allied states against the nation of La Voile and his friends.

La Voile launches his 3 Nimitz Class Aircraft-Carriers, flanked by his missile cruisers towards Luxiom...
08-06-2004, 11:57
The First Visionary of Aetherios put the phone back on the reciever, having just recieved the message from his military advisors regarding La Voile's rash action.

Pausing for a moment of thought, he reached into his desk and brought out the lastest report of alliances and millitary strengths in the region. Knowing that the first action he must take would have to be a diplomatic one, he would have to tread carefully.

Putting the report aside for a moment, he reached for his computer keyboard to draft a message to La Voile's ambassador in the Spectral embassy.

"The Rogue Nation of Aetherios, UN delegate for the region of Noxidom, requests an immediate halt to aggressive military actions of the Nation of La Voile."

The First Visionary mulled over these words, making sure they conveyed the exact meaning that he wanted.

"La Voile has no legitimate cause in this attack on Luxiom, and ignorance of the request will result in consequences that extend into the realm of economic from La Voile's trading partners who are part of the UN, and also defensive millitary action from Luxiom' allies. Including the Femme Bloc, and the Neutral Nations Alliance. You will be opposing many powerful nations."

The First Visionary paused and took a breath before typing the next paragraph.

" ... this includes Aetherios."

Adding that he would like a formal response ASAP, he read the words over twice before finally printing them, and sealing them in a official envelope and calling in a courier to deliver the message.

Minutes after the courier had arrived and left, the First Visionary stared reflectively out of the clear glass window that provided a vista of the Spectral Bay. "I hope this is enough" he muttered before calling in his highest advisers.
08-06-2004, 13:58
The First Emperor of Leumah is worried by recent events involving certain nations around Leumah. For now, Leumah's armed forces are at attlev c (attlev is like defcon, replace 1-5 with a-e). No attacks will be made against foreign armies or air force units, unless they fire first, however all units are ready to defend themselves.

In light of recent events, however, the Leuman Dominion is declaring a marine exclusion zone for 75 nautical miles from the Leuman coastline. Any naval units that cross this line will be given one warning unless they have prior clearance.
Any military aircraft that are on a path to overfly Leumah will be given a similar warning, with the exception of diplomatic escorts and transport aircraft.
Any military craft in violation of this zone will not be considered a threat as long as they are leaving, or if their national leader negotiates further arrangements with me.

The First Emperor Sajuk of Leumah is putting Allessandro on notice that any warlike actions against Luxiom will be met by firm military action on the part of Leumah. Leumah does not wish to see Luxiom overrun by any nation.

For the good of the region, and for the good of yourself, do not do this.
09-06-2004, 07:29
The thin morning fog over the ranges of Luxiom poured like steam over the green and fertile plains. From her balcony Hera Luxiom observed the first fingers of dawn. Already she knew the farmers would be rising, the marketplace stirring and the whole populace rousing like a child from sleep. The scent of jasmine clutching the marble pillars filled the air. Yet this was not the day of peace that each morning before had been. Sighing, Hera moved into her office. From the oak caverns of the desk she took out her parchment.

Dear Friends of Luxiom,

We have been beset upon unjustly by the nation of La Voille. Through no fault of our own he seeks to destroy us. Kindly Enrouler, bold Amiros, true Leumah, wise Mazrak, just Aetherios and Brave CoPigs I call upon you all to oppose this travesty. As Luxiom's fair nation would defend you all I hope you will aid us in our time of need. All we wish is for peace; all we strive for is freedom. If you believe in the right of a nation to grow without the shadow of war over their heads then you must take up arms. Prepare yourselves, if it comes to this, for a war for the right of freedom from tyranny.

Diligite justitiam, o judices terrae. (Cherish justice, O judges of the earth),
Hera Luxiom

She folded the letter and pressed her seal into the red wax. Outside a lone Lyre bird sung. They do not know that they live on ice, she thought. My people should never have to know.
La Voile
09-06-2004, 09:27
Presidente Alesandro read the report handed to him by an aide,
"Sajuk too, disappointing, wire a telegram to Navras, tell him we will reconsider not opposing his invasion of Leumah, we detest such appalling changes of views"
"Yes, Sir"
"An immediate progress report"
"Sir, the cruisers are currently stationary 150km of the coast of Aetherios"
"We will wait to see what Aetherios has to say about that, we have yet to attack anyone have we?"
"No sir"
"Well, we are taking a leisurely cruise, and any attack would be considered an aggressive act, hmmm... So we will not attack until, well until the right time, or we are attacked ourselves..."

Alesandro turned gently in his chair and smiled, no allies meant that there was no one to betray him, unlike Luxiom turncoats and traitors is one thing he did not have to worry about.

"What about File 17?"
"Ah yes, wire it immediately."
"Sir, what of Valenvaryon?"
"He loves a good fight, but he knows how all the best wars are run..."

---Sir Mr Manus is on line 1---
"Manus, what news?"
"Sir the Falkme Resolution is completed, we are waiting for all nations to ratify it."
Alesandro looked up as General Ilvé walked in
"Mr Presidente"
"Ilvé, where are the sattelites positioned?"
"Above Luxiom and the rest of the Femme Bloc."
"Move 4-8 over Leumah, we will not suffer any embarrassment."
"Yes Sir, Neodammerung has completed their program."
"I know, he now has the same satellites as we do, except he continues to claim that he has Death Stars, oh well, he will learn how to use them in time."
"Yes Sir."

Alesandro looked at the three files on his desk, selected one and tore it up, there were now only two options left.
Fate would decide the rest.
09-06-2004, 09:37
In a spartan study area, the Emperor was resting in between good TV shows when the letter arrived. It took an underling ten minutes to decide whether or not to wake him, remembering the fate of the last one. However, this time the Emperor simply dismissed the servant and set to reading the letter from Luxiom.

Wiping a hand across his sweaty brow, he keyed a switch, which activated his old typewriter. Pausing briefly to consider, he started writing:


Leumah stands ready to defend your nation against an invasion by La Voile. It is would be an injustice if he were allowed to overrun your nation while there are others capable of stopping him.
The Dominion of Leumah does agree that a peaceful nation should have the right to grow and prosper without the threat of war.
If the warmongering nations are allowed to have their way then we are all going to be picked off, one by one.

The First Emperor Sajuk of Leumah

Having written the message, Sajuk handed it to a courier with instructions to expedite its delivery to Luxiom, and to copy it to the rest of Noxidom.
09-06-2004, 09:56
Alesandro looked up as General Ilvé walked in
"Mr Presidente"
"Ilvé, where are the sattelites positioned?"
"Above Luxiom and the rest of the Femme Bloc."
"Move 4-8 over Leumah, we will not suffer any embarrassment."
"Yes Sir, Neodammerung has completed their program."
"I know, he now has the same satellites as we do, except he continues to claim that he has Death Stars, oh well, he will learn how to use them in time."
"Yes Sir."

The Dominion of Leumah is most offended by your placement of a bombardment satellite in its airspace. It is in violation of the recent embargo on military craft in Leuman air space.

<Leumah launches 20 ASAT carrying MA-V aircraft with escort. Time to missile launch altitude 10 minutes>

AnnouncementASAT Missiles will only be launched if the satellite remains over or near Leuman land, or if it makes any detectable energy emmissions.

Sajuk"I wish that it had not come to this.
La Voile
09-06-2004, 10:06
"Sir, Sajuk has launched an aggressive action against La Voile"

Alesandro picked up one of the remaining two files.

"Withdraw all hostilities from Luxiom, we have a new enemy"
"Oh and remind Sajuk that La Voile own the waters in between the islands, it was for his own safety really."
"Wait 10 minutes... the get satellites 4-8 to shoot down any missiles, remove the rest from over the continent, we have a war to fight."
Alesandro paused, "No, remove the satellites, we do not want to fight more than one war, do we?"
"If the missiles get into Voilean airspace shoot them down and punish Sajuk and his nation."
"Hold all...actions... we will wait and see what the other nations will do."
09-06-2004, 10:57
The day had had promise, but it was not to be.

The barrage of camera flashes finally began to die down. And with that, the First Visionary addressed the press conferrence on an issue that he did not want to have to deal with.

"Good morning Ladies and Gentlemen of the press, I have called you together to address the issue of the La Voilean crusiers off the Northern Aetherian coast. These vessels are nave no right to be there, and are in dire violation of Aetherian waters."

The Aetherian First Visionary stared unblinking at the national braodcaster's television camera. His eyes were of firm resolution.

"We believe that La Voile is trying to test the Aetherian patience. Let it be known, Alessandro, that Aetherios takes violation of it's borders very seriously. Withdraw your warships immediately, you have not our permission to be there. To do otherwise would be considered an act of aggression."

His hands gripped the podium firmly.

"We do not give in to La Voilean indimidation tactics."

* * *

Moments after he had left the podium, the First Visionary called over his assistant in the corridor of the public address hall.

"Make sure that the naval base on Felix Island is on alert for any La Voilean action. Contact all the other UN member nations in the region and inquire as to rasing tarriffs against La Voilean imports."

"At once sir." responded the assistant, nodding her head slowly. " Is there anything else?"

He paused, making sure that the remaining media were not around to hear his off-record comment.

"Yes..." he said in an even tone. "Make sure that smug madman gets a transcript of this press conference."

Leaving his assistant, he walked down the darkly-lit corridor to get himself a cup of bitter coffee. It was going to be a long few days ahead of him.
09-06-2004, 11:28
Steven Albash watched the sunrise over the mountain range. He sighed inwardly, watching the plumes of smoke on the far horizon drifting slowly upwards. The messages had come in less than an hour ago. "I shouldn't be surprised." He thought aloud. "With the incompetency of our neighbour's political leaders, it was only a matter of time before something like this happened." His reflective reverie came crashing down around him as a figure ran into the room.

Albash sighed.

"Yes commander, i did. This is most distressing."
"Are you kidding?!? This is frickin AWESOME! All those highly trained troops, equipment, armoured companies, missiles, all that gear we've been pouring our military budget into, we can finally USE IT!"

Albash surveyed the man before him. How on earth the man came to be commander of the Valenvaryon Protectorate was beyond him. The Commander was violent, aggressive, power-mad and terminally angst-ridden. Nevertheless, somehow through subtle political manipulation, this man, this figure had risen to become the single most powerful entity in the entire of Valenvaryon. Albash was the Secretary-General, but this position was more of a figurehead. Everyone knew who made all the real decisions.

And it was starting to get depressing.

"Ok, here's the plan: Forget about Luxiom. Those hippies don't pose any threat and wouldn't put up much of a fight anyway. Plus it could look bad for us to be seen bashing gypsies."

Intruiging. He actually seems to be considering the political ramifications of his actions.

"What was that Albash?"
"Hmm? oh, just an internal monologue. Continue Commander."

"Yes, well I think that despite my undying scorn and contempt for those Voilian scum, I think Alesandro has actually made a good decision in attacking Leumah. Time that upstart was taught a lesson."

"Indeed Commander. But let us not be rash about this. We cannot openly declare war on Leumah just because we -"
"- Don't like them? Why not?"
"Commander, our situation is more precarious than you seem to realise. Leumah does have a sizeable military presence, and although not as large as our own, we lack the information and necessary intelligence to mount an effective offensive. And that is assuming that we can find reasons to politically justify our actions without invoking the wrath of Aetherios."

The Commander walked over to the window of the room and looked out at the rising smoke.

"We have all the information we need."

The voice sent a chill down Albash's spine. He looked at the Commander, and for the briefest of instants, saw through the facade, the exterior, the act of the mad-dictator-spiel. He saw a cold, calculating mind. He saw someone who had already considered all the tactical angles and details. He saw that the Commander already had set things moving.

He shuddered.
10-06-2004, 08:20
No one knows what Hera Luxiom dreams of. Suffice to say she was deep in a dream when a voice broke into her conciousness. She woke-her hand alreading gripping her messenger's wrist.
'I am sorry, Kali," she said,"These are tense times."
Kali's cedar eyes were ashen in the night.
"Hera, there is news."
Hera sighed, "News that will destory us between the darkness and the dawn?"
"Not every darkness has a dawn, mistress."
Hera raised her head. Purple clouds were already gathered at her wrist.
"What news?"
"Allesandro's forces retreated this evening."
Hera Luxiom sat up.
"There is more! He seeks an attack on Leumah. The threat hangs in the very air."
Pulling on a night robe, Luxiom strode ot the desk.
"Hera, there is threat of orbital weapons."
"How can we know for sure?"
"Our astronomers assure us...and Aetherios's spies never sleep."
"Let me dress. Send 10,000 of our best airforce men and jets armed with ballistics to Leumah. Do it this hour..." Luxiom thought a moment "and fifty canisters of Mortiflora."
"At once."
"Summon for me the LSS commander-chief and Ryunuku. I'm afraid this night has only just begun. You can send a message to Allesandro as well."
Hera Luxiom glanced at the mirror.
"Tell him that I hope he reconsiders an attack on our allies."
10-06-2004, 09:19
<Leumah recovers MA-V Aircraft, which had not shot at any satellites this night>

The Emperor Sajuk, curious about the workings of his country's ASAT missiles, asked a technician for a brief description.

"My Lord, ASAT Missiles are heavily modified and upgraded Phoenix Missiles. They carry a smaller explosive warhead, space maneuvering jets and an additional booster. The missile spends its energy launching straight up, not horizontally as with most missiles. It can reach Escape Velocity in thirty seconds as there are no fragile humans to crush, and carries enough fuel to hit the moon. However, impacting a satellite at the equivalent of Mach 40 usually does the trick. It either crushes a small with sheer kinetic energy, or lances into a big satellite and its warhead and remaining fuel are detonated by the enormous heat of the impact."

TBC-parents coming...
10-06-2004, 09:35
Sergei: Sir, it seems there is a small, inter-regional conflict going on in... Noxidom, i guess.


Sergei:We should ask them if they would like us to send peacekeepers, or something...

Alexi:Why would we do that?

Sergei:To quote our department, 'Opening new markets through diplomacy and power'.

Alexi: Make it so, sergei...


[code:1:a29530db42]To: The Luhman Government
From: The CCCB(Chellian Control and Command Bureau)

Chellis has taken an interest in the going-ons of the Noxidom kingdom. We can see that one of the nations in the region have unjustly attacked you, and if you would like, we could send Peacekeepers there, to maintain a peace. If you would rather not have that, at least let us send an engineering Battalion to help you set up defenses, maybe train militias, but most importantly, maintain a presense as an observer. We really hope you will accept, as we simply wish to help you out.[/code:1:a29530db42]
La Voile
10-06-2004, 09:55
Alesandro Amore Presidente of La Voile glanced at his watch and as if on an impulse strode out of the room.
He entered the press auditorium.
"Ladies and gentlemen of the press"
He read the preprepared statement:

Our neighbour Leumah has recently agitated for conflict, though will not act in any military way, unless there is due cause. Though we will not let our nation fall or be ravaged by foreign powers.
We shall not flag nor fail. We shall go on to the end. We shall fight in the continent and on the seas and oceans; we shall fight with growing confidence and growing strength in the air. We shall defend our island whatever the cost may be; we shall fight on beaches, landing grounds, in fields, in streets and on the hills. We shall never surrender and even if, which I do not for the moment believe, this island or a large part of it were subjugated and starving, then our empire beyond the seas, armed and guarded by the La Voilean Fleet, will carry on the struggle until in God's good time we will be free.

As he left the flash bulbs went off and the yells of Mr Presidente, Mr Presidente rang in his ears.

As he walked back into his room an aide presented him with a transcript of a speech by the First Visionary, Alesandro carefully read the transcript, carefully noting every word, glaring at each fullstop as if daring it to change into an exclamation mark.
"Withdraw all battleships, we wait for him."
"Yes Sir"
"No war yet, we wait for him."
"But what about," the aide gestured to a photo on the desk, "what will she do."
"She will wait for him to act, and so will we."
The Neodammerung
10-06-2004, 09:58
Navras marched towards the military briefing quarters of the Hexagon, the Neodammerung's underground military command post. He flowing black cape floated behind him gracefully as he marched down the corridor escorted by his two most trusted commanders. Navras burst into the briefing room, everyone standing to attention.

"All hail, Navras, Our Saviour!"

Navras stopped in front of the floor map of Noxidom.

"What's the situation in Luxiom?" he requested.

"La Voille's forces have retreated. Our intelligence sources do not know as to why, however he has begun mobilising his forces around Leumah's waters."

"Send a telegram to him. Leumah will be mine, not his. Leumah has longer been an enemy to the state than what he has to La Voille."

A smartly dressed general marches into the briefing room. He bows deeply before beginning to deliver his news.

"My Saviour, 20 million troops are ready for deployment along with half of the navy. They await your address."

"Thank you, General. Right people, let's move with purpose. I want Leumah under siege within the next week. Send out the call to all nations in the region for a naval blockade so that we can get aircraft carriers into Leumah's waters. When the blockade is in full effect, launch Tomahawk missiles into their coastal defences as according to the targets outlined in our satellite photos. I want his defenses in rubble before we deploy the troops. Make sure the navy's surface to air missiles are fully functional. No doubt will Leumah try to defend from the air. Move our orbital weaponry into position, just in case..."

The General, still bowed before you raises his head. "And what of the Emperor, my Saviour?"

"He will be judged by the laws of the Confederacy. Trial by duel of swords."

"And who will have the privelige of defending our nation's honour, my Saviour?"

"I want to personally cut off his head, my good friend. Now, carry out my orders and get the message out for a naval blockade. I'll address the troops before their deployment."

Navras then spins around gracefully and leaves the room and down the corridor. As he enters the elevator, his loyal commander looked doubtful. Navras looked over to him. "What is the matter, Commander? You look as though you have something you want to say."

"No, my Saviour. I mean yes, my Saviour."

"And what is it you wish to speak of?"

"I'm just curious as to why we are invading the Dominion of Leumah. I mean, what has he done to deserve our wroth?"

Navras grasped the hilt of his upper sword. Growing red with anger he swiftly swung his sword to his right, up and back into his scabbard, the air ringing with the sound of cold metal. "Because Sajuk questioned me which meant he doubted me which also meant he was a threat to the Confederacy. And for that, I will cut off his head."

As the elevator doors opened, Navras and his remaining Commander stepped out of the lift and as they did so, the doomed mortal just stood up straight as though he was still alive. But his eyes were filled with the coldness of death and just before the elevator doors closed, his head toppled onto the floor jamming the elevator doors open.
10-06-2004, 10:29
A significant portion of the La Voilian Navy was moored off the western coast of Leumah. All was silent under the cover of darkness. The blackness was broken only by intermittent, low intensity flashes of light. Morse signalling from ship to ship. Radio transmissions could be intercepted, encryptions could be broken. What better code than an archaic system, unused in over a century?

Pierre Falmoire yawned and tried to rub warmth into his freezing arms. This watch seemed more and more pointless by the minute. The radar system could pick up any moving object over 10cm in size within a 10 km radius. The sonar system was state-of-the-art, could detect submarines over 50km away. And here he was, in pitch darkness, expected to be able to see any enemy craft. Of any description. The futility was maddening.

But orders were orders, and Pierre dutifully continued to scan the darkness, carefully watching any patches of blackness which might have not been black, but just very very dark and might have been an enemy destroyer which had somehow escaped their radar. "Ridiculous..." he muttered to himself.

Seconds later, the night was split by an earth-shattering explosion, the shock waves slashing across the ship and pounding against the hull. Pierre was jerked back into alertness, momentarily blinded by the burning brightness coming somewhere off the port side. He grabbed the radio. "Night Watch D, this is Night Watch D, unidentified explosion off port bow, please respond."

"SSSSHHHHT... No shit sherlock. Do you copy?"

The waves from the explosion rocked the ship gently, and the burning subsided enough for Pierre to make out the burning hull of the destroyer Baltimoire split in two, sinking slowly into the black ocean. The flames reflected off the sea, casting an eerie orange glow over the side of his ship. He could make out the struggling forms of figures in the water, desperatly grapsing half-inflated life rafts.

Pierre shook his fist in the general direction of the Leumah continent.



Back in Valenvaryon, the Commander stared out at another plume of smoke rising in the distance.

He smiled to himself.
10-06-2004, 10:42
[code:1:9084be519a]To: The Luhman Government
From: The CCCB(Chellian Control and Command Bureau)

Chellis has taken an interest in the going-ons of the Noxidom kingdom. We can see that one of the nations in the region have unjustly attacked you, and if you would like, we could send Peacekeepers there, to maintain a peace. If you would rather not have that, at least let us send an engineering Battalion to help you set up defenses, maybe train militias, but most importantly, maintain a presense as an observer. We really hope you will accept, as we simply wish to help you out.[/code:1:9084be519a]

[code:1:9084be519a]To: The CCCB
From: The Leuman Government

The Leuman Government gratefully accepts your most generous offer, Chellis. We are soon to be beset from all sides, and welcome any nation which would help us out. Please do send Peacekeepers, as the armies that are planning to attack us are both large and well equipped. Also, we would be most grateful if you could send a Battalion of Engineers to assist us in setting up defenses and the like.[/code:1:9084be519a]

<Leumah launches a CAP of Radar MA-V aircraft with antiair and ASAT escort. They are under orders to track only, and to fire only to defend themselves. Meanwhile, three wings of MA-Vs are being refitted to carry updated SS-N-20 missiles while a further wing is being loaded with MOAB-AS weapons>

At this time, Leumah has not fired any shots at any country's land or forces.
10-06-2004, 10:47
Arhen slicked back his blonde hair with fingers like ivy on a tombstone.
“The LSS had a great loss this day. Agent Chomoris once infiltrated the very heart of Neodammrung’s organisation. Today the insane tyrant cut him down.”
Hera Luxiom closed her eyes for a moment. The lamps were now lit. The guarana ginseng tea was set, leaving a halo of steam on the table. It all seemed so far separated from the dead eyes of her old school friend, Chomoris. Yet she had known, she had known when she saw him leave to go into the desert lands.
“I see.”
“Fortunately it was after he was able to report to us some vital facts. Navras wishes to invade Leumah. He’ll destroy him from the air before he sends his troops in like the cancer they are. It all relies on his naval blockade. We have agents who can soon report whether it’s all possible.”
“I’m sure it’s possible. Only he would dare to try it though,” Hera Luxiom drank deep, needing to wake herself in these early hours.
“We have received word from a nation known as Chellis.”
“From Lodoss...”
“You know them, Hera?”
“My father talked fondly of his expedition there. Chellis is a fierce nation, a force to be reckoned with. What could they want with our fair land?”
“They wish to bring peace.”
“I think sadly it is too late for my vicious brethren to find peace.”
“Then they say they will aid us.”
Hera Luxiom pulled up her robe to shield the ever-encroaching cold.
“Send them a message-tell them that they will need to tell us more.”
Ryunuku laughed, “You are still so soft. So diplomatic, Hera.”
Ryunuku was a small woman, with green eyes afire. She insisted on wearing her light armour even now.
“Call them together, let us destroy the war-monger! Let me take the Mechs in!”
Arhen smirked, “That is your answer for everything, Ryunuku.”
“You have no answers, only questions!”
Hera Luxiom ignored them as they bickered, instead gazed at the map. The map that revealed no such horrors of war, or evil spirits casting shadows from the skies, but just the green and blue of potential.
“Leumah is under threat from one strong and pugnacious nation. Valenvaryon hangs like Foucault’s pendulum.”
Arhen glared, “Valenvaryon is insane. He-”
“Don’t underestimate him,” Hera sighed, “There is more to his actions than mere madness would allow. No....send word to him and to Navras, we wish them no harm but will not let Leumah come under their attack. It is a matter of honour, my friends. Send word to the allies-ask them if they will aid him. If not then it will be myself alone.”
Ryunuku scoffed, “That is madness, let him burn. What is it to us?”
Hera stood suddenly, the other two clambered to follow, “This is what I will defend-the freedom for a nation to live without threat of invasion!” She stopped herself and calmed, “Tell them that.”
La Voile
10-06-2004, 11:16
Alexsandro picked up the photo of Hera and gazed at it, remembering when they had first met, he had been the Minister for the Arts at the time and was visiting Luxiom... he stopped himself aware of the wash of band memories that lay after that event, his close friend had never returned, and it was all her fault!

He thought of Sajuk, the naive Sajuk, who had turned on those who helped him. He would free the people of Leumah from the Imperial tyrannical rule, though Sajuk himself would not pay for the injustice to La Voile, the greatest task was stopping Navras killing Sajuk and probably getting killed himself.
For the regions own good.... that was what he would have to do.
10-06-2004, 12:09
The First Visionary narrowed his eyes at the report. This was not good news to be had at such an early hour.

He drank deeply from the paper coffee cup, as the clock in the corner of the room rang in 4 O'clock

La Voile...
The Neodammerung...

"...and both decending upon Leumah" he finally whispered gently. "They..." he drifted off. The First Visionary shook his head.

A even knock came from the door.

"Come in" he offered, adopting his normal tone.

Leonie, his assistant strode in. She held in her arms a stack of reports. Her eyes were a mix of solemnity and weariness, but she inquired as to the Visionary's state first.

"Sir" she spoke in a tone of genuine concern, "are you alright?"

He smiled softly to reassure her, then his eyes fell upon the topmost report marked with red.

"We've had an update" Leonie began, taking a more formal tone. " We recieved word that a ship was attacked off the coast of Leumah."

"A Leuman ship?"

"No, La Voilean. And we don't believe it was a Leuman counterattack either."

This was a strange turn of events, and indeed had many implications.

"Any indication of who the attacker was? Dammerungian?" he continued.

"Possible, but unlikely. Commander Navras is moving his navy as a single force, they have yet to reach Leumah." she responded. "Intelligence indicates that Valenvaryon may have an agenda. At any rate, when there is sufficient light, our satillites will analyse the situation and identify the attacking ship."

The First Visionary was slightly suprised and tried not to let it show. He knew Valen to be a nation that although not aggressive, would try to make the best of any situation. Or, what they thought was the best.

The Visionary spoke his thought aloud. "If Valen has indeed entered the conflict, then the situation is more critical than first thought."

He paused to consider the balance of power. If all three of these nations were atacking Leumah there would be much bloodshed. Not a desirable outcome, at least in the eyes of Aetherios. Even as one of the larger nations in the region, they were not likely to stand long against a war on three fronts, even taking into account the in-fighting. This would require some assistance, even if he distrusted the outsiders.

"What is Chellis's status?" the Visionary asked after a while. "Have they responded to Leumah's acceptance?"

"Not as yet."

The First Visionary turned to face the political map of Noxidom that rested on the wall.

"Time" he said emotionlessly, almost enigmatically. "Even if Chellis sends peacekeeping assistance, it will take time for them to reach Leumah. They do have a great distance to cover."

"What course of action do we take?" Leonie said, returning to her official mode of speech.

"Contact Felix Island Millitary Base, tell them to deploy the fleet as soon as the sun rises" he said, turning back to face his assistant. "And we will give them that time."
La Voile
10-06-2004, 12:26
Alesandro was deep in thought about the halycon days when his aide rushed in, "Sir a major attack has been commited, the Baltimoire is down",
"Who hit it? An accident?" Alesandro demanded
"Incredibly unlikely sir. "
Leumah will answer to this.
Wire an appeal to Aetherios, the soveriegn nation of La Voile has come under attack. We previously stated that all naval vessels and satellites were withdrwn form any offensive positins yet we get attacked. We ask for the aide of the UN representative and the NNA, this breakdown in Regional Safety must be stemmed and Leumah severly... ah chastisied, but not yet."
"Put all ships on full alert, if anything else happens, we will be forced to strike back, call a Press Conference, clame it as 'reasons yet unknown', they will circulate enough rumours by themselves."

As the aide left Alesandro removed one of the files on his desk, that only left one. He picked up his hotline to Commander Navras and when he received and exchanged greetings with Navras he asked,
"So Commander, what news?"
After talking to Navras, he picked up the second phone and was immediately connected.
10-06-2004, 13:30
Emperor Sajuk was gazing east from his palace when it happened. A bright flash on the horizon, followed several seconds later by a deep rumbling that could barely be heard.

He knew that there he had not cleared any Leuman missile bases to launch, and had not seen an aerial attack. He thumbed a call button.

Several seconds later, his aide, General Thurr entered the balcony with a hastily printed sheet in his hands.

"My Lord, we have just detected an explosion in the Titan Strait. It would appear that another force has just decided to start early on the LVN"

Sajuk-"What do you mean?, Vorren?"

Thurr-"This report. It came from a surveillance MA-V which was scanning for pre-emptive missile strikes, one of the new variants. It detected a low-flying missile which came from the rough direction of the Falkme Islands. As it approached the previous detection value range of the older radar, it disappeared. The operator could not get it back, even after dwelling on its projected path with full boost power. Shortly after that the Baltimore exploded."

Sajuk-"So, you're telling me that someone out there can fire missiles that we cannot detect or shoot down."

Thurr-"Yes, sir"

With that, the Emperor sat down on the edge of a pot plant and closed his eyes. He had heard rumours of the so-called blackwall technology but never seen its use. The only thing that he did know was that it was not able to work for long, and that one device was worth more than an aircraft carrier on the international arms market.

Sajuk-"Send an order to all units over an open frequency. Do not fire weapons unless you are fired upon. Stand to all missile defense systems, but do not radiate any attack radars, only navigation radar. All aircraft be prepared for a kneejerk attack, but do not respond beyond self defense. This order stands until further notice, or until a non-Voilean unit attacks you"

Thurr-"Okay My Lord. I am aware that we do not know the identity of the attacker yet, however I suggest posting watch aircraft to cover all directions in case the CON or another nation uses this distraction to attack from behind."

Sajuk-"Make it so."

As Thurr left to carry out his orders, Sajuk stood to gaze across the expanse of water that separated the two nations. He withdrew the letter from Luxiom, informing of her decision to assist Leumah in her own time of need. There was a direct phone line to her office inside, and he knew that he had to thank Hera for her assistance before it was too late. He went in and picked up the handset.
10-06-2004, 22:46
Sergei: Leumah has fully accepted our offer, sir.

Alexi: Roger. Prep the...41st support division, I believe they are waiting orders...

Sergei:Will that be all sir?

Alexi:No... Make a media report, start a slam campaign on La Voile, and tell the 41st to bring a 3 weapons load.

Sergei: Yes sir.


"Casting off!" Yelled a voice on an intercom, as chellian citizens cheered on the transport and defense ships in the port of Haile. Fourteen thousand troops resided in the various ships, not counting the ship crews. Helicopters, artillery, and personell carriers, as well as large amounts of weapons were stored in the ships. The journey to Noxidom would be long, but worthwhile.

At the Haile Airport International, Chellian V-121L's prepped for take-off, carrying only fuel, the ships carrying their munitions. They were to wait until the chellians landed in Luhmah before taking off, but they were going to start flying before, as it was a long flight. They just had to find an airfield.
11-06-2004, 07:12
The sun hides itself behind the skyscraping buuldings of the Amirosian CBD. Neon lights begin to glow, and the citizens are just rising from a long days sleep. The night-life begins.

Meanwhile, as money is being spent and lusts being satisfied, Amiros lays on her golden bed reading the recent telegram from Luxiom. Shaking her head, Amiros calls for her personal messenger.


Nervously, Enrique enters the room. Continually focused, he remembers to avert his eyes from his ladies assets.

"Why is it," Amiros began, "that I recieved this telegram from Luxiom at least a week after she posted it? Now, in this case, no direct harm has been done, since my personal spies in Navras's government run brothels have informed me that La Voile has run from Luxiom. However, foriegn affairs are fragile and frayed at the present moment. If such an indescretion ever happens again, I shall cut your salary from three free nights a week, to two."

Enrique was motionless. He bowed to his lady and hurried outside. Sighing, Amiros stands and walks to the Window of Appearance. What to do? Luxiom is no longer threatened...or is she? What if La Voile's sudden flee to Leumah is a diversion? Luxiom must be warned.

By now the sun had completely set on Amiros' empire. The night was young, and already members of the Amirosian army were beginning to practise their trade.
11-06-2004, 07:39
Antoin Mittleman slammed his fist down on the polished mahogany tabletop, his face red with rage.
"THOSE BASTARDS!" A fine mist of saliva settled on the table. "The Audacity! Those Leumahn scum, this is exactly the sort of thing they would stoop to! A pre-emptive stealth attack on our fleet, and then publicly denying anything! This is an OUTRAGE!!!". His pudgy fist descended upon the table once more, sending papers skitting in all directions.

Demoire thoughtfully leaned back into his leather chair, hands forming a pyrmaid in front of his thoughtful face.

"It wasn't Leumah who attacked our ships, Mittleman." Contemplative eyes staring at the furious man.
"What are you talking about? Of course it was Leumah! We must strike back at once!"

Demoire moved forward, planting his hands on the desk. "Don't be blind Mittleman, this is far more subtle than you imagine. That strike couldn't have been from Leumah. Our radar and sonar equipment is from the same source's as theirs, they couldn't have the technology to slip past us. The attack was prepared, pre-planned, and executed by someone else."

"But.. but..." Mittleman blubbered. "It... Who? If you're so sure that it wasn't the Leumahn slimebags then enlighten me, oh great advisor!" Eyes narrowing in a malignant stare, arms folded smugly across his bulging chest.

"They wouldn't..."
"They did."

As reality dawned on Mittleman, his anger was replaced by a cold foreboding. "But Presidente Alesandro already issued his press statement to Leumah, declaring his own outrage and intentions to retaliate at once. He can't just retract that statement, it would be political suicide. 'Oh sorry, it wasn't Leumah, it was valen. We're not attacking L, we're attacking V now, we were wrong, so awfully sorry.' We can't do that!!!" The chair sqeuaked in protest as Mittleman sank back into it. "How are we going to tell Alesandro?"

"How are YOU going to tell the Presidente."
"Me? But, I... you..."
A cold smile. "You're his relations advisor. I'm sure you can figure something out. I'll be in my office."

* * *

A Valenvaryon Press Conference. Albash was making a statement. A hundred video cameras, a thousand microphones, uncountable reporters all craned towards the podium, hanging off every word.

"...That this unprovoked attack upon the Voilian Navy must not go ignored. Although La Voile may not have been right to make his declaration of attack upon Leumah, it must be recognized that the first blood was drawn by Leumah. This is a historic, and a sad day ladies and gentlemen. Let us hope that this can be somehow settled without the need for more bloodshed. I call upon Aetherios to approach this situation, and I here and now pledge the Valenvaryon Protectorate's military might to the cause of Aetherios. We will support his actions, and act in any way which will assist him. Thank you."
11-06-2004, 08:17
"The address to the parliment court was well received," Kali helped Hera Luxiom remove the heavy sash of state.
"Nothing is right, Kali. We are not a nation for war.
"But," Kali spluttered,"surely we are well prepared, strong in age and number..."
"Yes we are. We can fight and we can win. But in our hearts we wish only for peace. For ourselves, for Leumah, for whomever needs it."
Both women walked into the the temple. Kali lit a cancle for her dying father. Hera like one for Chomoris.
"Well send them today," Luxiom said bitterly," The troops-send them to prepare in the hidden highland camps."
Hera Luxiom drank from an ambrosia glass, the sweet votive offering like honeywine.
Kali nodded to the statue of Asherah, "Mistress, Aetherios has sent ships out. La Voille, Neodammarung and Valenvaryon all stand poised to attack. La Voillian ships have been attacked by Valen, according to the LSS. Amiros has already sent word of peace. Chellis will support Leumah. Where should we strike?"
Hera Luxiom pressed her forehead to the marble in a well-learned ritual, "When he attacks us or Leumah we will fight back. We have sent enough already."
"What of the star weapons?"
The temple gong struck 12 times.
"They are gone for now. If he ever uses them each of our alliances will destroy him."
"But our people-"
"Will not be enslaved. They will plant again under the spring full moon. They will see another equinox. They will never belong to anyone."
La Voile
11-06-2004, 08:38
Alesandro looked up as Mittleman walked into the office.
"Sir, We have received interesting reports."
"I know, Chellis has pledged to support Leumah, even with peacekeepers that is a blow to our fight to avenge our fallen."
"Sir, well um... there is something you should know..."
"Yes, yes I have the order form here, you prefer still spring water in your department."
"No, I mean yes, but... It was Valenvaryon."
"Yes, I heard the news supporting Aetherios, blah, blah, blah"
"No, it was them, not Leumah."
"What are you blathering on about man."
"The Baltimoire."

"Oh no, not like this, not like this." Alesandro put his head in his hands.
He looked up, "look we are lucky, we have not declared war and the reasons unknown still stands. We must fight the Leuhman Aggressors, but not yet, we must wait."

Typed the following on his secure computer:
VI-6, put 58F and 12C on active duty. All reports are to be sent directly to me no editing.

He looked up and sighed
11-06-2004, 10:20
The night promised to be cold, dark and cloudless. It was a perfect night for observing, with no haze to obscure the smalest detail on the water.

This is 2-4 Recon Flight reporting unknown contact on the border of Leuman waters. He is currently heading due north, estimate speed of twenty knots.

This is Control. We cannot see the target. It is below our radar horizon. Monitor visually but do not reveal yourself. You are cleared to leave standard surveillance pattern.


The pilot swore to himself, and cursed the circumstance that had put him in Recon Division instead of the more fanciful Attack Division. Sighing, he turned his aircraft and approached the ship. Judging by its wake, he assumed it was a small patrol boat or a large open sea fishing boat.

4 hours later:

The pilot of 2-4 R was becoming anxious. Control had ordered him to follow the craft, which was skirting the Northern border of La Voile waters, but to remain in neutral airspace. However, over the last half an hour it had begun to close with the coast.
Being young and ambitious, the pilot decided to take a risk and use some initiative. He disabled the nav warning device and began to follow the craft into potentially hostile airspace.
Within half an hour, the boat was following the strait between La Voile and CoPigs, sitting on the Voilean side. 2-4's pilot was beginning to regret his choice to follow the craft...

...and was about to pay the price. As he checked his fuel status, there was a flash from the boat, which resolved itself into a stinger missile. There was no time for him to evade, and the missile flew through an automatically launched flare---straight into the MA-V-R's unarmoured fuselage. It destroyed vital flight controls, computers and the hydraulics that powered the plane's VTOL capable engines.
Without engine control, the plane began a lazy arc down into the sea. The crew looked out in time to see the water rush up t--

The aircraft, which normally would float in water, filled quickly and sank like a stone because of the hole blasted in its underbelly. It sank gracefully to the bottom.
Unfortunately, it landed in the CoPigs Minefield.

A feature of Leuman reconnaisance aircraft is that, to prevent discovery of their inner workings and the like, they contain several hundred pounds of Aluminised RDX Explosive which reduces a prize plane to metallic tissue paper. This plane had been flying with its destruct system 'safed,' but the impact had destroyed the safety switch, allowing the system to arm.

14 minutes later:

Destruct system active:

10 seconds to detonation

5 seconds

La Voile
11-06-2004, 10:38
As soon as Mines 51 to 60 exploded Alesandro knew about it. Luckily contrary to CoPigs suggestion the mines were spaced far enough apart to avoid a chain reaction. At the same moment he received infrared images of a Leuman MA-V-R fighter jet. He put two and two together... he was annoyed.
"Telegram Sajuk" he shouted at the aide which had just walked in.
"Demand immediate explanation, this is one too many times if it happens again my response will be to help CON. Apologise immediately. Alesandro."

This was going to be a long night.

He wired a telegram to Hera the Lady of Luxiom.
"Long ago you told me never to become a bureaucrat, weighed down by paper and lies, but our paths have long since parted. Know this, I no longer hold any ill will towards your nation. Though, you must know that I can not forgive you for what happened all those years ago. I seek a peace treaty between our nations, Respondez S'il Vous Plaît (RSVP).

He shook the snowdome which inside had a building inscribed with the words "Welcome to CoPigs", and smiled.
11-06-2004, 11:49
Amiros lay pondering. The relaxing scent of her cinnamon and vanilla bubbles was soothing, however it did not ease the tension. Leumah is under threat. Can the empire afford to assist him in this war? Nothing is certain anymore. Information reveals Luxiom is aiding Leumah to find peace.

Relaxing, Amiros allowed herself to sink into the water. Suddenly Enrique burst into the room.

"Highness, lands are poised and ready. Valen, Navras and La Voile are all preparing for battle! What is our position?"

This was not good news. Amiros rose from the water and wrapped her bronzed body in a silky gown. Enrique stood there, trying not to stare.

"Know this Enrique. I fear for sending our armies away. However, I will not sit by while others die in battle. I need to get word to Luxiom. Enrouler seems lost already."

Amiros took a role of papyrus and began to write to Luxiom.

"Dearest Luxiom. I am delighted with the news that La Voile had ceased all hostile action towards your peaceful nation. However, with the remaining unrest, I fear this is time for action. What is your current position? I remember a desire for peace. Can you see any way in which we can create peace now? I fear hope is lost. I also fear for Enrouler. Have you any contact from her?

I wish you all the best in this time of turmiol,
The Legendary Amiros

Amiros handed Enrique the roll.

"Here Enrique. Stop for nothing. Stop for no one. Travel directly to Luxiom and bring me her response. May the gods aid you and keep you safe. I pray for your return."

Enrique rushed out. Amiros watched him from the window. He headed straight out, ignoring the tempations of nearby workers. Amiros' eyes wondered to the skys. A storm was coming. Far off, she could see lights and hear thunder.

"Seth, god of war and protection, keep my people safe. And ensure Enrique's safe return."

These are uneasy times.
12-06-2004, 04:38
At the dawn of a new day, the privately owned merchant ship Floating Leslie was putting slowly up the Neodammerung coastline, heading northwards. The captain sat thoughtfully on the foredeck, scanning the horizon.

"What's thay-aht?" he mused in his lazy southern drawl.
"Wat'choo goin on bout now bubba?" one of his crewmen climbed out of the cabin, sitting next to the captin.

"Well dang if it ain't a great big fire over thar." He indicated with a pudgy finger to an enormous thick, black cloud stretching across the northern sky, a dark, monstrous mountain growing out of the ocean.

"Look's ta me like it be over that thar bay of pigs, in, ah, Copigs terri-tory."

"Oh yar."

Below decks, the radio crackled as a pair of crewmen attempted to tune into NRBC News channel. A hiss of static, and the voice of an anchorwoman came through clearly.

"... that all allegations of the mysterious attack have been denied by all parties. A weary, haggard Steven Albash, Secretary-General of the Valenvaryon Protectorate has come under an enormous amount of criticism following the destrucion of La Voilian cruiser Baltimore. Albash has repeatedly stated his outrage at this attack, and appears genuinely shocked at the accusations of it being launched by Valenvaryon itself. Albash has repeated his request for a president's summit, to be held at the Civil Headquarters on Falkme Island."

Albash's voice came over the radio, tired and carrying a heavy burden, but still strong and resolute.

"I can understand that President Alesandro and Emperor Sajuk will both be unwilling to attend a summit such as this, however, I believe that negotiations must now be made IN PERSON. Not through underlings, advisors, press statements, telegrams, cryptic letters. This issue must be resolved before any more blood is shed. By now, you are all aware of the intervention of Chellis, I applaud this action, but also hope that there will be no need for the troops that are being sent.

"I arbitrarily set the date for the president's summit at a week today, let us hope that it is not too late by that time. I steadfastly await your responses, national leaders."

The anchorwoman came back on the radio. "Current speculation of the Baltimore Incident is leading many to suspect terrorism, or possibly a rogue political group attempting to initiate conflict."

An advertisement for the Neodammerung Poet-shooting evenings. The crewmen drifted away, disinterested.

The captain continued sitting on the foredeck. The crewman next to him sniffed the air.

"Storm's coming."

"Oh yar, yar..."
La Voile
12-06-2004, 05:23
"That was a 5 million dollar oil drilling platform- gone!" Alesandro yelled down the phone.
"I am sure Aetherios will..." replied President Stelin of CoPigs.
"Look, I want to know if it was aggressive or not."
"My intelligence services doesn't know, yet."
"I will speak to you later, I am certain of it."

Albash wants a summit on Falkme...
He called the Falkme prefix on his phone and then dialed the rest of the number.
"Manus? This is the Presidente."
"Sir, what happens if a country attacks the Falkmies?"
"Well under Part 2 Section 4 and I quote: 'Any threat to the Falkme Islands security will be responded to with an attack of the region’s ninja forces and armed forces', also Part 2 Section 1- 'Any nation posing a threat to the Falkme Islands is considered a threat of the region.' I hope that helps."
"It does indeed Manus"

To: Empress Amiros
I have come to view your role in the hostilities as a passive one and therefore I will continue to trade with you. As you know southern La Voile is the greatest producer of lavender in the region. Also the island of Arbre also grows cinnamon, so I would like to renegotiate trade tariffs concerning spices. I would like to discuss this issue with you at the Falkme meeting. I will be there.
Presidente A. Amore of the Serene Republic of La Voile

Alesandro looked up as his Vice-Presidente Jacques Deuxieme walked in. "Ah, Jacques, I will be attending the Falkme meeting after all."
"Alesandro, Air Force Une is ready at any time."
"Good, I leave tomorrow night, I would like to give a good, peaceful impression."
"What about military escort?" Jacques inquired.
"No fighters in the air, only the usual body guards."
Alesandro left the room to prepare for the long and arduous flight.
12-06-2004, 06:25
"By order of Emperor Sajuk, all military units are to stand down until further notice. This means that only surveillance aircraft are to fly, all Leuman warships are to return to peacetime duties and the land forces are to enter maintenance stand down. No unit is to attack a foreign unit until this order is countermanded, except for ships. A ship may only return fire against La Voilean forces if it can visually identify the ship or gun that fired on them. However normal self defense directives still stand against any force that is distinctly not Voilean in origin. This order stands until further notice."

Sajuk finished perusing the message that he had just written. It appeared to have the right message, as it was to be delivered on open frequency, and to the press. With the current situation, he whought that the message should have a cooling effect on the brewing conflict between La Voile and his own country. His only worry was that another opportunistic country would take advantage of the stand down of all land and sea armed forces. Oh well, thats what the early warning satellites were for, so it should not be too much of a problem.

<Message To Falkme Island Control:>

Assuming that there are no complications, Emperor Sajuk will be attending the proposed summit on Falkme Islands. I will be flying to the Island on a MA-V-D Diplomat transport.
<Message ends.>
12-06-2004, 20:56
"Sir, we are approaching the Noxidom Regional waters... Shall we hail Leumah?" Said the ships navigator.

"No, just make sure to fly the Chellian flag high, and wait for contact... We will sail toward his ports, and await authorizationg to land." Replied the XO, looking out in the fog of the morning.

"Yes sir."
12-06-2004, 23:35
"Mr Albash sir?"
"We have recieved word that Sajuk and Alesandro are both willing to attend the Falkme Summit."

Albash breathed a sigh of relief. The last thing he had wanted was to have the two rivals refuse to attend the summit. This was a promising sign, hopefully there would be an end to this madness soon.

"Any word from the First Visionary?"
"Not as of yet sir. There has been little activity from Aetherios of late, suggesting he is busy dealing with the background problems behind this whole scandal."
"Have Hera Luxiom or S.C. Navras responded?"
"No sir."
"Hmm. We still have 4 days. They may change their minds."
"Will that be all sir?"
"Yes, thank you."

As the advisor left the room, Albash cursed the Commander not for the first time. Damnit, why did he have to do this? A war would be devastating to the region's economies at this time, and political relations are unstable enough without the constant backstabbing and propaganda which unerringly accompanies such conflicts.

Staring out across the massive harbor, Falkme Island visible only as a distant smear on the horizon, Albash waited. And prayed.
The Neodammerung
13-06-2004, 03:29
A light breeze blew a crisp cool air over the decks of the HSS Voyager, the personal ship of the Supreme Allied Commander. A light breeze began to blow stronger until it was full breeze and the humming of chopper blades ringing through the air. Troops began to line the deck as the helicopter began landing procedures. The chopper landed safely and the Voyager's Admiral Sharp, began to stride towards the helicopter. He knelt and bowed his head deeply as the pilot ran around and opened the door to the passenger cabin. Out stepped a pair of boots followed by the graceful floating down of the ceremonial cloak of the Supreme Allied Commander of the Confederacy of the Neodammerung.

"My Saviour, it is an honour to be in your presence once again."

"Spare me the pleasantries, Admiral. On your feet." said the cold voice of the hardlined dictator. The two began to walk past the lines of troops towards the ship's bridge.

"Has there been any news from Valenvaryon or La Voille, Admiral?"

"Their ships have been at a stand still since the destruction of the Baltimore, my Saviour. Our radar have picked up Chellin forces on the other side of the Leuman mainland. They will be within attack range in less than 24 hours. Also, Military Intelligence wired in a message for you. It appears that Commander you retired early was an agent of Luxiom."

"Yes... I will deal with her when the time comes... You haven't fired anything over Leuman airspace as of yet, correct?"

"That is correct my Saviour."

"Alright. Bring the Navy to a stand still. I don't want any shot fired unless in self defence. Shoot down anything that flies over that doesn't bear the marking of the Neodammerung's Armed Forces. Put our forces on amber alert."

"What do you intend to do, my Saviour?"

"I intend to negotiate the surrendur of Leumah. Prepare me a boat to the shores of Leumah. Telegram Sajuk that I intend to arrive at the main docks in three hours time and that I request safe passage. You will come with me along with my bodyguards. Also, if I am slain, which is likely because of the yellow-bellied coward that Sajuk is, the Navy is to sail to Valenvaryon. I have wired Valen to lead the navy against Leumah should I die. The Confederacy will become a militaristic state should I depart from this world and a protectorate of Valen."

"My Saviour. With all due respect, this is blatant stupidity. Sajuk will not comply with your terms."

"I think he will once he hears them... and for the sake of his political reputation, he would think twice before striking me down. Now do as I ask."
13-06-2004, 05:32
First Corporal Colin Fitzgerald of the Leumahn National Guard stood in an uneasy silence. He warily watched the Voilian fleet, at anchor a mere 20 miles off coast. The black outlines of the ships stood menacingly, their silence over the past few days was as unnerving as any bombardment. Fitzgerald shuddered involuntarily. He wearily sat back behind the desk, idly scanning through the short wave radio frequencies. Military frequencies, nothing. Of course the Voilian navy would be maintaining radio silence more than ever. Scanning to the left. Fire department, Coast guard, Police frequencies.

Fitzgerald sighed and rubbed his aching eyes. This eternity of waiting on constant alert was playing havoc with him and all his men. Stationed along the coastline, at 2 mile intervals, was the bulk of the Leumahn military. Waiting for the tell-tale sound of artillery fire from the Voilian navy.

Suddenly, unexpected from the radio. An obscure freqency, faint signals, either very far away or simply very weak transmitters. Fitzgerald quickly subrouted the output through an amplifier unit, then a logical noise gate to filter all the interference. He strained to hear what the voices were saying. Lots of static, he guessed they were using hand held radios. There was no encryption or scrambling, very insecure. Probably not military. He felt uneasy. Making minute adjustments to the recieving equipment, he listened with absolute concentration until he could make out the voices.

"SHHSHSHSHS - left wing, stay down, over - KSSHT"
"KSSHT - copy, holding back, awaiting go-ahead, over - KSHHT"
"FZZZT - *CRACKLE* - scout three, we have contact, over - KSSSHHHT"
"KSSHT - roger scout three, moving to cover. Right wing, advance S.E. five, over. SHKSSHHT"
"KRSHTSHT- copy that, left wing hold position, wait for visual - FZZCRSHST"

Fitzgerald jerked back at the sound of gunfire. Not from the radio. Coming from somewhere to the west of the tower. He leapt over to the window, and frantically peered down, trying to make out what was happening.

What he saw sent his blood cold.

Moving through the coastal forest, camoflaged figures. At the base of his tower, saw the bloodstained body of Private Hellan. Shots ringing out in the forest. And then, a subtle flash in his peripheral vision, closely followed by a dull CRUMP. He looked up to see NG tower 6-2 two miles up the coast disintegrate into flaming rubble, black smoke belching from its base. The top of the tower leaned, then fell to the ground.

Fitzgerald ran back to the radio set, grabbing the mic. Flipped to the Leumahn military frequency. Didn't turn on any encryptors, didn't need them. This message was hardly secret.
"All personnel, repeat, all personnel, this is National Guard Coastal Tower 6-3, we are under attack, repeat, we are under attack. Respond at once. Unidentified enemy presence, numbers unknown, foot soldiers only have been seen. Munitions equipped. All personnel on alert - "

He felt rather than heard the blast coming from under the tower. He saw the barrel of the tower's artillery cannon flying upwards at the front of the tower, followed by flames and burning debris. The glass around him cracked, then burst. The tower shook beneath his feet, as the ammunition for the cannon detonated. The floor cracked in half, and the building fell around him. Blood. Smoke. Fire. Explosions. Coffee mug somehow still intact on the floor.


* * * * * *

"There is an extremist group representative outside, he wishes an audience. Apparently he has a matter of some importance to discuss."

Demoire snorted. "Hah, Send him away. I have no time for these group's empty threats and inane ravings. If they want amendments to our Constitution giving Bigtopians less rights, then I demand you expel him from the building in the most humiliating manner you can imagine."

"Sir, he is part of an extreme military group. They are violently opposed to the Leumahns, and he is insisting that since the Voilian military refuses to attack, they are taking matters into their own hands."

"I know these groups, they are all talk and no action. They will do nothing. Get rid of him at once, I have more pressing matters to attend to."

"With all due respect sir, I think there may be some truth to his claims. Apparently the group has already landed on the Leumahn coast and launched a guerilla offensive."

Demoire's eyes narrowed.
"Tell him -" Slow, precise speech. "- to go and stick his fictitious army of guerillas up his arse, or I will do it for him. Clear?"

The aide swallowed nervously. "Yessir."
The door slammed in his face.
The Neodammerung
13-06-2004, 06:00
"What the f*** was that!?" cried Navras. He bobbed up and down along with the Admiral and his bodyguard in his boat watching the red flower blooming from the towers on the island. "That didn't come from us or La Voille. That explosion had to be detonated on the island!"

The Admiral picked up his binoculars. "Take a look at this sir..." Navras snatched the binoculars. Through the binoculars he could see the smoke rising. "Looks like the work of rebels. We can land in the capital as normal without fear of military bombardment from La Voille. Just keep your eyes out for any danger."

"My Saviour, I think we'd better turn back. It isn't safe for you here anymore..."

"It wasn't safe here for me to begin with, Admiral. Take us to the main docks. We'll need to refuel to make it back to the Voyager anyway."


A small boat with the markings of the Neodammerung Armed Forces slowly could be spotted off the shores of Leumah by Leuman First Officer Wickerman. He picked up his radio link.

"My lord... shall we open fire?"
13-06-2004, 06:12
[code:1:5f29b44351]To: Leumah Port Officials
From: 41st support division naval attache.

This is the CHN Mirage, Lead Destroyer of the Chellian 41st Naval attachment. We are requesting allowance to land in a small port near our position. We do not feel safe moving the infantry forces closer to drop off our men. We will move our ships in the area to help support your own, after we drop them off, if this plan works out alright for you. Thank you.[/code:1:5f29b44351]
13-06-2004, 06:52

Greetings to all

Let it be known the the NOXIDOM REGIONAL HOMEPAGE ALPHA RELEASE 1.1 is complete. I apologise for the extreme dodginess of the page, but everything important's there. I reccomend that you all cruise on over there and hang out for a while. If you have any suggestions for improvements, drop me a telegram. I have not a lot of time to make it really whizbang wonderful, but I don't want telegrams saying "eew, its ugly!" Yes i know its ugly. You're ugly. Get over it, html sucks balls and i can't be bothered to make it good looking. Its functional, and thats all that matters. the end.

13-06-2004, 06:52

Greetings to all

Let it be known the the NOXIDOM REGIONAL HOMEPAGE ALPHA RELEASE 1.1 is complete. I apologise for the extreme dodginess of the page, but everything important's there. I reccomend that you all cruise on over there and hang out for a while. If you have any suggestions for improvements, drop me a telegram. I have not a lot of time to make it really whizbang wonderful, but I don't want telegrams saying "eew, its ugly!" Yes i know its ugly. You're ugly. Get over it, html sucks balls and i can't be bothered to make it good looking. Its functional, and thats all that matters. the end.

La Voile
13-06-2004, 07:22
Alesandro was preparing for the night flight to the Falkmies when Jacques, the vice-president walked in.
"Alesandro, SC Navras has touched down on his personal cruiser."
"Wonderful, invite the Commander for dinner will you. We have to discuss politics, oh and remind him that we will not have a repeat of last time, he can't go killing my civil servants because they didn't call him 'Saviour'."
Alesandro quickly jotted down a memo and emailed it, postponing the Falkme flight for at least one night.
"Speaking of which Alesandro, he cut down one of his commanders a week ago."
"So what’s new, the Commander said that he preferred the SACs other shoes better or something?"
"Well that is beside the point, the Commander was a spy from Luxiom."
"Do a background check of all the civil servants?"
"My thoughts exactly Jacques."

At that same moment a black bladed knife thudded into the wall, impaled by it was a memo.
“Good morning Luc”
A figure clothed all in black stealth gear flipped through the open window.
“Sir, Leumah has been attacked”
“Can’t he wait?”
“Not by CON.”
“Rebels? If so I want to get in to contact with them.”
He pressed a few buttons on his keypad and yelled, “Demoire!”
Alesandro had never liked the smarmy politician who seemed to put his own agenda before his country’s well being.
Demoire walked in, “Sir?”
“Rebels in Leumah get in contact. Now. You do know how to do that or would you rather be replaced by someone who can walk and chew gum at the same time?”
“No Sir, I will find out immediately.”
Demoire inwardly fumed, he detested the Presidente, who filed everything under ‘S’ for Stuff, he didn’t deserve his position. As he walked out of the room he put two and two together and got a really bad answer. If they had committed to action and he had sent them away then, it would cost him his job, the job which was his life, his reason to exist. He couldn’t tell them, nobody could.
6 hours later: The eyes of Eric Darc clouded over. The aide who had told Demoire about the extremist group was dead.
La Voile
13-06-2004, 08:46
OOC: There is now a poll at the start of the forum, just to gauge support. Please complete it. Remember this is now a closed RP with only the Noxidom region and Chellis, this is because I do not want another nation the size of Chellis joining with Leumah, cause then I would have no chance of winning this war.
PS: Love the site, somewhere to put our comments or posts perhaps?
13-06-2004, 09:37
[code:1:d66d099350]To 41st Support Division
From Leuman Port Authority

You are free to land combat units at port 12Alpha and support units at 12Beta. Be aware that there has been rebel activity in recent days, and take the necessary precautions. Have a nice day[/code:1:d66d099350]

The Emperor heard the request to fire from his Chief of Arms.

"Do not fire at them. Allow them to land, and I will hear what they have to say... from a safe distance, of course."

The Emperor turned to leave the room, to meet the apparent emmissary from Neodammerung, for he did not know the identity of the boat's captain. He would first speak to the person, in his special audience hall. The one with lexan glass and audio repeaters, to protect him from concealed weapons.

"Don't forget to scan them. Thoroughly.
13-06-2004, 10:06
OOC: I really only plan to have one division, and air elements... I dont really want to have a big influence on this, heh...

"I thought there was some kinda war goin on here?" Said Sergei Merkana, as he was preparing to get off his landing boat."I dunno. All they said was dont fire at anyone, unless fired at... Whatever." Said a random private. "All I know is, I wanna fire my gun..."Sergei said, as he finally stepped off the craft, hoisting it up. "Heh... well, lets get a move o"Puffs of white dust came off the private, as he fell to the ground.

"Ambush!" Screamed a seargent, firing his PP-89 at a man in the distance, missing. The chellians immediatly jumped for cover, cocked their guns, and began firing at the enemies. The mens long range, high power rifles were able to cut down many enemies who were at sniper range, assuming the troops were using mostly assault rifles. Sergei took out two of them, as a medic tried to tend to the private who had been shot up.

A frigate fired a few rounds from its 5 inch gun; the Heavy Explosive shells hit only where chellian soldiers marked, and no collateral damage was done. Quickly cleaning up the remaining rebels, they were able to count at least Seventy rebel bodys.

"Well, that was fun, wasn't it?" Sergei said to a PFC, as he shouldered his weapon. The PFC began to say something, but a transport vehicle came to them. As Sergei began entering the vehicle, a bullet exited the front of his body, into the vehicle. He slumped, half inside the transport vehicle, and was at peace.


To:Leumah Port Authority
From:41st Support Div.

Landing was a success. Light resistance encountered, five chellian casualties, 6 wounded. Our forces are headed to where the naval ships are ammased, so we may help set up armaments.[/code:1:8620e71c11]
The Neodammerung
13-06-2004, 10:18
As the Neodammerung boat docked in the Capital of Leumah, Navras heard the thumping of soldiers marching to surround the boat. He heard the cocking of weapons aiming at the boat. Finally, the metallic voice of the megaphone. "Passengers of the vessel of the Confederacy and declared enemies of the state! You have ten seconds to show yourself with your hands above your head!" The Admiral grabbed Navras arm as he and his bodyguard began to move out towards the open.

"One... Two..."

"It's not too late to turn back, my Saviour."

"Three... Four..."

"Do you doubt my diplomatic skills, Admiral?"

"Five... Six..."

Navras shrugged off the Admiral's grip and accompanied his bodyguard up on the jetty. Men in black Kevlars and tactical helmets had the docks surrounded. One of the men made the approach towards Navras with a set of hand cuffs.

"I assure you, there is no need to restrain me... I merely wish an audience with your leader."

Another man, evidently the squad leader approached the trio. "Oh my god..." he said as he stood in shock. "Its... you..."

"Yes... me..."


Troops lined the halls of the Leuman palace, watching every move that Navras and his two highest ranking officers made. The Admiral was becoming fidgety with fear. Navras and his bodyguard - as cold and calm as they always were. They marched down the corridors towards the audience hall.

"Sire... I'm afraid I'm going to have to ask you to remove your weapons."

The Royal Guard was refering to the swords on his belt. Navras was growing tiresome of the stupidity of the Leuman authorities. "I'm guessing your cowardly leader won't let me within twenty metres of himself so what am I supposed to do? Shoot him with my swords?"

The Royal Guard looked stupified as Navras continued into the audience, the flowing black cape following him through the door. The Admiral and the bodyguard waited at the doorway for their Saviour to conduct his business.

"Well... if it isn't the dark lord himself come to drop by for a visit..." The voice was metallic... speakers. Navras looked ahead and saw the Emperor Sajuk... the sight of him filled him with anger, although you couldn't tell it, he remained calm and cool. Finally, he stopped and reached out to tap the bulletproof glass... "I didn't think you would have the balls to show up with only two sidekicks and your pithy blades," came back the metallic voice of Sajuk.

"You know why I have come..."

Sajuk just laughed... and then stopped. "No I don't, Navras... why have you come?"

"I find the stupidity of your nation quite disturbing... I have come to discuss the terms of the surrendur of Leumah to the Confederacy of the Neodammerung."

Sajuk just looked at him blankly... "You and what army? I have Chellis armed forces down in the docks ready to dismantle the navy to pieces. Aetherios and Luxiom, the two largest nations in the region are prepared to defend me... La Voille is a pithy effort against any force and Valen is merely interested in his own gain."

Navras stood back. "For some bizarre reason, I thought you might believe in the concept of honour."

"And what does this have to do with the current state of things?"

"We bring this conflict back to a fair playing ground. I am giving you the opportunity to defend your honour, before you slip too far into the voids of becoming a coward. I challenge you to a duel. What say you?"

Sajuk, again staring blankly into space...

"What say you!?"
13-06-2004, 10:28
The Commander sighed, flicked his computer off. He hated public opinion polls. They always indicated the complete opposite of the final outcome. Nobody cared, and most people simply voted for whatever they felt like, with no real thought going in to their decision.

Whoever had set up this ridiculous poll was simply seeking attention, and to have it broadcast throughout the region on NRBC...

He thought out loud.

"In war, there are no winners and no losers. Everyone loses, and we must guage whether what we gain from the conflict justifies the loss. No general in history has ever been able to outweigh the cost of his war for the cause. Alexander the Great, lost thousands upon thousands building his mighty empire. The Roman Empire, countless soldiers gave their lives. And these mighty confederacies, they do not stand today, do they?"

The Commander mused thoughfully.

"I wonder which of our empires will be still standing in a hundred years, and whether our losses today and tommorrow will be justified?"

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

Albash rubbed his fatigued eyes, reached for another cup of coffee. Kneading his temples, he glanced at Orvas Helseth. His advisor looked terrible, about as bad as Albash felt at that time. After a lengthy silence, he spoke.

"The Summit is tomorrow, Helseth."
"Yes Sir."
"What of the Supreme Commander?"
"He was last seen heading for the Leumah Coast. Since the attack on the NG towers only 8 hours ago, we have heard nothing. Let us hope he has not become caught up with the Voilian extremists."
"I would be more worried about Sajuk at this time. Navras is not a rational man, and his... 'negotiation skills' more often than not involve swords."

Albash sighed again.
"All I hope is that the Summit is attended by ALL national leaders. The unfortunate death of a leader could spell disaster at this time."
"Would Navras do such a thing?"
"I hope not."
"But the summit is only 2 days away -"
"-and still no word from Luxiom, Aetherios, Enrouler, Copigs, Mazrak.." Albash ticked the nations off on his fingers.
"What are we going to do sir?"

Albash's expression hardened.

"We will hold the summit as planned. Those nations who do not attend, they are making clear their course. This was to be a conference in the interests of peace. If they do not come to the summit, they do not come to peace."

He looked out the window at the dawn, creeping over the horizon.

Where was Aetherios in this time of trial?
13-06-2004, 10:35
Amiros read the telegram from Presidente A. Amore.

“The vulgarity of it! Assuming continuing trade rights! Let it be known. My Empire will not trade with any nation involved in war. No nation engaged in conflict shall benefit from any Amirosian export or funds. Cancel any trade with La Voile. Send word to the Amirosian workers in Navras’ brothels that they are to be removed. Leave only my spies. They have the granted protection of Bes and Isis. Anyone who harms my girls will be struck down by the wrath of the gods.”

Julio, Enrique’s temporary replacement, looked shocked!

“Highness, these are rash actions. These nations are powerful. They possess more power than we know. You could endanger your people. Is this what you want?”

Amiros’ green eyes glared at Julio.

“You position here is not to question me. You job is to do as I command, WITHOUT QUESTION! Also, would you kindly explain this mention of a leader summit? Why does it seem everything reaches me late? You…you are a waste of space…”

With that, Amiros pulled her personal blaster from her thigh holster and pointed it towards Julio. He knelled at his rulers feet.

“Please Highness, do not kill me! I had heard of the summit. But I feared for you. These are powerful leaders. I did not want you to endanger yourself by joining with them in meeting.”

“Are we not also a powerful nation? Young as we are, I am perfectly capable of representing us in a summit. Am I not? Do not doubt the power of our nation. We have our weapons and our advantages, only unlike the testosterone filled nations of La Voile, Navras, Valen and Leumah, we do not flaunt them. For now the only action for us to take is ceasing cooperative trade with warring nations. No news yet from Enrique or Hera Luxiom. Go Julio. Fetch the fastest men in the lands.”

Obliging, Julio left the room. Amiros paced. Julio had a point. Such a small country, there didn’t seem much place for her at the summit. And it was such a distance. But A. Amore had requested her presence. What does he want? Sighing, Amiros took out a roll of papyrus.

Hera Luxiom,
I wish to ask your advice regarding the summit? I am undecided about whether to attend? Will your majesty be present?

Rethinking her position, Amiros scrunched up the papyrus and grabbed another.

Presidente A. Amore of the Serene Republic of La Voile,
I am in agreement. Trade needs to be discussed. I shall meet with you at the summit. We shall discuss my current position on trade.

The Legendary Amiros

Julio returned with six handsome men from the village.

“Forget my previous plans. We leave for the Falkme’s in 3hrs. Prepare my entourage. I will take the finest women. I wish to impress these so-called powerful leaders”
13-06-2004, 10:36

RE: noxidom homepage

Somewhere to put posts or comments? What do you think I am, SuperCoder?!?!

No! now go the hell away and enjoy my ugly-as-sin webpage i did for all you ungrateful wretches.

Oh, and sorry for double posting the message, was a mistake, i hit submit but then realised i forgot to stick the link for the page on it. So i hit stop and hoped it hadn't double posted. but it did. Sorry, my bad :roll:

head of KCNM, Ben

13-06-2004, 12:46
Post deleted 11:30pm Sun 13 June 2004
13-06-2004, 12:52
The First Visionary was aware of what Commander Navras' intentions were. To the Aetherian head of state, they were three things. Power-hungry, foolish, and most importantly to him....

"...predictable as always."

Navras turned his head to see the First Visionary of Aetherios addressing him, standing in same doorway he had used to enter. The First Visionary had known through his informants of Navras' desire to duel. He was aware that he would want issue the challenge in person, and he wanted to be there when it happened.

Sajuk smiled slightly at the sight of his ally. The First Visionary, however. did not.

"What are you doing here, bureaucrat?!" demanded Navras, "you're interupting!"

"What I'm doing, *savior*" he intoned deliberately, " is intervening."

The eyes of the First Visionary flickered to the exit behind Sajuk momentarily, meaning to send a message. The Emperor understood and left them.

Navras was visibly angry at this intrusion.

"How dare you...?!"

"...not be intimidated behind a screen?" queried the Aetherian. "You wouldn't kill me now. But not because of politics. But because you claim to be honorable, right?"

The commander only glared.

"We will speak at the summit in two days. All will be sorted out there." The Visionary stepped back into the hallway. "Until then, I think you will find myself and the Emperor unavailable."

In the hall, a Leuman guard opened a secure door for him.

Leonie stood there, a look of relief on her face.

"How did it go?" she said with concern.

The First Visionary said nothing.
The Neodammerung
13-06-2004, 13:46
The boat trip back to the HSS Voyager was a miserable one. Supreme Allied Commander Navras just stared blankly out to the horizon, where he saw the coastline the Neodammerung. Home. The Admiral put his hand on Navras' shoulders.

"My Saviour... I think its time for you to return to the Neodammerung."

Navras shrugged off the Admiral's hand. He then looked to the south. A small coastline sitting on the horizon. The Falkme Islands. "Like hell it is!"


Back on the HSS Voyager, Supreme Allied Commander Navras was fuming. He was delivering orders left, right and centre. "Right, we need a crackdown on intelligence. I want as much information and predicaments as you can give me for my trip to the summit on the Falkme Islands. Secondly, I am sick and tired of my actions being predicted. I don't want anyone entering the country. Do background checks on any citizens who have immigrated in the past five years. Do background checks on every single worker in a government department. DEPORT any prostitutes from a foreign nation. If you come up with anything suspicious on ANYONE, detain them and execute any and every spy you catch. Bring the navy home, however the HSS Voyager begins its trip to the Falkme Islands tonight."

"But what of Leumah?" questioned the Admiral.

"Sajuk only lives to die another day, in another place whether by my hand or another. As for the First Visionary... he, along with the rest of the NNA can go and jam any allegiance they had with me up their quoits! I am the backbone of this region! Without me, they'd be nothing! Also, bring me a draft resolution declaring Aetherios an enemy of the state by tomorrow morning. I will write my amendments to it after the summit."

"Sir... don't you think your just being a tad irrational. I can understa-"

Those were his last words, as Navras swiped his cold iron blade right through the middle of him, the sword back in its scabbard as quick as it was drawn, leaving a metallic ring in the air.

"Rationalise that!" The Admiral split in half on the deck. "You! Send the Admiral's Second-In-Command to my living quarters NOW!"
13-06-2004, 14:09
As the warm morning breeze swept through the dark place of Kazakbra, the Lord sat at a table in his private quarters halfway through consuming the carcass of half a beast.

The lady of Mazrak walked passed him and up to the window which looked out onto the capital of Mazrak. She was dressed in a black and red robe with a small golden dragon hanging from her neck.

"Will you be attending the summit in two days time my love?" the lady of Mazrak says as her eyes peer over her husband capital.

Boris swallows a mouth full of the half eaten beast. "What’s the point? Both the countries I have treaties with are both the aggressors and no where in the treaties does it say where I must go with them to war".

"What about Chellis, do you believe it right for an outside nation to meddle in the regions affair?” questioned the lady.

"Oh that fool, it infuriates me but what I can do about it? Nothing, Chellis is far too strong for me too go to war with. But he stands with Leumah and he only has a small force in the region and La Voile, Neodammerung and that Valenvaryon. Hmmm, if I stand with them against Leumah then I can at least have a shot against the wretched Chellis. But I will attend no summit. If they wish for my counsel then they come to me".

The lady laughs to herself. "Oh Boris, where would we be without you?"

Boris grins. His eyes glow an unnatural red.

"BRANIGAN" yells Boris.
A runt of a man comes running in.
"Yes my lord?" mumbles the runt.

"Send this message to La Voile".
"My dear Alesandro, I am disgusted with the idea of a nation such as Chellis meddling in our own private regional affairs. I have decided it is in the benefit of the nation that I stand with you and whoever else may wish to join us against Leumah and this meddling fool who calls himself Chellis. My warriors will soon be ready to join yours I will send approximately 2 million troops to support and fight along side yours these will get too by air, I will ask for permission from Navras to fly through his airspace for it would take them too long to get to you by see. I also believe there is no point in attending this so called summit.”

"Is that all my lord?"

"No it is not, send a message to Navras asking for permission to send my troops through his airspace to La Voile to help in this fight against Chellis and Leumah."
"Now BEGONE", roared Boris as the runt scattered form his sight.
13-06-2004, 23:55
Dmitri stood on the top of a small hill, outside the capital city of Leumah. It was night time. A cold breeze flowed through the base camp, as chellian mobile AAA guns set up. A helicopter flew overhead, unarmed, presumably carrying some sort of supplies to or from the ships. Dmitri looked at the lights of the city, and the distant shimmering of the sea.

"Dmitri, food." Solumnly said a staff seargant, giving Dmitri a small pat on the back."Its sad, isn't it?"Dmitri said, still looking toward the city."We look upon this city, and see what man has gloriously made. In a days time, it could all be gone, rubble and flesh indiscriminatly layed in the city."Dmitri continued, Holstering his rifle.

"Don't think of things like that, Dmitri. Good food tonight, good fighting tomorrow. All we got to worry about."The Seargant said, as the two headed to the base camp, as Chellian V-121L aircraft began landing in the distance.
14-06-2004, 01:56
Subject: matter of some interest

Mr Presidente

Below is an intercepted transcript of an extract from news broadcast in Leumah aired approximately three hours ago. I believe that it is important for you to realise the full implications of our current position. Through Demoire's blatant ignorance of the vital issues, we have been placed in an extremely bad international light. I do not assume it is my responsibility to make such decisions, however, might I strongly reccomend that you remove Demoire from his current posting, and replace him with someone more qualified to hold the position. I am sure that in your infinite wisdom, you can find the perfect man for the job. Might I remind you I have been in your loyal service for twelve years now. My only desire is to serve you, presidente, sir, commander, general, supreme governor.

Your ever humble servant

Antoin Mittleman

attatchment: trans_inb(12-6).txt

A: In breaking news today, open war on Leumahn soil. Soldiers now positively identified from La Voile attacked the National Guard Observation Tower Relays earlier today. The towers are a non-military emplacement, making the Voilian's attack even more heinous. Larry Kirkoff has all the details.


LK: The Voilian soldiers landed half a mile up the coast. We believe they came from one of the Voilian ships moored off the coastline (SHOT OF SHIPS, DARK, MENACING). They infiltrated our defences through sabotage and destroyed two of the observation towers, the remains of which you can see behind me. Luckily, our highly trained crack troops, with the timely intervention of the first of the Chellian forces, the soldiers were quickly suppressed. The enemy was quick to surrender, and our victory was swift and decisive (NOTE: TONY DON'T USE THE SHOT OF THE 70 DEAD VOILIANS, IT MAKES US LOOK BAD, SEE IF YOU CAN GET SOME OF OURS DRESSED UP IN VOILIAN UNIFORMS AS 'PRISONERS'). The motive for the attack is uncertain at this time, but Corporal Fitzgerald has firm beliefs.


CF: This is simply an open declaration of war. Those Voilian scum have been looking for an excuse to attack us for years. Now because of the whole Baltimoire fiasco, they think its fine to launch an all-out attack. This landing is only the beginning. Next they'll be shelling our coastal cities and bombing our factories. I wouldn't be surprised if they blew up the Baltimoire themselves just to give them a plausible reason to attack us.


LK: La Voile has denied all involvement with the attack, deflecting the blame onto an outside extremist terrorist group. This reporter, for one, doesn't believe a word of it. I'm Larry Kirkoff, for Leumahn National News.

14-06-2004, 02:07
14-06-2004, 02:07
The boy called Enrique collapsed on the marble floor. His clothes were torn, his eyes dark and breath sparse. Hera Luxiom glanced at her assistants who picked him up and carried him away.
"Clean him up and give me his message."
Luxiom read from the papyrus. Before she had even ceased Kali presented her with another. This she examined closely.
"It seems sister Amiros is hesitant. Well she should be. Send her a messenger."
Luxiom half smiled, "Send Ricardo. He will be able to find her on her journey. Have him tell her that I shall be attending the summit and that we should strive for peace. Nations such as Luxiom and Amiros want nothing more than to grow and strive free from tyranny."
Arhen emerged from behind a pillar as the strapping Ricardo hurried from the chamber. "Hera, there have been terrorist attacks from the anti-Leumah group."
"If Leumah needs help from us he may ask at any time. If we become targets I think the LSS agents can handle it. Still-background checks on everyone coming or going from the borders."
"Mazrak has also sided with La Voile."
"Strange ideas of honour, don't you think Arhen?"
Arhen stood uncomfortably, unsure of her meaning.
"That they should think that the defence of a country from outside a region is immoral. Who has the greater crime? Chellis or La Voile? Pah-Neodammarung, Mazrak and La Voile-they all play the games of little boys. But then perhaps they will prove me wrong at the Falkme's. Kali-we will bring gifts for all nations. Honeywine, perfumes and fine crystal for each."
Luxiom saw the lengthening shadows on the floor, "I'll see Enrique now."
14-06-2004, 02:34
The boy called Enrique collapsed on the marble floor. His clothes were torn, his eyes dark and breath sparse. Hera Luxiom glanced at her assistants who picked him up and carried him away.
"Clean him up and give me his message."
Luxiom read from the papyrus. Before she had even ceased Kali presented her with another. This she examined closely.
"It seems sister Amiros is hesitant. Well she should be. Send her a messenger."
Luxiom half smiled, "Send Ricardo. He will be able to find her on her journey. Have him tell her that I shall be attending the summit and that we should strive for peace. Nations such as Luxiom and Amiros want nothing more than to grow and strive free from tyranny."
Arhen emerged from behind a pillar as the strapping Ricardo hurried from the chamber. "Hera, there have been terrorist attacks from the anti-Leumah group."
"If Leumah needs help from us he may ask at any time. If we become targets I think the LSS agents can handle it. Still-background checks on everyone coming or going from the borders."
"Mazrak has also sided with La Voile."
"Strange ideas of honour, don't you think Arhen?"
Arhen stood uncomfortably, unsure of her meaning.
"That they should think that the defence of a country from outside a region is immoral. Who has the greater crime? Chellis or La Voile? Pah-Neodammarung, Mazrak and La Voile-they all play the games of little boys. But then perhaps they will prove me wrong at the Falkme's. Kali-we will bring gifts for all nations. Honeywine, perfumes and fine crystal for each."
Luxiom saw the lengthening shadows on the floor, "I'll see Enrique now."
14-06-2004, 08:39
Rays of sun began to break over the horizon. Amiros had begun her journey north to the Falkmes. Her personal aircraft was being flanked by two fighter jets. These jets were just defensive and once the Empress had been seen safely landed on the Falkmes they will rest on the northern most coast of Aetherios. For once, things seemed peaceful!

Julio burst into the room.

"Highness, we are reciveing communications from Enrouler!"

"Thank the gods! She is ok?!"

Amiros hurried to the newly installed communication system. A static image of Enrouler appeared on the screen.

"Enrouler! I am overjoyed to hear from you. It has been too long! Are you aware of the current political chaos? Will you be attending the summit?"

"Amiros, I apologise for my lack of communication with you or Luxiom. Being so geographically stranded my messengers seldom make it far. I have heard of the summit. And yes my intension is to attend! What positon are you and Luxiom adopting?"

"We both plan to attend with the intension of peace. Luxiom is bringing gifts, I am bringing my finest women. These testosterone filled men think themselves greater in power and number than us. We must show them to be false!"

"Agreed. I shall. Will talk to you at the Summit!"

With that, Enrouler's image flicked and disappeared.

Amiros climbed into her bed. Wrapping herself in satin sheets, she prayed for peace. Hopefully, after tomorrows summit, things would be calmer!
La Voile
14-06-2004, 09:19
An aide laid photos on Alesandros desk, they showed a dark haired man.
Enrique, Amiros' servant.
Alesandro was the first leader to arrive at the Falkmies and was sitting in his embassy.
He took the call from Jacques Deuxieme, the vice-president.
"In the light of several issues, Demoire has been relieved of his post."
"He murdered and aide, so one of Luc's men retired him."
Luc LeBlanc was one of the best operatives of VI-6 La Voile's intelligence services, also a close friend to Alesandro.
"Right, I will talk to you soon, thankyou Jacques."
He read the message from Boris, and smiled. He wrote a reply.

To: Lord Boris.
We have received your message and I thankyou for your aide, however I would like to point out that we are lucky that it is only a small force of Chellians, as their nation is ten times the size of mine. We will be known to be 'defending' ourselves against Leumah, we will not mention Chellis again, we do not wish to bring the full strength of Chellis upon our region.
Your base is to be situated 5 km north of Irein, a southern La Voilean town, preparations are being made, I am SURE you will attend the summit, as you are now apart of this situation. I await your presence at the Falkmies.

He read the message from 18T a VI-6 agent on Leumah.
Decoded it read:
:::CON arrived challenged Sajuk, FVOA arrived and stopped it, heard interchange between S. and FVOA. FVOA discussions with S. concluded with no definite resolution. They will be at Falkmie.

Alesandro smiled: it was all coming together.
14-06-2004, 10:37
Antoin Mittleman skipped down the hallway, an unpleasant sight for the interns unlucky enough to pass the flabby figure. He hummed happily to himself.

"Yes, life is good! Who scored a promotion? An-toin did! Who got retired, De-moire did! C'mon, get down!"

The bemused secretary closed the door on the disco dancing politician. She considered acquiring the security camera tapes in Antoin's room and sending them to the president. Reluctantly decided against it. After all, with Demoire's sudden departure for Copigs (so she heard from an intern on the fifth floor), which, come to think of it, was extremely short notice, she didn't want to have to move offices again so soon.

She sat down and logged onto her computer. Saw a videoconference request from the minister for defense. For fun, she turned on Mittleman's webcam and patched the minster through, just a fraction of a second before triggering his alarm. She giggled at the bemused face of the minsiter, and Antoin's rapid halt to his victory dance. He hurridly pretended to be stretching his back.

Somehow, Mittleman didn't exactly seem up for the job.

Sighing, she turned her attention to sorting his email.

Ignored the one about "Your requested subscription to HOT_GIRLZ++ has been approved"...

It was going to be one of those days.
14-06-2004, 13:01
As Branigan finished reading out the message Boris leaned back into his throne, he looked around at the skulls which hung from the walls of his throne room. The skulls belonged to all the unfortunate souls who had challenged his rule over Mazrak in his unnaturally long lifetime. He thought to himself for a moment.

"Maybe it is a good idea if you did attend this summit", whispered the lady of Mazrak from her throne to the left of Boris.

"Hmmmm, looks like it, alright I still don’t see the need in attending but because Alesandro recommends it I shall attend. Has Navras responded for to my request to use his airspace?" inquires Boris.

"No my lord, not of yet" replies Branigan.

"Well send another request to also use his airspace to travel to the Falkme island. As soon as he replies I shall leave for Falkme Island and also when I do, send the troops to La Voile straight away. In my absence I leave the lady of Mazrak in charge." Boris proclaims to his audience of servants and generals.

"While at the summit I will look for support to rid the region of Chellis, actually send this message to Alesandro.”

My dear Alesandro I fully understand that the size of Chellis does make them a powerful enemy, but if we can fight together and get the support both politically and militarily from nations such Valenvaryon and Neodammerung, I believe we can rid the region of this scum. Through your recommendation I have decided I will be attending the summit and it is there I believe we must find the support from our neighbours to destroy this foreign invader.

"Is that all my lord?" inquires Branigan.

"Yes, now send it straight away" replies Boris.

"Be strong and ever vigilant in my absence. Be wary of both foreign enemies and internal ones" Boris states to his audience of generals.

"We will my lord" the generals reply together.

Boris leaves the throne room with the lady of Mazrak to prepare for his travel to Falkme Island.
14-06-2004, 13:32
From his orbiting patrol aircraft, Lt. Clark had a front row seat to watch the launch of his country's 5th Space Defense and Attack Sattelite. Like every pilot in the sky that night, he was watching mainly to avoid being hit by the booster.

There! The spark of the ignition system, followed a second later by a massive bloom of pure fire. As Clark watched, the rocket lifted gracefully from the ground, before boosting rapidly up into the air. It gained altitude fast, finally tearing itself free of the planet's atmosphere.
He sat thinking about that sattelite and its brothers, and their implications for the Air Force as a long strike unit...

As Clark and every other pilot within 100 miles sat watching, a Diplomat transport throttled up its engines and departed Leuman airspace, wraithlike in its camoflage, slipping off into the night.

As the craft entered open airspace, it opened a hatch and dumped several lead-encumbered bodies into the Moe Sea. Maybe the LVIA would try harder with its next batch of infiltrants. The man had used his transmitter successfully where no one else could see him, but had forgotten about all of the deployed ELINT gear from the army and air force. LIA, having interrogated the agent and his two assistants, were quite finished with them, and happy to give the sharks a go.
The Neodammerung
15-06-2004, 08:51
Navras stared out at the clear night sky, a light breeze flapping his cloak lightly. The Supreme Allied Commander could not sleep, for he could sense a great disturbance lingering in the air. The Falkme Island lit up the horizon in the distance. He heard the steps of his new Admiral approach him.

"What is it Admiral?"

"My Saviour, Military Intelligence patched through a telegram from Mazrak. Boris wants to use our airspace to get to Leumah."

"He can go by boat like everyone else. Shoot down anything that enters our airspace thats not Neodammerungian. Anchor the ship here. I'll catch the chopper into the Falkme Island tomorrow morning. Have you found me a replacement for the commander I retired in the elevator yet?"

"Oh yes... she will be arriving tomorrow morning by chopper. She will be assigned to you as of tomorrow morning for the Summit."


"Yes, my Saviour. Military Intelligence thought it was about time to introduce a female character of a deadly nature to the plot."

Navras turned back out to sea wondering what the world was coming to...
15-06-2004, 11:00

okay, I've uploaded the regional webpage 1.2 release. this one actually has links and stuff and is slightly better than our old one. I say slightly, but in fact its pretty much just as bad. Its still black with lurid green writing. Hey, high contrast works for me okay? i hope all you all die from eye strain from looking at the wretched thing.

next in line is putting links to everyone's GDP (using the NS gdp calculator) and maybe some other stuff. I also plan to have a page for each nation's description.

What this means is that i want each of you to write out and give me the following: About 500 words describing all about your nation. Geological features, key industries, what your people like, dislike, stand for, what sort of architecture is predominant, how big your cities are, how many of them there are (roughly), what your capital's name is, maybe a brief description of your palace/presidential suite/castle/lair/whatever, and anything else you want to have put up there. The NS system doesn't allow you to have much of a description apart from what the issues you decided upon most recently. Make sure you're happy with what you give me because it'll be a bit of a hassle if you want me to change it once its online (mainly cause im damn lazy). If you want pictures, i can do that as well. Lauren will be scanning the ones she's already drawn of a few of you, and if you ask nicely she might draw a few more. If you want pictures you've found me, remember that our free web host doesn't allow for a lot of upload space, so make them fairly small. We have 13 nations, and if each nation has 4 or 5 pics each, we will run out of space.

If any of you have any other suggestions let me know.

And don't say anything about "hmm, could you make the site more user-friendly?". I dont belive in user-friendliness. I believe in user-abuse and inflicting pain upon people who force me to do things like this. you've got your site now be happy with it.



P.S. see you all at the summit tomorrow, 1230 hours!

15-06-2004, 14:00
The lord stood in his personal quarters starring out of a window admiring his capital. His servants packed his things for the trip to the Falkme island behind him. Branigan walks through the arched doorway lined with images of twisted roses.

“My lord, Navras has sent his reply” speaks Branigan

“And” replies Boris

“He refuses to give permission to us to use his airspace and also says he will shoot down any craft which enters his airspace” quietly speaks Branigan for fear of being ripped apart by his master.

“Ignorant pig, fool proberly thinks I can get there by boat. Copigs has stated his allowance for us to travel through his airspace so we shall fly north through the unclaimed territory, then east through Copigs and south to the Falkme island. Is the new Vampire system ready for use?” inquires Boris.

“Yes my lord, fully functional” Branigan replies with full confidence.

“Excellent, put our nuclear silos on yellow alert, have them point there toys at the major cities of Neodammerung. Navras has good intelligence he will soon learn of this actions, I do not intend for war but only to unsettle him”, chuckles Boris.

“Have my things and my transport ready leave in an hour”, demands Boris

“Yes my lord” replies Branigan as he walks away.
15-06-2004, 14:02
The night before the Summit, aboard the Aetherian ship, The Vorpal the First Visionary was contemplating how events would play out tomorrow. The Heads of state and all of their nuances, the diplomatic ties that surrounded and, if irrespected, would have dire consequences.

A knock at the door of his onboard office brought him back to the current situation.

"Come in" he permitted.

The door opened slowly and Leonie stepped through the steely portal.

"You asked for me?"

"Yes" he began, "I need to ask a favor of you. I will understand if you refuse."

An air of uneasy silence infiltrated the room. There was a look of hesitation in brown eyes, but they also told him to continue.

"The Empress Amiros handles her diplomacy primarily through the ladies she brings with her."

"What does this...?"

"For me to refuse her.... offer of services would be diplomatically unwise. Likewise, there is no advantage in owing her something." He cleared his throat.

Leonie raised an eyevrow, but let him continue.

"Would you accompany me, posing as an escort?" he asked, "The Amirosians wouldn't push the matter then."

He looked up, awaiting an answer.

"Sir, with all due respect..." she said passively before smiling, "I'd like that."

* * * * *

Half an hour later, the First Visionary made the last preparation for tomorrow standing on the bow of The Vorpal.

A tall uniformed man walked up along side him.

"Good evening First Visionary." greeted the figure solemnly.

"Good evening Captain" he replied, before adding "Brother."

"You shouldn't be saying that." the man warned, half-seriously. "The Aetherian head of state must blah blah blah sever all previous links, even their names, in duty to their country."

The First Visionary tried to see the humour but couldn't. He turned to face the man who was part of his former life.

"I'm worried brother." he began in a serious, sincere tone."There are more plans being played out than can be discerned. I suspect someone, possibly Valenvaryon, or others, will take advantage of most of the regional leaders being in the same place at once."

"Then you shouldn't go." his brother responded, knowing the inevitable response.

"I have to." he replied, turning his eyes away."But, I need to make sure everything is in order in case something does happen. If something does happen I want you to open this. Promise me, Dante."

The First Visionary offered him a large, wax sealed envelope. The man didn't argue, but accepted it. Little more was said before Dante returned to his own ship.

"Always have a back-up plan" mused the Visionary to the sea. "Aetherian pearl of wisdom."
16-06-2004, 08:02
LOCATION: Noxidom Civil Headquarters, Falkme Island, 1245 hours
Presidential Summit

* * *
Albash sat at the enormous mahogany table which dominated the conference room. He impassionately watched the various leaders enter the room. President Alesandro, swaggering in with his entourage of advisors, secretaries, executives, and other underlings. Supreme Commander Navras, striding forcefully alone, customary black cape swirling behind him. Emperor Sajuk, also accompanied by a train of subordinates. Hera Luxiom, Ladies of Amiros and Enrouler entered together, speaking in hushed voices. They sat together at the end of the table. Leader's Boris, and his associate from Lictenstine walked in with their muscular bodyguards stationed at either side. He glanced at the Valenvaryon Commander seated on his right.

The board was set.

Keeping his eyes on Alesandro, Albash spoke quietly to his left.
"Glad to see you could make it, First Visionary. I didn't see you come in."
"Few do notice my comings and goings. I prefer it that way."

Albash stood to his feet, waited for conversations to silence.
"I must now ask for all of your various companions to leave."

Outrage, protest, accusations, excuses. Albash raised a hand to silence them.
"This is a presidential summit. A discussion for the Presidents Only. There is no need for bodyguards, advisors, concubines..." He cast an imperceptable glance at Lady Amiros.
"This meeting is being recorded as we speak." He indicated a black unit in the center of the table.
"You will all recieve a copy of the recording at the conclusion of the summit. There is nothing underhand, nothing hidden, nothing on the sly. This meeting is being held in the interests of regional peace. Chellis has sent Captain Orson of the Chellian Navy to act as his representative." A man in naval uniform standing at the back of the room gave a slight bow.

The room slowly emptied until there were only 15 people present.

"Now, let us begin..."

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

..."Ooh, I have ten dollars!" - President Alesandro, upon looking in wallet
..."Of the 100 oil drilling platforms in the Strait of Pigs, only 20 have been lost due to the oil field fire. The fire will be under control within the next week, and the cleanup operation is beginning as we speak..." - Stalin of Copigs
..."Let it be formally known that I have withdrawn my naval fleet from their moorings South of Leumah." - Supreme Commander Navras
..."Motion passed. Izakdiom, as an impartial entity, will conduct an inquiry into the circumstances which led to the crashing of the Leuman plane into the Strait of Pigs."
..."We will not trade with anyone who is at war." - Empress of Amiros
..."Refugees cannot be used as slave labor." - Hera of Luxiom
..."Aww! Damint!" - Boris of Mazrak
..."Thats right Leumah, you dirty hippy! You're a hippy and you're a dirty one!" - President Alesandro
..."Not all of my people are snooty! Just most of them!" - President Alesandro
..."All votes for Alesandro to shut up? (counts arms) Motion Passed!" - Commander of Valen

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

Hera Luxiom clapped her hands, and through the door came 12 exceptionally attractive, yet diverse girls. Each of them walked up to a male regional leader and stood beside them, silent. Hera Luxiom smiled.
"Just a little gift from Amiros and myself, we hope you are all satisfied?"
Navras's grin was enormous, looking at the stunning twins stationed either side of him.
Mazrak could hardly contain his lusting, saliva practically pooling on the table.
Even Alesandro had to swallow several times, attempting to regain his composure.
The Valen Commander had not looked up throughout the entire proceedings, staring thoughtfully at the black recorder in the center of the table.

"First Visionary, you are not pleased?" Hera Luxiom fluttered her eyelashes.

The Aetherian leader was silent. He looked once at the doors through which all the advisors had exited.

Luxiom sighed. "Well, you are not under any obligation, though I can assure you that each of the girls is not secreting any weapons or the like." she laughed.

The meeting ended. Albash held his head in his hands. There had been no verdict. War had not been averted.

Through the arrogance and agendas of each leader, all that had been achieved was simply a chance for each to boast of their nation's prowess and splendour.

The First Visionary rested a hand on Albash's shoulder for a moment before leaving the room. The sound of the door closing echoed throughout the empty room. Albash slumped on the table. The Valen Commander opposite him. The silence was deafening.

"What did you expect?"
"I don't know. Something. Anything. Understanding. At the very least a willingness to listen." Albash couldn't hide the bitterness in his voice.

"They would never listen. Each is too secure in their own position. Until they are threatened in some way by war, they will not fight for peace. That is why conflict is inevitable. We must make sure that the conflict does not rage out of control, and that we are ready to act when the time comes to make a resolution."

Albash looked up at the Commander, surprised by his words. The Commander looked up at the tiered ceiling. Examined the finely crafted wooden crossbeams and panelling.

"We need to look beyond the present and into the future. We need to see where this is going, and how we can turn this situation into an advantage not just for us, but for the entire region."

a pause.

"For all our sakes."

At that moment, the room was shaken by an earsplitting explosion.
16-06-2004, 08:49
"Dude, you don't actually have to do the 'dun dun dun' thing..."

Oh, right.

Anyway, the followup to that post wil be later tonight. Don't make any assumptions. Currently everyone is still on Falkme Island. Nobody has left.

Await the final, thrilling conclusion, later tonight.

Oh, and by the way, I also scrapped together a rough floor plan of some of the regional headquarters. take a look, if you care.


Oh, btw, if youre sick of me doing all these OOC posts then i'll stop, just say. I like to whinge though, it makes for great stress relief. Now i know how Mr Gallagher feels. Ah, it is good.
16-06-2004, 09:02
Orson has sat down in his complimentary room, as the graciously provided by luxiom sat on the bed in an inviting way. He was dying for a go, but he had to write a quick report to the battlegroup, so it could be send to CCCB TO&E.

Captain Dmitri Petrovich Orson of the BB Glasnost.

The meeting in the so called "falkme islands" of the Noxidom region was a complete waste. The leaders simply bickered, joked, and came to no agreement. I recieved few words but many bad looks as I sat in my seat, keeping to myself. Peace in this region is impossible. I believe we should either quadruple the number of men here, or leave compl...

The woman had put her arms around Dmitri, as he completed his sentence and saved the document on his laptop. He walked to the bed, as the woman threw his hat at the wall. As she began running her hands down his chest, a sudden boom sound shook the two, taking Orson off of the bed. The woman shrieked, Orson opened a drawer and took out a CM-1911, cocking it. "Wasn't that confiscated!?" yelled the woman, still shook by the explosion. "They made me take out the bullets. I still feel safer with the gun than without." He said, as he kept it out and began venturing out of the door, the woman behind him.
La Voile
16-06-2004, 10:18
When the blast hit Alesandro was knocked to the ground. He pulled out a pen which flicked out a small blade. After looking about him, he put it away. He had given the girl temporary residency in La Voile. Really slaves, they were people! Not to be gifted or given, under any circumstance. After thinking about it he was thoroughly disgusted. They thought they could buy peace with...with slaves!
Place: Leumah
Lieutenant Roche led his team to the small base hidden in the jungle. As he approached he yelled out, “Boys the cavalry is here!”
Several men walked out, one said with a Voilean accent,
“Finally we were starting to think we would have to fight the war on our own.”
“Not at all boys… not at all.”
He struck out with his rifle butt at the leader, who fell noiselessly to the forest ground.
Roche took the man’s weapon.
"The rest of you are to leave this island immediately. We have work to do here."
He gestured to a subordinate who led the men away.
He typed away at a device.

A message was eventually forwarded to Alesandro's phone, it read:

Memo: Alesandro, we have finished painting the house, and we have got rid of all those tough stains. Nobody will notice the change, but it is the little things that count. I hope you like green.

Alesandro smiled he quickly sent a reply in the affirmative.
Memo: Rocky, of course I like green, I am sure it was an easy job, but there are always problems, if there are any stains on the carpet, I will not be pleased, the paint will cause me no end of problems.

Roche read the reply and nodded, he started to give orders to his subordinates.

Alesandro despite his current situation grinned.
He heard voices approaching the door on his left he promptly collapsed to the ground.
As he was helped up he muttered... "I passed out, what happened?"
16-06-2004, 11:32
Albash staggered to his feet. The Valen Commander was already at the door, a pistol already in his hand.

"I Thought I told him no weapons..." Albash grumbled.

The Commander disappeared through the door. Albash got to his feet, brushing broken glass from his suit.
"Oh god. Not now, why now... when we were so close..."

* * *
As Orson gripped his CM-1911 and walked out of his room, he heard the metallic click of a Glock M17 being loaded, and the cold steel barrel pressed against the side of his neck. He slowly raised his hands.

"Okay, what the hell do you want?" He could barely supress the anger in his voice.

The only answer he got was the loud report of a gun being fired, and a spattering of blood across his face. He flinched back instinctively, and saw the black clothed body of his assailant fall beside him, blood seeping from a gunshot wound at the base of his neck. He casually examined the wound. "Beretta 92 FS, 9mm, am I correct?"

The Valen Commander stepped over the body, tossing Orson a small plastic bag containing the Captain's confiscated ammunition. "Good observation. It's a nice gun, its always worked for me."

Orson nodded as he rammed the magazine home. He sighed with satisfaction, feeling the nice, weighty feel of the loaded weapon. "Terrorists?"

The Commander paused, then shook his head. "I don't think so. They wouldn't have been able to get near this island, let alone land on it. There's half the region's naval fleets out there."

"You think one of the leaders arranged the attack?" Orson looked even more scornful of the region's politicians.
"I think..." The Commander chose his words carefully. "...that there may have been some aggressive-minded persons accompanying one or more of our representatives at this summit."

The Captain grimaced. "You are possibly the most ego-centric, narrow-minded, war-mongering load of leaders in any region I've ever visited. I'm beginning to regret this assignment even more, if that were possible."

Valen shot him a long-suffering look. "Tell me about it. We need to identify casualties."

"Or perhaps cause some?" Orson looked hopeful.

Valen had already started moving down the corridor.

* * *

In breaking headlines, the regional President's Summit, held on Falkme Island yesterday, ended in disaster. For what was to be a conference of peace and negotiation, only destruction and terror was achieved. At the conclusion of the first meeting, the building was rocked by an explosion originating in the Western Wing. The cause of the explosion is unknown, but many suspect terrorist groups. Thankfully, the leaders were all located in the East Wing, and were mercifully uninjured, apart from Emperor Sajuk of Leumah, who recieved a fractured wrist from falling masonry. The leaders have all expressed their outrage, and a full inquiry is to be held shortly. A large number of political commentators have triumphantly shouted "I told you so!", following their predictions that something bad would happen at the the summit. A gathering of national leaders in one place would undoubtly be a tempting target for any prospective terrorist organization.

The leaders have left Falkme Island, and most are expected back at their own countries later tonight. Organizer of the summit, a traumatized Steven Albash, had little comment on the event. He was mortified at the attack, and holds himself responsible. Sympathizers have rallied to his cause, and have launched a "Its Not Your Fault Steve" campaign to raise money for the struggling politician, the man who has been termed "Noxidom's Conscience".

More details to follow in the late news. Next is the latest comedy hit, "Bigtopians say the Darndest Things".
16-06-2004, 12:42
Amiros stood on her balcony. She could feel Ricardo’s eyes undressing her. She would teach that boy! Standing beside her was Hera Luxiom and Enrouler. Floating below them in Amiros’ Great South Bay was the ENTIRE Neodammerung navy.

“You’re taking an awful risk Amiros. This had better work.” Hera warned.

She was right. And Amiros knew it. Allowing Navras passage through her Empire was risky. But the rewards would be worth it.

The next minute Julio burst out onto the balcony. Amiros turned and glared.


“Highness, Navras has landed in your Great South Bay. They are deploying troops!”

“Yes my slave. He is attacking Valen, via Izakdiom. And our reward, the occupation of Izakdiom. Valen never expected an attack from his Amirosian border, therefore had no prepared defences. This is a plan of pure brilliance”

The three women smiled. Navras was cautiously approaching the Izakdiom border. Amiros knew it was time for phase two.

“Ricardo, send the signal.”

Within minutes a white flare sped into the just night sky.

* * * * *

Valen looked up. He could see the flare. He nodded to his men. Navras was coming. Amiros had sent her signal. He took a moment to delight in the brilliance of Amiros. Having been stranded away from the action for so long, she had devised a most brilliant plan. Navras was approaching, completely unaware he was to be ambushed by Valen forces.

“Men, kill any Neodammerung troops, but leave me Navras. I want to kill him myself.”

* * * * *

The undergrowth had grown too thick it was nearly impassable. Glancing to either side, Navras could no longer see any of his troops. Sudden the sky was lit up. Navras felt his first concern right then. Flare? What was that for? This wasn’t part of the plan. What was going on? From among the foliage a jackal emerged. Something stimulated Navras’ early history lessons. The Ancient Egyptians believed the jackal to be an omen of death Slashing through the undergrowth with his two swords, he soon realised the awful truth. There, half hidden within the foliage was Valen.

The two leaders stared at each other.

“Valen…what…why? Are you attacking Amiros?”

“No, not attacking. You might say, we are working together. To destroy you!”

Navras’ breathing quicken. This was impossible.

“She lied to me! Why the scheming devil!”

Valen smiled. He drew his sword.

“Navras, it is time for you to die”

* * * * *

“This is hopeless,” Enrouler whinged, “we can’t see anything. How will we know who triumphs?”

Amiros and Luxiom exchanged glances.

Luxiom then turned to Enrouler.

“We will triumph. Us women will prove victorious over all others. We will have the peace we desire.”

Enrouler looked thoroughly confused. Amiros merely clicked her fingers.

“Send Hera Luxiom’s and my forces. Go bring them in. Finally Cleopatra can have both her Anthony and her Caesar.”

* * * * *

Both leaders drew their swords and paced around each other, trying to destroy each other with their glares. Navras willing himself to attack. Valen trying to determine Navras’ weakest point. His main fault of trusting women had already been exposed.

In a very cliched tense moment, the sound of snapping twigs was heard. From the surrounding undergrowth immerged warriors. Valen assumed they were Navras’. Navras assumed they were Valen’s. Neither was correct. Three quarters of the supreme force beared the flag of Luxiom on their chest plate. The other quarter, a number of scantily dressed women, were distinctly Amirosian.

In a fit of panic both leaders began calling for their troops.


Calmly, the most attractive of the women stepped cautiously forward.

“You are wasting energy. All your men are currently being otherwise detained.” All the Amirosian girls giggled at this fact. “That is the fault of using male troops. So easy to distract!”

Valen and Navras exchanged bewildered looks. Could this be possible? Had they just been bluffed, no wait! Double bluffed? And by Enrouler, Amiros and Luxiom?

“Amiros, Luxiom and Enrouler request, no, demand an audience with you.”

* * * * *

“Here they come.”

Amiros turned from her balcony to the doors.

“You can not do this!!!” Screamed Valen.

“Maybe not, but it is about time someone in the region did something unexpected!” Julio was quick to defend his lady.

“Thank you Julio. Now begone from my sight! Valen. You didn’t suspect?”

If looks could kill, Amiros would died right there, under Valen’s glare.

“I had my doubts. But my testosterone and desire to destroy Navras overpowered. I was wrong to trust you!”

Amiros smiled. “You were both wrong to trust us. Although, as Julio said, no harm will come to you. This entire scheme was planned to encourage peace. We want hostilities to cease, including those against Leumah and La Voile. . Agreed they are annoying whiny leaders who seems to delight in making up falsities about other leaders and being attacked by phantom rebels. However, this is no reason to attack. Until such time as both your nations can see the need for peace, we will be keeping you in our custody. You are to be taken to the island in the centre of my bay. Locked in separate, circular solid stone rooms, with only one entrance or exit, these rooms are over 100metres above the land, so feel free to tunnel your way through the wall and leap out. Also, guarding these room are THE most poisonous snake in these lands, asps. And no, you can not escape. No miraculous disappearing acts. Nothing of the sort. Now, drop those swords.”

Both leaders had until that point forgotten they were still armed.

“Hell no!!!” Navras protested.

“What makes you so confident we won’t escape and unit against you?” Valen enquired?

Amiros responded calmly – “Only the other evening, when Luxiom was talking with Navras, he expressed a loathing at the concept of allegiances. And I doubt your hast at wanting him dead will encourage him to join with you.”

Valen and Navras both were shocked.

Four swords clattered to the ground and the leaders were whisked away. The usual greeting ritual was performed. Each leader was strip searched, by highly trained women I assure you, to ensure they have nothing on their person but their clothes. Amiros, Luxiom and Enrouler accompanied them and saw them securely locked in their SEPARATE rooms, approximately 250 kilometres out to sea.

“Now to let everyone know”

Amiros began to write…

Dear leaders,
I have currently in my possession the rulers Navras and Valen. Let it be known, I mean them no harm. This is NOT an act of war! Moreover, it is an act of peace! Perhaps you feel my actions rash? Risque? Never the less, I was not content to sit while you all fight you little battles. I wanted to show my power to achieve something greater than any of you.
The Legendary Amiros

“Now, a separate message to Aetherios”

Aetherios, is this what you anticipated? Would ever except us to do something so rash? So unsuspected? They do not need you aid. They will be well looked after and entirely satisfied. Besides, they’ll enjoy the challenge of trying to escape! I will keep you posted on their progress.
16-06-2004, 12:58
Place: somewhere over the northeastern coastline of Leumah.

The reserve pilot of Dog 3 was most surprised by the message snooped alarm on his pocket PDA (modified). He was surprised that anyone would even try to send something from this remote patch of jungle. That thought triggered a second. Suspicion. He attempted to open the message, but only got static, with a few garbled phrases.
The static filter fixed that.
have fi...the rid of..tough stains...nobody will notice...the little things that like...rocky

That was odd...he called a superior in. Derek took one look at the garbled message, and made a call over the plane's radio. The pilot only heard the reply.

Acknowledged, Dog Three. Sit tight and mark the spot, and try to localise if it broadcasts again. We have Marines and air cover on the way. It ws not the message that worried the pilot, but the unusual amount of stress in the controller's voice. Oh well, not his problem. He returned his attention to keeping his plane in the air.

Five Minutes Later:

Scott Kaplan, the Lieutenant commanding the Marine Defense unit, was not a happy man. He hated this new system of dropping the soldiers inside a huge steel case. What if the retros didn't fire.
The Marines were sitting inside a huge steel drop pod which made up the centre portion of a MA-V Dropship aircraft. The pod would release, plumet to within 100 meters of the ground, and fire retrorockets, slowing it down to a survivable velocity before it smashed into the ground. Cushioning systems took care of the cargo, making it a lot safer than it appeared.

The warning light came on.
One thousand
Two thousand
Three thousand
Four thousand


The pod fell rapidly, fired its rockets and struck home in a small glade. The Marines were out in a second, hand weapons up and ready. Two stayed behind, operating the systems to deploy the pod's heavy weapon cache and limited antiair defense (stinger missiles). With 20 Marines total capacity, this weapon system was a deadly weapon when used as an insurgent tool.


The Marines were unaware that they were being watched, through binoculars and gunsight, by a La Voilean detatchment. Roche and his men had finished clearing up the extremists who had attacked without orders and were awaiting extraction. He activated his radio to warn the extraction aircraft, and just as quickly deactivated it when it emitted a hideous screech. Jammed. He ordered his men to watch the Marines but only react to protect themselves.

The Leuman Air Covering Force had arrived.


The aircraft in question was officially known as NJA INO, and nicknamed Ninja In aNd Out. It was a sleek, VTOL capable aircraft with an impressive top speed and good radar stealth. Perfect for dropping off and picking up unwanted guests.
The pilot had negated all of that by attempting to call the extermination team. The radio signal had been triangulated by two of the patrol MA-V Strikers. On one the gunner was now lining up an AMRAAM missile and awaiting the order to shoot.


The Ninja had ten seconds to live. Then five. Then one. The missile hit its tail, removing all of the control surfaces in an instant. NJA-INO died spectacularly, when her fuel tanks ruptured on impact.

The team led by Lieutenant Roche never saw their rescue plane die. The Marines had spotted their watchers, and reported to the Air Force. In reply, a very special configuration pod was loaded into a MA-V. The craft took off, in a configuration known as the Mother Of All Bombers. It flew to the reported site, and released its deadly cargo.

Kaplan's Marines had set off in what was intended to look like a search pattern. When they crossed a ridge, they broke into a run. There, that would do. An old quarry. The squad dived in.


At four meters over the ground, the MOAB's proximity sensor detected its proximity to target. Like a Daisy Cutter, it was an air burst weapon designed to spread its damage over a wide area. It sent a signal to the detonator, to do its worst.
16-06-2004, 14:09
An international lawyer begins to speak to the press from the newly form international court in the Falkme Island. He stands behind a lectern bearing the flags of Valenvaryon and Neodammerung.

This is a declaration of opposition to the Fem Bloc’s latest actions against the Leaders Valen and Navras, I am a representative of these two great leaders.

As the majority of the members of the Fem Bloc are members of the United Nations, the alliance and there actions come under the sanctions of international law.

Chapter 12, Section A, Line 93 clearly states;
“A nation may not take action against the leader of another nation without just cause. If any nation undertakes in this activity the may be regarded as a terrorist state.”

I see no “just cause” in the current holding of the great leaders and demand that there freedom is returned immediately. If there release is not prompt then I shall be taking this case to Region Court of International Law.

My case will be detailed and released to the press within 24 hours.

Ramble of the Press

No questions thank you all will be answered in due time.

Stagen Leaves the podium to a waiting limousin.


Meanwhile back in Co-Pigs

Stalen and his present enjoy a game of naked chess whilst discussion Marxist theorem

Stalen: This international crisis really has me on edge, I’m glad you understand my reasoning behind a purely democratic Marxist region; I am taking true Marxism rather then some Leninist impression. Remind me to bring that up at the next summit.

Present: The building has to be rebuilt, it will be a while, however if everyone would work together for minimum wage and we could only stamp out these stupid lemonade stales then it would be down much more efficiently and less offensive. I really wish you knew more about your cousin’s terrorist alliances; maybe we could have stoped the damage. Check

S: You know that side of the family are the black sheep. They should have gone to Pigford not Baconridge. Us Pigford men are much more “enhanced”. Cheakmate

P: That you are.........


Official declaration:

The fires within the Straight of Pigs are being contained and will take approximately 1 week to be completely extinguished.

My Navy therefore is on active commission within the straight of Pigs practising landing exercises on my coastline and clearing the remaining mines.

The commander and chief of the CAF

Stalen Fredick Marx
16-06-2004, 19:53
On the CHN Falcon, an H-9(Chellian manufacture of the French Gazelle Helicopter) carrying Orson and a few advisors began setting down on the ships landing pads. Making a small hop out of the helicopter, the XO and engineer of the Falcon ran to the captain, with various reports.

"I have no time for those." Orson said, handing the CM-1911 to the engineer. "Put that somewhere, I dont like carrying it onship. I need the latest reports on the region." Orson continued, as they entered the ship...

The Falcon's Bridge

"So.... They captured two leaders? Just great, more strife... Have our aircraft fully arrived in Leumah yet?" Asked Orson, recieving a nod from his intelligence officer. "Good. Prep four V-121L-RM for a mission over amiros. Do not engage unless fired upon, only reconnaisance. I want maximum coverage. We need to have a larger presense." Orson said, still unnerved from the explosion.

"Err, sir..."The weapons officer said, meekly. "We could use the CHN Lightning..." He continued. "The Lightn.... Thats a SSBM, isnt it? We have bloody nukes here?" He exclaimed, with almost a fearful face. "No sir, they felt we didn't need nuclear weapons. While we do have one tactical nuclear weapon, its only in reserve. The rest are standard Cruise Missiles... With enough range to hit any nation in this region, I might add..."

"Ok, ok. Make sure the V-121's find targets for cruise missiles, on Amiros. I will make an announcement soon. Don't say anything else about the nuke. I dont want to start something large. Just prepare the troops, who knows what will happen soon. Also, prep any H-2's we have for special operations. I want a good look at this nation, I tell ya." Orson finished, sipping a slight amount of tea from his mug.

In Leumah, the fourth and final V-121 took off from the airfield, its scramjets turning on and it beginning its voyage into the air. Cruise speed was planned for just over mach 1, at 73,000 feet in the air. They were to fly over Valenvaryon, then luxiom, and finally make it to Amiros... One plane had the island in the bay of amiros as a secondary objective to record...
17-06-2004, 06:44
"I spoke with our hostages earlier today, they seem distressed, but refuse to be rescued!"

Luxiom just laughed. "Their male ego! Fails them everytime!"

Luxiom and Amiros heard news of this so called 'international lawyer'. Having spies throughout the lands enabled them to learn of such details before their official release. They both knew what had to be done. A meeting must be arranged. Enrouler had returned home, while Luxiom was enjoying the Amirosian life.

* * * * *

Upon her request, the 'International Lawyer' for Valen and Navras arrived at Amiros' palace.

He was a skinny, lanky man with slimy hair who somehow resembled one of Amiros' former employees! She grinned. This would be easier than first thought.

"The Femme Bloc are in serious breach here. These actions are considered terrorist actions. You are members of the UN."

"Actually, Luxiom and myself are members. Enrouler is not and is taking ful responsibility for the attack. And we DO have a cause. To stop them attacking La Voile and/or Luemah."

"I don't care. I say I am right and you are wrong!"

Amiros sighed. It was time for desperate action. She rose from her seat and beckoned for her men to leave. The lawyer and Amiros were all alone. Amiros seductively slideled across the room. She perched herself on the edge of the desk. She placed one hand on the lawyers shoulder, the other hand found its way....elsewhere! The lawyer eyes lit up!

"Your highness. I am not at all sure this is entirely approapriate."

"Yes? And?"

Amiros proceeded to lean in. As suspected, her experienced no resistance.

* * * * *

Press Release

All former accusations against the Femme Bloc, being the nations of Luxiom, Enrouler and (trying to hide a grin) have been removed. Research has proven them to be not terrorists after all. As for Valen and Navras...they can escape themselves.

* * * * *

Amiros had noticed the threat made by Chellis. She would not attack Chellis. In fact she suspected her and Chellis had a common goal. Peace in this region. She speedily wrote:

The Great Nation of Chellis,
I appreciate you deploying of troops to my nation. However I feel our objectives are similair. Peace? At the recent summit, both Navras and Valen were planning hostilities againt La Voile and Leumah. Not so long ago you yourself defended Leumah. I do not want to enter into conflict with you. I am sure with sufficient maturity we can come to some arrangement. I wish to restress my desire for peace and my plans to not harm either Valen or Navras.
The Legendary Amiros

* * * * *
17-06-2004, 06:48
Yes, ok, before you complain about me cancelling nathans little lawyer guy! he made him up. therefore i can get rid of him! and isnt that what this is all about!!!
17-06-2004, 08:00
"Sir, Amiros reply..."

"Yes, I saw it. Continue operations, don't reply. I suspect they are going to simply try and sweet-talk their way out of this. Two wrongs dont make a...a.."Orson couldnt keep a straight face, but his meaning was clear.
17-06-2004, 08:07
[code:1:7382e047ca]To: The Commander of CHN 41st Division Peacekeeping Force
From: Leuman High Command

As you are aware, the nations colloquially known as the Femme Bloc have kidnapped the heads of State of the Neodammerung and Valenvaryon. While regrettable, this incident has had the effect of reducing the threat posed towards Leumah. The nations that were threats are now either headless or looking for the heads, leaving me unthreatened. Despite this, I ask that your peacekeepers remain in Leumah, as I feel that this is a temporary situation.
Without your help, Leumah would be a toxic waste dump by now. It will not be forgotten.

Emperor Sajuk[/code:1:7382e047ca]

Sajuk set down the letter with a flourish. He meant what he had said in the letter. Without Chellis's timely help, the Neodammerung would have overrun his own coastal defences. As it was, that nation had lost its leader and left its forces far from home without leadership. As for Valenvaryon, Valen must have been half asleep when he let himself be captured. Hmm... Maybe he could have an influence there... But then again, Luxiom had helped out when it mattered. Decisions, decisions. And the others had not participated in the abortive invasion either...

He sat down at a typewriter.

Dearest Lady of Luxiom,

When I was in trouble, you helped me out. I believe that now is the time to return the favour. I have received intelligence that your country may be under threat following your actions against Navras and Valen. If you would have it, I will commit these aerial bombers to defend your country against outside aggression.

Emperor Sajuk

Sajuk sealed the letter, and ordered it to be placed with the lead formation of five aircraft, which was to be followed by 95 more. He then ordered them to take off immediately, refuel from the Leuman carrier Selim, and overfly Valenvaryon near the Aetherian Mountains. The escorts would activate their radar jammers, hoping to evade any missiles that came close. If they were lucky, the Valenvaryon coastal SAM sites would mistake them for civilian aircraft. They would accentuate this by flying a Civilian flight 'corridor' through Valenvaryon airspace. The Strikers would then attempt to shoot down any Valenvaryon missiles, and two birds carried ASAT missiles for the satellite threat. Losses should be minimal, and if the worst came to the worst, the bombers could just drop their cargo and run (faster).

Before the aerial fleet departed, Sajuk hand delivered an envelope to the commander of Bertha 1, commander of Bertha Squadron, newly designated commander of LTF 51.
17-06-2004, 08:18
From: Major Ilyich of the 41st
To: Leumah High Command

We are aware of the Femme Bloc actions, although we aren't fully informed. The naval forces are in charge of operations, we just follow through. We have set up a surprisingly strong defense on the coasts, of artillery and AA defense, as well as a fast response force, so with that and the navy, you should feel well protected, as we have no plans to leave soon. Supplies are plentiful every day from our long range aircraft, and though we requested an escort carrier as well, we probably will not recieve it, something about a large operation against a nation named Armed Knights. Regardless, we will continue to create defenses, we have a large system of trenches and guardposts set up for miles.


The Major sighed. He sounded enthusiastic in the message, but was beat in real life. The land was much less...Grand, than chellis. He was used to large cities, more grey than green. It was too damn grassy here.

"Sir, we have gotten reports back from the reconnaisance aircraft... Theres something in the Amiros bay you should know about..."

It was going to be a long day.
17-06-2004, 09:50
The Valen Commander sat in darkness. He welcomed the blackness, embracing its purity and completeness. This capture, come to think of it, was not at all unexpected. He should have trusted his earlier instincts, and not enter the battle himself. However, the opportunity to meet Navras in battle had been too good to pass up.

"Ah well, we'll finish that later."

His voice echoed around the cold room, he could sense nothing. He barely knew where he was, and the effects of the sedatives Amiros had applied had only recently wore off. He carefully remembered her words...
"...island in the centre of my bay. Locked in separate, circular solid stone rooms, with only one entrance or exit, these rooms are over 100metres above the land..."

It was dark. He assumed it was nighttime. Lights would probably come on during the day.

He slowly felt his way around the room. A hard bunk bed. A table, bolted to the floor. On it, a couple of sheets of paper, and a cheap biro. Presumably for writing his will, just the sort of touch Amiros would appreciate.

He smiled wryly, as an outrageous idea came to his head.

* * *

The lithe woman spoke to her comrade. "Christina, perhaps we should give some food to our friends? They are, after all, our guests. Lock the secondary door behind me, I fully expect him to try to overpower me. Take no chances."
Christina nodded, and the woman picked up a tray of bland, packaged food. She walked through the outer door, waited for it to lock behind her. Pushed open the inner door, a full 6 inches thick of reinforced titanium alloy.

"Hello my friend? I have some food for you here, if you are hungry that is. A man who needs such a prison as this must truly be fearful. So you probably don't need any food, superman." Couldn't disguise the heavy sarcasm in her voice. "I'll come back later, or perhaps not at all."

She slowly pushed the door closed, waited for a response. Nothing. Curious, she pushed it open and cautiously walked into the room.

She gasped, a hand flew to her mouth, the tray clattered to the ground.

The room was empty.

* * *
"Danii, are you sure that there was nothing else in the room? No signs of struggle or anything? Forced entry?"
Danii shook her head and bit her lip.
"No ma'am, the only thing was the will papers, but he appeared to have written something on them."
The female corporal examined the papers carefully. The seven sheets had been turned over and covered with small, cryptic writing. She looked closer, then she recognized a pattern of numbers. Then another symbol. Equations from her university days, Heisenberg Uncertainty Sets and Quantum Probability Matricies. She thought out loud.
"But why would he be doing quantum calculations? Unless... Oh Shit. Its not possible..." Examined the pages again, her face drained of color.

"What!?! What is it ma'am?" Danii was panicked.
The Corporal turned to face the younger woman. "That bastard, has extrapolated quantum uncertainty principles onto a macroscopic scale, and applied it to himself."
Danii looked bemused.
"Didn't you do quantum mechanics at university? Ach, what are they teaching the kids these days. According to Heisenberg's Theorem, the differential exclusion of uncertainty in a particle's position is inversely proportional to the accuracy of its known velocity. You follow?"

Danii looked hopelessly lost.
"He's calculated his own velocity in the universe with such precision, that right now he could be anywhere within..." she consulted the Commander's merticulous calculations. "... a seven hundred kilometer radius. Give or take a couple of k. Oh shit."
17-06-2004, 10:00

Yes, I know that what I just did was impossible, and Heisenberg's Uncertainty principle only applies to subatomic particles.

It was the coolest way I could think of getting out. I could have had a crack military ninja team storm the building and bust me out, but where's the fun in that?

The Uncertainty Principle officially states that the amount of quantum uncertainty in the simultaneous determination of both members of a pair of conjugate variables is never zero. In non-geekspeak, you can't know the entire state of a particle at any given time, i.e. its position and velocity. The more accurately you know one, the less accurately you know the other. You can know exactly where a particle is, but not know how fast it is travelling or in what direction. Likewise, you can know the exact speed of a particle, but not know its position.

Yes, this is not realistic. But neither was Amiros's capture of Navras and I. In an actual battle, the general extremely rarely actually participates in the conflict itself. So Amiros took liberties with war tactics, and I took liberties with the fundamental laws governing our universe.

You get that.

N.B. The "differential exclusion" jargon was BS.
La Voile
17-06-2004, 10:39
OOC: or you could have hidden yourself within a box and they would not have known whether you were alive or dead and would have had to have looked to find out, hence you could have been both alive and dead at the same time, like Schroedinger's Cat.

Eddy that was really bad RPing. The message was not verbal it was written. It discussed painting a house, really! So if someone walks into a paint store they are guaranteed to get shot?
17-06-2004, 11:09

sorry for posting again, just echoing La Voile's position. Leumah, please be a little more specific in your posts. I know i'm guilty of this as well, but upon reading your post I had enormous difficulty discerning what was going on. Did you bomb yourself? Did Alex shoot down your plane or was it vice versa? Why are the marines hiding in a quarry? How did they know each other was there? Why should your men be suspicious of some radio message concerning paint? excuse the criticism, im just a little confused.

Also, i have heard some protest about the means of my escape. I believe the word "magic" was used. Well, if it makes you feel better, imagine that i had a radio transmitter implanted within my body which could not be detected by Amiros's strip searchers (not search strippers), and thus my elite guard were able to locate me. They landed on top of the stone building and laser cut their way in and rescued me like that.

I still stand by my means of escape though, THAT'S what I call lateral thinking.
17-06-2004, 11:15
"It's been a long time, Neodammarung. I thought it fitting that I was the one to speak with you. It seemed right, we were two of the founders you know. Back in the days when we divided up the lands and you took to the desert."
Navras growled in the darkness.
"I am sorry to do this to you. It may show some disrespect and here I apologise. Yet you see we must have peace. This is madness. La Voile, Leumah and now Chellis from a foreign land?! Don't you see that this has gotten out of hand."
Navras simply glared, he had never been one for mincing words.
"I will release you, we will release you. When you sign a treaty to end this war. Let it end, peace for a while. A breath for a region."
Hera walked towards him, footsteps echoing in the tiny space.
"I find your insanity almost refreshing. So unlike the bureaucratic madness of the other nations. Yours is pure-as lightning as it was when you first arrived here," Hera collected herself, "But then I've strayed haven't I? Those bedouin nation days are long gone. We all deal in guns and penmanship don't we? That's what I ask you to do. Put down one and pick up another and I will set you free."
There was more silence.
"Alright Navras, but tell me if you change your mind."
She went to the door.
"I'd like to fight you one day," she said and closed the door.

Outside Amiros cornered her.
"What did he say?"
"What did we expect?" Hera replied.
17-06-2004, 11:30
ok, ok everyone. I made a bad post. I am sorry, can we move on.

(this is all OOC, BTW)

For clarification,

I shot down Alex's plane.
I bombed my own territory, in the hope of getting rid of his troops, and to test a new weapon.
The marines used the quarry (a large, deep hole cut from stony ground) as a bomb shelter. Ten tons of Tritonal makes a BIG bang.
The idea (which I will admit I carried across poorly) was that the Leuman marines were watched by the Voileans, who did nothing in the hope that their plane would arrive, as the Voileans were outgunned. The Leumans spotted and reported the Voileans to their commander, who added up the presence of a transport heading towards a known group of enemies. He assumed that they were an infiltration force. The MOAB was ordered, and the Marines were told to get out of there real quick.
The radio message from deep jungle simply drew attention to the area. It was the marines who spotted the infiltrators and the Air Force who spotted the pickup plane.

Alex, the radio message simply drew the attention to the soldiers. Kinda like a blinking red light draws ppl to a bomb.

Sorry bout that, I was tired. Will attempt to proofread posts in future.
17-06-2004, 11:44
The main doors of the throne room crashed open. Boris stormed in with fury in his eyes, hi present to his right and two monstrous bodyguards. He walked up to his throne and thumped into it, the lady of Mazrak looked over at him with a concerned look on her face.

“What has happened my love” gently inquires the lady.

“Nothing progressive, at the summit it was declared refuges are not allowed to be used as slaves and Amiros gave me a present, and it can’t even kill anything”. Boris said with a sigh.
“Ow but at least war is still coming” Boris added with a huge grin.

Branigan jogs up to the bottom of the steps before the throne.

“My lord, Navras and Valen have been taken hostage by the Femme bloc, but intelligence just in says Valen has managed to escape. But Navras sit still trapped there”. Stated Branigan.

Boris’ eyes light up.

“With draw all aggression from Navras, the war will come soon enough”. Chuckles Boris.
“Ow and stop the troops from going to La Voile and tell him I don’t see the need to send them at this time but tell him to notify me at any change in the situation”. Demanded Boris.

Boris stands up to his audience.

“Soon we shall have war”. Shouts Boris.

“WAR”, cries out the audience of warmongering generals and dark and twisted beasts.
The Neodammerung
17-06-2004, 12:33
The Neodammerung
17-06-2004, 12:51
Navras sat on his bed silently pondering. The sedatives had almost worn off, though he was still feeling drowsy. Hera's last statement still rang through his mind. "I'd like to fight you one day..." Then he could hear the door in the floor below beep loudly, acknowledging that someone had been granted clearance to the tower. Then he could hear the footsteps treading lightly up the staircase.


Makayla dressed in her skimpy leather jumpsuit gradually made her way up the staircase towards the cell of one of the greatest leaders in the region and the region founder. She heard the lower door slam and bolt shut behind her. As she reached the top of the staircase, she waited for Amiros to visually identify her with the CCTV. There was another loud beep as the doorway to the great leader opened. Makayla walked in oblivious to what was about to happen to her. "Now whose been a naughty militaristic capitalist. Its time for your punishment!" She saw no one in the cell. Finally she heard a thud behind her.


Navras had managed to perch himself above the doorway, although only barely. As the naive whore of Amiros wandered mindlessly into the room, Navras dropped down behind her ready to strike. He threw a punch but failed miserably. The whore blocked the punch and backhanded him. Evidently, the sedatives were still affecting his reaction time as the whore landed a kick into his chest sending him sprawling onto the floor. He focused harder and jumped back to his feet. Regathering his strength and focus, he blocked two roundhouse kicks before finally landing his first punch into the whore's face.

"Ow! You broke my nose!" she whined. Her high pitched voice hurt Navras' head. He could hear the alarm and his cell door would be closing soon, his opportune moment would be soon be gone. As the whore staggered to her feet, Navras landed as powerful a kick as he could to her midsection sending her sprawling into the doorway just as the door slammed shut. The door jarred halfway through her body before jamming. Sparks emanated from the hinges before ceasing its effort to close entirely. Navras watched in silence and horror as the whore's twitching body finally ceased, gagging her last breath.

"She always did enjoy a good squeeze..."


Once Navras had regained his breath, he knew he had at least a couple hours before aid from Amiros would arrive to the island. The sparks from the hinges had exposed some electrical wires. Now Navras had electricity to his advantage. He ripped the electrical wire from the wall and began to get to work.


Halfway up the wall, Navras was struggling to hang on. Whilst he had been trained well in his rockclimbing and abseiling skills, it was difficult to hang on without a harness. He had already severely bruised his back from his earlier falls, no doubt due to his impinged ability to focus. However, the sedatives had worn off and he had his full attention on the wall. He had almost reached the iron grid, that guarded the sun roof. He knew this would be tricky and painful, but he had to do this.

Navras jammed his hand into the crack of the wall, clenched it into a fist and rotated it creating a brake in the rock wall. It was painful but he had to put the pain aside in his mind. He would not fall whilst his hand remained in a fist and had his weight on it. Navras untucked the electrical wire from his belt (he had severed it at the door to prevent electrocuting himself). He looked down to the floor and smashed the glass of the sunroof so that he could attach the electrical wire to the iron grid. Once he reconnected the wire down on the floor he will have turned the tower into one giant radio tower...


Navras began sending out his morse coded signal for help by tapping the two severed ends of the wire together. "Deploy the Neodammerungian Navy. Send the HSS Voyager to detected coordinates. Send in the Blackguard. Any other assistance in my rescue will be rewarded greatly." At this point, Navras ceased to send out his message. Not because he didn't want to, but rather because he was getting beaten with nightsticks by the Amirosian Royal Guard. "Help is on the way..." Navras thought to himself quietly as he took the beating. "Help is on the way..."
18-06-2004, 05:14
"Of all the ridiculous-!"
Enrouler held Amiros's arm, "Calmly good Amiros!"
Hera Luxiom saw the bruised and bleeding Neodammarung toppled on the floor. He glared at her with swollen eyes.
"If you think that they can come for you...." Amiros began but her fury held her mouth.
Enrouler stepped forward and placed a hand on Navras's forehead. He flinched away angrily, "You should not have beaten him."
"He was trying to escape," said the guard, "and he killed one of ours!"
Arhen approached from behind Hera Luxiom, "We've picked up his morse code frequency. Apparently help from Neodammarung is on its way."
"This war leads to strange and mysterious ingenuity it seems, Navras," Enrouler stated. She handed him a herbal drink, "This will make you feel better."
Navras knocked the cup to the floor. Enrouler merely sighed.
Hera Luxiom decided to be plain, "They know he's here. They'll be here in a few days. Of course by the time they arrive he'll be gone. Summon Ebony and Sara, the twins, they shall accompany him and the armed guard. No cruelty shall come upon him, no retribution, give him honeywine, give him meat, make sure his needs are met but take him to the Cave."
Navras glared at her. Luxiom glanced, "All I ask is peace, Navras, maybe not even forever but just for a while. All countries are under too much strain. Just give me that, a temporary peace agreement."
Amiros turned away, "He's mad you know..."
"Even a madman can see sense if he still has his eyes, " said Enrouler. Her sayings translated strangely from her tongue and yet that one made Hera Luxiom uneasy.
The Neodammerung
18-06-2004, 08:38

Sorry to be a whiny little cow, but I have been rather irritated by recent events. I wish to touch on the issue of unfair roleplaying, however only briefly because these recent events most likely resulted out of misunderstanding.

The Femme Bloc players, who believed a "verbal agreement" was a sufficient excuse to roleplay my own country without my prior approval, and most likely Ben's as well. Whilst I agree that I had said that I would backup the Femme Bloc in an invasion of Valen, there were several problems with this:
- I had clearly stated that I would remain in control of my own forces, which means that no one else could have moved my characters or forces into Amirosian territory.
- I had only agreed to attack Valen, not a specific strategy as to how to do it i.e. moving my forces through Amiros to get to him. It would have been much more strategic to attack him from two fronts i.e. from both Amiros and the Neodammerung.
- Moving my forces had seriously damaged my RPing abilities in that I had been seriously considering screwing over the Femme Bloc by telling Valen about your intended invasion. Sorry guys, but it sounded a bit fishy seriously... Luxiom could clean up half of Valen without the other Femme Bloc members.

These points prove three problems with your unfair execution of the roleplay. Regardless of any agreements, acting on behalf of another player without proper prior approval is considered a gigantic no-no in ANY form of roleplaying be it NS or otherwise. An example of proper prior approval is when I entrusted Ben access to my NS account in the role of caretaker when my Internet connection was down. An example when proper prior approval is not given, is when you decided to move my navy and forces into your region for an amush against me. Seriously, that is like me saying I invited Leumah into my country, he accepted and I decapitated him without him having a clue about my roleplaying intentions.

Secondly, you inhibit other players choices in roleplaying when you do act on behalf of other players. Like in the real world, agreements and treaties can be broken as I was seriously considering doing to the Femme Bloc. Like international law, treaties and agreements only work with the goodwill of a country and can be broken at any leader's will. Since you had decided to move my forces, you completely eliminated this option which would have provided for an interesting twist... or so I thought at the time...

Finally, as a guideline in future, verbal agreements shouldn't be used. Use them if you will, but without record of it, it can lead to misunderstanding and other crap like that. As in our recent verbal agreement between Femme Bloc members and the Neodammerung, there was evidently misunderstanding in that (or people are exaggerating or lying to get themselves out of shite). The Femme Bloc believed that my agreement with them gave them the right to act on behalf of my country and that if I was to agree with them, that I would be forced to carry out that agreement according to their strategy, if I was to carry out the agreement at all. Therefore, I recommend future agreements be written and/or posted.

Nonetheless, I'm not going to ask any previous post to be revoked or withdrawn. Mainly because I'm liking where the plot is going and I have to admit, it was a very good plot twist and idea on behalf of Amy. However, had I been drawn into what I thought was a sh*tty plot line, things would be different, so you have to be careful with the way you roleplay. However, in future I won't agree to any "agency" (look it up in the dictionary) without any prior approval, regardless of whether my characters are involved or not.

Just a general guideline for RPing in general.

N.B: On a general note... sorry Ben, whilst this may sound hypocritical, I thought your escape could have been done a little better so to speak...
18-06-2004, 09:05
Valen once again ran through his list of physicists and scientists to curse. Aristotle, Newton, Einstein, Feynman, Bohr, Tyndall, Heisenberg, Schroedinger, Erdos, Hawking, Penrose... The list went on.

If only they'd been bothered to do more accurate research and fine-tune their various theories. Then he wouldn't be on top of a mountain range, in what he strongly believed to be Neodammerung territory. He looked over the edge of the precipice again, staring down the 600-odd foot drop to the rocky ground below. The wind howled around him, and he cursed again for having lost his cloak. Clambering over to the side of the shelf, he examined the steep descent. Presuming he climbed down carefully and slowly, he could reach that flattening out section in about an hour. Unless he lost his grip and fell. In which case, he would reach it in about 5 seconds.

Valen decided on the former option, and cautiously began the climb. He kept an eye out for Neodammerung planes, but up here in the mountains there was nobody. The nearest city had to be at least a hundred miles from here. He checked the position of the sun. At least he was on the Izakdiom side of the range. If he could get to the border, and some local authorities, he could get a plane back to the capital, Telaserano.

And that was a big if.

* * *


I agree with Navras's earlier post. I brought this up in our civil headquarters once before, and its a drag that it's happened again. RPing other charcters is bound to lead to disagreements over courses of action, so I support Navras's stance on not letting it happen again unless there is some kind of written agreement between the two parties concerned. And yes, my escape was kind of dodgy, and could have been done better. I was impressed by Navras's though, well written. Next time I am unjustly and unrealistically imprisoned in a STONE tower which is a HUNDRED meters ABOVE the SEA (what happend to your good old fashioned dungeon?) I will make a better effort. Amiros did state OOC that we could escape however we liked. But anyway, I escaped and so did Navras, and lets put this rather unfortunate incident behind us.

Also btw, I feel I have been unfairly accused by the femme bloc of warmongering. Yes, i did raise my hand at the summit to invading La Voile, but what else is new? You recall back in the day, when I first joined your region, the first post I made was about how I was disgusted with Voile and intended to declare war on him as soon as possible. Nothing has changed. To take such drastic action all of a sudden is slightly on the reckless side. The whole point of this RP is for a war. If you guys don't want one, then don't get involved. Rather than continually countering our attempts to let events run their natural course, just sit on the sidelines and keep yelling how much you disagree with our actions. The Femme Bloc is NOT the UN Delegate. It is NOT their responsibility to maintain peace within the region. End angsty rant.
The Neodammerung
18-06-2004, 10:08
Navras lay on the floor before the Femme Bloc. He snuffed at them. With his remaining strength he pulled himself off the ground, staggered to a standstill. It was evident he was unable to walk without assistance... his legs and ankles heavily bruised and sprained from his beating. "The time for honouring yourselves will soon be at an end..."


The journey was a long one. Navras was dragged through mud and dirt on his journey, his ankle still sprained from the hefty beating he took in the tower. It was pure luck that Ebony and Sara gave up their rides to assist Navras. Navras refused to accept a ride from any accompanying cavalry. He occasionally accepted water and leftovers from their meals, although only when he needed it. Navras had nothing against the accompanying cavalry... his fight was with the Femme Bloc. Unfortunately, just like he had nothing against the whore in the tower, it was just business.

The female cavalry set up camp in the jungle and Navras sat on a rock in the corner of the small clearing. He knew the jungle was too dense to navigate successfully at night. He didn't even know his exact location. All he knew was if he could break away, all he could do was follow the cool air from the coast. Navras just sat and pondered as the female cavalry just gossiped and giggled for the rest of the evening. Then he dozed off into a sleep.


Navras awoke to the sounds of war cries and the whistling of arrows being launched into the camp site. The twins came rushing to him to defend him. They picked up two hefty sticks from the ground and started whacking left, right and centre in defense of their master. They masterfully twirled their improvised staffs before the camp was overrun. The ear shattering noise of gunshots drowned out the cries of the invaders. Bodies hit the ground all over the camp site as the natives overrun the slowly diminishing cavalry. Most of the cavalry was dead or dying, and the survivors had fled. The Neodammerungian leader and his two servants remained cornered. However, the natives did not attack them... the leader of the attackers came forward examining the trio. After several moments silence, he finally spoke. "Get them on horseback. They're coming with us."


Admiral Grisof was at the bridge of the HSS Voyager when the morse code transmission was intercepted. The Navy had remained deployed outside Amirosian territorial waters after the news that Navras had been captured. Admiral Grisoff's next move had been decided.

"Captain. Move the rest of the Navy into Amirosian waters. Send out reconaissance fighters once within patrol range. Don't attack anything, but be prepared to defend yourself from any attacks. We need to know the logistics of Navras' positioning if we are to successfully get him out of there. I repeat, reconaissance fighters are not to open fire unless in self defence."

Soon, this debaccle would be turning in favour of the Neodammerungian forces... or so Grisoff hoped...
18-06-2004, 12:40
Amiros was still fuming when Luxiom handed her a telegram which she had received only minutes earlier.

Dearest Lady of Luxiom,

When I was in trouble, you helped me out. I believe that now is the time to return the favour. I have received intelligence that your country may be under threat following your actions against Navras and Valen. If you would have it, I will commit these aerial bombers to defend your country against outside aggression.

Emperor Sajuk

“What is the meaning of this?” Amiros yelled. Luxiom and the four ‘damn fine’ men shuddered. “You’re completely safe! I am the one with Chellis and the Neodammerung headed for my Great South Bay. Sure it is a popular location, but this is getting ridiculous!”

Luxiom moved in.

“You don’t need to Sajuk to defend you. I have enough troops to destroy Navras’ forces. And technically, going off our previous contract, I have to defend you. Everything will be okay. At any rate, they all claim they will not attack unless prior fired upon.”

“Oh yeah, that’s great! So if either of them fire making it look like it was me, I get fired upon.”

Luxiom sighed. The answer was so simple.

“Send an expressive telegram to both the Neodammerung and Chellis expressing that you will not fire upon them. And double the guard on the missile control room.”

Amiros began to settle.

The Nations of Chellis and The Neodammerung,
Your presence in the air and water space has been noticed. I will not be firing upon you, unless attacked. I only summit this message, as I am concerned about one party causing a hoax attack.

The Legendary Amiros

Amiros sank back into her chair. All this military activity was too much. But that wasn’t Amiros’ only concern. She also worried for Sara and Ebony. They were with Navras still. Although the majority of her concern went to Enrique. No one had seen or heard from him. She missed his company, the softness of his eyes and the comfort he made her feel.

"Julio, send word to the Neodammerung. Let them know Navras' has escaped and is somewhere in the Amirosian jungle. These are dangerous areas. Any harm which now come upon him is not my doing"

Luxiom tried to comfort Amiros. “All we can do is wait for a response from either Chellis or the Neodammerung…”
18-06-2004, 12:45

Hey all, I am really sorry. I didnt mean to be a bad RPer, but it does get kind of boring when ppl ignore you and u dont feel part of something. Big apologies. however i do seem to getting my comupance...
18-06-2004, 13:56
After viewing the report from the ssurveillance satellite, Sajuk realised that he had potentially sent his forces to the wrong location. He sat at a computer terminal and began to draft a letter to Amiros.

To The Legendary Amiros:

I have recieved intelligence that your country may be threatened by the same forces that threaten Luxiom. I am sending orders to my forces to, if you are attacked, enter the battle based from Luxiom. This is pending your consent, of course. However, for the moment the aircraft will remain based in Luxiom. They will fly armed patrols and reconnaisance flights over your country, extending to the Amirosan Shore but without violating Izakdiom's airspace.

Emperor Sajuk


Having made the perilous journey through Valenvaryon airspace intact, the commander of LTF 51 was still stressing. He had not established shelter for all of his aircraft, nor a command post. The aircraft had each flown with a second crew and some mechanics and logistics personnel, however there were simply not enough to be found. The Luxiom personnel were not bad in their own right, however they did not know how to service and load MA class aircraft. It was a nightmare, with the only good thing being that he had just enough mechanics.
The orders were to remain ready to launch the main body at all times, with a small patrol flying unloaded, that is without a configuration pod, to watch for air threats with their standard radar sets.

2 hours later:

Rock 12 was one of the unlucky pilots who drew the task of flying air patrol while his squadmates slept. He took off in good order, and flew to operating height. In the rear of the cocpit the ELINT officer was firing up the craft's powerful radars and sensitive radio and radar interception gear. Despite the foreign country, this patrol was pure vanilla.
The lack of any military transmissions led the officer to do a scan of lower, unused frequencies. Nothing... wait a minute, what was that?
He backtracked down the frequency dial. There, thats it. The sound he could hear a faint clicking, accompanied by a flashing of the SIGNAL light. Strange.
He hit the record button and noted the bearing, with the intent of analysing the transmission later. The captain knew Morse; maybe he could make sense of the random clicking.
La Voile
18-06-2004, 14:40
Alesandro sighed, there was a veritable political disaster occurring on the west coast and here he was in San Iskandar, La Voile. He walked out onto the podium to read his prepared speech…
Meanwhile: 3rd, 8th and 21st Seaborne Division had constructed a beach head on the north-west side of the northern island, at Scythe Beach. Colonel Gerard LeBlanc looked up as 6 GA eagles flew overhead at subsonic speeds. Several truck mounted artillery batteries were in place and one SAM unit was in place. As Co. LeBlanc looked out to see he could see the Pacifier, the Nimitz Aircraft Carrier, with its 85 aircraft on call, the base was well defended. The Arcadia, the Portlandia Class Missile Cruiser lay 30km to the South, its missiles ready to bombard any target within range.
Four other bases had been set up like it, along the coast.
Alesandro began to read.
Today I have received word that Voilean nationals were mercilessly slaughtered by the Leuman military. These men and women had not committed any warlike act against Leumah, yet they were murdered. Even now our brave soldiers land on the beaches and parachute from the air. Leumah will pay for the injustices they have caused us. This nation has allied itself with nations that have kidnapped the leaders of sovereign nations. It is obvious that Leumah must be stopped for the good of the region, for the good of the people of Noxidom. We realise that Chellis has pledged aid to Leumah and let it be known that we hold no ill will to Chellis in their role as a peacekeeper.
Thank you
The 43rd Airbourne parachuted in to central Leumah and immediately combed the area and set up camp.
As Alesandro walked away from the podium he thought of the hostile nations is the region, they would all thank him and the action he had taken, at least the next generation could live in peace…
19-06-2004, 04:50
The First Visionary sat in his office and tried to evaluate the situation. Heavy rain battered against the windows. Lightning flared out in the Spectral bay. Inwardly, the First Visionary sighed.

Reports were coming in from all over the region. Disasters seemed to come in threes. He would have to address each one at a time.

"First things first" he began in his mind, "the Falkme Island incident."

He began drafting a message to Aetherian Intelligence.

[code:1:d3af9d3e45]RE: Summit Incident

It is imperative that the party responsible for the bombing of the summit is identified; it is likely they will act again. The Aureal has been ordered to investigate. Captain Dante was given contingency instructions prior to the bombing, and remained in the area as per my orders. Maintain contact with him and see to it he has the necessary resources.


A large flare of light was visible through the First Visionary’s window. Moments after, the room was plunged into darkness. The only sources of light were the storm outside and that of the LCD laptop screen operating from battery power.

The First Visionary turned his head to face the window.

“Not going to make this easy, are you?” he asked, somewhat annoyed.

A knock drew his attention away from the window. A guard stepped through the door, bowing.

“The people downstairs estimate that power will be restored in a fifteen minutes. I will stand with you until security is back online.” he said dutifully before noticing the laptop, “if that’s okay with you sir.”

The First Visionary considered this, and then nodded. He pressed on into the second issue. He opened a new document and began typing.

Emperor Sajuk,

I believe that you need to rethink your actions before you do anything to problematic. Your country is one that has been recently threatened with war. Now, I find that you are sending forces to Luxiom and Amiros. This is a time when you should be keeping your forces stationed closer to home. Even as send this message, I hear that Voilean forces take advantage of the situation, sending your forces to protect another country which hasn’t even been attacked is quite simply, foolish.
Furthermore, even if Voilean forces chose not to attack, the fact remains that your people are aware that they were almost involved in all our war. Sending out troops, no matter how few, is bound to anger those who believe that Leuman forces should be guarding the home front. Unless you recall your forces, I believe that you will find yourself in the middle of a riot.
I advise you consider the social consequences more carefully before you make a military decision.

The lights in the office flickered for a few seconds before coming back to life. The guard bowed before returning to his post. The First Visionary paused, considering how much he should reveal. He finally decided to add on the end.

This includes wiping out unidentified radio signals in the jungle.

The First Visionary of Aetherios

Exhaling after realising he had been holding his breath; he printed the document and sent it away.

”Two down” he said as he closed his eyes “one insane captive situation to go.”

This was going to take a while to sort out.
19-06-2004, 07:01

OK, this is starting to get out of hand.

First, Amiros captures two national leaders who just happened to be walking in the jungle without any backup. Well ok she said that the sentries were otherwise occupied. Somehow I would have thought that those two in particular would have insisted on more loyal troops...

Then Valen uses nothing better than a pen and paper to magically teleport himself from his prison, and then hikes 100 miles to the nearest city through hostile territory without any food, water or equipment.

Navras then uses a skylight to send morse code via an exposed power cable. Insert superhuman climbing effort from a politician who spends most of his time at a desk.

Ok, I think that you get the idea. People are just modifying whatever rules that they want to so that they can gain an advantage.

Now, Alex. I would like to point out that if Leumah had been flying any more air patrols there would be serious risk of midair collisions occurring. How, I ask you, would a drop aircraft have gotten in and out, past the heavy patrols and ground based radar sets (of Leumah and Chellis)? And don't say that you bought him off. Even the Neodammerung could not afford the cost, unless Chellis posts otherwise. However he/she seems to be a fellow of high morals, and I doubt that they would accept bribes.

I am not asking you to delete your post, however don't whinge if I decide to bomb your troops into the next dimension (however I am not going to do that at this time). And I would like to point out that the centre of Leumah is located in the passage between the two islands. Hope that your troops brought a lot of SCUBA tanks...

19-06-2004, 07:29

All right, its time to clear this up. I was very impressed with how the RP was going for quite a while, but now it seems to have degenerated somewhat. This is pretty much inevitable, I was amazed at how long it lasted before some kind of disagreement came up. Already a whole heap of issues have been raised which I needn't repeat here. I hereby state that my escape was not only unrealistic but also stupid, and contributed only to the wrecking of how things have turned out. That said, already the issue of how unrealistic mine and Navras's capture was in the first place has been brought up, so rather than argue it anymore, lets just let it go. Yes it was a crappy episode, and although it was rather amusing and congratulations should go to Amrios for her excellent double double cross, it is time to move on.

Navras is yet to escape from the Amirosian jungle, which I think he can handle perfectly well on his own without any interference from anyone else. I have recieved word that Commander Valen's ability to estimate distances was rather impaired because of his cross-dimensional jump, and that after a few days of living off rainwater and wild berries (it can be done, RE: year 11 camp), he reached an outlying Izakdiom town. Leumah has sent off a sizeable portion of its own military to assist Luxiom and Amiros, completely ignoring the landing by La Voilian troops to the North. Mazrak seems to be ready for war, though his intended target is currently unknown. The First Visionary seems to be the only one concerned about the attack on Falkme Island, and La Voile appears to be happy with the way things are panning out.

Now let's not have any more OOC rants (yes, i'm the most guilty of this) and move on.
Oh and by the way Ed, People are just modifying whatever rules that they want to so that they can gain an advantage.

Last time I checked there aren't any concrete "rules" to this game. Just head on over and read a sci-fi RP if you disagree. I don't think people should have to be bound by rules, but at the same time we shouldn't be doing outragous things (violating laws of physics... yes officer, i'll never do it again).

Apologies to any spectators, the war will continue very soon.

La Voile
19-06-2004, 08:40

1. One nation can not determine the losses of another nation.
2. Leumah was otherwise occupied and 50km is not that far to fly and drop some troops off. As Aetherios and yourself have said.
3. I refuse to delete my post, if you can miraculously discover my troops, see the "Paint" incident, then by god I can land troops, any way seeing it has been one day, two more beach heads have been established, and two and two have been moved inland. They are all supported by Portlandia missile cruisers, or destroyers.
4. and no retrospective attacks or god moding, (ie: I blow all the beaches up and you all die. Or the beaches were all planted with mines and all he men died.)

Anything else that I dislike I will tell you of personally.
La Voile
19-06-2004, 08:59
Alesandro was incredibly pleased the way the battle was panning out. Part of Leumahs decrepit navy was in the Moe Sea, stationary. Sajuk was obviously confused about the current situation, the poor emporer couldn't do two things at once, he couldn't walk and chew gum at the same time...

In the Moe Sea, the Leuman cruiser the Redux was stationary, making it an easy target for the Valar , the Voilean Los Angelitos Subamarine.
Two MK-48 torpedos later the Redux's hull split in two.
The observing satellite sent the image to the capital, San Iskandar.
Alesandro composed a telegram to Sajuk.

To: Sajuk
Subject: We all live in a yellow...
We find your presence a danger to regional security.
Col. LeBlanc sent off his daily report. He was elated. Their radius of the base was 5km, with 10 SAMs set up, yet no retaliatory action. Within a few days the fall of the North Island would be assured.
The second AO-SAT (Anti Orbiter Satellite) was launched. As La Voile had the greatest knowledge in the area of space defence, they had just launched satellites capable of putting enemy satellites out of action. They only had two, but they would be enough.
The first lay in geo-centric orbit.
The Neodammerung
19-06-2004, 13:11
Navras stirred from his slumber. He awoke to find that they had stopped riding. In fact, he awoke to find himself in a stretcher bed in what looked to be a small hut. He sat up, to find that his injuries had been treated. No more sprained ankle... No more bruising... No more fractures... He then realised he was not the only one in the room...

Surrounding him were several men and the twins, Sara and Ebony.
"Who are you? Where am I?" His voice was weary. One of the men came forth. It was evident he was the leader of the tribe who had captured him and the twins. "I am Matylandar, leader of the Woodlanders. We are the indigenous people of the lands you call Amiros. You are in one of our villages in the jungles of Amiros."

"How long have I been here for." Navras rested his head in his hands. His head ached.

"You rode for three days to get here. You had injuries when you arrived so our witchdoctor healed you. You slept right through your treatment. Basically, you have been unconscious for the two days you have been in the village."

"I've been your captive for a week! Why have you captured me? Why didn't you kill me?"

"You are not our prisoner. You are a guest. You may leave at any time you wish. That's if you can navigate your way through the jungle. We did not destroy you or your servants, because it was evident you were not Amirosian. We have been at war with the women and the few men in service of Amiros. They have taken our lands away from us and we have feuding over this for many centuries. We have no conflict with prisoners of Amirosian servants. In fact, some might say you may be able to help us..."

Navras just stared blankly. He tried to get up, but his head was still aching. "Why does my head hurt?"

"It's some of the herbal medicine we gave you to help you rest. An anaesthetic wearing off, basically." Matylander paused then moved towards the door. The twins mvoed towards Navras to help him sit up. "You are free to use any of the villages resources and to walk about as you wish. However, I ask that you come speak to me in my hut when you feel better." He left.


It was dark before Navras had the strength to move beyond his hut door. He had now fully recovered and had regained all his strength. The village was filled with life. Everyone was celebrating around the bonfire, women and men dancing. One of the men guarding Navras' hut approached him.
"Follow me to Matylandar's hut."

Navras and the twins followed closely. They were given strange looks as they weaved their way through the village towards Matylandar's hut. Navras entered the hut. "Welcome to my humble home, Navras."

"You can dispense with pleasantries, Matylander. I just want to get straight to business."

"I see... I have been led to believe you are one of great power. Would I be correct in saying so."

"Depends on which way you look at it, I suppose..."

"Well, I have my spies too you know. So when I saw your capture and the way you were imprisoned by Lady Amiros, I could only assume you were one of great enough power to threaten her. So naturally, I decided that finding either you or the one who they call Valen would aid us in our "

"What is it you want?"

"The Woodlanders want to begin negotiations with the Lady Amiros. We learnt long ago we will not be able to fight to get our land back. But every diplomat I have sent to her capital has been executed on sight. Herpeople persecute us... we are now only fighting to survive. She doesn't even hear what we have to say."

"You want me to open negotiations between you and Amiros?"

"And act as an arbitrator."

"I don't know what I could do to help you. Amiros has no reason to listen to me either. If she finds me, she will have me overwhelmed and I will be imprisoned again."

"I beg to differ, Navras. Your navy has begun a blockade of the Amirosian waters. My spies tell me that they are on the brink of invading. Quite natural, considering that you have disappeared into thin air. Your navy most probably thinks you've been executed. Amiros has most of her guards mobilised prepared to defend herself should your navy begin an invasion."

"I need to get a message out to the Navy. For all I know, I could end up in a bigger political mess than I am in now if I invade."

"We can stop the invasion if you help us. We have proof you are still alive. Amiros does not."

"And what its in it for me if I help you..."

"I have certain information which would be of use to you... in relation to the one you call Sajuk... I understand you wish for his death... I can help you in this..."

"I see... so what is your plan assuming you can get me into the Amirosian capital alive."

"Amiros and her friends, Hera Luxiom and Enrouler will not attack you or anyone in your company, provided your company is not an army. I ask that myself and my ten best warriors ride with you into the capital. We can provide you with the finest blades and bows in the region to defend yourself. Beyond that, my men can protect you if we are attacked."

"I ask that you provide horses and weapons to my bodyguards, Ebony and Sara."

"That can be arranged."

Navras paused and thought about this for a few moments. He then stuck out his hand.

"You have a deal, Matylandar... and for your sake, you'd better stick with it..."
19-06-2004, 14:55
Admiral Peters was stunned. The Redux had been caught completely unawares by a Voilean sub. Her loss with all hands was sure to have some effect on his current ATTCON status. The request had only recently gone up the sat radio to free weapons, and...


His monitor, and hundreds like it now read: All ships in contact with La Voilean craft are to engage and destroy immediately starting at 1400 hours. They have commenced landing troops, so target transports with extreme prejudice.

The time was now 13:50. If Peters' assumption was correct, this would be a massiave heavily weighted strike against La Voilean interests. They would have no warning, as the ATTCON Monitor was untraceable and encrypted with the digital equivalent of One Time Pad encipherment.


At North Channel Base, pilots were rushing to their MA-Vs. The expeditionary force sent to Luxiom had been only a small tithe of the strength of the Leuman air force. Craft at ready to launch status were cycled off the ground within a minute of the order arriving. Others were preflighted for a second wave. The ready to launch craft were split into two groups, Invader and Hunter. Hunter was detailed to tracking down the troops on the Leuman Coast that had been spotted by satellite before the reconsat had disappeared off the air, and to harrass the LVN.
Invader was to attack the La Voilean coast, dropping MOABs from high altitude on missile defense sites while the Strikers fought with the La Voilean Air Force. With fifteen MOABS per bomber, and close to a hundred AIM 120 AMRAAMs per Striker, along with LAMS lasers, it would be a heavy blow to La Voilean coastal bases. And an excellent softening up blow in preparation for landings.


The Emperor was surprisingly cool considering the crisis that he now faced. La Voile had commenced full scale invasion.
He had considered ordering suicide strikes against enemy cities, but as yet the Voileans had not attacked civillians so he would not escalate that aspect of the war.

His navy was split in two at the moment, with one half near the Falkme Islands returning to Leumah, and the other cruiser group near the Channel between North and South Islands. North Island was essentially uninhabited, which was why the Voileans had succeeded in landing without detection. The first (carrier) group had just been preemptively attacked, which had resulted in the loss of the elderly cruiser Redux. As a result, the carrier had launched its P-3 Orion Antisub aeroplanes, and every patrol boat and destroyer were actively pinging her sonar to detect subs. The Los Angeles sub (she had been identified by her accoustic signiature) had run too fast to be attacked, however there was no way for any other sub to approach. Any metallic sonar contact was being scanned with sonobuoys, and then depth charged.

Over Leuman North Island:

Flight Officer Bond was both scared out of his wits, and having the time of his life. He was flying his MA-V "Tank Plinker" anti armour and radiation (AKA Radar) at breakneck speed over the jungles of the North Island, accompanied by eleven other aircraft. Their mission was to locate either SAM sites or command sites, both by their radar/radio emmissions, and destroy them with HARM or Maverick Missiles. He carried thirty of each.
There! On the scope, he saw a flash of Ku band radar emmission. Damm, someone was already being target painted!

Bond steered his plane towards the signal, crested a ridge and saw the shooter. The difference was that the SAM track gunner was looking away, while he was poised with finger on the trigger. Bond shot first with a HARM, while the SAM track loosed a Crotale SAM at an unknown target.

The SAM track, 2 mins earlier:

Things were looking good for his forces, Gunnery Sergeant Blanc thought. They had been in country for two days, and so far the Leumans had stayed dumb and happy. But thats what Leumans did, wasn't it? They were so--

Sir, we have a target!! This from his radar operator.

Line it up, looks like they finally woke up.

Missile in range, bearing one one three!

Blanc slewed the four barreled Crotale launcher to orient towards the proper bearing. He selected target paint mode, to see if the plane had a detector, and pointed the radar designator at the big, lumbering aircraft.
It became apparent that it did, when the erstwhile slow aircraft reversed course in seconds, and began to run. Fool, at three kilometers he had no chance.

Blanc pulled the launcher's twin triggers and a white painted arrow of death blasted out of the launcher. Ten seconds to die.
Blanc never gor to six, for at that moment the HARM Missile's deadly 50 kilo warhead exploded five feet from the separate radar vehicle. The Crotale Missile, bereft of its designator radar, went dumb and fell into the forest with a muted flash.

Over the La Voilean Battle Group 21Alpha

Hunter One was just coming on station when the first antiair missile leapt from its launcher on the Battlecruiser LVNS Aleksander. It was a Crotale, so the Voilean scum must have been saving their SM-2s or whatever long range missiles they carried. The two Tank Plinker aircraft began launcing their HARM missiles to harrass their enemies' radar, seconds before a double Stinger launch killed the AA missile.

In reply, a single MOAB was let fall, at its maximum gliding range. The big bomb fell quickly, unimpeded because the fleet Admiral had ordered a SAM radar blackout to evade the small, agile HARM missiles. Guided by a small red dot placed on the superstructure of the La Voilean aircraft carrier, it fell slightly short because of the galeforce surface winds.

The result was still spectacular. The bomb had never been intended to destroy the aircraft carrier, only to take it out of play. It detonated above the water, next to the carrier's starboard gunwale at a distance of fifteen meters and a height of five.

Three more bombs were dropped, to sow fear more than cause damage. Two were guided amongst the escorting destroyers, set for detonation at one meter. One was destroyed by a stinger launch, and caused no damage. The other blew as the tip touched the water, creating a small tsunami. It capsized the patrol boats either side of the blast, and caused varying degrees of damage to the other boats in the vicinity.
The last bomb was as much a test as an attack. A Leuman destroyer had been attacked by a sub, but had evaded the attack and was attempting a torpedo launch. It sent the co-ordinates of the sub to the launch bomber, which dropped a MOAB set to sink to fifty meters and then detonate. The boat continually updated the position of the sub, for the bomb's flight time.

The twelve ton bomb hit the water and rushed down to depth quickly, its great momentum driving it down. At fifty meters depth, the detonator triggered.
The giant bomb worked on the same principle as a depth charge. It created a huge wavefront (ie: shockwave) through the water, which could crush the hull of a Los Angeles class submarine. With that, Hunter Group returned to air over Leuman waters, now augmented by MA-V AWACS aircraft, which could see and designate as targets any ships or planes which entered Leuman waters or airspace from any direction.

Invader Group:

The forty bombers and twenty Striker MA-Vs had encountered a rough time on their approach flight. A heavy strike group of thirty Voilean fighter planes had launched and lain in wait for the Invaders. When the Invaders entered missile range they had been greeted by a volley of Phantom missiles. Most had been shot down by the Strikers or decoyed by LAMS, but a handful had struck home, destroying eight strikers and damaging the engines on a bomber. That craft had gone in soon after, splashing down in the middle of a convoy of Replenishment ships (oil tankers modified to refill small ships' oil bunkers). When it hit, its full load totalling just over 100 tons of Tritonal blew within fifty meters of four oil tankers, and close to a troop transport. The Strikers replied with a quadruple launch per plane, and eighty AMRAAMs blotted the FA-18s from the sky.
The armada made the La Voilean coastline without further injury, much to their surprise. Then it was down to business. The first targets for MOABs were scud sites and Big-Dong missile "silos," both of which had been mapped by Leumah's KH-11 and KH-12 spysats. The coordinates were preprogrammed into the bombs, so it was a case of drop and forget. The bombs were accurate to within a meter, but were slightly vulerable to Patriot missiles. They countered this vulnerability by dropping the bombs at the same time, to overwhelm a battery with too many targets. After the missile attacks, bombs fell towards moored transport ships and their dock facilities, however these were less successful due to the now waking up air defences.

Five minutes after the first bomb fell, the highest remaining officer {the commander had been taken out by an F/A 18} decided that it was time to leave. Half of La Voile's missile bombardment capability had been attacked, and most of the rest was on the other side of the country, and did not threaten Leumah. Intruder flight turned one last time and maxed out threir engines, heading home. From sixty launched aircraft only twenty four would return, however the mission would be considered a success.
19-06-2004, 19:58
The chellian forces had already been mobilized against the threat, but minor operational setbacks had stopped them from advancing toward the enemy. Today, however, the chellian forces stood about 15 kilometers outside of the enemy territory. Flip artillery cannons were firing their 155mm shells into the enemy base, while Chellians set up fire-zones to destroy any rush the voileans might try. Infantry Fighting Vehicles began slowly advancing, using range finders to look for men manning ATGM's. Twelve of them had gotten in the 2,100 meter rang, just outside the range of most ATGM's. They started firing their cannons at any ATGMs spotted, as well as any infantry in range. They also began spotting for artillery, as it became much more percise then.

Fourty-eight V-121L's had taken off from airfields, carrying both percision guided munitions and cluster bombs, as well as Gemini missiles for air-to-air defense. The planes were flying at 74,000 feet, higher than most modern aircraft could fly, and began dropping their munitions when they arrived at the target area, which was where the paratroopers were.

In the bay, the Chellian force(1 battleship, 2 guided missile frigates, 2 guided missile cruisers, 2 guided missile destroyers, 2 destroyers, 5 fleet replenishers, 1 submarine) began their attack. Being close to the beaches, the Battleship and destroyers began firing their three and five inch guns into the enemy positions where they could. The battleship also moves its 3x3 14 inch guns towards the beaches, and began firing.

The guided missile ships began firing their loads of Stryker cruise missiles at transports and La Voilean ships. Two H-9 helicopters took off from the naval ships, and began flying toward the beaches at a low altitude, carrying Anti-personel rockets and 7.62mm machineguns, as well as two Swan Anti-ship missiles each, for the transports. They were thinking that the forces wouldnt have been able to bring mobile sams on the beach yet. The submarine however, began targeting La Voilean docks, which previous spy missions had identified. Almost immediatly, it opened its doors, and fired 4 consecutive missiles at various port facilities. The nuclear missile was also armed, although not loaded, or critical(so blowing up the sub wont blow the nuke...).

Chellis has officially condemned the Voileans for this horrid, unprovoked attack. The 41st has asked for a reinforcement division, but it is unlikely.
20-06-2004, 08:19
Amiros paced back and forth. Neodammerung forces were still floating offshore. She feared an attack. Hopefully Navras’ would be located soon. Her head surveillance operator rushed in.

“My Lady. We’ve found him.”

* * * * *

Glancing at the screen, Amiros starred at the green flashing dot which, hopefully indicated Navras’ exact location. Smiling she nodded.

“Do you want us to bring him in?”, Julio asked hopefully.

“No, let him be. Just monitor him. His forces probably think I have assassinated him. If they attack, I need to produce him alive. I want to know his location 24/7.”

Navras had thought the dense jungle would be protection against spying from the sky. And so it did. The Amirosian airforce was useless. But there was another way. And it was so ingenious, Navras would never have guessed. Seems some forces are too strong.

“Many of us have our doubts about allowing Navras free reign of the jungle. You remember the problems with the natives?”

“How could I forget. The amount of blood shed already. I had considered the possibility of Navras’ siding with them. It is likely. We must be prepared.”
20-06-2004, 11:51
“Your not concentrating, Hera,” Kali took the brush from her, “You’re slaughtering the characters.”
Hera Luxiom didn’t even resist. The parchment held symbols-some like mountains, others like the turn of a face.
Kali replaced it to the ink and let her brush strokes move like water, “If you ever want to learn written Sorbus you must pay attention!”
“These words require calm. There is none. The summit was hit, you know.”
“So you said, Hera.”
“It could have been any of them, that’s what worries me. It’s all uncertain.”
Kali saw clouds on the afternoon horizon.
“Storm blowing in from the north....” Said Kali, closing the window.
Hera Luxiom’s hair was unsettled by the last shards of wind, “Valen’s disappeared and Navras sides the wildmen of Amiros. Even now they’ll approach her gates.”
“What are you afraid of?”
“Afraid?” Hera Luxiom showed the first signs of life, raising her eyebrows, “I have nothing to fear from them. As they fight and squabble in Leumah. I’ve tried my best for Leumah, but he has Chellis. La Voile is a self-serving politician and as long as he can be held back he is hardly more of a threat than a missed meal.”
“Hera, will you be travelling to Amiros?” A voice from the shadows. Kali shrieked.
“Arhen, good to know you are always nearby,” she stared him down, “Amiros can deal with this as she sees fit. What you need to find is who was behind the summit attack.”
“Of course,” Arhen bowed deeply.
“Send her a telegram. Ask her to try and negotiate with the natives, and with Navras. They are all loose canons since their abduction. Though it was for peace there will be bad blood. We must make amity at all costs. Perhaps we have a common adversary in La Voile. Time will tell.”
Arhen’s face cast shadows, “It always does.”
The Neodammerung
21-06-2004, 08:30
Admiral Grisof came onto the bridge of the HSS Voyager. The sun had barely begun to rise when he was summoned to the bridge. "What is it, Captain?"

"Sir, we've found him. We've found our Saviour."

"Where?!" Grisof was relieved to hear the good news. He feared he would be unable to lead the invasion on his own, had his Saviour been executed.

"It's rather unusual sir... He is riding towards Atana, the capital. And he's not alone..."


Navras was riding at full pace along the trail, Ebony and Sara barely keeping up. The natives, led by Matylandar, closely followed the three in their race to get to the capital. They had been riding since dawn. Then they saw it.

Rising far above the jungles of Amiros, the great city of Atana. In the centre of the city high above all else was a great temple, a memory of an ancient race and Amiros' stronghold. Navras slowed down gazing in awe before finally coming to a halt.

"Atana, city of gold... a symbol of greed." Navras was startled to find Matylandar next to him speaking these words. "We must be cautious... Come!" Navras led on until they reached the walls of the city and the City Gates. The walls stretched right around the city and there was no safe passage in. Snipers on every tower. Navras could feel the barrels of their rifles aiming at him.


In Sniper Tower 1, Tricia eyed the party at the gates carefully through her scope. She had a clear view of everything going on. The missing captive with his two bodyguards and a band of savages. She was very cautious as to what the party was doing. She was the best sniper in all of Amiros, and she and her fellow snipers could take down their whole party in a matter of a minute without missing a shot. One rode forward slightly, and spoke as if addressing the City itself.

"May the Black Lady come forth and let justice be done upon her!!!"

She recognised the cloaked figure's voice from the media. Supreme Allied Commander of the Confederacy of the Neodammerung Navras. She was just itching to pull the trigger. She spoke firmly into her headset.

"My Lady, shall we open fire? We await your orders."
21-06-2004, 09:52
Boris sat and listened to Branigan read out the report of La Voiles activities and his request for assistance against Luemah. Boris leaned back into the blood red cushioning of his large throne and gazed up at the ceiling pondering his next move. The ceiling was covered with the paintings of dragons dancing around vines of twisted roses and in the middle of the ceiling was the dragon god, Draco. Draco was larger then the others and far more magnificent for he was Mazraks god, Mazraks creator and its protector.

"What is Vladimir’s position in all of this?" questioned Boris.

"He has his troops mobilised and is ready to support and fight along us if we chose to go to war with the great Alesandro". Replied an orc general with tattoos covering half his face.

"Excellent, mobilise our forces send them up to Lictenstine, there our forces shall join and using his fleet we shall sweep around the north of La Voile stopping for supplies along the La Voiliean coast and then invade the northern part of the north island, I do not wish to lead the invasion but I will consolidate the position and support La Voile in his invasion. I want my troops mobilised and on there way within the hour NOW GO!" demanded Boris.

"Yes my lord" replied several generals as they retreated out of the throne room to carry out his wishes.

Boris stood and raised his fist to the crowd of generals and beasts, "Now we enter the time of WAR", roared Boris to his crowd.

"WAAAAARRRRRR" cried the crowd together as Boris and his lady looked at each other and grinned.
21-06-2004, 10:24
The mood in the First Visionary's office was tense. In the north, the islanders had chosen to act on their aggression are were already fiercely pitched in a battle staged on the North Leuman isle. The view of the Spectral Bay was as usual stunning, but the reports that came in reminded him how easily the beaches could be stained with blood. Refocusing his thoughts, he turned away from the window.

Leonie looked up from the scrached pad she held in her hands, her eyes unsure.

"Leonie" he said pensively, "could you please read back the message?"

Her eyes locked with his temporarily before once again being cast down onto the pad.


Hera Luxiom,

In the interests of furthing peace in the region, I, the First Visionary of Aetherios request your presence to disucuss the present situation of La Voile and Leumah. Battle has already broken out and it may not be too late to act to prevent all-out war.

With your assistance.

I ask that you travel to Spectral as soon as possible so that we may talk in person. The situation is most urgent and I must recieve word of whether you are available so that arrangements can be made. I do not wish to make this a official state matter that will draw attention. If you make the journey to Spectral, a cars will await for arival at a private airstip to deliever you any of your people to the Spectral Citadel.

Awaiting your reply, The First Visionary of Aetherios


Leonie finished reading, trying to gauge to First Visionary's response to his own telegram.

"It will have to do" he said solemnly, "if I had more time I would have added more diplomacy, but the situation requires immediate action."

Leonie nodded gravely before asking.

"Do you really trust Luxiom?"

He paused.

"No." he said turning towards the window, then adding. "but I believe we have a common interest in this. Go, send the message."

Quietly, Leonie left the First Visionary to ponder possible consequences of his actions.
21-06-2004, 10:35
Amiros was starring out to sea. She had heard nothing. Apparently cries of war were being heard from Mazrak. Without warning, the door flew open and in ran Enrique. He didn’t make it far before he collapsed. Amiros rushed to his side.

“What has happened?”

“I saw them. Riding to your city. Navras, the twins and natives from the jungle. They are even now approaching your walls.”

Rash, Navras. Too rash. Amiros shook her head. This was expected. She turned, leaving Enrique on the floor and headed towards the military operating room.

* * * * *

"My Lady, shall we open fire? We await your orders."

Amiros quickly grabbed the headpiece.

“Negative. Do not fire on them.” The last thing Amiros needed was a dead Navras on her hands, what with the Neodammerung navy still floating in the South Bay.

“Navras wants to negotiate peace between me and the natives? Send down an armed escort of fifteen. Allow Navras and the twins, Ebony and Sara, entrance. At no time are they to be harmed or left unattended. Perhaps while Navras is here he can pop his head out the main window and wave his navy off.”

Amiros entourage looked stunned. “We are to left Navras enter our capital Astana? After you kidnapped him? He will be vengeful! Don’t tell me you trust him?”

Amiros laughed.

“I trust no one. But think, while Navras is in our capital we are safe from attacks. Anyway, he is just a silly boy with swords.”

* * * * *

Amiros watched them head towards the walls. She spoke to her head snipper again.

“Kiya, I am sending the escort to bring Navras and the twins in. If they try anything funny, like trying to over power my escort, you have permission to fire. Just don’t hit Navras or the twins. Those twins mean everything to Enrouler, and she is already fretting over them. And we need Navras alive. He is no good to us dead.”
21-06-2004, 10:46
Arhen hadn’t opened the letter, for Hera Luxiom was watching him. She caught him though, the knife in one hand.
“I was just checking for any possible tampering,” he mumbled.
“And for that I remain eternally grateful.”
Arhen handed over the letter, his pale fingers quivering.
“.......You may go of course...”
Arhen retreated with a swift turn.
Hera’s azure eyes were turned navy as she scanned it. Outside the winds screamed against the panes. The trees shook angry fingers at the sky.
“Kali,” Kali noted the unusual whisper in her voice, like when they had both been children, “Send a response.”

First Visionary,

It will be my honour to meet with you. I can tell there is much we must negotiate. Hopefully we can find a peaceful solution. I will travel this very night and expect to arrive within your borders in less than 24 hours.

Until then, as your ally,
Hera Luxiom

“Tonight, Hera?!” The wind, in response, brought the first needles of rain.
"I think it would be best."


Hera pulled her collar over her ears but walked across the tarmac. The sky was a bowl of tumultuous fury. To Kali it seemed impossible that Hera Luxiom could remain standing in this wind. The plane seemed like a toy on the horizon. It rocked on the ocean of the sky. Hera Luxiom hardly moved, staring straight into the blackness and seeing only her own reflection.
21-06-2004, 11:41
Too long has the nation of CoPigs stood by without action, whilst the region wars around him, too long has the insecurity and impotence of nations leaders lead to an un-necessary war, for too long have the radical nations of our region compromised my neutrality, for too long have nations had a monopoly on the fate of our environment. I am committing a general recent for all nations against war to summit in the grand palace of CoPigs. For this summit you will be able to bring a select few from the elite of you military forces, this is to avoid a repeat of the happening at the Falkme’s.

To the Free people of Noxidom Your Region NEEDS you


Stalen Fredrick Marx
21-06-2004, 13:25
Admiral LeSoto of the Leuman Carrier Selim's battle group eyed the southern tip of his native lands through his high powered binoculars. His ship and escorts had just completed a speed run from south of Falkme Islands, running most of the escorts dangerously low on fuel. Barring the Selim, and the Predator, its nuclear escort cruiser, now sitting off its starboard bow, which had twenty years of Uranium left to split. The battle group had halted to refill bunkers (petrol tanks for the illiterate) at the southern tip of the passage between Leumah and La Voile. Radar aircraft were flying, Sonobuoys (small sub-detecting devices dropped from modified P-3s) were falling, and every sonar in the formation was pinging for subs, with the result that there were no craft in a position to threaten the Selim.

As per orders, LeSoto was currently arming all of the formation's Shipwreck-MK 2 and Harpoon missiles, in preparation for a surface missile sweep. This was a brutal, weapon-inefficient tactic where missiles were launched without targets, and allowed to fine their own. The launches were made from a ship either in a chinese fan pattern, or from a ship moving perpendicular to the missiles' flight. As a precaution, he had his precious two Striker planes (there was a shortage at the moment) flying at the carrier's fore and aft with AMRAAM missiles free to launch at any target, either found by the plane or designated by a ship.

First Attack:

The Selim and the Predator both turned due West at thirty knots, heading towards the soughernmost tip of La Voile. Their escorts followed, at a reduced speed, while the antisub ships that had already pre-positioned themselves simply listened and watched.
Selim was the first to loose a missile, launching a Shipwrech missile so that it would just clear the northern Leuman coast if it found nothing to hit. Within five minutes, every Shipwreck and nearly every Harpoon missile carried by the Selim battlegroup had been expended. The group turned and reformed, heading west towards a Leuman covering force of land-based planes and bombers, and some more patrol craft. The normal full watch protocol was restarted, and the formation set course for their home port in the Leuman capital city of Ellenor, situated on the East coast, Southern Island. The Leuman Navy had had its say, and was temporarily out of the fight.

Second Attack:
<this is for La Voile and Chellis mainly, as others may not understand the tech-speak>
The wave of 100 Shipwreck heavy- and nearly 200 Harpoon medium- anti ship missiles flew slightly west of North, so that they would blanket most of the channel and hit any ship caught in the pattern. The pattern covered from the La Voilean coastline to the line of the first launch, from the bottom tip of Leumah to the top west of the North Island. All friendlies had vacated the area posthaste, so that the only radar returns were those of enemy targets of some sort or another. Missiles that would hit La Voilean soil were preprogramed to turn away from land, and not to hit any target within five hundred meters of what the missile thought was the coastline, and not to turn towards Leumah unless chasing a target.

The lighter, faster harpoons pulled ahead of the bigger Shipwreck missiles, designed to draw attention away from their bigger cousins as much as to kill ships. Their 200 kilo warheads could critically damage small and medium sized ships if they hit the right spot, but it would take a larger, 750 kilo Shipwreck warhead to have a hope of destroying cruisers or carriers.

Third Attack:

Over the Leuman Channel, a large hunter-killer force of Striker and Tank-Plinker configured MA-V aircraft were forming up, as the Selim began to launch its missiles. Their task was to go after the Loilean land forces that had landed on North Island, with the Tank-Plinkers targeting SAM radars and launchers, fuel vehicles if there were any, and of course tanks. They carried half HARM missiles, and half Hellfires. HARM were for the radars, and Hellfires were to hit anything else. The Strikers were loaded for bear with Phoenix-MK 2 and AIM 120 AMRAAM missiles (for those who don't know, these are big, powerful air to air missiles), and were on the alert for SAMs to shoot down. Oh, the La Voileans did have some planes here, didn't they?

The commander came over their headsets, in his Southern drawl: "Mission is Go. The Voileans have most of North Island, so kill 'em all! But watch out for Chellin ground forces, they are in the area, but have IFF equipped so they will show up green on your HUDs. Go get some, boys!"

Immediately, every aircraft engaged its terrain avoidance and following equipment, and lit afterburners. Wing triplets formed up, with one Striker guarding two Tank-Plinkers. Then the fighters went to work. As promised in the mission briefing, there were plenty of targets for everyone.
22-06-2004, 06:53
First Movement:

The intelligence report was a small thing for the weight of consequences it carried. It contained a single sheet of paper, with the following written on it:

According to satellite imagery, the forces of Lictenstine and Mazrak are combining for a naval attack against a target in the vicinity of Leumah. Based on current regional politics, we are the target of that carrier group. Its intervention will adversely affect the correlation of forces to the extreme. What action is to be taken is beyond the scope of this committee, however for us to win, the force must not arrive at its destination.
They will be within maximum aerial attack range within the hour, and will arrive off the La Voilean coast tomorrow at roughly midday, at maximum projected speed. From there, it is half a day’s sailing to the Leuman coastline.

The intelligence analyst looked at the report in his hand, wishing that by force of will Mazrak could be kept out of this conflict. However that was not to be.

Second Movement

Sajuk’s Palace in Ellenor

For the first time in the short war, Sajuk realised that it may not be possible to attain victory. He was sobered by this thought, as any man would be. And closely behind the realisation that Leumah may be conquered came a single thought. It was a product of his Leuman upbringing, and a trait shared by most Leumans. He loved his land, but would not let it be tainted by another greedy nation. He unlocked a case and withdrew the single folder that it contained, and skimmed the horrific message contained in the simple text.
Yes, that would suffice.

Third Movement:

North Channel Air Force Base

In a specially designed, very secure hangar, the bombs had already been prepared. Twenty MOAB cases had been modified to contain a small pocket around the outside of the bomb, which could carry half a cubic meter of a chosen substance.
The substance was located in a separate room. It contained equal parts of lead filings (filling), heavy duty grease (to make the stuff semiliquid) and finely powdered Uranium 235.
Upon receiving the order to execute plan NEUTRON, technicians in blue spacesuits drew off fifty litre drums of the goo, and began to pump it into the bomb cases. It would take twenty minutes per bomb, with six bombs running through the process at a time. After filling, the bombs had their normal explosive Tritonal replaced, minus the small volume that had been sacrificed to take on the Uranium gel.
Three hours later, ammo trucks picked up the bombs and took half to a concrete bunker for storage, and the other to a loading bay where they were immediately loaded into aircraft.

Fourth Movement:
Aboard a MA-V-R looking for the Mazrakian fleet, somewhere north of CoPigs:

Command, this is Reccondo Two, I show nothing here. Are you sure that the satellites are right?

Rec Two, Command. The sats clearly showed the fleet was at sea. Try a bit closer. Maybe they have increased to flank. And they are running EMCON, repeat they have all radars off. Don’t bother with radar detectors, you will have to use your eyes.

Okay, will do.

The pilot returned his eyes to the ocean, looking for the wake of boats. He set the new course, thinking that the Lictenstinean fleet had to be in a big hurry to invade his country if they were at flank. Just as he was about to comment on the boring nature of reconnaissance—

There! A perfectly straight line on the water’s surface, which led to…

Command, Rec Two. I have the fleet. They are ahead of schedule, at current speed ETA at La Voile is 1000 hours tomorrow.

Acknowledged Rec Two. Keep your eyes on them, but remain out of spotting range. Repeat do NOT let them see you visually or on Radar. Oh, and are they flying patrols?”

No, Command. Looks like they’re trying to hide their presence. At the moment, they look dumb and happy.

Tell us if they do anything else, Rec Two. Out.

The pilot eased back on the stick, gaining altitude. The MA-V-R was a high flyer, able to get up to 90% of the Earth’s atmosphere below her, and stay that high for half a day. This one levelled off at 70 km altitude, well above the stratosphere and any ground based SAM launchers that might be nearby, and began to follow the Mazrakian fleet.
22-06-2004, 10:28
Amiros returned to her quarters. Now she awaited the arrival of Navras. Enrique had been attended to and now seemed somewhat more perky. Amiros summoned her head of espionage into her chamber.

“Zanthia, what news from other nations?”

“Well you highness, it appears La Voile and Leumah continue aggressions. S.F. Marx wants another summit. This time armed escorts are permitted, in an attempt to avoid a repeat of the Falkme’s. (Cough Cough, like it will help!). Will you be attending?”

Amiros sighed. She would like to, but with the present situation it seemed impossible. If things have resolved themselves, she would attend.

Zanthia continued, “The Neodammerung Navy is still floating.”

“They won’t leave until they know Navras is safe. Besides his troops seem to be enjoying my port services. Amiros has enough women for each sailer to leave two or three behind. I just hope Navras pays his troops well.”

“No word from Enrouler. Luxiom has travelled to Aetherios. She so loves him! I mean leaving her country when it is being threatened…”

“Watch your self Zanthia! What of Valen?”

“No one has seen or heard from Valen, but when they do, we will know! The most important threat is cries of war in Mazrak. He does pose a threat.”

Amiros knew it. Would the presence of the Neodammerung Navy be enough to deter a Mazrakian attack? Or would he persist regardless? With any luck he would wait until tensions with other nations had eased. Although, he probably wanted to get her while her defences were stretched, rather than having the manhood to wait and wage a real war.

Amiros couldn’t think. The intense summer heat wasn’t being repelled by the marble walls which constructed her palace. She had to retire somewhere cooler. Amiros headed downstairs towards the stairs at the entrance to her palace. There, she would wait for Navras.
22-06-2004, 11:42
After all this time she thought she should be used to the presence of the so called 'First Visionary.' Yet as he sat across from her Hera Luxiom was anything but calm. Coffee was poured by a woman who smiled gently at Hera before retreating. At least the coffee was always predictably delectable here.
The First Visionary made the first move to speak.

"These are dark times Lady of Luxiom, battle rages to the North. Life turns to Death because there is a pointless feud between Alesandro and Sajuk."

He chose to refer to them by first name, he had lost so much respect for them recently.

"I have a plan that has a chance of fixing this. But it requires your assistance. I assume you are interested in peace?"

He held his breath.

Luxiom felt the cup warm her hands and the words calm her, "There's has never been anything else my nation desired. Peace to grow, some time to breathe. These games of boys with the weapons of men have done nothing but tear us apart."

Her eyes flicked up to try and gauge his thoughts.

"I think perhaps it is time for the ancestors of this region to step in."

The First Visionary forced a weak smile. History told that peace had existed between the two countries from the beginning, but time had cooled the relations between them. Perhaps, united in purpose, Aetherios and Luxiom would see eye to eye once again.

"Aetherios *would* intervene" be began, "but that action alone would be futile. I believe that by combining our strengths, together we may force a ceasefire."

Luxiom's look was unreadable, "We have a story in our mythology. That Apollo went mad with power when he first came to earth. No one could imprison him as long as they desired to. It was Asherah who captured him in the heart of a gold cage. She could do it because she didn't want to, she had to."

Luxiom drank.

"I think perhaps this is what we need. A kind of encouragement to compliance."

The Aetherian's eyes narrowed as he tried to discern her exact meaning.

"Artful words. What exactly do you propose?"

"We take our ships out. Like the old days," She smiled," You do remember the old days don't you? Not rusty yet I hope?"

Aetherios shifted.

"But I will be brief. Let us block them. If they shoot let it be to us."

The First Vision was darkly amused that she had the same plan that he would've proposing in a few minutes, but tried not to let it show. Instead he pressed on as planned.

"The chance for peace slips away with every passing moment even now." He paused to swallow a mouthful of bitter coffee. "We will not only have to act quickly, but we will have to commit ourselves to this plan."

"We skate and skirt, just like the old days," She laughed, suddenly, and the room seemed to change," Tell me what you're thinking, Visionary, and I'll tell you what I think."

He was not offput by her bluntness and was actually relieved. "Very well."
He pointed to an antique yellowed map of Noxidom inside a glass case on the wall. "Aetherian forces will be positioned here" he said, gesturing to eastern coast of La Voile. "I don't think it wise that your forces be place near Alesandro, given your..... history."

He glanced up at her to make sure she understood his intentions, and was met with a nod in return.

"Your forces...." he trailed off to let her draw the obvious conclusion.

"I understand. Do you think we can force a cease fire?"

Still facing the display case, he cast her a sidelong glance. He chose the more honest response over the strong one

"I'm not sure" he said "But it's clear that we can't force a ceasefire unless we try. " A pause. "We aren't acting in vain."

Luxiom still gazed into the maps, "They will resist. They cling like children to their new toys. It is not they I fear from most."

She looked at her hands, "I'm sure you know who I mean..."
22-06-2004, 13:17
Boris stood on a balcony of his palace examining several dragons dancing around in the air flying around after each other. There playful ness glistened in this galaxy of darkness. Boris stood there with Branigan and three other generals admiring there aerodynamics.

"Has my deal been sent to Sajuk" inquired Boris as the dragons danced in the glistening sunlight.

"Yes my lord, we are awaiting a reply" replied Branigan.

"Excellent" grinned Boris

"My lord, why bother with invading Luemah, do we not wish to slaughter the whores of Amiros" inquired the Troll general Martak.

"Yes, we do but we must be patient and careful, Amiros is not a weak nation and has powerful allies. We must play our cards right, this deal with Luemah will see us a step closer to destroying Amiros". Replied Boris.

"My lord, what do you think Aetherios will do about our allied invasion of Luemah?" inquired the general.

"Soon the mighty Sajuk will side with us so Aetherios will not pose a threat to us but still his intervention maybe costly, we will have to wait and see". Stated Boris

"What of the Allied forces of Vladamirs and my own?" questioned Boris.

"They are on their way to La Voile from where they will resupply and deploy in formation of the invasion of the Luemahn north coast". Replied Branigan.

"Perfect" Boris said as he smiled to the heavens.
22-06-2004, 14:44
It was early in the morning when the message arrived in the Leuman message centre. Upon reading it, the master of the watch was stricken dumb. He could not believe the arrogance of the Mazrakians. But, pride was not for his place, and he stampled the message as High priority and sent it to the Emperor's desk.
There, a secretary decided that the message was important enough for the Emperor to be woken up, and carried it to the night staff. A servant took it and walked into the Emperor's bedroom, passed it to the Emperor with appropriate manners, bowed and left the room.

Sajuk was awake already, pondering the recent decision to activate plan NEUTRON. He knew that his name would be cursed for generations to come by outsiders, and probably by quite a few Leumans as well, if he implimented it. Hopefully Aetherios would intervene before it came to that. Or Luxiom, for that matter.
When he read the letter from Mazrak, his first thought was that the special bombs were not such a bad alternative. The Emperor was a proud man, and figured that he was a better ruler than most, and for the most part the populace agreed with him. He did not want to give power to an outside identity, especially one so different to himself. Besides, if the public wanted a new leader they would vote one in at the next election... in twenty years time.

He immediately sat down and composed three letters, to three different national leaders:

Commander Boris,

I appreciate that you are offering me a way to avoid Voilean aggression, however I do not believe that rolling over and letting anyone who wants to come in and rule the place is in my own best interest. I respectfully refuse your offer, and will fight as well as I am able to protect the integrity of my borders.
If you do not prosecute this war, I will hold no disfavour towards you. If you do attack, I will use all necessary means to defend myself.

Emperor Sajuk

He set the letter down with some trepidation, as he did not believe that anything short of the threat of overwhelming force would dissuade Mazrak's attack.


To the First Visionary,

As you are no doubt aware, my country has been attacked by a foreign power whose intentions I am unsure of, but which is attempting to prosecute a war of aggression against me. In the interest of peace, can you please assist me, either with your negotiating skill or might of arms, to end this attack.

Also, I have recieved intelligence that Mazrak and his lackey Lictenstine are sending a fleet of warships and troopships to conquer part of my country. As well as this attack, which is being made under a mutual defense treaty, the Neodammerung is considering making an attack of opportunity, hoping to share some of the spoils of La Voile's war. I find this most distressing, and respectfully request your intervention with the aim of a complete cessation of hostilities. I am writing a telegram to the Neodammerung leadership which should make them reconsider an invasion.

Let it be known that Leumah will unconditionally cease hostilities against all invading nations, and as soon as all attacking troops cease fire and begin to withdraw from Leuman territory.

PS: I am aware that Hera Luxiom is in Aetherios at the moment. Can you please pass a copy of this message on to her.

Emperor Sajuk

That done, Sajuk breathed a sigh of relief. Now there was only one message left to write, potentially the most volatile.


To the Acting Commander of the Neodammerung Military Forces:

The Dominion of Leumah has recieved a telegram from Mazrak indicating that the Neodammerung intends to act as part of an invasion and occupation force in Leumah.
I, Emperor Sajuk of Leumah, am putting the Neodammerung on notice that if any invasion attempt is prosecuted, I will ask the Chellin 41st division to commence a Nuclear Attack against the capital city of the Neodammerung, and to similarly attack any invading forces. This stands until the end of hostilities surrounding Leumah, plus one week of the ensuing peace.

This is your only warning.

Emperor Sajuk

Sajuk set down the three letters, before realising that he had forgotten to breathe for a minute. He drew in a sharp breath, realising that if this letter did not work, he might have to ask Chellis to carry out the threat. That was a last ditch option, but assuming that the Chellins would cooperate, he was preapred to do it.
Sajuk hoped that this threat would never have to be invoked. How nice it would be to have a large country, and not need to even consider such inhuman acts. But historians remember actions, not thoughts, and he was prepared to wear the name of barbarian for all eternity if it saved his country.
La Voile
23-06-2004, 08:03
Alesandro slowly checked the updates. The North Island was his, except for the twin cites of Godom and Somorrah. He had let the most worthy and noble people know of its coming destruction and he had given them the chance to leave.
Despite this good news there had been casualties namely 50 soldiers and 14 SAM sites, strangly enough the pauses between Leuman attacks allowed his defences to regroup and patch any hole caused by Sajuk's forces.
Alesandro reread the message he had sent to Boris.
Dear Boris your men will know if they are in any danger, look for the signal.
Alesandro then sent an affirmative to the defence department's inquiring message.
The MA-V-R which was flying at 70 km altitude, following the Mazrakian fleet exploded with WHUMPH . One of the Lieutenants turned to his Captain an said
"Sir, that must be the signal we were warned about." He pointed to what looked like a flare high in the sky.
"Yis, ai thenk hwee shard perpaare for waaar!" the Captain said with a Mazrakian accent.
Satellite 13 continued to follow the fleets path.
Alesandro looked up as a note arrived on his desk. An aide explained is intention.
El Joshimo forwarded us this information, it is a threat of nuclear war.
Alesandro scanned the page, "well barbarian he is. He must be stopped."
1350 the Twin Cities were invaded by Voilean troops.
The Neodammerung
23-06-2004, 09:25
The gate to the city of Astana cracked open slowly. An entourage of women on horseback surrounded the party of natives and the Supreme Allied Commander himself. A rider came forward:

"My orders are to escort you to the palace where my Lady awaits your arrival. I'm afraid my orders are to escort you and your bodyguards alone. The natives have been requested to leave."

Navras turned to Matylandar. "I will talk to her, but beyond that I can only thank you for your hospitality. I will be remembered." With that, Navras began to ride beyond the city gates closely guarded by Sara and Ebony who were even more closely guarded by the Amirosian Guard.


Navras sided by his two bodyguards, Sara and Ebony marched into the throne room. "The courtesy of your halls has lessened of late, Amiros, Mistress of Astana!"

Navras could see the Neodammerungian Navy anchored in the Amirosian waters. He could see black dots in the air hanging in the sky: Black Hawk helicopters. "You are indebted to both myself and Valen and our great nations for the great controversy you have stirred. By right, I should have you executed right here and now. I should have a trade embargo placed on your nation and have your people starved."

Navras stared out the window, noticing that the black dots were growing bigger. "No... against my better wisdom, I shall let you live to die another day. This is not over, but it will be resolved in another place, in another time... perhaps even in another life." The thudding of helicopters began to grow until finally they were deafening. Finally, a Black Hawk helicopter lowered in front of the window. Several Neodammerungian guardsmen lept into the window, assault rifles unslinged and ready to fire at anyone who dared harm their leader. "Until we meet again, my Lady!" With the flutter of his cloak behind him, Navras sprinted and leaped out of the window and into the chopper followed quickly by the twins and finally by the Neodammerungian guards, leaving Amiros in silence and peace.


Back on the HSS Voyager, Navras had an endless list of issues to attend to... but first and foremost, his country had been directly threatened with weapons of mass destruction from Leumah. To Admiral Grisof he gave explicit orders to send out a telegram to every nation.


To the leaders of our most glorious region;

The Confederacy of the Neodammerung has come under direct threat from Leumah. The Emperor Sajuk has directly threatened to use weapons of mass destruction against our great nation, which no doubt will cause not only cause the mass death of innocent peoples in the Confederacy, but also massive nuclear fallout and radiation amongst other innocent nations within the region.

Considering that Leumah has never threatened the actual agressors, La Voille and Mazrak, with such force and has only threatened the Confederacy on the basis of hearsay, I have commanded the Navy of the Confederacy and all capable infantry to make their move towards the South Island of Leumah. We intend to disarm him and remove this individual from power. If Leumah does indeed have weapons of mass destruction, I intend to remove any such weapons from his possession and request the assistance of other nations in this. I have previously been accused of 'warmongering' and clearly stating my nation's motives before 'peacekeeping' actions take place. Despite what you may think, I take such actions in the best interests of the region and believe it is my responsibility to do so as the father of this region.

I will not hesitate to remove any obstacles intervening or hindering upon the Confederacy's objectives. Any ship coming to the aid of Leumah's forces will be considered enemies of the state during this time of war.

Yours truly,
Supreme Allied Commander of the Confederacy of the Neodammerung


According to satellite photos, the Neodammerung Navy had departed Amirosian waters and had headed north towards the Southern Island of the Dominion of Leumah. Supreme Allied Commander Navras left his Second-In-Command El Joshimo in charge of the political affairs of the Neodammerung and has accompanied his forces to the War Zone in Leumah.
23-06-2004, 10:12
Amiros stood in her chambers. Finally she exhaled.

“Gee,” Zanthia said, “that was unexpected!”

Amiros smiled. It was for the best. With the Neodammerung Navy, tension within Astana was being eased. Now to turn attention to monitoring Mazrak. Hopefully, he would be true to his word and not attack yet.

Zanthia was pacing. She was concerned. Did Amiros have any hope against an attack by Mazrak? Would anyone come to their aid? Doubtful, after the stunt Amiros pulled earlier.

“Zanthia. Do not think so negatively. Don’t deny it. I know you are. I agree, our situation seems hopeless. But Luxiom will come to our aid. And if Leumah survives the attack from Mazrak, perhaps he will help. Do not give up yet.”

Zanthia threw her hands into the air and stormed out. Amiros heard a muffled giggle come from the cupboard. Cautiously she walked over and slowly opened it. Inside was Ricardo and Julio. It was a very small cupboard, and Amiros was slightly shocked to see both had fitted inside. She shrugged.

“Ricardo what are you still doing here? Go home. I am sure Luxiom is missing you.”

“Oh,” Amiros called after him, “and do try not to collapse on the floor when you get there!”

She turned to Julio. He had seen and he had heard. But he was so cute when he was in trouble.

Looking most glum, Kiya walked in.

“I should have killed him when I had the chance.”

Amiros shook her head. That would have solved nothing. What happened was for the best. Sure Navras escaped and the economy is falling after an all time high, but at least the capital is still in one piece.

For the moment.
23-06-2004, 12:32
Steven Albash looked up from his computer as an aide meekly entered his office.

"Any word on the whereabouts of the Commander?"

The aide shook his head. "We haven't got anything reliable sir. A number of rumors and allegations are floating around, but nothing confirmed. Some sources say he was sighted in northern Izakdiom, others say he is in the Amirosian jungle, apparently with Supreme Commander Navras."

Albash sighed. "So our last definite contact was when he personally spearheaded the counterattack in Izakdiom, followed by Amiros's announcement of his capture. I assume that the stories of both Navras's and Valen's escapre are true?"

"Well it is certain that neither of them are prisoners of Amiros anymore, sir. The details surrounding their escapes are sketchy, and of course Amiros is not forthcoming with details. The Commander has a reputation of resourcefulness, so the escape does not strike me as unlikely."

Albash looked out the window across the pale orange afternoon horizon. "Nor I. Keep me posted. Come straight to me as soon as you get any information."

* * *

In a dark industrial sector of Valenvaryon's capital, Vvardenfell, a computer screen in an empty room blinked to life, its harsh glow casting eerie light across the steel walls. Text slowly began scrolling across the telnet log, letters converging to form words, then phrases.

A short man clad in a dirty leather coat walked in, eyes attracted straight to the screen, a puzzled look across his shadowed face. He sat at the desk lazily, scanning the text across the monitor.


There was no send address. The text disappeared after several seconds on screen. The man quickly called up a logfile, which erased itself as he watched. There was no evidence of the transmission at all.

But there was no question as to its meaning.

He leaned back into the chair and exhaled slowly.

Business HAD been slow recently, and this order could keep his business intact for some time.

Plus he owed 'spike' a favor or two.
23-06-2004, 12:48
Boris was sitting at a marble plated desk as Branigan read out the message from Sajuk, as Branigan finished Boris's eyes light up red with fury. He roared and lifted his right fist and brang it down through the marble desk. He stood up and threw out the two larges parts of the desk; they crashed through the window and onto the streets below.

"Arrogant fool, he is still too blind to see that im trying to help him. Speed up my forces I want them there NOW", Boris roared will the fury of hell.

"Send this message to La Voile,
Dear Alesandro, my plan has failed and Sajuk is too blind to see help wen it falls into his lap. The allied forces of Mazrak and Lictenstine will land on the northern part of the northern island I believe we should consolidate our position so it would be advisable for you to take control of the southern part of the North Island. This idea of consolidation I believe is in benefit of all parties and my solders have orders of wen they arrive to only occupy the northern part of the north island. We shall respect the boundary".

"Is that all my master", asked Branigan.

"No its not, send word to Grimtook of our new plans of our invasion of Luemah and tell him to put all the people he finds into designated settlements and to make good use of them. This is a small hiccup sone the cities of Amiros will burn", Boris replied to his faith full servant.

Branigan grinned to himself as he retreated to send the messages of his master out.
23-06-2004, 14:17
To the SAC of CON:

Firstly, there are no nuclear weapons on Leuman soil or Leuman flagged ships. Per the region's disarmament protocols, Leumah never developed such weapons.
However, it has always been the intention of the Neodammerung to wipe Leumah from the Noxidom map. I have known this since Leumah first was created. And I have endured a constant stream of threats from your nation, Navras. Enough is enough. If you wish to invade, Leumah will fight to the last man, woman and child. However, I believe that other nations will come to my aid, and the intervention of Chellis will cause huge damage to your forces before they even arrive in Leuman waters. Your nation may outnumber mine two to one, but your army cannot swim to Leumah.
And the threat re: Chellis still stands. If your forces do not participate in this conflict, you will not be attacked with WMD. If you personally lead a battle group, I will only disarm your ship. If you win through to my command centre, I will accept your challenge to a duel of blades. Winner take all.

Emperor Sajuk

South Channel AFB

Okay, boys, we have been cleared for ASAT launch. La Voile has attacked using satellites, so we take his satellites down. In fact, any satellite over Leuman territory we take down. Space Reconnaisance Division has also ID'd a number of other satellites which we are to eliminate. In all we have to hit twenty five satellites.
The commander of Tiger Squadron finished his pep-talk. He then passed out tasking sheets to each of the fifty pilots who were about to launch.

North Channel AFB:

Here, the pep-talk was the same but the mission different. Despite heavy missile attacks against La Voilean forces, the enemy were not slowing down. Tonight was the night to change that. The entire Leuman Air Force would fly tonight, with two goals. One was to clear a field of fire for the Leuman 1st Army Division (ten kilometers around North Channel base), and the second was to bomb the Voilean ground forces into the next dimension. For that the planes would spread out at high altitude, way above the SAM range of anything that the La Voileans had, and then they would target anything west of friendly territory with MOAB attacks. With 150 bombers, each carrying a payload of 14 bombs, it would be a night to remember for the Leumans, and an attack that only GOD himself could withstand.

Tiger Squadron, approaching ASAT launch altitude, spread out over friendly territory.

Tiger one was the first to launch a missile, sending a flare up to Earth orbit before it blew spectacularly, followed by a secondary explosion from the attack satellite. Other launches also hit their targets, punching through the satelites' heavy skin like so much tissue paper before detonating. The missiles were one hit kill weapons, as they built up so much kinetic energy during flight that they could punch through the equivalent of a meter of titanium armour. The forty kilo warhead was almost an afterthought by comparison.
Within five minutes, Tiger Squadron engaged and destroyed every satellite over Leuman airspace, but ended up having to waste some missiles when the satellites began to shoot down inbounds.
The upside of this was that the Tigers did not suffer a loss as the satellites were too busy defending themselves to worry about attacking the planes. For forty launches, Tiger Squadron racked up nineteen kills.

After this success, the Tigers moved outwards, seeking individual satellites, even as some attempted to escape. In all, the airspace around Leumah and up to 200 miles away was cleared of foreign enemy satellites. As an afterthought, several Tiger planes shot missiles at the unarmed surveillance satellites over Leumah, barring those of neutral or friendly countries, which had been identified by a huge telescope in downtown Ellenor.

Over North Island:

Bear, Lion and Elephant Squadrons, currently equipped with MOABs, had a field day with the La Voileans. Bear Squadron flew North, and cleared the ground around the North Point Missile Base, which was about to be overrun. Without reinforcements, the La Voileans were driven off. The Bears then bombed targets indiscriminantly as they flew in a fifty mile wide patrol line back to South Channel AFB.
The Lions flew over the West Coast, bombing anything military, as there were no Chellins here. They came with bombs, and left only ruins. Even dug in tanks and bunkers were crushed by the huge blast of the MOABs. Any structures were levelled, and light vehicles were blasted over half a kilometer through the air.
Elephant Squadron had the broadest operational plan. It split into groups of five, which simply flew to any IR or radar contact on North Island, and if it was military they bombed it. Oh, and they also hit a couple of destroyers and a La Voilean Cruiser, just to see what colour they burned.
Of course, while this was happening a combat patrol of Strikers was overflying the West Coast, and intermingled with the bombers. They faced down the inevitable air attack, as the La Voilean pilots knew full well what a single plane could do to an entire squadron of their FA 18s.
After a rare night of fun for the Leumans, they returned to base. Over 2100 MOABs had been dropped, which equalled just over 23100 tons of Tritonal explosive in the one night.
La Voile's invasion forces had just taken a huge hit. And within two hours, it would happen again, as the planes were quickly refuelled and took on new bomb pods. The old ones would be reloaded while the planes were in the air, allowing an almost continuous stream of bombs to pour down on the La Voileans. That is, the few that were left.

Summary of Events:

Sajuk tells Navras that his threat stands, however he will not nuke Navras's flagship. Navras should be allowed to defend his honour by single combat, after all...

Leumah attacks with overwhelming force all enemy military and surveillance satellites. None within 200 miles of Leumah. (note, La Voile. As I did not 'know' about your AO-SATs, they were not hit)

Leuman MOAB bombers launch all-out attack against La Voilean invaders and beachheads with MOABs. Continuous wave of bombers, two hours to reload every bomber. North Island ground forces suffer heavy casualties, landing facilities wiped out by heavy bombing. Leuman planes fly above SAM range and suffer no casualties.

La Voilean aircraft faced down by heavily armed strikers. No casualties on either side.

thats about it...
La Voile
24-06-2004, 11:34
Alesandro tapped on his desk with a pen. What a fool Sajuk was. Not a satellite for 200 miles? As soon as the first missiles arrived the satellites had moved into incredibly high orbit the missiles just sailed on past. Only three were now not operational, the rest settled back down into orbit.
Unfortunately the Noxidom Regional Broadcasting Commission's satellites were not so lucky. No satellite TV for Leumah.
Alesandro wondered where Leumah was hetting the money for such missiles only Aetherios or Luxiom could have financed such things, Chellis was the other, but it had pledged its support only as a peacekeeper.

Major-General Papillon looked at the wide spread destruction around her. The second highest ranking officer in the Voilean armed forces was amazed at how the easily built bunkers had stood up under the onslaught. The North Leuhman Island was under her command, as was the rest of the force. The populace were generally surprised at the kindness of the troops. The twin cities were currently occupied and were being rebuilt. Everything was on track.

Presidente Alesandro checked the reports from the various head of divisions:

Head of the armed forces:
Papillon: Quelques dommages, mais seulement 50 accidents. Aucune résistance n’a été produite depuis mon dernier rapport.
Papillon: Some damage, but only 50 casualties. No resistance was encountered since my last report.
Maj. Gen. Amélie Papillon

Head of Special Operations:
Luc Ombre: Le voleur a été attrapé à l'ambassade et... neutralisé.
The thief has been caught at the embassy and... disabled.
Colonel Luc Ombre

Head of VI-6
Amiros est incertain, Luxiom sa prépare à la guerre. Il est difficile d'observer le Premier Visionnaire d’Aetherios et Sajuk a déjà rendu ses plans évidents, bien qu'il puisse réellement utiliser le sous-marin.
Amiros is unsure, Luxiom prepares for war. The First Visionary of Aetherios is hard to watch and Sajuk has made his plans obvious already, although he may actually use the submarine.
Jean Ecoute


All Alesandro had to do now was wait for Navras, Mazrak and Lictenstine to make their attacks and Sajuk would no longer be a threat to the region.
24-06-2004, 11:38
LOCATION: Leumah, Southern Island
TIME: 0757 hours

Officer Kell sighed and shook his head. The logistics were not looking good. He turned to his colleague.
"Okay, my final count stands at 4500 TR's, 8900k of ST am's, and another 600k in storage."
"It's not enough."
"It's all we have. With the war, practically all our trade routes have dried up, and nobody is game to send ships with all the shelling going on. Not to mention the liklihood of copping a stray Voilian missile."

"The Emperor is being too rash, he's unloading all our major firepower too early. We've depleted at least half of our entire long range missile capacity in just 2 days. And what with how free and easy he's being with the SRM's..."
"What choice do we have? If we sit back then La Voile will simply swarm all over us. We have to take the offensive."
"Offensive? WE'RE the ones being invaded here!"
"Even so, we have to strike La Voile's key military emplacements to lower the amount of damage he can do."

"La Voile isn't in this position. They've got Lichtensteine and Mazrak backing them up, who can send ammunition, supplies, equipment, their trade lines are still intact."
"Don't forget that we've got Chellis behind us."
"Yeah, sure. They havn't done anything except kill those Voilian extremists. I think it's time we launched a counter offensive."
"What do you mean?"

"Look at it as it stands. The North Island is totally occupied by Voilian troops, with only small pockets of resistance which we're trying to pull out before they get wiped completely. We've done a massive bombing run, but that won't happen again. Alesandro isn't stupid, he knows that our primary strength is in the air. He'll have Anti Air emplacments in within days, and he'll be spacing his forces so our missile sweeps will become all but ineffective. He'll use the North Island as a base, and ship over masses of materials and personnel. From there, its just a simple hop to force us into a surrender, then its Goodbye Leumah, Hello Voilian Penal Colony."

"So what CAN we do?"

"Launching an attack to re-take the North island at this time would be incredibly risky. But we don't have a lot of options."

"How long should our ammunition stores last out?"

"At the current rate we're using them, the navy will be out within a week. Our missiles will be gone in days. Marines are still at full capacity, but they havn't been deployed yet. Our bombers are also not looking good. Our factories can't produce enough. We need to find other sources. Get me a line to Chellis."
24-06-2004, 12:07

This is getting ridiculous. Alex can make his troops just appear in my Northern island, having passed alerted, well-situated and incredibly well armed border defences, WITHOUT TAKING ANY CASUALTIES. Okay I have done a few things that would not normally happen, such as the 'green paint' incident, but I have not simply made my troops appear, having bypassed a patrol line, heavy radar coverage (land and air) and watchers on the ground.
I forgave that, and did my best to work it into a plausible RP situation, by saying that the North Island was unoccupied and that he must have "snuck under" full radar coverage, etc. This was my effort to make the RP continue. That was my goal, however some thought to take advantage of me being prepared to give a bit.

Second Offence. Alex has never actually RP'd an attack on my troops, and has continually RP'd them to be at a disadvantage, caught out of position, or just plain dumb. This is not the case.
He took half a country without actually engaging or attacking anyone. Doesn't this sound a little bit fishy? Just a wee bit?

Third Offence. Whenever I conduct an attack, Alex says "that didn't happen" or "they moved out of the way" or something similar. Prime example is Alesandro tapped on his desk with a pen. What a fool Sajuk was. Not a satellite for 200 miles? As soon as the first missiles arrived the satellites had moved into incredibly high orbit the missiles just sailed on past. Only three were now not operational, the rest settled back down into orbit.
Unfortunately the Noxidom Regional Broadcasting Commission's satellites were not so lucky.

after I deliberately and clearly stated that the missiles were launched, and the satellites were hit. Also, he said that the NRBC's satellites were hit, when I RP'd having targeted military satellites only, not launched a general strike. Oh, and satellites can't change altitude at all, and even if a satellite was carrying a booster rocket, it would not be able to accelerate to avoid an object at escape velocity.

OK the point of all that ranting is that Alex is godmoding (at least he is as I understand the definition) and generally RPing badly. Ben if you are about to tell me that I am a bad RPer as well, shove it. I know. And I will accept criticism and teaching, so long as La Voile also does.

Oh, and please stop calling my char. a buffoon, it really grates.


Oh, and I am going to be AFK for two weeks, getting back to K on around Sat the 10th.
BTW, for those who don't know, AFK=Away From Keyboard.
And I have told Valen that he can post once or twice on my behalf.

24-06-2004, 12:39
Boris strolled up the hall outside of the throne room as he walked up to the doors of the throne room he admired the carving in the thick doors. Carved into the outside of the throne room doors was a depiction of Boris on a cliff looking to the heavens and the dragon god Draco looking down at Boris and giving Boris its blessings as the leader of Mazrak.
As Boris arrived to the huge doors two guards reach over to the middle of the doors grasped the handles and opened them. As Boris walked through the throne room the beasts and generals of the throne room bowed and saluted to there mighty leader. Boris sat down in his throne and looked to his generals.

"So what news of our forces in Luemah" asked Boris to the pack of generals.

The Troll general Martak stepped forward.

"My lord General Grimtook and our allied forces have landed on the northern island, they are preceding to assume control over the north part of the northern island. La Voiles troops are moving to the southern part of the northern island as you suggested.
Also sir our satellites show a large amount of activity in the Aetherion and Neodammerungian ports it seems Navras is preparing to invade the southern island of Luemah and Aetherios maybe looking to defend Luemah". Stated the Troll general with long red hair the colour of fire and a half tattooed face.

"Excellent, everything may not be going exactly to plan but it is still very good. Make sure Vladimir knows of the activities in Luemah and its developments. But don’t worry about Aetherios once Navras moves into the southern island there is nothing Aetherios can do". Boris explained to his subjects.

Branigan walked up to Boris and handed him a telegram.

"Sir we intercepted this from Sajuk to Navras". Explained Branigan

Boris read the telegram as he read it he started to grin until the end were he was in fits of laughter.

"Sajuk has threatened Navras with nukes and the nukes aren’t even his. Sajuk is a fool and Navras will definitely annihilate him now". Boris chuckled as the rest of the creatures in the throne room accompanied him in laughing at the stupidity of Sajuk.

Boris stood up and to address his crowd.

Sajuk's head will end up on a pike through this foolishness", Boris stated to his crowd with a mighty grin.

The beings in the throne room clapped and roared in acceptance of there masters words.
The Neodammerung
25-06-2004, 10:20
La Voile
26-06-2004, 02:03
Alesandro read Papillon's daily report
It appeared that they had on even thought of the enemy actually being present in the upper half of the Nth Island. He checked his report on Leumah, he talked quietly to himself “I mean that section was dense rainforest, nobody could hider troops there.”... Then he realised that La Voile had used the same type of cover.

Papillon: La cinquième division a perdu 20 soldats parce que les Leuhman ont utilisé la guérilla. Il y a beaucoup de morts au sud de l'île du nord.
The fifth division lost 20 soldiers because the Leuhmans used geurilla warfare. There are many casualties in the south of the North Island.
Major General Amélie Papillon.

Papillon was awakened by the sound of artillery fire. At thirty she was the youngest person ever to hold a command of this nature. She was the youngest to reach the rank of General too. She pulled on her green uniform, she brushed away at dust gathered on her epaulets. She holstered her Sig Sauer pistol. She smiled at what a sergeant had told her at the academy: “When one becomes a General, which you will never reach girlie, one usually wears a suit. That is why we hate those suited bastards.” She had found this to be very, very false.
50km from the front line, she could still hear weapon fire. Small arm fire... She ducked just in time. The Corporal behind her, died immediately from a blast to the head, leaving a wife and two children, Fredrick who was seven and Sarah who was nine.
She cocked her pistol and dived, she held her fire until she had a target. One presented itself, she fired off her shot, not averting her eyes until she saw the shot strike the man’s left temple with a sound like a metal bar hitting an uncooked steak. Papillon dived behind the nearest piece of cover. She glanced at the barrels behind which she was crouched. Highly Flammable- Petrol . She ran and not to soon, with a WHUMPH! a great plume of fire jumped upwards. She saw a reflection of the blaze in a snipers lens not far off. She lined it up and fired. Once. Twice. She was sure she made the hit.
Fighter jets screamed over head and then the world was lit up as a bomb was dropped near by.
Colonel LeBlanc was typing a report for the General when a message came through. In ten minutes some of the armed assault vehicles were leaving the camp to travel south…
28-06-2004, 01:13
LOCATION: Emperor's Secret Bunker, Leumah

Lieutenant Garas stopped nervously outside the door to the Emperor's chambers. He straightened his tie, and repeatedly tried to calm his nerves. From inside, he could hear Sajuk's ravings. The Emperors voice radiated fury in all directions, soon to be directed at Garas. He considered simply walking away and simply emailing the update, but it was impossible. This information was too important, nobody could ever know. If this was leaked, there would be panic nationwide, and not just restricted to Leumah. He clutched the black folder and took a deep breath.

The Emperor's voice screamed out again. Garas tried to block it out, but couldn't.

"... INCOMPETENT FOOLS! I want to see La Voile a smoking wasteland, and whoever is responsible for the North Island fiasco, I want them SHOT, NOW! I should have directed this entire military operation myself instead of leaving it to BLIND, STUPID, USELESS, EGOCENTRIC EXCUSES LIKE YOU!..."

Garas' knuckles were white from grasping the folder. He heard a noise behind him. He turned in surprise.

He was even more surprised when three 10mm rounds buried themselves in his chest, throwing him back against the wall. Blood trickled out his mouth as he stared at the black-robed man holding the large caliber pistol. He tried to call for the guards, but his voices didn't seem to be working. Everything was getting hazy, sounds were muffled, he felt very very tired. The man spoke.

"Don't bother trying to call them, they're dead too. Nothing personal, you understand, but I couldn't have you interfering with things." He smiled behind the black hood.

Garas felt he was floating away. He wanted to sleep, he was so very tired. His eyes closed. His breathing slowed. He vaguely heard the door opening, Sajuk's voice, more shots. The man said something. Another shot, a dull thud.

It all seemed inconsequential. He gave in to sweet release.
28-06-2004, 01:26
At the same time...

Helseth closed the screen of his laptop with a snap, and leaned back into his chair. He pushed the geologic maps of the region off his desk and mused over the message he had just recieved. "Possible Exposure from L, Situation soon to be rectified. Continue as planned. Change DCs to O.M.E.s , 4th grade or larger. Set date forward 5 days."

Possible Exposure? Somebody had stumbled upon something, somehow connected to Leumah. This could spell the end for the plan. "Soon to be rectified"? What could that mean? Surely he would take steps to cover this up. But how drastic?

And he had decided to abandon the Depth Charges in favor of OMEs. Why? They would be far less effective against ships. Unless....

As the enormity of the plan slowly dawned on Helseth, he unsteadily got to his feet and poured himself a very strong drink.

That cunning bastard.
La Voile
14-07-2004, 00:43
Papillon's brown hair was caked with mud. Her sig had dispatched most of those who had challenged her. Her rapier still swung at her hip. It was already out of the scabbard when she turned to deal the death blow to the combattant sneaking up behind her. This was no place for a general. No place for anybody who was still sane.
Colonel LeBlanc was moving fast in his APC. They reached the clearing and devastation greeted his eyes. A figure ran up to the side of the vehicle, it was Papillon.
"Cover our retreat!" she pleaded.
Armed soldiers rushed out to protect those who had survived the onslaught. It was only a handful.
1435 The APC retreated.
1500 Papillon and her soldiers reached various army hospitals on the north island.
"So much death" she thought, "so much waste"
14-07-2004, 03:25
LOCATION: Emperor's Secret Bunker, Leumah

Lieutenant Garas stopped nervously outside the door to the Emperor's chambers. He straightened his tie, and repeatedly tried to calm his nerves. From inside, he could hear Sajuk's ravings. The Emperors voice radiated fury in all directions, soon to be directed at Garas. He considered simply walking away and simply emailing the update, but it was impossible. This information was too important, nobody could ever know. If this was leaked, there would be panic nationwide, and not just restricted to Leumah. He clutched the black folder and took a deep breath.

The Emperor's voice screamed out again. Garas tried to block it out, but couldn't.

"... INCOMPETENT FOOLS! I want to see La Voile a smoking wasteland, and whoever is responsible for the North Island fiasco, I want them SHOT, NOW! I should have directed this entire military operation myself instead of leaving it to BLIND, STUPID, USELESS, EGOCENTRIC EXCUSES LIKE YOU!..."

Garas' knuckles were white from grasping the folder. He heard a noise behind him. He turned in surprise.

He was even more surprised when three 10mm rounds buried themselves in his chest, throwing him back against the wall. Blood trickled out his mouth as he stared at the black-robed man holding the large caliber pistol. He tried to call for the guards, but his voices didn't seem to be working. Everything was getting hazy, sounds were muffled, he felt very very tired. The man spoke.

"Don't bother trying to call them, they're dead too. Nothing personal, you understand, but I couldn't have you interfering with things." He smiled behind the black hood.

Garas felt he was floating away. He wanted to sleep, he was so very tired. His eyes closed. His breathing slowed. He vaguely heard the door opening, Sajuk's voice, more shots. The man said something. Another shot, a dull thud.

It all seemed inconsequential. He gave in to sweet release.

**Three hours later**

Over the Leuman North Island, the military command structure was beginning to break down. Units sent requests for orders to their commanders, who then sent requests for permission to attack further up the line. The requests would get to the command bunker and go unanswered, and the military would do what they thought was best, without guidance from above. It was chaos.


The members of Bear Squadron had been itching for a fight for longer than they could remember. When their requests to leave Leuman airspace in pursuit of enemy tragets went undenied, they began to fan out towards La Voile, always covered by air defense craft, but nonetheless seeking out the La Voilean and other enemy navy formations. A wing of twenty heavy bombers found a Voilean carrier, attacked with every bomb they carrried and turned tail, only to be set upon by a wing of F-5s, which enjoyed a turkey shoot until the AMRAAM equipped jets arrived and had their own turkey shoot. It was chaos, pure chaos.
Ironically, the Leuman forces caused more damage after their leadership was decapitated than before, so restrictive was the command structure.

It was the same for all of the other Leuman military assets. Some shut down and awaited orders, while others went AWOL to chase targets, getting themselves decimated in the process.

A bunker somewhere:

The five men met, for the first time after accomplishing their goal. It was a joyous meeting, for after ten years of waiting they had achieved their single goal. Of the five, one stood up. His message to the others was simple. "We must stop this madness"


All Leuman forces have gone out of control after the loss of their commander, in the same way that a chicken will run around briefly when beheaded. Some have shut down, others have flown out and attacked whatever enemy ships or tanks they can see.

Note heavy attacks against a Voilean carrier.
14-07-2004, 13:26
Looking over the rain-soaked city of Canif, capital of Rappel, the president's thoughts were only interrupted by the sound of Leah's shuffling.

"I have the document." Leah drew the pen, like a gun from its holster, a weapon to kill.

"I will sign it now, thankyou Leah." The Grand Presidential Duchess spun her chair around, now facing her efficient assistant.

Lady Marie picked up the pen, and it hovered over the place where she was to sign. She put it down, her eyes shifting to the text that carefully expressed Rappel's position in the Noxidom War.

Rappel is under extreme pressure to make it's position clear with regards to the Noxidom War. We have come to this conclusion:
This being acknowledged, we are still Politically supporting Mazrak directly (and other nations) against Leumah.

Yours in Political Relations,

Grand Presidential Duchess Marie of Rappel.

She picked up her pen again. This was not the time to be indecisive. Marie knew her actions today would send her country into war, whether she really liked it or not. Lady Marie had to sign. Her elaborate signature was scrawled across the page.

"You may send this to all the National Leaders in Noxidom, Leah. Have it sent immediately. Tell General Plume that he has nothing to panic about, yet." Marie turned and looked over the coastal city of Canif once again, her eyes focusing hard to see through the rain-spotted window.
Cult Lepers
14-07-2004, 14:07
These encounters were becoming evermore exciting for Claudia. The risk of being caught threatened her job, but increased the chances of one of them getting a raise.

"Oh Ron, what if your wife finds out? And the Council, old 'Phillipe Vanderman' would have a fit!"
"His place is minimal, Head of Police, pfft easily dismissable..."
"But, I dont want daddy to lose his job!"
"Dont worry Claude... so, you were about to show me your skills in the office?"

Intercom buzzes and Chrissie from the front office performs her nasal interlude.

"grrhh... Chris what is it?"

Filling in time, Claudia runs her hands over the sheen of the metal teeth and slowly unzips them.

"...Its Harold Thurpson from International Agreements, he wants to talk to you. he says its urgent."

The President of the Colony of Cult Lepers attempts to stand from his office chair in immediate response to the important news, Claudias head hits the bottom of his desk in the process, causing a loud thump.

"Ron! What are you doing?!"
"Sorry dear Claudia, er.. this meeting is adjourned, we'll talk later about working over time?" **Winks**

Claudia promptly stands, realigns herself with expectations of society. Storming out, she ensures Chrissie sees her in good taste, after all Ron's daughter would tell the first lady, and we cant have any more tedious press activity.

**3 hours later**
Intercom buzzes, "Mr Thurpsons here, shall i let him in?"

Thurpson, a plump, rosy cheeked man begging to be aborted entered the room. Ron forced a smile and the meeting began.

After 2 hours of debate, Ron decided to accept Thurpsons offer. Thurpson had well researched Cult Lepers options and decided to take alliance with The Republic of Mazrak. Ron was rather cautious, however he accepted the International Agreement so he could move on. Ron adjourned the meeting, Cult Lepers now an ally to another nation in Noxidom. Perhaps it was for the best. There were only 24 hours in a day and he was an important man. He had better things to see to, and with 2 hours wasted he quickly made arrangements for another meeting.

"Chrissie, could you put Claudia on the line?...."
14-07-2004, 14:35
"Leah, can you please send in Mr Thurpson?" The President buzzed her secretary.

"Right away, Ma'am."

Standing, Lady Marie smoothed her skirt in anticipation of Harold Thurpson's arrival. The door opened and he entered, a small grin brightening his otherwise dull face. The small man was nothing in stature, but he held a great position and great pull with the President of The Colony of Cult Lepers.

"Very nice to see you again, Ma'am. The President sends his warm greetings." Marie gestured to the large table in the corner of the room, seating herself in one of the leather chairs.

"Now, I understand you are here to discuss International Relations." Colonel Charles Vuitton, head of the Rappellian International Relations Department, stood from his chair at the table.

"That is true. The President would like to forge an alliance with Rappel. We hope that you feel the same way." Thurpson presented a document with a Cult Lepers letterhead, outlining the agreement.

"I am sure we can agree on something here, Gentlemen." Lady Marie sat back in her chair, smiling. An alliance with Cult Lepers was just what she wanted.

---------- Three Hours Later------------

"To our two great country's!" Lady Marie held her champagne glass high. She had had personal contact with the President of Cult Lepers and they had agreed. They were to be allies. The Genoux-Kink Alliance was a fully-fledged reality in Noxidom.

"Now, let's hope we do not have to immediately implement Military support." Harold Thurpson gulped down his alcohol, the light-headedness and excitement he felt not coming from the drink.

Once again, Marie held her pen, ready to sign. This time, a peaceful document, to promote Political Relations. Signing, she smiled to herself. A wonderful relationship was born.
Cult Lepers
14-07-2004, 14:49
After the meeting with Cult Leper's embarrassment to society, Thurpson; Rappel's very own Lady Marie felt the vibrations beneath her restrictive skirt.
Only this time, it was just her cell phone....

She smiled at the number that appeared on the screen. Cult Lepers Secret service Big Red Phone.
"ooooh" she squealed and pressed a green button to answer the call.
"Oh Ron you sly dog, you must stop mixing business with pleasure..."

**Five hours, 6 minutes and 45 secs later**
Lying next to the big hairy spunk, Lady Marie knew the alliance they had forged had made her eligable for so many positions. The President Ron grunted and rolled over.
15-07-2004, 04:10
I'm Matt Moore, welcome to NRBC Hourly Update.
The major question that everyone who cares is asking, what the hell is going on with Leumah. More later.
And on a more minor note, Students rally in favour of Euthanasia in the Neodammerung, and against income tax in CoPigs. A representative said that they would also be rallying against recent lowering of employment minimum wage laws in Leumah, but the ralliers were killed in a mysterious bomb blast.

Back to our top story, and after exhaustive research costing the NRBC at least five reporters (they think that the doctors con reattach Billy's arms), here is our view.
The Leuman Government has been shot! According to one source, who died from prior injuries during the interview, a mysterious man entered the Emperor's secret command bunker armed with a pistol and proceeded to shoot everyone that he could find. Unfortunately, he shot our witness, who expired from internal bleeding before he could give us any more details. Very selfish of him.
We tried to find an official to ask annoying and useless questions, however they were all hiding, wounded, dead or attempting to reach one of these states.
We cross now to our man on the scene... uh... well, here's our man on the scene.

The screen flashes to a group of flying Leuman MA-Vs, most dropping bombs. It is a shot taken from a flying helicopter. A man enters the screen and talks into a mike.

Thankyou Matt. As you can see, the Leuman forces are attacking completely without coordiantion from above. It's as though the government has fallen into a hole, and obviously the armed forces were unable to cope, so they've just started doing whatever they want. It is a madhouse, with planes flying every which way, and the only coordination coming from unit commanders when the planes are attacked.
As he is talking, a MA-V slowly approaches the hovering helicopter, until it is hovering 50 meters away. As the dialogue finishes, a missile falls from the aircraft, lights its engine and crosses the distance in the blink of an eye--


The view shifts back to Matt Moore.
As you can see, the Leuman military is in chaos, without leadership or common sense. That's the fifth NRBC copter that we have lost this week as a result of that conflict.
That's all for this hour, next up is Who Wants To Be An Immigrant?

I'm Matt Moore, see you next time on NRBC.
16-07-2004, 05:52
Valen stood at the window of the darkened room, looking out over the nighttime cityscape. The scrape of a battered door on cheap lino announced the presence of one of his associates. Without turning around, Valen briefly raised a hand and beckoned the man over. The door scraped further open, and the man walked uncertainly in the darkened room, carefully avoiding furniture and debris.


The man cleared his throat. "The submarines are ready sir, they have been equipped and are good to go on your command. We have double checked the geological arrangements, and we are sure of success. All OMEs are fully assembled and ready for deployment, sir."

The faintest hint of a smile at the corner of Valen's mouth.

"Begin Plan Exile at once."


"Just think... within only 48 hours they will know, and by then it will be too late... "
The Neodammerung
16-07-2004, 10:23
Supreme Allied Commander Navras walked into the HSS Voyager's briefing room. The Neodammerung Navy were just outside of attack range from the Chellian Forces. "Send out reconnaisance fighters. Do not open fire on any Chellian ships unless fired upon. Once they have coordinates for the key ships, we will begin our preliminary attack disabling or damaging as many Chellian ships, before we send in the fleet to board their ships. Any nuclear devices found are to be brought to the HSS Voyager. I will discuss the disposal of these weapons at our next regional summit." With that, Navras spun on his heels and left, his cape floating gracefully behind him.


Leiutenant Bob soared above the Chellian fleet below. He looked to the left of his aircraft to see his fellow countryman and friend, Lieutenant Bill, gliding beside him. "We'll do another pass before we send the coordinates."

"Roger that..."

An alarm went off in the cockpit. "They have launched missiles! Take evasive action! I repeat, They have launched missiles! Take evasive action."

The two aircraft split and dived through the air, a trail of smoke following each. Lietenant Bill tried to loop back into the sky but the surface to air missile caught up with him too easily. The aircraft exploded into an orange flower, the debris scattering into the ocean.

"NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!" Bob cried. He was furious. He turned around and started heading towards one of the ships, the missile close on his tail. He swerved left and right, barrel rolling and looping until finally he rolled up into the sky barely missing one of the Chellian cruisers. Unfortunately the same couldn't be said for the missile chasing him down, as it slammed into the bridge of the cruiser.

"Wooohoooo!" Lieutenant Bob soared back into the horizon back towards the Neodammerungian fleet.


Admiral Grisoff stood on the bridge of the Chellian Cruiser, the Raider. On the horizon, he could see smoke rising and flames burning the bridge of one of the cruisers. The explosion hadn't been enough to sink the ship, but there was no doubt that the crew on the bridge had been killed or critically injured. He turned to his commander.

"Prepare for battle..."
16-07-2004, 12:32
Amiros looked out over her lands. Far to the south she could see the mile high wall which now ran the entire stretch of her lands. New nations such as Rappel and Lepers were worrying. Noxidom was expanding...Amiros felt she was losing her control. She glanced back at her bed. Bronze trunks were filled with linens and perfumed oils. Amiros was leaving...

"My Lady". Enrique rushed into the room. "A new alliance has been formed. Inside information tells us that La Voile, Leumah, Mazrak, Lepers, Rappel, Tato and Listenstine have joined!"

Amiros looked puzzled. La Voile and an alliance??? Then the reality of the situation hit...Mazrak/Rappel/Lepers...this could spell disaster. Her eyes returned the the trunks.

"If I leave now I will look cowardly. I must stay. The wall with protect us..for now".

Amiros fled her chambers and ran for her military control room. There she met Kiya, head of military.

"Kiya, increase the soldiers in the watchtowers. I want to know everything that is happening on borders with Rappel and Lepers. No one will sneak up on Amiros"

* * * * *

As Amiros headed back to her chambers, a mysterious figure brushed past placing a transcript in her hand. She read it...She smiled.

Zanthia approached..."My Lady, what are we to do...Mazrak still fumes for the destruction of our city...if he attacks we are ruined. Now with Rappel and Lepers so close...Oh My Lady...truely I do fear it."

Amiros smiled. She alone know, due to the mysterious parchment.

"Relax Zanthia. Amiros shall not fall to the fires of Mazrak."
16-07-2004, 13:27
Amiros is issuing a warning to all travellors. Any unmarked persons who come within fifty metres of the Great Wall of Amiros do so at their own risk. Kiya and her term of markswomen are edgy and may shot you! Beware. Amiros takes no responsibility for any injuries or fatalities
16-07-2004, 13:34
Lady Marie sat at her desk, her head resting after a full day of Parliament. Leah walked into the room, not even considering to knock.

"Ma'am, I have something you would like to see." Leah handed Marie the document. It was an announcement from Mazrak outlining the Prometheus Alliance.

Im am pleased to announce the formation of the Prometheus Alliance (formerly going to be called the Polit Bureau).
Nations whihc are in this alliance and their status are as followed;
Poeples Republic of Mazrak(Founder nation and alliance delegate)
The Most Serene Republic of La Voile(Fouder nation)
The Poeples Republic of Lictenstine(Founder nation)
The Colony of Cult Lepers
The Jingoistic States of Rappel
The Dominion of Luemah
The Rogue Nation of Tato Imperfection

Marie sat looking at the document. Leah seemed to read her thoughts. "Perhaps we should get Colonel Vuitton and General Plume in here, fast."


"I must stress that it is not in Rappel's best interests at the moment to be a part of the Prometheus Alliance. You do know of the current situation... Leumah is at war with Mazrak and La Voile for goodness sake, Marie. My suggestion is that you withdraw. NOW!" Colonel Vuitton, head of Rappellian International Relations, held his copy of the document in one hand, a copy of the Rappellian Constitution in another.

General Plume, commander of the Rappellian Military, was in agreement with Vuitton.

"Thank you, gentlemen. I will certainly consider your advice. To be brutally honest, I was thinking in that direction anyway. I think it is time we adjourn." Lady Marie stood from her seat at the board table and moved from the meeting room to her office. Before she would do anything, she had to carefully consider all her options.


"Ma'am, I have the document ready for you to sign." Leah handed Marie the folder, carefully embossed with the Rappel flag and Presidential monogram.

"Thank you, Leah." Marie opened the cover.

Head of Government: Grand Presidential Duchess Marie of Rappel

Rappel has decided to withdraw from the Prometheus Alliance. Due to Regional circumstances, the nation has decided not to form any more alliances and will certainly review all previously-made alliances.

Yours in Political Relations,

Lady Marie, President of Rappel.

Lady Marie shut the cover, her name signed elaborately in the space provided. Yawning, she turned out the lights in her office and gave the document to Leah.

"Please send this to the Regional Leaders, Leah." And Marie looked out at the peaceful city that was the capital of Rappel.
16-07-2004, 13:43
Amiros laughed to herself. Already Mazrak's alliance was crumbling. Rappel had withdrawn. La Voile and Leumah were fighting. Amiros' hope was not lost.

* * * * *

Kiya had sent ships into the far reachs of Amiros' Great South Bay. All borders were lined with soldiers. Something was not right in Noxidom. Amiros could feel the breath of war floating south!
16-07-2004, 14:08
Lady Marie read the travel warning. Amiros was still on the defensive. She prepared a statement for Rappellians:

To all Rappellians:

I urge you not to go within one kilometre of the border with Amiros. This is of the utmost importance as we do not want to provoke attack nor lose any innocent Rappellian lives.

In the name of our great nation,
Lady Marie, President of Rappel.

Marie was still worried about her withdrawal from the Prometheus Alliance. No matter what happens, she thought, we are still allied with Mazrak and Cult Lepers separately. The withdrawal from the Prometheus Alliance only affects relations with the other nations.

To prevent any defensive action.... that's why. We must remain on peaceful terms with all nations in Noxidom...

Lady Marie finally retired to her quarters, her mind thinking of the Amiros wall, the Prometheus Alliance, and all the goings-on in Noxidom.
17-07-2004, 05:46
The Council had been meeting continuously after the fall of the Emperor's government. They had been discussing many things, the most prominent of them how to repair the damage done to their country by the late Emperor, and how to repair their country's diplomatic relations. That task was made harder by the Emperor's last strategic action, the threatening of several nations with nuclear weapons. The Council members had doubted the sanity of their leader at that point, and universally agreed that fate had done their country a favour by allowing the unknown asassin to complete his task.
However, it was time to take control, and let everyone concerned know that the power vacuum had been filled. To that end, a simple letter was handed to one of Leumah's more reputable newspapers. The following day, the front page was taken up by one small article.

Government of Leumah now responsibility of more than one
In an unprecedented move yesterday, a group of unknown individuals, suspected to have been opponents of the Emperor, made this press release:

The Emperor of Leumah has been assasinated. He was shot by an unknown person, who entered the Military High Command Bunker under the guise of a data analyst. This individual was able to defeat all security surrounding the Emperor's person and execute him and his staff. The asassin then proceeded to trigger the bunker's self destruct system, a series of "Big Blue" fuelair explosive bombs. These are really big bombs that were formerly used by the Air Force, until they were replaced by MOABs (even bigger bombs).
The bunker was eradicated, along with the asassin, the Emperor's entire government and any means of proving the asassin's identity. He also erased any computer records that could prove his existence.
In the place of that government, a group of Business and Military leaders (the ones who weren't Ka-Boomed) have formed a governing council. Their first priority is to restore Leumah's government, economy and military to their control, and to repair the damage done to Leumah's international image by the late Emperor.

Another letter was sent, this one to two national leaders:
To the leaders of the great nations Mazrak and La Voile:
The newly formed Governing Council of Leumah wishes to cease hostilities unilaterally with both of your countries. You fought a war against one man, and he is now dead. We have heard an unofficial (regional messageboard) offer of peace and alliance from your countries, and receive such offers with gratitude. We are very partial to such offers. Please send a telegram back with your response.


In Summary:

Leumah is starting to restore its government, although it is now run by a group, not an Emperor.

The Emperor and all of his advisors, vassals and the like were killed when an asassin blew up the bunker that they were hiding in.

A new Governing Council has formed, from surviving military commanders and business leaders. Their aim is to cease hostilities with La Voile and Mazrak, and repair their country's image within Noxidom in general.

The Governing Council, which has no beef with the invading countries, has sent a letter asking for peace and inquiring about an offer of alliance recieved from Mazrak.
La Voile
17-07-2004, 14:03
Alesandro looked out over the podium as he addressed the assembled press. Today we enter a new stage in the history of Noxidom. I call for old enemies to be reconciled and friends to forge new, stronger links. I have before me a copy of a free trade and non-aggression pact I will be sending to Amiros. There has been mumoring of conflict with Amiros and I act now to tell the region that I hold the nation of Amiros no ill will and there will be no war. I extend the hand of friendship to the whole femme bloc.

He stepped down from the podium. When he reached his office he was joined by Pappillon, his new head of the armed forces. "I expect you to work with the rest of the Prometheus Alliance" he said to her as they sat down. She looked at him for a moment with her hazal eyes, "I will do my best to keep them under control, not destroying half the region." She laughed under her breath. "Ah, Amelie, I am sure you will do your best." As they stood up she kissed him once on each cheek, in Voilean style.
"Au revoir" she called over her shoulder.
19-07-2004, 08:54
LOCATION: The Straight of Pigs
TIME: UCOD (under cover of darkness)

The small fishing ship putted carefully across the Straight. Afloat in the middle of the huge body of water, the moonlight glinting off the gentle rolling waves, the gruff voice of the ships captain carries across the surface. The night is still, only broken by the quiet lapping of waves against the ship, and the whispers of a gentle breeze on the air.

Beneath the surface, invisible in the black depths, huge black shapes crawl above the ocean floor. The radio calls between them audible only to those inside.

'KSHHHHT... This is Submarine Delta Four, reporting that drilling has been halted at the designated one hundred and fifty feet, Oceanic Mining Explosives have been armed and set in place. Delta Four is leaving the blast site... KSHHHHT".

Through the entire straight, over a hundred submarines glided silently under the minefield. Some lowered to the seabed, large mining drills protruding from their keels. The bulky OMEs were inserted into the newly drilled holes. The submarine would then rise from the bedrock, and leave the area.

Above the surface, all was calm.

Several hundred miles away, the commander smiled as he checked his watch. "Very soon... very soon, our problems will be over. At least for the moment." Another figure in the room coughed.

"Surely you do not think that this will end the regional conflict?"
"Certainly not admiral. But, for now, it will serve as a decent warning. There will be little they can do about it, and halting the movement will take months. I anticipate a large uproar over these events, but perhaps it will cause them to be less hasty in their actions in the future."

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

Three hours later, the night was broken by an enormous roar. The reverbarating shock wave carried for hundreds of miles. The scene above the Straight of Pigs was breathtaking. The sea seemed to have heaved itself out into a wall nearly a mile high, before breaking and exploding out in all directions. The colossal volumes of water rushed over each other, an enormous catastrophic tsunami. Beneath the waves, the sight was even more terrifying.

It is a little known fact to those outside the field of geology, that the Straight of Pigs lies directly over a tectonic plate boundary. Hundreds of thousands of years of continental pressure was unleashed in a matter of seconds, as the blast from nine hundred and forty seven high-grade oceanic mining explosives were simultaneously detonated over the plate boundary. The aftershocks carried eastwards with the force of a million megaton nuclear bomb. On the Western Coast of La Voile, the earthquake registered 6.2 on the Richter Scale. Even in Leumah, the quake was felt by all.

The Tsunami struck the west coast of La Voile at 3:28 am NST. Little loss of life was recorded, as the West Coast was particularly rocky, and there were few habitable areas right on the coast.

The Eastern Coast of Copigs was not so lucky. Five small seaside towns were completely destroyed, though the larger coastal cities escaped the wave from it losing much of its momentum on the rocky coastland.

Nobody dares investigate the state of the Copigs-La Voile tunnel.

Remains of Mines were found as far inland on Copigs as four miles.

At 6:12am NST, Geologists in La Voile reported that the tectonic movement was carrying their plate Eastwards at an astonishing rate. Within 24 hours, both La Voile and Leumah would be carried outside of the Noxidom Region.
La Voile
19-07-2004, 09:54
Alesandro stared at the geologist in front of him, "hang on, how fast?"
The scientist almost shouted the response, "Incredibly fast, 100 of times faster than ever before!!"
"and... the speed is..." Alesandro raised an eyebrow.
"5cm a year that's lightspeed in geological terms, Sir."
"So... we will not be leaving the region... not very soon, right?" before the scientist could respond he added, "not in geological terms, in real time".
"Well we have never been part of the region's continent as such, really not even the region, a large number of volcanic islands should spring up in the Strait of Pigs though."
"Interesting, good for defence. When exactly?"
"Oh only a mere 200 years."
"Thankyou professer."
"There will also be the volcano spread throughout Valenvaryon at the same time. The Arbiter Mountains hot spots will be soon to flare up."
"Let me guess, 500 years?"
"More like five, Sir."
"Very interesting, thankyou professer."
The scientist turned and walked out the door.

"Now to more important things." Thought Alesandro.
19-07-2004, 10:33
Amiros received the message, although inside intelligence had already informed her of Alesandro’s plans. She mused over the plans. Enrique was summoned.

“Enrique, send word to La Voile. Tell them we accept their offered. Be sure it is understood this is a non-defensive agreement. Amiros will maintain peace with Alessandro, but will not, unless desired, come to his aid. Amiros can not afford to be sending troops everytime La Voile is attacked.

“Good point, my lady. If we sent troops everytime La Voile was invaded, we may as well take up port there!” Zanthia was quick to throw insults. Amiros ignored her.

“Also send them gifts of sympathy due to their recent disaster. But no women. Alessandro does not appear interested in such gifts.”

Enrique nodded and left the royal chambers. Amiros waited, giving him time to clear line of sight. She then proceeded to her grand doors. Quickly she hurried into the main corridor. She dashed around, hoping not to be seen. She felt like a little girl all over again. Soon she reached an abandoned part of the Great Palace of Astana. She looked over each shoulder. The coast was clear. Hurriedly she typed the secret code into the wall sensor. The grand statue of Isis moved aside, as if guided by some mystical force.

Amiros decsended, the door closing behind her. Before long she found herself gazing once again at the most beautiful piece of technology ever built. Well, okay, so it wasn’t quite finished. It’s designer, a tall handsome man with a blaster in his holster walked arrogantly up to the Empress.

“She’s nearly ready. I know she may not look like much, but she’s got it where it counts. The next regional meeting, you can fly in this baby. With me at your side.”

The designers eyes fell to the Empress. He was enwrapped by her beauty.

“Stop it!” The Empress demanded. “You know it is not possible.”

Amiros turned and hurried out of chamber. She speedily head for her room.

No, don’t even think it. You are an Empress now. You must think of your people. Love doesn’t matter now.

But, try as she might, Amiros would not be able to fight her desires forever.
19-07-2004, 12:09
OOC- I've spoken to La Voile, he said this was OK with him /OOC

Unfortunately for the two island nations, La Voile and Leumah, the Voilean geologist had gotten it all wrong. The OMEs had performed their task as well as required, and in some areas too well.

Both nations were drifitng further and further away from the mainland. It was unstoppable, unless by some cataclysmic event.
The Earth did not fail to deliver.

Under Leumah:

The tectonic plate had been damaged when the charges detonated. Over two hours, the Leuman Islands began to sink into the Moe Sea. They formed a crack in the plate, which ruptured and finally encircled the beleaugered islands.
Within twelve hours, the whole country would sink into the sea. When that happened the gigantic mass ruptured the upper mantle, creating a huge sea anchor-like protrusion through the semiliquid rock. Leumah would founder as a landmass, and in the process stop La Voile's motion. Where La Voile ends up is up for close examination, although not further than 200 miles from its present location.

LGC Headquaters:

"Sir, we have recieved a report from seismics. The whole tectonic plate is collapsing. We need to evac NOW!" The lieutenant virtually screamed to his superior.
"Mate, this is an island. We have nowhere to go... unless... okay, gather the council in person or by phone. I want a meeting in five minutes."
"Yes sir" The lieutenant wondered what the Councillor for Aviation had in mind, but put that on the back burner as he gathered the LGC members.

5 minutes later

The LGC met behind closed doors, and within five minutes had a resolution passed. Plan Nautalius would be executed imediately. Well, they had no choice really.
The announcement went out over all public radio, TV and UHF/VHF communication systems. Military ships recently recovered from battle put to sea loaded with all the supplies that they could carry. It would be a long time between ports.
In all of Leumah's cities, citizens proceeded to the nearest port facility, and others flocked from miles around. Vehicles were abandoned, and people walked onto what had been commercial cargo ships until a recent refit carried out by the mad Emperor in total secrecy. They climbed and descended until a preassigned berth was found, which would provide a form of comfort until a new home could be found.


Elsewhere, more gigantic cargo ships loaded up with enough supplies to feed every citizen and every animal's basic needs for up to six months. As well as this, they loaded up on commodities to trade, and precious metals. One armored transport took on enough Uranium to buy half of the oil that the mighty CoPigs Oilfield had once contained. Power and money aplenty.
Out to sea, more ships, deep-sea and shallow mining vessels, formed up. They would provide the backbone for the Leuman economy, for if their country was to prosper it had to have raw materials, which could then be converted into useful products by the countless factory ships, processing ships and manufacturing ships.
A new Leuman invention was a ship which could unfold to cover a large area of smooth water with hydroponic-style plantholders. These would provide much of the new nation's basic food once the ships were produced, itself a task of several months. On other ships, large numbers of food animals were stored, along with the nutrients required to keep them alive. Red-browed pandas could not be allowed to become extinct, could they?

The late Mad Emperor's ultimate folly now had saved his nation. He had moved many industries onto ships during the buildup of tensions, so now Leumah could break free of the Island and become a truly nomadic nation.
Of course, there would still be trade, and for the moment no one could forsee a move from Noxidom to another region. Leumah would remain near her former Islands until the flotilla of ships was organised, and then reconsider her position, taking into account trade and the like.


Bert Vasco, captain of the Leumah flagged vessel Salvation, surveyed the horizon from the position of his ship's bridge. For as far as he could see, ships of every description filled the water. Smaller pleasure craft danced around the bigger ships, which in turn avoided the truly monstrous supertankers. Behind him, the Leuman peninsula was slowly sinking, too slowly to cause much water disturbance, but ships were avoiding it anyway. A Space Shuttle's pilot, flying directly overhead, could see the enormous fleet. It covered nearly as much surface area as the old country had, or so he judged.



Leumah has taken to the ocean!

After Valenvaryon's OME attack, the thin tectonic plate which held the Leuman peninsula partly cracked and allowed the islands to sink into the sea. Leumah evacuated to a series of refitted tankers and liners commissioned by the late Emperor Sajuk (AKA the Mad Emperor). Also most heavy industries and all armed forces were saved. The heavy industries were on boats anyway.

The Leuman Peninsula's mass fell in the way of La Voile, saving that country from the Rejected Realms. A bit of drift, to be posted on by La Voile.

If anyone thinks my move is unlikely/impossible, talk to me privately, not in this forum.
19-07-2004, 13:39
After several hours spent re-forming the entire fleet, the Leuman military command began to deploy its armed vessels to their full effect. They made a ring around the giant island-sized flotilla and the ASW ships began to ping for subs. Antisub equipped MA-Vs dropped a ring of sonobuoys around the country and anti air equipped ships lit off their radars, creating a bubble of airspace which enemies could not penetrate without detection. This was augmented by four MA-V-AWACS aircraft, equipped with a radar which could track in any direction for up to 2000 kilometers (they are slightly different to U.S. made AWACS radar planes). Also, stealth could moderately decrease the effective tracking range. In short, every tracking mechanism was on full alert, because of the risk of some nation taking advantage of Leumah's vulnerability.

Within several weeks, every ship would be equipped with AAA measures depending on the ship's size, and magnetic torpedo countermeasures. This refitting would start as soon as the parts were unloaded.
19-07-2004, 13:51
A cool breeze played with the long blood red curtains of the throne room as Commander Boris and his audeince listened carefully to a young boy recide a poem about the anceint times and the Great Dragon God Draco. Once the boy finished Boris stood and applauded.

"BRAVO, BRAVO", Boris roared as the audience of the throne room joined with him in his applaudence of the well spoken young boy. The boy smiled with joy knowing his leader was more then happy with his performance. The boy bowed and walked out the throne room. Boris sat back down into his throne, Branigan walked to the bottom of the golden steps before the throne.

"My lord we have news from Luemah, the remaining leaders have stated that they are very pleased with being part of the Pormethues Alliance and are fully comitted to the alliance", Branigan proudly stated to his leader.

"Excellent", grinned Boris.

"But my lord there is some bad news", branigan said with a sigh.

"Bad news?, go ahead", requested Boris.

"Ummh Rappel has rejected the allaince and is now leaving the alliance". replied Branigan as he took a few steps away to avoide any of Boris's fury he might let go.

Boris growled and his eyes glowed a bright red, with brute strenght he ripped the arms from his throne and threw them to the other end of the room. He then stood up, turned and smashed his right fist through the rest of the great throne turning it to mear ruble. Boris then turned again to face his audience.


the throne room was soon filled with the chants of "Death to Rappel" and "Death to Amiros".

Boris walked down the stairs to his counsel of generals.

"Prepare a force to lead the invasion of Rappel, our allies will join us and soon Rappel will burn", Boris laughed
20-07-2004, 00:40
And so, La Voile was saved from the Rejected Realms by the noble, but unintentional sacrifice of the Isle of Leumah. The Regional Cartography Society (located in Valenvaryon) has stated that since the recent upheaval, the region is due for another map update.

Although the Voilian geologists had been wrong about the speed of the movement, they were right about one thing.

The drifing tectonic plate exposed a deep sea trench stretching all the way down into the mantle. Millions of tons of liquidied rock was blasted to the surface, hissing and steaming as it fought against the cold ocean, solidifying, and being pushed upwards. After a mere 2 days, what was once a deep sea trench had now become a newborn mountain range protruding up out of the sea. Sporadic volcanic activity is still present, but with the halted plate drift, it is miraculously slowing to non-dangerous levels. The huge amounts of rock, ash and steam in the atmosphere is drifting eastwards, soon to cast a dark shadow over some other region.

But for now, Noxidom had settled into an uneasy peace. The horrific actions taken by Valenvaryon did not work out as planned, and now, the region was calm. The calm before the storm perhaps?

OOC: I think that this thread is too long for now, so might i reccomend that the invasion of Rappel by Mazrak be RP'd in a new thread? If anyone has anything else to add to this thread then go for it, but i think we should wrap up this chapter about now. I'd be interested to know what Amiros is plotting ;). something devious no doubt. Also looking forward to how La Voile will pay back Valenvaryon once his own country's damage is taken care of.

Leumah, we salute you. Never again shall Valenvaryon bear arms against you. May your nomadic ocean-borne people thrive in their new way of life.
20-07-2004, 08:02
The Leuman Flotilla (all those ships I talked about in my big post) had settled down about fifty nautical miles to the east of the site where Leumah had been. They all dropped anchor, and guideropes and fenders were attached to keep the ships from damaging each other. A huge system of computer control of the ships' thrusters was being tried out, which would remove human error from the equation whenever the Flotilla was moving in close quarters. But when at rest on a calm sea there was nothing to worry about. And the communication system was bulletproof, capable of communicating even in heavy jamming or thunderstorms, because it used LOS lasers instead of radio, as well as huge redundancy.

OOC If anyone wants to RP a fault in it I will TG full specs first. /OOC

Towards the former landmass, a small (by comparison) fleet of mining ships had deployed under military guard. They were going to attempt to salvage anything that could be salvaged at or near the surface, then float submerged objects to the surface to be stripped of useful materiel, and then strip-mine the rest. It would be a huge boost to their country's resources, and would provide ample stock for trading.
The Neodammerung
20-07-2004, 08:38
It had been thirty six hours since the great naval battle between Navras' fleet and the Chellian forces. With the loss of Leuman support and the entire Neodammerung Navy deployed, the Chellian ships stood no chance against the wroth of the Neodammerung. Navras stood onboard the Chellian cruiser, The Raider, Ebony and Sara at his side. The dishevelled Admiral Grisof was on his knees before him, the rest of the Chellian crew held at gunpoint.

"I won't ask again, Admiral... where are the nuclear devices?" said Navras, as he drew his sword and brought it to the man's neck.

"I will tell you, if you give me and my remaining crew safe passage back to Chellis"

Navras thought about this for a moment.

"Very well... now where are they?"

"They are in a heavily secured vault in the cargo hold. I cannot open the vault without transmission to Chellis. They have to transmit the access and firing codes for me to use them."

"That won't be necessary Admiral."

"My Saviour!" One of the Commanders came running from the bridge of the ship. "We have just received a transmission. OME's were detonated in the Bay of Pigs causing a tectonic disruption in the earth. The islands of La Voille and Leumah drifted. Leumah sank into the sea, however, our intelligence sources tell us the entire nation are on boats. La Voille still remains however. Our geologists have reported that a volcanic reaction is occuring. We need to leave within forty-eight hours to ensure our Navy isn't swallowed up by it."

Navras returned his sword back to his scabbard and turned to the commander. "Right then. Prepare the navy for departure. Get salvage crews onto any remaining usable Chellian vessels. We'll take whatever vessels are left, as I'm sure they will make a suitable addition to our Navy."

"But what about us! You said we could have safe passage back home." cried the Admiral in alarm.

"I am a man of my word Admiral. I'll leave you and your crew with the lifeboats remaining on the ship. I highly recommend you abandon ship within the hour."

Navras turned and returned to his personal helicopter, Ebony and Sara walking elegantly by his side.


Back on the HSS Voyager, Navras peered out in the darkness towards the Chellian Cruiser bobbing up and down in the sea. He could hear the muffled whumps of the charges detonating within the cargo hold of The Raider, before finally seeing flaming spheres emitting from the ship. The Raider tipped and began a voyage to the depths of the sea, carrying the nuclear devices with it. If the geologists were correct, the Raider would be destroyed by the volcanic reaction deep beneath the surface, the nukes detonating at a safe depth below the ocean. No-one would be complaining except the greenies.

"Take us home, Admiral." Navras spoke his transmission to the bridge. He began to make his way to his quarters when he was stopped by an Intelligence Officer.

"What is it?"

"My Saviour... war is brewing in the east."
20-07-2004, 10:33
Enrique burst into Amiros royal chambers. It seemed years since she had seen his face.

"News, Empress!!! It's Mazrak. He plans an invasion of you and Rappel...."

With that, he collapsed onto the floor. Amiros sighed. How typical.

Zanthia (head of espionage) and Kiya (head of military defense) arrived shortly after.

"What are you plans, My lady?" Zanthia queried.

Amiros sighed. She knew she had no choice.

"Send word to nation leaders. Ask for aid. Leumah will doubtfully be much help. Navras won't help without reasonable reasons.Tell them we are under iminent attack from Mazrak, and probably Liscenstine. Also send La Voile a seperate telegram. I expect no protection from him, however, due to our new non-agression pact, I am asserting he will not invade me. Zanthia, go! Kiya, I want you to tighten defenses. Send out the navy, defend all borders. No one gets through."

Kiya nodded and left.

Amiros headed to her balcony. What if no one came? If Amiros and Rappel were left to burn under the fires of Mazrak....she shuddered at the thought. Behind her a somewhat comforting voice spoke.

"Try to be calm. Soon it will be finished...then we can leave..together, before Mazrak arrives!"

A hand placed itself on Amiros shoulder. She tried to shruge it off. She couldnt. She didn't want to. She turned, stared into his eyes.

"No," she said, "We know this is wrong. Just return to your work. I want it finished before Mazrak gets here.'re a do you know of the attack?"

He smiled that smile. Amiros was stunned. He knew things...things he couldn't possibley know.

With one last look he left the Empress in shock.
La Voile
20-07-2004, 11:11
James McManus, Secretary to the Civil Headquarters and Voilean representative, read out a prepared statement to the assembled delegates in the Falkme Islands meeting room.
La Voile wants peace. We wish that Noxidom will become a beacon of peace and safety. Any nation that launches an aggressive act against another without good reason will find itself no longer a friend of La Voile. If asked we will come to a defenders aid, if we believe that there is a true need, so that La Voile is not dragged into any unnecessary conflicts.
Thankyou Ladies and Gentlemen

The clean up operation in La Voile was an expensive one. The scientists claimed that they had got it wrong, but Alesandro observed that they either had stopped or were moving very slowly. Then came the news: Leumah was gone. The shock ripped through him. A whole nation snuffed out by nature, although luckily the majority seemed to have survived.
Alesandro called to an aide. “Johnson, please make sure that the Leuhman people know that we open our borders to the refugees of such a crisis.”
He knew that at the same time McManus was reading his speech, and that the leaders of Noxidom would all know about his stance.
Commander Ben of Valenvaryon and the Lord of Mazrak would be unlikely to start any war if the Serene Isle demanded stability and peace. He knew he would find many strange allies in the future that lay ahead. Ones from unexpected places.
Peace was coming, or so he hoped…
“Peace is coming” he muttered under his breath as General Ilvé walked in. Ilvé was the commander of the air force and also space defence initiatives.
“Mazrak still continues down the path to war.”
‘Then we must prevent him. Get in contact with Papillon, if Mazrak attacks get her to contact me immediately, she is not to do anything without my consent, make sure she understands that. She can be a little…” Alesandro paused looking for the right word, “energetic”
“Hot headed you mean Sir?” Queried Ilvé
“I will do my best, Sir.”
“Excellent, war is not the way anymore General.”
“I understand Sir. Peacekeeping all the way.”
La Voile
21-07-2004, 09:11
That is the end of Chapter One, all 161 posts, Chapter Two can be found at
This also includes a summary of this chapter. If you like what you see, and would like to RP some events in Noxidom and would like to join our region please telegram Aetherios (UN rep) or myself and we will put it to a vote.
A special thanks goes to Chellis, a seasoned RPer, his skills added much to the war.