Appeal from The Community of Free Lasatanians (open RP)
Free Lasatanians
05-06-2004, 13:46
Freedom fighters throughout this land we call on you!
We are a rebel group operating within Lasatania. We cannot give much detail of who we are or where we are as agents of the Revolutionary Party are overseas it is far too dangerous to transmit information from within our our own country.
We need your help. We are trying our best to resist the despotic leadership of chairman Wahler and the Party. We fear that his appointment will lead our nation to destruction and that it will not only be our nation that he burns down.
We can only give information currently as there is no way of bringing arms into our country and we can trust no-one. People will probably die because of this transmission. Innocent people will be tortured on the slightest suspicion of belonging to our group. We beg of you to aid us in our fight.
Nations willing to help us and who can provide us with the means to resist please contact us. We will get back to you. We must stop transmitting now as the Internal Security Agency is two blocks away. We must hide undergound until it is safe for us to transmit again.
We shall free our land regardless of the cost..
Free Lasatania shall rise again!!
Dracun imperium
05-06-2004, 14:43
Clan Chancellor sat in his office in Imperial Palace. He was signing papers when he came across the telegram from Free Lasatanians. He read it with interest. "Anne"He said calling for his secretary. She walked in "Yes Chancellor"
"Get me on the phone with the Military Ministry"
"Yes Chancellor"
"Thank you Anne"
His phone rang and he picked it up"Supreme commander Thrawn, Have a small force mobilized we are going to liberate Lasatania from "
"We have gotten a plea from a rebel group we will comply"
"Understood sir"
The Chancellor hanged up the phoen and began to sign more papers this time more hurried.
Supreme commander Thrawn has organized the following force to liberate Lasatania.
(Hate to number wank but i have too)
Army units
100 ATTs
200 Imperial class tanks
100 Inferno Helicopters
1,000 A.R.C. troopers
5,000 Dracun elite
10,000 Dracun slayers(Marines)
25,000 Dracun infantry
Air units
100 d-71s
100 d-raptors
200 monsoon bombers
Naval units
5 lightning carriers
6 Tidal Class Battleships
4 seawolf sumbarines
3 Vengence carriers
4 Missle frigates
4 posiden frigates
they will be mobilized and deployed in 8 hours(rl)
The Alliance of Victoria consisting of:
National Commonwealth
condemn these actions of the government of Lasatanians, and if these freedomfighters could give us proof of tortures we might interfere
Greater Valia
05-06-2004, 14:54
Dracun Imperium, we order you to stop these actions by your military as Lasatania is a soveriegn nation and has not provoked you in any way with these hostile actions towards a smaller nation.
Free Lasatanians
05-06-2004, 14:57
Message passed via intermediary in Europe:
The Community of Free Lasatanians is currently compiling a dossier of information that it will pass on to its intermediaries.
We do not recommend a full invasion currently as we believe that the leadership of the party would not hesitate to destroy its own nation in defence of the 'Revolution'.
We are slowly biding our time for an opportunity to strike..
We shall pass the word when we believe the time is right.
We shall also provide those supporting our cause with all the military intelligence we can provide. We must be patient though as we are always watched.
End of message.
Sitting in the cafe the intermediary couldn't fail to notice the two strange men staring at him intently froma table across the room. 'Time to move' he thought, fingering the Glock in his jacket pocket...
Dracun imperium
05-06-2004, 14:58
We understand this nation of Greater Valia but we dare not refuse a plea to help righteous freedom fighter regain their homeland. We will understand your views and have taken them into acount. We understand diplomacy is ussualt the best course and the Clan Council will vote again to see if diplomacy is the best course. If they vote no the armed force will proceed to invaded and rehabilitate thier country to their preferences
05-06-2004, 14:58
OOC: What do you want us to do then?
Free Lasatanians
05-06-2004, 15:01
OOC: patience - basically more and more information will come out about the state of Lasatania and it should become more and more a Pariah state..
if you look at North Korea its been in a similar state for decades but soon that tinders gonna be lit and when it does... kaboom!! :)
This'll be a slow burner but it shoud be interesting to see just when the line will be drawn and sparks fly...
Dracun imperium
05-06-2004, 15:03
Manstara looked at the most recent telegram from the group known as free Lasatanians. He pondered No the risk is two great i wont have inncoent people die for our beliefs... I'll Just have to cancel the mobilization...
Encrptyed...Code red 00748
From the Friend Of A Friend
We expect you to move soon before we are involved in another international crisis. We understand you move and respect it let us know when you are ready to make your move never the less i will be sending 30 A.R.C. troopers to assist you. They have studied the art of Freedom fighting and will participate with you in revolutationary acts. Please respond if you accept
End message
A nice, small shocked room of Turetel's Government heard of the autotracites. The Head of Civility was suprisingly the first to speak,
"We must help them, send money, food, and arms!"
The room broke into a giant arguement, a small fist fight broke out between the Assistant Head of Civility and the Head of Security (3rd From Head of Forces).
"Silence, we will send a small armed guard sneaking through the boarders if possible or dropping them remotely, it will consist of 150 men, 50 of these will be trainers who will teach the "movement" how it can do manuevers and use guns. The other 100 are elite operatives and will be assigned to help guard them, is this understood?"
A slightly bloody room nods its head.
05-06-2004, 15:04
This may simply be another terrorist organisation attempting to gain credence for itself. Ikagistan advises caution in offering military assistance to these 'freedom fighters'. Be warned, we will not sit by and watch another sovereign nation destroyed in the case of military intervention, and we may intervene if we are displeased.
~ Statement from the Office of the President
(OOC : By the way, if I do decide to get involved, let it be known that this was originally a JUNE 2003 nation that was resurrected in March of this year.)
Greater Valia
05-06-2004, 15:05
oops, read the other posts after i posted :oops:
Dracun imperium
05-06-2004, 15:08
ooc:Modern you?
Mabye even though i proably get my ass handed to me :shock: do you have aim or msn?)
Greater Valia
05-06-2004, 15:10
ooc:Modern you?
Mabye even though i proably get my ass handed to me :shock: do you have aim or msn?)
yeah, msn. and im near future. its some really cool stuff even though i RP everything except for fantasy. near future is like stuff that is plausible if we had money, research, etc. (no spaceships, plasmabeams, shit like that)
Dracun imperium
05-06-2004, 15:13
(Yeah me near future too i guess since i use clones for my A.R.C. troopers alright is my msn adress)
Greater Valia
05-06-2004, 15:15
i use a division of hardsuit equiped troops for shock operations, etc. that ok?
Dracun imperium
05-06-2004, 15:17
((yes of course 1 vs 1 or can we include allies)
Greater Valia
05-06-2004, 15:19
((yes of course 1 vs 1 or can we include allies)
no allies, but since my pop. is almost twice as large as yours i am willing to only use a fraction of my military.
Dracun imperium
05-06-2004, 15:19
(Understood and thanks so im guessing your going ot be the one invading?)
Free Lasatanians
05-06-2004, 15:20
Institute of Strategic Studies, London
Interim report on Lasatania
Currently the political situation in Lasatania is stable. The country is governed by the Peoples' Revolutionary Party of Lasatania, which enforces its will on the people through a totalitarian system. The head of the party is chairman Wahler, a young, feverish idealogue, dedicated to strengthening his state both economically and militarily.
Over the past two years resistance to the government has been minimal following a final push by the Internal Security Agency to eradicate members of the Peoples Liberation Front, mostly located in the southern region of Koslavia. Since then resistance has been virtually unknown, though the exact nature of this is hard to measure given the total control of news and the media through the government agencies of InterLas and LasCom, respectively. It is, however, suspected that small resistance groups do exist and it has been rumoured that one of the military branches is home to a group.
In military terms the state of Lasatania may appear weak, with a conscript army of 150,000 backed up with a professional full time army of 100,000. However, the full time army is equivalent in training to many of the worlds elite forces and it has over 20 years' experience in counter insurgency operations making it a serious adversary to any resistance organisation or external force. In particular the political indoctrination of the Army is unsurpassed and Kommissars from the party are attached to every unit.
In the event of any hostilities the armed forces would be supported locally by the various state police agencies which include
StatPol - the state police, responsible for general crime
StatSecSer - state security service, responsible for 'internal' crime, effectively a paramilitary force.
Internal Security Agency - the secret police, widespread and pervasive in Lasatanian society.
Civilian defence forces are also a feature of the Lasatanian ministry. During the in-fighting following the revolution, the nation's capital, Korova, was turned into a warzone for the ten years that it took the party to consolidate power. Since that point in time it has been Party philosophy to give responsibility of local point defence to teams of civilian defence volunteers. Given the high level of loyalty evident among civilians to the regime, it is unsurprising that around ten percent of the total population could be considered to have received basic military training. Supplies for such civilian defence forces are kept under the strict control of building Kommisars.
In addition to the formation of civilian defence teams, the cities of Lasatania itself are modelled for urban defence and can be seen as one enormous tank trap.
Overall, Lasatania's worst enemy could be itself. Political debate about the nature of Revolutionary Socialism has seen the foundation of two factions, one which seeks to embrace overseas contact and one which wishes to retreat into a Socialist Utopia. Chairman Wahler represents the former, though his reasons for opening up Lasatania to the outside world remain unclear. Time itself will tell whether the reign of chairman Wahler unites or destroys the nation.
(This article is supplementary to a forthcoming report on Lasatania to be pulished by Amnesty International next week..)
OOC: tech level is current by the bys!! come one - the air defence industry of Lasatania is built around recycling old soviet designs!
Dracun imperium
05-06-2004, 15:20
(understood and thanks:) so im guessing your going to be invading me?)
Greater Valia
05-06-2004, 15:24
(understood and thanks:) so im guessing your going to be invading me?)
i dunno yet. on second thought i'd rather this conflict esclate through this lasatania thing
Dracun imperium
05-06-2004, 15:24
(Yeah me too it be easier and more understandable)
Greater Valia
05-06-2004, 15:29
(Yeah me too it be easier and more understandable)
agreed, maybe we should apoligize for hijacking the thread? :) heres my email
Dracun imperium
05-06-2004, 15:31
(very true,sorry about the FL)
The A.R.C. troopers have been readied and are ready for insertion
Free Lasatanians
05-06-2004, 15:32
and probably a bit slower!! :) I gotta go since I finish work in like five minutes.. more stuff getting posted monday alas! perhaps that Amnesty report! (if I can get my modem at home fixed and port the stuff out!)
In his room in block 5 of ArbeitsStrasse 24632, Leon Behrev looked out his window onto the rain drenched boulevard. Marching beneath the grey green clouds thrown up by the vast industrial complex to the south of the river, new conscripts for the Revolutionary Army marched towards Leninstrasse station and their awaiting trains. He wondered if any of them kept in their hats the same leaflet he had been given on the train when he left for his military service. Wondering if any of them would begin to see the world in the way he saw it now.. that everything they believed in was a lie and that some day it would all fall down...
05-06-2004, 15:40
OOC: The Victoria Alliance has withdrawn it's support because of threats of invasion from Dracun Imperium and Greater Vallia
Greater Valia
05-06-2004, 15:44
OOC: The Victoria Alliancehas pledgedit's support here:
As there are a few of us we thought it would save space.
but he doesnt want you to yet....
Dracun imperium
05-06-2004, 16:06
iN a shocking and unbelivable move ,the clan council has voted 73%-37% that we shall instead protect Lasatania intrests. Lasatania is now under the juristidction of The Dracun Imperium. Any assaults or threats against it wlll result in a declaration of war!
Clan Chancellor Manstara says he undertsand that he was wrong to move foward without proper proof and apolizgizes to the international community
Foregin Ministry
Dracun imperium
05-06-2004, 16:19
Premier Suun read the message broadcast by the 'Free Lasatanians' and looked up at Security Minister Kichisaburo Yoshida.
"We're supposed to be hosting a delegation from Lasatania soon; how could they let this get out?!"
Kichi shrugged. "Maybe they're just not as good at it as we believed. What do you want me to do?"
"Increase the planned security for when their delegates arrive. Our populace can be trusted, but I want to ensure that no Lasatanians get hurt on our soil."
As Kichi left, Tian Yao perched himself on the Premier's desk. "What if the Lasatanians get invaded? Do we come to their aid?"
Suun stretched and yawned. "We have no legal reason to assist them militarily; of course, there is the possibility of our two nations becoming allies. If we sign a treaty with them, then we'll become actively involved. If we don't sign a treaty, well, there are other ways to help a nation which is under attack."
05-06-2004, 16:26
OOC: The Victoria Alliance has withdrawn it's support because of threats of invasion from Dracun Imperium and Greater Vallia