NationStates Jolt Archive

Sec. State Robert Julan contacts the leader of GaalSien....

Austar Union
04-06-2004, 05:38
Robert Julan walked into the President's office. Greeting him with a friendly handshake, the President offered Robert to sit down.

"I am sure you are becoming increasingly aware of the terrorist activity going on. We had two major terrorist incidences this week. Once involving the EFFOC, and another involving Inner Heaven and GLA Terrorists...", began President Madison.

"Yes," nodded Mr. Julan, "Im well aware of the situation..."

President Madison smiled, "Ah, very good then. Well im sure you attended the breif yesterday?"

Mr. Julan nodded again, "Yes. It is interesting that GaalSien has been implicated in all this. I mean, all the evidence DOES suggest that they hold Heavens Rim..."

"Of Course," replied the President, "Now its time to begin the full investigations..."

Mr. Julan frowned, stroking his chin, "Exactly how are we gonna do that sir?"

President Madison smiled again, "We're going to contact the leader of GaalSien..."

..........Two Hours Later

Robert Julan smiled as he said his goodbyes to the President. Once again, they left in handshake. He was now confident in his endeavours. He was sure that he could complete the mission set before him. This was the political game, and he loved it.

After a short drive, he reached his own personal office. Getting slightly wet from the rain, he shook himself dry, and sat behind his desk. Picking up the telephone, he dialed the number for the Office of the GaalSien leader. It began to ring, and he awaited for the answer on the other end...
Austar Union
05-06-2004, 14:10
After the telephone rang out, Mr. Julan put down the handset, "Ah," he remembered, "I must not forget the difference in timezones..."

Pulling open his drawer, he pulled out a pen and paper, and began drafting a letter to the leader of GaalSien directly;

Dear Sirs,

I am aware that there is a large terrorist presence inside GaalSine, which we have strong evidence to suggest that Heavens Rim is located inside your nation.

We are currently unaware of any GaalSine government involvement with terrorist forces, so therefore we are asking your permission to send an anti-terrorist forces (police) into GaalSine so that they may investigate further.

Failure to comply with such anti-terrorist measures only implicates GaalSine as being a major terrorist harbouring state, and also implicates that your nation is possibly harbouring Heavens Rim more...

We truly hope you are willing to comply.

Yours Truly,

Robert Julan
Secretary of State

Huzen Hagen
05-06-2004, 15:42

<---- not GaalSien
05-06-2004, 15:57
Err, a TAG ya see.
06-06-2004, 16:40
From The GaalSien Senate

The GaalSien Senate will grant you access to its region, however you will make us aware of how many men you are sending, and what equipment they will be using. They will be monitored and escorted accordingly.

Also, the GaalSien Police is currently containing protests across the nation due to the release of HP officials, so we will be unable to grant you access for now until the rioting is qwelled, GaalSien authorities will not be resposible for the safety of AU officials.
Austar Union
07-06-2004, 03:30
From the Office of President Madison

Thankyou for complying with our anti-terrorist measures. We will be sending a team of 15 000 Special Forces. They will be wearing full uniform, and for their safety, they will be armed.

These forces have orders to not shoot at anyone, unless they are being attacked directly where such force is required. These forces have already been sent en-route toward GaalSine waters.

Im sure your government will understand such measures, as we are concerned for the stability of the area. As you may have noted from world news, we have lost several officials to these terrorists we have been hunting, so we would be much more comfortable sending in a special operations team rather than just another set of officials who can be harmed.

Please be advised also that there will be several flyovers by Recon aircraft, to aid us in the search for the infamous Heavens Rim.

Thankyou again for your compliance.
07-06-2004, 12:28
As a fellow member of the Fruit Islands, we ask Gaalsien to lower the amount of inspecting troops significantly. Due to the fact that recon aircraft will most likely do most of the searchin, 15000 troops would be overkill. Also they may also attract unwanted attention and even perform illegal operations like hold your nation illegally.

Guerrillistan advises AU to reconsider its deployment of so many troops.

Guerrillistan will stand by its Fruit Island ally if its rights and wishes are not respected

OOC: if i have misread your number AU sorry! :oops: :lol:
07-06-2004, 16:58
From The GaalSien Senate

The Senate fully denies you the right to send in 15,000 Special forces units - You WILL NOT send an invasion force to this region. Your air support will however be granted immediately. However, your ground forces will to wait sometime before the nation is safe.
Austar Union
08-06-2004, 03:55
From the Office of President Madison

We respect the rights of the GaalSien people, however we would like to note that this is not an invasion force, but rather a security operation force. They will also be involved in quelling riots and outbreaks of violence in your nation if you so ask them to.

In the meantime, they will still be sent, but they will be stationed off your coast, and will not make landing without your permission. The transport ships will be accomanied with relevant security aircraft and boats.

[OOC] Please note that I wont be getting online as much in the next 2 weeks, so I wont be checking here everyday.
09-06-2004, 18:26
The GaalSien Senate

Your fleet will be escorted into our region and closely watched.
Austar Union
10-06-2004, 04:50
In GaalSine Waters...

Admiral Hammersley stood on the flight deck of one of the carriers that were sent to the area. Turning to his XO, he breathed, "Well we're here now. Do we have any further orders?"

His XO looked over the document he had recieved from Command, "Well, just the usual sir. Im unsure of exactly what information we have on Heavens Rim itself. I hear they had given out a picture of the building. I suppose we are looking for that building..."

Hammersley nodded, "Yes, well we have permission to begin fly-overs immediatly, so I want some of our birds in the sky..."

The XO saluted, "Yes sir..."

Within minutes, some of the fighters were taking off, putting a total of 50 Harriers into the sky. Forming into squadrons, they turned a roared toward GaalSine. Once they reached the coast, they split up into individuals, and began to make searches for the infamous Heavens Rim.

The Searching Campaign

In the meantime, much further higher in the sky, U2 aircraft began taking snapshots of several suspect areas. Some areas were identified as possible locations, but were not released to the public.

These areas were known as:
- The Inhospitable Swamp
- The Great GaalSien River
- The Beechy Jungle
- Lowland Swamp Coast

After examining the areas by logic, the cities had been ruled out, considering the GaalSien government didnt know much about Heavens Rim. The Lowland Swamp Coast was rulled out, considering it was a geographically unwise, and was prone to flooding. The Great GaalSine River was a possibility, but wasnt too close enough to any jungle like areas, so it would be a likely transportation for the terrorists.

This left only two main areas for Heavens Rim, The Inhospitable Swamp, and The Beechy Jungle.

Something caught the eye of the agents studying the photographs. The Inhospitable Swamp had a large dryer section in the middle. It seemed an unlikely place to put ANY kind of establishment, yet small dots could be seen in the photos. Perhaps it was a research facitlity, or perhaps, it was Heavens Rim.

In the meantime, spy sattelites began to search for all shapes that resembled Heavens Rim building. On a computer list, after some 48 hours of searching, there would be a total of 448 buildings that represented the general shape of Heavens Rim. 7 of them were located in the areas above. 2 of them were located in The Hospitible Swamp, and 1 of them in the Beechy Jungle.

In the meantime, as the search results poured in, the Max Ederson, the Federal Intelligence Agency agent in charge of the operation gave his next order after being told all the information:

"Focus on The Inhospitible Swamp. It seems strange to me that anyone would put an establishment in the center of it unless they wanted to research the swamp, hide the facility, and or restrict access to the facility.

Also send some teams to The Beechy Jungle. Its less suspicious, but we cant be too careful."

After he gave his orders, the directors continued on with the recon campaigns, but telling several fighters to focus on the Beechy Jungle, and The Inhospitible Swamp.
10-06-2004, 18:15
In GaalSine Waters...

Admiral Hammersley stood on the flight deck of one of the carriers that were sent to the area. Turning to his XO, he breathed, "Well we're here now. Do we have any further orders?"

His XO looked over the document he had recieved from Command, "Well, just the usual sir. Im unsure of exactly what information we have on Heavens Rim itself. I hear they had given out a picture of the building. I suppose we are looking for that building..."

Hammersley nodded, "Yes, well we have permission to begin fly-overs immediatly, so I want some of our birds in the sky..."

The XO saluted, "Yes sir..."

Within minutes, some of the fighters were taking off, putting a total of 50 Harriers into the sky. Forming into squadrons, they turned a roared toward GaalSine. Once they reached the coast, they split up into individuals, and began to make searches for the infamous Heavens Rim.

The Searching Campaign

In the meantime, much further higher in the sky, U2 aircraft began taking snapshots of several suspect areas. Some areas were identified as possible locations, but were not released to the public.

These areas were known as:
- The Inhospitable Swamp
- The Great GaalSien River
- The Beechy Jungle
- Lowland Swamp Coast

After examining the areas by logic, the cities had been ruled out, considering the GaalSien government didnt know much about Heavens Rim. The Lowland Swamp Coast was rulled out, considering it was a geographically unwise, and was prone to flooding. The Great GaalSine River was a possibility, but wasnt too close enough to any jungle like areas, so it would be a likely transportation for the terrorists.

This left only two main areas for Heavens Rim, The Inhospitable Swamp, and The Beechy Jungle.

Something caught the eye of the agents studying the photographs. The Inhospitable Swamp had a large dryer section in the middle. It seemed an unlikely place to put ANY kind of establishment, yet small dots could be seen in the photos. Perhaps it was a research facitlity, or perhaps, it was Heavens Rim.

In the meantime, spy sattelites began to search for all shapes that resembled Heavens Rim building. On a computer list, after some 48 hours of searching, there would be a total of 448 buildings that represented the general shape of Heavens Rim. 7 of them were located in the areas above. 2 of them were located in The Hospitible Swamp, and 1 of them in the Beechy Jungle.

In the meantime, as the search results poured in, the Max Ederson, the Federal Intelligence Agency agent in charge of the operation gave his next order after being told all the information:

"Focus on The Inhospitible Swamp. It seems strange to me that anyone would put an establishment in the center of it unless they wanted to research the swamp, hide the facility, and or restrict access to the facility.

Also send some teams to The Beechy Jungle. Its less suspicious, but we cant be too careful."

After he gave his orders, the directors continued on with the recon campaigns, but telling several fighters to focus on the Beechy Jungle, and The Inhospitible Swamp.

OOC: No picture has been given out on Heavens Rim AU...

And your forces haven't been granted access on the ground yet.
Austar Union
17-06-2004, 05:44
OOC: Yes there was... In the thread that IH made introducing Heavens Rim, there was a picture posted. ;)
Inner Heaven
19-06-2004, 17:07
OOC: So what? - If you was a SECRET incharacter to terrorist friends...meaning you wouldn't know


The people that knew had there organisations insignia placed on the thread. HH was one of them that tried to place himself in HR and i had call him up on it, and hes an ally.

Check the title - 'Announcement to Terrorist friends' - you aren't a terrorist :) - And you certainly aren't a friend :) IC that is :). The only friends that I had back there were

GLA Terrorists - Still active
Imperial Heaven - Hibernation
Immoral Heaven - Retired
Austar Union
20-06-2004, 19:49
OOC: Hmmm, riiiight. Well not putting secret IC is considered as a non-secret thing to me, but never-the-less, I can RP my way around this, and its been a good RP so far, so ill make a post sometime soon... Its not gonna be much different to the one above though :roll: Just wasted all that time writing a good RP section...
Austar Union
20-06-2004, 19:52
OOC: In fact, ill just copy and paste all the parts that are still relevant. Its still an OK RP piece...

In GaalSine Waters...

Admiral Hammersley stood on the flight deck of one of the carriers that were sent to the area. Turning to his XO, he breathed, "Well we're here now. Do we have any further orders?"

His XO looked over the document he had recieved from Command, "Well, just the usual sir. Im unsure of exactly what information we have on Heavens Rim itself. I hear they had given out a picture of the building. I suppose we are looking for that building..."

Hammersley nodded, "Yes, well we have permission to begin fly-overs immediatly, so I want some of our birds in the sky..."

The XO saluted, "Yes sir..."

Within minutes, some of the fighters were taking off, putting a total of 50 Harriers into the sky. Forming into squadrons, they turned a roared toward GaalSine. Once they reached the coast, they split up into individuals, and began to make searches for the infamous Heavens Rim.

The Searching Campaign

In the meantime, much further higher in the sky, U2 aircraft began taking snapshots of several suspect areas. Some areas were identified as possible locations, but were not released to the public.

These areas were known as:
- The Inhospitable Swamp
- The Great GaalSien River
- The Beechy Jungle
- Lowland Swamp Coast

After examining the areas by logic, the cities had been ruled out, considering the GaalSien government didnt know much about Heavens Rim. The Lowland Swamp Coast was rulled out, considering it was a geographically unwise, and was prone to flooding. The Great GaalSine River was a possibility, but wasnt too close enough to any jungle like areas, so it would be a likely transportation for the terrorists.

This left only two main areas for Heavens Rim, The Inhospitable Swamp, and The Beechy Jungle.

Something caught the eye of the agents studying the photographs. The Inhospitable Swamp had a large dryer section in the middle. It seemed an unlikely place to put ANY kind of establishment, yet small dots could be seen in the photos. Perhaps it was a research facitlity, or perhaps, it was Heavens Rim.


Max Ederson, the Federal Intelligence Agency agent in charge of the operation gave his next order after being told all the information:

"Focus on The Inhospitible Swamp. It seems strange to me that anyone would put an establishment in the center of it unless they wanted to research the swamp, hide the facility, and or restrict access to the facility.

Also send some teams to The Beechy Jungle once I get clearence from the GaalSine government. Its less suspicious, but we cant be too careful."

After he gave his orders, the directors continued on with the recon campaigns, but telling several fighters to focus on the Beechy Jungle, and The Inhospitible Swamp.
25-06-2004, 18:28
Imperial Senate

The Senate will grant access to 50 of your men to the locations you have specified. If you would care to share the information of your search plans, the Senate will give AU officials information on the areas.
Austar Union
26-06-2004, 09:34
"So, have the GaalSien government officially given us access to the areas?", asked Max Ederson.

"It appears so sir. They have also offered us the use of their information networks. All we have to do is give some information on the operations we will commence.", replied one of his leading advisors.

"Well,", replied Max smiling, "Dont give any information that would comprimise anything..."

The advisor nodded, and walked out of the room.

To: The GaalSien Senate

We thank you for your assistance in these matters. What we are looking for is the infamous Heavens Rim. We have some information that it is located in The Inhospitable Swamp, or the Beechy Jungle. We would require any information you have on these two areas, and of any maps you have.

Thankyou again for your assistance.