NationStates Jolt Archive

War with the Holy Family

04-06-2004, 00:14
It has been brought to my attention you were attempting something in my region. you have been thrown out and now i would like to go to war. u dont have to fight back ill just destroy you. if u do fight back. ill destroy you anyway. my military is top notch and the rest of my region has my back too. so ur goin to war with 18 countries buddy. u picked the wrong region to mess with.
Jimmy and The Doors
04-06-2004, 01:57
anybody else may join in this war. anybody either on my side or an ally of the holy family.
The God Falltothzu
04-06-2004, 02:10
I will join my comrades in combat.
The Fedral Union
04-06-2004, 02:48
Ok what did he do to your region witch warrents war ? exacly ?
Holy Family
04-06-2004, 04:14
I have no idea what i supposedly did wrong. I have asked members of his region to join an allaince of mine but that is not an act of war. If he wishes to go to war though, by what means i have no idea i will gladly go, i hope the international community sees this as what it unprovoked war declaration.....From a region of such loyal UN members this seems strange to fight over such stupidy as me trying to recruit for an allaince. That is not wrong. The whole reason i am in ur region is because you and my alliance commander had sent me to be an ambassador....he has told me he doesn't know what is going on and would like a report from one of them.
04-06-2004, 04:17
What is the meaning of this? This is an outrage. We had an allaince worked out. I even told you that if there were problems with the ambassador to let me know. War is never is answer expecially with out trying to prevent it first. What is going on? If an attacks are made before diplomatic talks are made i will be forced to act with the help of my allaince. I do not want to do this. What happened?

Supreme Commander of the Alliance of FATUN

General Jason Montesh
04-06-2004, 04:32
If the Holy Family does go to war, these acusations does not seem very qualificational for war, let alone even addressing this in public.

If war does erupt, the Truittian Armed Forces will be mroe than likely to aid the Holy Family in anyway it can.
04-06-2004, 22:28
04-06-2004, 22:28
Thank you kind sir,

The Holy Familys leaders are thankful, along with me his commander in our alliance. As i have said in earlier post. I hope to negotiate a truce. I have not yet heard from the agressors yet though. We would be glad for your assistance shall it become neccsacary. We will remeber this jesture if you ever are in need thank you.

War is not the answer to this.
04-06-2004, 22:28
Thank you kind sir,

The Holy Familys leaders are thankful, along with me his commander in our alliance. As i have said in earlier post. I hope to negotiate a truce. I have not yet heard from the agressors yet though. We would be glad for your assistance shall it become neccsacary. We will remeber this jesture if you ever are in need thank you.

War is not the answer to this.
04-06-2004, 22:32
Yo,lumpy.If he ignored you thats tough for you,you can't simply "destroy" a nation if they don't fight back,so if he chooses to ignore you,you technically can't do shit.
The Smelly One
06-06-2004, 03:48
Holy Family also said that they did not like something one of are nations said and so this fight is occuring. So what you disagreed but who cares i am against the holy Family and what they syand for and will do all to help i can.
The Fedral Union
06-06-2004, 04:07
Hmm ok if you attack the holy faimly with out a reason you will come face to face with me even though im some what of an athist i still dont like people who bully others for no reason .
The Smelly One
09-06-2004, 03:22
The Federal Union must die!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :twisted:
09-06-2004, 03:36
the republic of sisig, a member of the United Nations,

1) deplores the declaration of war, and
2) in the event of hostilities, will
3) side with the holy family, and
4) asks the concerned parties to consider negotiations.

let's sort this out, war can get ugly...