1 Billon Citizens Celebration
Celebration breaks out on the streets of every town, city, and village in Kanabia. The news is official- The government reports the birth of its one billionth citizen.
Allied heads of state and those from other nations we are diplomatically close to are officially invited to a celebratory dinner to be held in the State Theatre of Kanabia.
Meanwhile, the population are granted a weeks holiday, and sporting events and other celebratory events are to mark this historic time in our national history.
03-06-2004, 06:44
It's okay little guy, just keep practicing and you're sure to get better.
Euca Sol
03-06-2004, 06:45
So what are you going to do with the 1,000,000,000th citizen? Make him/her famous?
03-06-2004, 06:55
Execute them. Then you can celebrate tomorrow, too.
It's okay little guy, just keep practicing and you're sure to get better.
LOL. Well I have more posts than you, so nyah :P
So what are you going to do with the 1,000,000,000th citizen? Make him/her famous?
Oh, they will enjoy 15 minutes of fame, then I am sure that they will be mostly forgotten about, apart from entries here and there into the national history records. Of course, its something they can be proud of.
Execute them. Then you can celebrate tomorrow, too.
The official response to this idea is: "Have you sought counselling?"
The Lands of Alex
03-06-2004, 07:26
"We congradulate Kanabia on this achievment."
-President Philli[ Yapan
The Lands of Alex
03-06-2004, 07:27
"We congradulate Kanabia on this achievment."
-President Phillip Yapan
Penpusher Confederacy
03-06-2004, 08:12
6 months on this game just to get 1 billion citizens? DAMN
03-06-2004, 10:25
Technocracia also wishes Kanabia best of the luck for the future and hope that they will continue to expand.
Hattia sends it's congratulations to Kanabia and the parents of the 1,000,000,000th child.