"The Hermitage" Peace Accords
Peace talks between FWS and Mobutoland will begin soon at President Hendrik Rhode's summer estate "The Hermitage" in White Western Province.
The estate encompasses 8,000 acres and 5 buildings. One of the buildings is a conference center, another is a private bar, another is a garage, and the main building is the 57,000 sq foot mansion.
FWS has stated their main objective at the conference will be assuring continued peace between FWS and Mobutoland.
Also they will be attempting to make sure the Mobuto government is willing and able to stop militants in their nation from crossing the FWS border and attacking FWS commercial farmers in White Western Province.
Several (real) weeks ago, FWS built a large concrete wall all along the FWS-Mobuto border. Complete with artillery pits, machine gun nests, minefields etc... The wall stopped virtually all cross border raids by militants, but the new raids were conducted by militants who managed to find abandoned coal mines that went under the border... All such mines have since been collapsed by FWS Defense Forces.
Mobutoland has several main points of contention with FWS.
1) When your army advanced into our land, about 4 million armed Fascian Settlers accompanied them, and they have yet to leave. We would like them to pack up and leave Mobutoland.
2) Your army destroyed or damaged virtually every bridge in Mobutoland. While we know that you're currently rebuilding them, we ask you use C-130s and other cargo planes to provide our nation with vital food supplies.
3) As you realize that about 96% of our imports are either from you or pass through your nation. Also about 95% of our exports are either to you or pass through your nation... Well as you realize that, we ask that you see to it that the fact of the bridges being out does not disrupt the flow of imports and exports. We ask you to use your merchant marine and your cargo planes.
4) We ask that your nation allow us to produce 25% more oil. The price per barrel will drop, but only to about $29 per barrel. We know you wanted $35 per barrel, but we need to sell more oil.
5) We ask that you help rebuild South Victoria. While this is not related to the war or any conflict, you destroyed the city to contain the spread of some virus; we're not sure what the virus was though. 1.5 million infected civilians died when the city was destroyed. Also about 500,000 uninfected civilians died. 300,000 Mobuto soldiers also died. We are thankful however that you sent 100,000 of your soldiers to help evacuate all you could (About 2.5 million) before the city was destroyed. We realize our army performed poorly and instead of helping the citizens, they started looting and pillaging against their own countrymen. We ask you help us train our soldiers to be disciplined fighters like your soldiers are.
Mobutoland has several main points of contention with FWS.
1) When your army advanced into our land, about 4 million armed Fascian Settlers accompanied them, and they have yet to leave. We would like them to pack up and leave Mobutoland.
2) Your army destroyed or damaged virtually every bridge in Mobutoland. While we know that you're currently rebuilding them, we ask you use C-130s and other cargo planes to provide our nation with vital food supplies.
3) As you realize that about 96% of our imports are either from you or pass through your nation. Also about 95% of our exports are either to you or pass through your nation... Well as you realize that, we ask that you see to it that the fact of the bridges being out does not disrupt the flow of imports and exports. We ask you to use your merchant marine and your cargo planes.
4) We ask that your nation allow us to produce 25% more oil. The price per barrel will drop, but only to about $29 per barrel. We know you wanted $35 per barrel, but we need to sell more oil.
5) We ask that you help rebuild South Victoria. While this is not related to the war or any conflict, you destroyed the city to contain the spread of some virus; we're not sure what the virus was though. 1.5 million infected civilians died when the city was destroyed. Also about 500,000 uninfected civilians died. 300,000 Mobuto soldiers also died. We are thankful however that you sent 100,000 of your soldiers to help evacuate all you could (About 2.5 million) before the city was destroyed. We realize our army performed poorly and instead of helping the citizens, they started looting and pillaging against their own countrymen. We ask you help us train our soldiers to be disciplined fighters like your soldiers are.
We can do all that you ask. We will see to it immediately that all Settlers are informed if they do not immediately make preparations to leave, they will be in violation of FWS law.
FWS would like to confirm that we are allowed to keep the 300 billion in gold reserves that we confiscated from your nation as a form of getting back money that you cost us by stealing oil and selling too much oild.
We hope you let us keep it because we already spent it a day or so ago on aircraft.
FWS would like to confirm that we are allowed to keep the 300 billion in gold reserves that we confiscated from your nation as a form of getting back money that you cost us by stealing oil and selling too much oild.
We hope you let us keep it because we already spent it a day or so ago on aircraft.
We wronged you by stealing your oil, and by cheating on the agreement and selling more than we said we would. Therefore, you may keep the gold, consider it our reparations to you. We would however like to inquire about having FWS Defense Corporation produce for us a number of Su-25s, MiG-29s, MiG-31s, and Elephant T/A Helicopters (heavily upgraded Mi-24s)... Because your paratroopers confiscated all of our military aircraft as they landed on our airbases.
We would like 1,000 MiG-29s. 500 MiG-31s. 300 Su-25s, and 1,500 Elephant T/A Helicopters.
We thank you for agreeing to our earlier terms, and for agreeing to see the settlers move back into FWS.
We thank you for agreeing to our earlier terms, and for agreeing to see the settlers move back into FWS.
We will help rebuild your shattered air force. Also we will provide you with several hundred SA-26 Monsoon Mobile SAM Launchers.