03-06-2004, 04:52
OOC note, IMPORTANT: This is an opinion poll, not an electoral poll. The votes above will be used to judge international opinion. The polls will be open for about a day or two.
First Minister Dettaine has resigned his post and retired from politics following the death of the Cenobriach. The Empire is now on the hunt for a new First Minister, who will become the head of government.
The Candidates;
Premier Elgiva Vattyen
Current position; Premier of the House of Deputies.
International Relations (IR) stance: Isolationist
Position on Civil Rights: Civil rights should be "Very Good" at the least
Position on Political Rights: Political rights should be increased; democracy should be restored [OOC note: this would happen as soon as the issue "Restore democracy" comes up... does anyone know if it's possible to request specific issues?]
Position on the House of Representatives: The Reps should be re-opened
Position on Advanced Technology Program (ATP): The program should be accelerated
Position on Economy: The economy should be strengthened, but capitalism is immoral
Position on Military: the military should be orientated towards defence
Position on Religion: Religious freedom is a right, not a privilege
Position on Rotovia: Favourable-Neutral standpoint. Closer ties should be developed if feasible
Level of Support: Moderate support in the House of Lords, full support of the House of Deputies
Public opinion; reasonable approval ratings (about 65%)
Bishop Serpens Aldir
Current position; Minister for External Affairs.
IR stance: Internationalist
Position on Civil Rights: A level of "Good" is sufficient
Position on Political Rights: Current levels are satisfactory.
Position on the House of Representatives: The Reps should be permanently dissolved.
Position on ATP: The program should continue at the current rate
Position on Economy: The economy should be strengthened, but capitalism is the work of the devil and should be made treason.
Position on Military: the military should be orientated towards overseas intervention
Position on Religion: Religious freedom should be discouraged.
Position on Rotovia: Unfavourable-Neutral standpoint; Current diplomatic engagement is best.
Level of Support: Moderate support in the House of Lords, no support in the House of Deputies
Public Opinion: moderate approval ratings (about 50%)
Deacon Makor Arsuelt
Current position; Seated Lord, M.P.
IR stance: Imperialist
Position on Civil Rights: A level of "Good" is too high
Position on Political Rights: The government needs to exercise greater control.
Position on the House of Representatives: The Reps should be permanently dissolved.
Position on ATP: The program should continue at the current rate
Position on Economy: The economy should be strengthened, by any means necessary (Secret IC: including the introduction of slavery).
Position on Military: the military should be orientated towards expansion
Position on Religion: Religious freedom should be banned.
Position on Rotovia: Neutral standpoint; Current diplomatic engagement is best.
Level of Support: Very low support in the House of Lords, no support in the House of Deputies; Church is opposed on the economic issues, but has no direct influence.
Public Opinion: bad approval ratings (about 5%)
First Minister Dettaine has resigned his post and retired from politics following the death of the Cenobriach. The Empire is now on the hunt for a new First Minister, who will become the head of government.
The Candidates;
Premier Elgiva Vattyen
Current position; Premier of the House of Deputies.
International Relations (IR) stance: Isolationist
Position on Civil Rights: Civil rights should be "Very Good" at the least
Position on Political Rights: Political rights should be increased; democracy should be restored [OOC note: this would happen as soon as the issue "Restore democracy" comes up... does anyone know if it's possible to request specific issues?]
Position on the House of Representatives: The Reps should be re-opened
Position on Advanced Technology Program (ATP): The program should be accelerated
Position on Economy: The economy should be strengthened, but capitalism is immoral
Position on Military: the military should be orientated towards defence
Position on Religion: Religious freedom is a right, not a privilege
Position on Rotovia: Favourable-Neutral standpoint. Closer ties should be developed if feasible
Level of Support: Moderate support in the House of Lords, full support of the House of Deputies
Public opinion; reasonable approval ratings (about 65%)
Bishop Serpens Aldir
Current position; Minister for External Affairs.
IR stance: Internationalist
Position on Civil Rights: A level of "Good" is sufficient
Position on Political Rights: Current levels are satisfactory.
Position on the House of Representatives: The Reps should be permanently dissolved.
Position on ATP: The program should continue at the current rate
Position on Economy: The economy should be strengthened, but capitalism is the work of the devil and should be made treason.
Position on Military: the military should be orientated towards overseas intervention
Position on Religion: Religious freedom should be discouraged.
Position on Rotovia: Unfavourable-Neutral standpoint; Current diplomatic engagement is best.
Level of Support: Moderate support in the House of Lords, no support in the House of Deputies
Public Opinion: moderate approval ratings (about 50%)
Deacon Makor Arsuelt
Current position; Seated Lord, M.P.
IR stance: Imperialist
Position on Civil Rights: A level of "Good" is too high
Position on Political Rights: The government needs to exercise greater control.
Position on the House of Representatives: The Reps should be permanently dissolved.
Position on ATP: The program should continue at the current rate
Position on Economy: The economy should be strengthened, by any means necessary (Secret IC: including the introduction of slavery).
Position on Military: the military should be orientated towards expansion
Position on Religion: Religious freedom should be banned.
Position on Rotovia: Neutral standpoint; Current diplomatic engagement is best.
Level of Support: Very low support in the House of Lords, no support in the House of Deputies; Church is opposed on the economic issues, but has no direct influence.
Public Opinion: bad approval ratings (about 5%)