NationStates Jolt Archive

Elections for First Minister

03-06-2004, 04:52
OOC note, IMPORTANT: This is an opinion poll, not an electoral poll. The votes above will be used to judge international opinion. The polls will be open for about a day or two.

First Minister Dettaine has resigned his post and retired from politics following the death of the Cenobriach. The Empire is now on the hunt for a new First Minister, who will become the head of government.

The Candidates;

Premier Elgiva Vattyen
Current position; Premier of the House of Deputies.
International Relations (IR) stance: Isolationist
Position on Civil Rights: Civil rights should be "Very Good" at the least
Position on Political Rights: Political rights should be increased; democracy should be restored [OOC note: this would happen as soon as the issue "Restore democracy" comes up... does anyone know if it's possible to request specific issues?]
Position on the House of Representatives: The Reps should be re-opened
Position on Advanced Technology Program (ATP): The program should be accelerated
Position on Economy: The economy should be strengthened, but capitalism is immoral
Position on Military: the military should be orientated towards defence
Position on Religion: Religious freedom is a right, not a privilege
Position on Rotovia: Favourable-Neutral standpoint. Closer ties should be developed if feasible
Level of Support: Moderate support in the House of Lords, full support of the House of Deputies
Public opinion; reasonable approval ratings (about 65%)

Bishop Serpens Aldir
Current position; Minister for External Affairs.
IR stance: Internationalist
Position on Civil Rights: A level of "Good" is sufficient
Position on Political Rights: Current levels are satisfactory.
Position on the House of Representatives: The Reps should be permanently dissolved.
Position on ATP: The program should continue at the current rate
Position on Economy: The economy should be strengthened, but capitalism is the work of the devil and should be made treason.
Position on Military: the military should be orientated towards overseas intervention
Position on Religion: Religious freedom should be discouraged.
Position on Rotovia: Unfavourable-Neutral standpoint; Current diplomatic engagement is best.
Level of Support: Moderate support in the House of Lords, no support in the House of Deputies
Public Opinion: moderate approval ratings (about 50%)

Deacon Makor Arsuelt
Current position; Seated Lord, M.P.
IR stance: Imperialist
Position on Civil Rights: A level of "Good" is too high
Position on Political Rights: The government needs to exercise greater control.
Position on the House of Representatives: The Reps should be permanently dissolved.
Position on ATP: The program should continue at the current rate
Position on Economy: The economy should be strengthened, by any means necessary (Secret IC: including the introduction of slavery).
Position on Military: the military should be orientated towards expansion
Position on Religion: Religious freedom should be banned.
Position on Rotovia: Neutral standpoint; Current diplomatic engagement is best.
Level of Support: Very low support in the House of Lords, no support in the House of Deputies; Church is opposed on the economic issues, but has no direct influence.
Public Opinion: bad approval ratings (about 5%)
03-06-2004, 05:19
03-06-2004, 09:36
03-06-2004, 10:19
OOC: Yeh i need the restore democracy issue too! My country's stuck as a bloody dictatorship and it's annoying! Does anyone know how to make issues come up or anything like that? Because my description still says im ruled by the department of defence and don't care about social welfare. Damn issues :x
03-06-2004, 12:53
OOC: Welcome to my world Technocracia, although I'm getting the social caring thing happening...
03-06-2004, 12:58
OOC: Yay, I'm an election issue. Go me. 8)
04-06-2004, 06:58
OOC: The results are about what I expected.
Just repeating; does anyone know if it's possible to request issues, or do we just sit around hoping in vain that the one we're after pops up?


Issued by Decree of the Regent Alessandro Perez, formerly Archnoble of the House of Lords, made available to the public domestic and foreign by MNB News.

Let it be known, that the Lords Spiritual and Temporal, and Deputies, in Parliament assembled, have called for one of their number to come forward and take up the burden of First Minister.

Let it be known that before the Lords Spiritual and Temporal, and Deputies, in Parliament assembled, one among us came forward and was chosen to stand forward and be first among us as First Minister.

Let it be known that her name is Dame Elgiva of the House of Vattyen, formerly Premier of the House of Deputies.

The House of Lords Spiritual and Temporal will now meet in their chamber to choose one among their number to become the next leader of that house and take up the burden and the title of Archnoble.

The House of Deputies will now meet in their chamber to choose one among their number to become leader of that house and take up the burden and title of the Premier.

When these offices are filled, the Lords Spiritual and Temporal, and Deputies, and the Synod of Our Holy Mother Church shall meet in the Imperial Assembly and select from among the Empire the one who shall stand before God to be our next Cenobriach.