War upon CF. open rp
Imperial Brits
02-06-2004, 00:31
OOC: This has nothing to do with the UTA and TFU I am just really bored.
IC: The fleet awaiting inside subspace was preparing to move into normal space, their targets would be a complete surprise to the galactic community. The Shivan menace had been growing in power over the past millennia and now it was time to strike. The policy of Xenocide would be fulfilled.
The battleships awaiting to attack within subspace was the ISJ Shelflife (Sathanas Class),
ISJ Reverence (Lucifer class) and the ISJ Manticore (Sathanas) class. The vessels hovering inside subspace received the command to attack. They quickly moved into real space time and exited subspace above orbit of the CF colonies Stalin and Kruschev. The manticore was above Stalin while the Reverence and shelflife were in orbit of the moon Kruschev. Death would be quick for the enemy.
The attack was a surprise, below the vast vessels the blue haze of a subspace gateway could be seen from the moons surface. Those civilians that looked up would be curious but not afraid after all they were in a protected system, nothing could harm them.
The weapons charged upon the Shivan vessels while the small CF military presence struggled to deal with the shock of what was occurring. The forward beam and flux cannons were charged, the ships opened fire on the defenceless civilians and miners. The searing red and blue beams scathed the cities out of existence, throwing dust and matter into the atmosphere which could cause an ice age. The Shivan vessels shook with mighty power they were unleashing, each and every death was a victory for the empire. This would bring much honour and reverence to the black blood clan within the greater empire.
Central Facehuggeria
02-06-2004, 01:04
It took a few days for news of the destruction to reach the CF fleet. This was a hostile act of war, and would be met in kind. Of course, for that to happen, the mighty CF fleet would know where to strike.
The first stop logically, was the area where the attacks had taken place.
Confident that the Vigiliance platform could defend the nation against any enemy attack, A signifigant expeditionary force made ready to depart.
This force included the magnificent CFV Slayer, Ten dreadnoughts, fifteen destroyers, and twenty five Heavy Cruisers. Each of these ships was fully provisioned, filled to the max with fighters and bombers, ready to destroy the enemy that had so blatently attacked them.
In unison, they activated their Xenium Implosion Reactors, and disappeared into the bizzare realm of quasi-space. Ten hours later, although to the crew it only appeared that a heartbeat had passed, the fleet emerged in the system. Scanning the area with long range sensors, the began looking out for enemy forces, their shields and weapons armed and ready.
OOC: I hope this doesn't double post.
Imperial Brits
02-06-2004, 13:59
The Shivan vessels had long entered subspace before the arrival of reinforcements. They had left behind two moons with what now could be compared to as hell. The Shivan assault fleet remained in subspace guarding the home sector, watching and waiting to strike the CF foe. A small cloaked sensor bhouy remained in the system transmitting telemitry to the Shivans in subspace.
The Shivan fleet now massing in sub Spacial sector 4, was soon to strike the CF forces. The enemy still unaware of who their foe was would soon come upon a survivor who had been left in an escape pod to warn their nation of the horrors to come. The survivor having his legs, arms and eyes removed while conscious and being fed pain inhancing drugs was floating in the void above his now destryed moons. The shivans responsible for this act were now admiring their first terran prizes aboard their ships. (The guy is still alive his wounds etc etc were closed and all that before he was left in the pod)
The cloaked sensor bhouy detected the CF presence upon entering the system. They were battle ready, prepared for an attack, but is it enough.
The Shivans were hoping that the CF forces would fall for the trap. The lone survivor was only bait, that would bring the enemy fleet in range of the moons. Little did the enemy know that the Shivans had drilled down to the core of the moons and placed over 30 Fusion bombs in each, ready to split the moon in half and cripple the enemy fleet. The drill holes created by the beam cannons from orbit would be undetectable due to the mass bombardement the moons had already recieved. The loss to the CF forces would allow a large scale military campaign, possibly one that the Shvans could win.
Lessr Tsurani
02-06-2004, 14:32
OOc Um, Not wanting to join but just asking. You say at the top of the page that you must be invited, but In the tital it says open RP. Isn't that contadictory?
Imperial Brits
02-06-2004, 14:37
i had it closed at the start, but i decided to change it. forgot about the bit at the start. But id dont want to many people attacking me.
Imperial Brits
02-06-2004, 21:53
Central Facehuggeria
02-06-2004, 22:57
OOC: Sorry, but I didn't have time to find this topic earlier this morning.
OOC2: It would really suck if this double posted. :(
Fleet Admiral Mertens looked out at the glittering balls of scorched moon. They were both gone completely. "Signal the fleet. Tell the Dessicator, the Baron, and the Elysium to move in and scan the moons. I want to know what happened." Mertens said in a barking, authoritarian tone of voice. (OOC: 2 Dreadnoughts, 1 Heavy Cruiser)
"Sir? If we pooled the entire fleet's sensor systems, we could scan the area in a much shorter period of time." A young member of the bridge staff said. Being on the Slayer was a fast track to advancement, and precieved intiative is often rewarded. But not today.
"Yes, that is certainly true. But I'd rather not go risking the entire fleet. What if the enemy is cloaked, just waiting for us to lower shields and get close to the planet? What if they're waiting in hyperspace or even the other side of the moons, ready to strike? No son, I didn't get to be a fleet admiral by taking risks like that. Now it's more likely that there is nothing there, and that the opposing party has already fled. But I will not fall prey to unsupported assumptions! Do I make myself clear, Petty Officer!?" Mertens retorted.
The three CF ships dispatched to scan the moons for any sort of life activated their engines and moved towards the moons, their powerful sensors probing the moons and surrounding abyss for anything important. Especially lifesigns.
Meanwhile on the Slayer;
"Admiral Mertens sir! We're picking up a single escape pod. Its beacon is damaged and transmitting intermittedly. Power appears to be fading!" The sensor operator said, exclaiming his surprise. "I'll surely be rewarded for finding it first!" he thought to himself.
"Well, send out an avatar to bring it back in! I want to find out what went on here!" Mertens replied.
"Aye sir!" The sensor manager replied.
A single Avatar class transport (small, 50 meters) emerged from the cavernous landing bay of the Slayer. Moving with great haste, it approached the lone escape pod.
Grappeling it with a magnetic towline, the Avatar began to return to the ship from whence it came...
Imperial Brits
02-06-2004, 23:51
The Cloaked probe registered the escape pod being realed in. Soon it would be time to strike.
Central Facehuggeria
03-06-2004, 00:27
The Slayer, along with the rest of the fleet (minus the three ships scanning the moons), stayed well away from the moons. The Admiral was being his usual overcautious self. He still expected the enemy to attack from the other side of the moons.
The Avatar transport landed inside the extremely well armored main landing bay of the Slayer. Elite troopers inside combat powersuits leveled their rifles at the escape pod's door, not knowing exactly what to expect.
They popped the door off of the pod, and looked on in horror at the status of the man inside the pod. He was alive, barely. But his eyes, and most of his non-vital organs were missing.
"We need a medic here! Stat!" One of the Sargents yelled into his personal transmitter.
Within moments, a medical team had arrived, and after gaping at the man's wounds for a few moments, carted him off to the medical bay.
"Do you think he'll make it, Sarge?" One of the privates asked.
"He was in a lot of pain, but there didn't appear to be permanent damage, unless you count the lack of arms and legs. Those were cut out with the skill of a surgeon. A very sick and demented surgeon mind you, but that still took skill. The docs'll get him some clone parts. He shouldn't be in too much danger." The Sarge replied.
Another shivan fleet entered spacial sector 4 this fleet containeda lucifer the SSD Agonizer ANd the ucifer SSD Moloch there were also 4 ravannas and 10 molochsthen a ship that dwarfed even the sathaniss arrived it was Ekardia's Hand a Diablo class ship that there were only three of
ooc here are the diablo's stats
30 klicks long
4 superlasers
5 big beam cannons
175 beam turrents
750 laasers
180 AAA beam turrents
225 flak cannons
125 missle launchrs
10 gravity well projectors
35 tractor beams
1,200 fighters
DESC command
"Grand Admiral we have some worring news" a Admiral reported
"what is it?" he replyed
"there was an attack on CF" she replyed
"what! who?"
"unknown but what we do know is there powerful"
"send the 5th Battlefleet" the Grand Admiral looked down at other reports, it had not been a good year for the Empire but now an ally.
CF/DE Border:
the 5th fleet was gathering it ahd to wait for permission to enter CF space, it would be a few more hours befor the whole feet was ready.
DESC Sith (ravanos class)
"ETA of the fleet?" the admiral asked
"just the Anarundak and the Frigates" the Tactical officer replyed "about half an hour"
"good get the the message to CF space command tell them that the 5th is ready if they need us" the admiral sead truning ti the comm officer
"aye sir" she replyed
the build up of the 5th could be seen as an act of agression but as long as CF got the message it would be ok.
it was some time since the DESC had gathered a large fleet near the borders but it was needed, they new that the CF space force could handle them selves but it was all way nice to know that you had some more ship to yse.
5th battlefleet:
1 Ravanos Class Heavy Cruiser
1 Emperor Class Battleship
1 Akiran Class Battleship
1 Nova Class Carrier
2 Manson Class Dreadnoughts
1 Anarundak Class Dreadnought
3 Tigerclaw Class Destroyers
2 Nothen Class Destroyers
1 Knight Class Battle Cruiser
6 Loki Class Frigates
15 Lifeless Class Corvettes
5 She'Klan Class Corvettes
4 more ravannas10 demons and15 rakashas entered the area making the shivan fleet even larger
Imperial Brits
03-06-2004, 11:09
The cloaked probe suddenly decloaked and realesed the command codes for the moons to be destroyed. The signal being all to apparent to the CF forces descended to the planets surface. The Fusion bombs recieved the signal and the detonation process begun. A vast power build up within the bombs was detectable from the CF vessels, however it was too late the process was complete in the time of three seconds, the bombs erupted in an explosion of fury, sending fast chunks of rock and matter in all directions. The close proximity of the CF ships did not bode well for them.
The now uncloaked proble descended back into subspace soon to reappear once the danger of the moons had passed.
The shivan fleet waiting in subspace was contacted by the way probe. The last locations of hte CF fleet was given and the fleet descended back into subspace. It would only take twenty seconds but that would be enough time for the explosion to bypass their cordinates. If the CF vessels survived the detonation of the moons they would not survive the Shivan fleet.
The probe moved back into real space, recloaked and emitted a dampening field, to prevent the CF forces escaping.
commander T'vachi aboard Ekardia's Hand gave the order to jump into cf space the diablo 2 lucifers 8 ravannas 10 demons 10 molochs and 15 rakashas departed the rendevous point.
As soon as thy entered theybegan scanning the area the bombs had destroyed three ships
"Deploy the fighters" ordered T'Vachi
"Plot a course for the Slayer lets destroy them all"
Central Facehuggeria
03-06-2004, 11:23
OOC: My hyperspace technology isn't affected by dampning fields.
IC: The Elysium was vaporized instantly, for the smaller battlecruiser was quite close to the exploding moons. The Dessicator was also destroyed by the blast. But the Baron managed to survive. The ship was signifigantly damaged, but it would survive.
On board the Slayer, the admiral was cursing. "Damn it! I knew there was something up with this! Why didn't I see it before!? I thought the enemy fleet would be waiting. Those lil buggers left a boobytrap on our moons! I will find them and kill them to the last man!" He said, agitated in the extreme.
"Sir! Long range sensors are picking up an enemy fleet! I think they're here!" The sensor operator said, startled by the sudden "ping" of the sensors.
"Charge all weapons, bring us about! I want a firing solution that has the heavy hitters, the main guns of the dreadnoughts firing first. Coordinate with the fleet and get it done!" Mertens yelled, accustomed to giving out orders in the heat of battle.
The Dreadnoughts formed up, and began charging their main weapons.
Species 1
03-06-2004, 11:58
Imperial Brits
03-06-2004, 13:01
OOC: CF your tg's
The entire Shivan fleet remained outside what was now an asteroid field except for one vessel. The Sj Lucifer began moving at it's maximum sub light speeds, a crawl to most warships however it was intent on doing the job itself. It fired it's collossul flux cannons tearing asteroids apart the size of great britain moving them out of the way.
The Lucifer was closing in. Just outside weapons range a communication was sent (In text form as Shivan language is to complex for a translator)
"You will resist to your last. Everyone of you will fall to your last. We are your masters, we are the destroyers."
The Lucifer then powered up it's engines once again ready for combat.
The 122 Cadian
03-06-2004, 13:27
Can I join in?
Imperial Brits
03-06-2004, 14:15
OOC: Sure why not, however i must warn you that this is xenocide. Join in at your own peril as i dont want you to come crying or scream godmode is a few moons or planets get blown up. But hey why not. I assume you will be on the side of the good guys (CF) Post your fleet stats and what your sending to help him. Remember this rp is IC so what happens to you reall happens.
Imperial Brits
03-06-2004, 14:16
double post
The 122 Cadian
03-06-2004, 15:02
Hell no, I'm on your side.
Imperial Brits
03-06-2004, 15:14
check your tg's for my msn adress so we can discuss tactics.
OOC: Mind if i join on CF's side to balance it up 3 vs 3?
Imperial Brits
03-06-2004, 15:20
ok. you can join
OOC: Many thanks.
A single heavily cloaked Skether'qan class scout ship drifts past the space battle, gathering data, before suddenly decloaking and warp-diving back towards Waystation Alpha, and the waiting 1st T'Au battlegroup.
<Encrypted Droid Transmission>
To: CF fleet, CorpSac ships
From: Aun'O I'Shi
As ethereal in command of the 1st T'Au battlegroup i must inform you that our assistance is en route. My own battlegroup, plus further 3rd and 4th battlegroups will arrive within the next two hours.
<End Transmission>
<Near Waystation Alpha, Tau-space>
As one, the ships of the 1st Battlegroup slipped into warp-dive formation, ready to arrive firing. Railguns and burst cannons fired test salvos, and mass drivers were tripled checked for ammunition faults. The T'Au were going to war to protect the foolish Gue'La.
<Forces Deployed>
Sa'Cea Gal'Leath Mont'Ka - Gal'Leath class battleship
Sa'Cea Lar'Shi Y'Elti - Lar'Shi class cruiser
Sa'Cea Lar'Shi Vior'la - Lar'Shi class cruiser
Tau'N Il'Fannor Ur'akym - Il'Fannor Ke'lshan class cruiser
Tau'N Il'Fannor A'proh - I'l Fannor Dal'yth class cruiser
8 x Kor'ui light cruisers
12 x Kir'qath frigates
8 x Kir'la frigates
6 x Kass'l frigates
12 x Kir'vre corvettes
Imperial Brits
03-06-2004, 15:40
OOC: I would ask CF if you can enter his space first before you send a big fleet. His armed forces are on high alert and you never know you might be mistaken for me. I would stop your fleet outside his space before entering, or he might take it badly.
OOC: that reminds me
To: CF space command
we have the 5th fleet along the CF/DE borders, we have seen an attack apon you and as we speak the DESC is getting the 6th and 7th battlefleets and the 1st carrier fleet ready, we ask if we can enter your space to help fight of this threat.
Across the Dark Empire, system defences were on high alert, scanning for all known forms of FTL traval and ativating the FTLi's. Planetary weapons were ative Fighters on full alert.
the Defence fleets dubbled there Patrols and battlefeets were amassing across DE space.
this is mainly for IB if he ever attacks me:
Empire Size:
System names:
2nd Homeworld (2 Colonised planets, 6 mining moons, 1 gas giant, 2 astroid belts)
Manta (3 Colonised planets, 4 mining moons1 gas giant, 2 astroid belts)
Mechlon (2 Colonised planets, 1 Research planet,4 mining moons, 1 astroid belts)
Sol II (6 colonised planets, 2 trade world, 1 mining moon, 3 gas giant, 1 astroid belts)
Core (4 Colonised planets, 8 mining moons 5 gas giant)
Mavric (1 colonised planets, 4 mining moon, 6 gas giant, 3 astroid belts)
Outpost system names (all have a milltary outpost):
Macross (mining base)
Maric (refuel sation, Resurply station, mining base)
Ravanos (Mining base)
Dilgar (research outpost)
Mencing (Resurply station)
Trill (Prison Planet, Research Outpost)
Alpha Ra (mining Base, Intel station)
Golden (major Trade sation)
DESC shipyard systems:
Lexington base
the shipyard systems and colonised systems are well protected (2nd homeworld the most)
Imperial Brits
03-06-2004, 17:23
The Shivan fllet dealing with CF was only half of the forces, the next part was to prevent any fortunate aid from reaching the CF navy.
In the depths of subspace a smaller but equaly powerfull fleet was heading to complete phase two of the plan. CF and the dark empire were know to be close allies, too close for the Shivans, The Dark empire must be put on the defensive in order to the war against CF to be completed.
The Shivan warships had reached their final cordinates, their subspace drives activated pudhing themselves back into real space time. The Shivan fleet arrived in the system of Maric owned by the Dark empire. Soon to no longer exist. The fleet consisting of 4 Sathanas warships, 8Ravana destroyers and 5 Demon destroyers hovered around the sun of this small yet important system.
Unknown to the now highly alert Empire forces was that the fleet was not just doing nothing. Each vessel was emitting highly focused subspace wave emissions with the end goal of destabilising the sun. All the ships would need is eight minutes for them to complete their work.
"how long till we fire on them" said T'vachi
"we will be able to fire in 5 minutes"
"Excellent, we will engage the Slayer it wont take long to destroy them the rest of the fleet will engage his other ships"
The Diablo continued its approach to the Slayer
occ the 112 cadian do you have msn whats your address same reason as IB
OOC: IB, do you still have lucifer by my planet?
Imperial Brits
03-06-2004, 18:19
OOC: No however my little vassel i have 3 space stations that are now in place. Sorry fo rnot letting you know earlier. They will be removed when your time is up. SO NO REVOLTING.
If the need for war arose would I be able to go to war?
Imperial Brits
03-06-2004, 18:26
Cam III do you have msn if you do my address is wardventure1@aol.com. we can talk there. also CF and corpsac that's for you as well I would like to talk to you guys about the war. If you dont have it Cam III then get it.
The Shivan fllet dealing with CF was only half of the forces, the next part was to prevent any fortunate aid from reaching the CF navy.
In the depths of subspace a smaller but equaly powerfull fleet was heading to complete phase two of the plan. CF and the dark empire were know to be close allies, too close for the Shivans, The Dark empire must be put on the defensive in order to the war against CF to be completed.
The Shivan warships had reached their final cordinates, their subspace drives activated pudhing themselves back into real space time. The Shivan fleet arrived in the system of Maric owned by the Dark empire. Soon to no longer exist. The fleet consisting of 4 Sathanas warships, 8Ravana destroyers and 5 Demon destroyers hovered around the sun of this small yet important system.
Unknown to the now highly alert Empire forces was that the fleet was not just doing nothing. Each vessel was emitting highly focused subspace wave emissions with the end goal of destabilising the sun. All the ships would need is eight minutes for them to complete their work.
OOC: 2 questions
1) will the sun go nova or die
2) is it one ship or all of them
"sir incomeing Unknowns sector 3"
"ALL HANDS BATTLE STATIONS" the captain ordered "all ships engage"
the defence fleet opened fire with long range missiles it would be anouther 3 minutes befor they were inrange of the Main guns till then Torpedos and missiles were the only option.
fussion and Anti matter weapons flew toward the Shivans ships few hitting the ships (im taking it you have some form of PDS), on a near by moon the Rail cannon had just finished chageing.
"fireing in 3...2...1 FIREING" a gunner shouted
a large boom could be heard across the inner parts of the base as the Rail cannon fired the endor slug as it reached Near light speed towards a Ravana Destroyer.
it takes an entire Anti matter Reactor at full to fire the Cannon after that the Reactor has to re charge (as all the power from it is drained).
endor is 3x heavyer then any Earth based metal the slug is 6Kgs, and (after talks with someone who did the maths) the weapon can A) go though a planet B) leave a rather big dent in the planet and change the Rotation and/or orbit never tested it on a ship befor. il leave what happens to the ship to u
oh and the Defence fleet is:
2 Emperor Class Battleship
1 Nova Class Carrier
3 Manson Class Dreadnoughts
3 Nothen Class Destroyers
3 Loki Class Frigates
5 Hybird Class torpedo Frigate
10 Lifeless Class Corvettes
5 She'Klan Class Corvettes
stats can be found here:
the ships steamed on towards the unknown ships, coming into range of the main weapons and opening up with a barage of fire. fighters moved in (valkyries all classes,Firewings Mk X and Dagger "pirate Hunter") fast opening fire.
the Valkyries would land on the Hull of the ships (if they can pass though the shields but i wont know till a squadren trys) turn into battleoid mode and planet fussion chages.
the Hybrids hanged back fireing constant volloys of torpedos at the Unknowns as the rest of the fleet moved closer.
Unified Sith
03-06-2004, 19:25
OOC: awww crap i have posted as the wrong nation. Regard this as a post from imperial brits. Thanks.
The enemy fleet would get there too late. Sure a few destroyers would be lost but the gains would be worth it. (it will nova corpsac but you have 30 minutes plenty of time to escape) The enemy torpedoes were incoming, The computer began taking control of the situation upon the ships. The displacement arrays began moving the torpedoes into the sun once they were in range (100,000km). However there was only so much they could cope with. Those that escaped the displacers faced a second wave of micro missiles and flak cannons for the larger torpedoes. However even with all those counter measures some made it through. The enemy weapons impacted on the starboard shields of almost each warship, though some managed to escape. Causing some weakness in the shields.
The anti-fighter beams now fully charged and beam cannons at the ready were soon to be used if the enemy managed to reach them within the three minute window.
The Shivan destroyers launched their own salvo against their enemies. Each warship launched a salvo of Micro missiles at the incoming fleet which now could detect the subspacial disturbances the ships were making. A large powersurge was detected on a moon further into the system which could only mean one thing. A large weapon of sorts. The Shivan ships began making evasive manouvers in order to escape the incoming tropedoes and in an attempt to avoid whatever was charging on that moon. Eighteen seconds later one of the Ravana destroyers was hit by some form of projectile, the shields done a little to help however the projectile tore half the starboard hull from the ship. The collisions with the shields in conjunction with the evasive maouvers threw the projectile of course just enough however the Ravan was in no condition to fight. It launched it's remaining compliment of micro missiles and began the process to proceed back into subspace, when an enemy torpedo struck lucky. It entered the hole in the shields and descended into the vast body of the destroyer tearing the warship apart from within an explosion erupted blinding enemy sensors as well as Shivan.
There was only eighteen seconds to go, the Shivan vessels powered up their subspace drives preparing to move into subspace. There was now only ten seconds to go. The subspace rifts were forming and when the counter hit zero the warships moved back into subspace where upon the rifts would seal upon their departure.
The dark empire would be confused at these actions however they would soon realise what was happening.
The imbalances in the stellar core would soon be apparant. The process of stellar fusion suddenly stopping would cause the sun to darken. Making the next part obvious. There would be time for the warships to escape but for the personnel, supplies amd civilians only God if the Dark empire had one could help them now.
Imperial Brits
03-06-2004, 19:38
Central Facehuggeria
03-06-2004, 21:27
OOC: I checked TGs, but I haven't recieved anything. :?:
Also, Ekardia, your 30 kilometer long ship is ignored. That is far too big for a nation of your size to maintain, let alone build.
Lastly, that fleet near the moons is only a third of my entire fleet. Just FYI.
Ohh yeah, before I forget: MSN: gamewarrior54@hotmail.com
IC: Coded message to all allied forces:
[code:1:6a630d8163]You are clear to enter our space.[/code:1:6a630d8163]
OOC4: I'm not sure what's going on at the moment. IB, what is your fleet doing? The ones who attacked the moons. Once I find that out, I'll be able to respond in full.
ooc i was able to build it because i have 4 regions that i am either in control of or allied with. one has a solar system iam mining That one is Shivanas The other region under my control is The Shivan Imperium i am in A Corp and Have a ally in Corsec there is AI on the ships along with shivans there are also human citizens from fallen nations
ic "We can fire on them now"
"Prepare to fi..."
"Sir we just got a messaage from IB"
What did he say He said we are to attack the golden sector of Corpsac they have fallen into civil war we are to aid the rebels"
THen plot a course for the golden sector.
The Shivan ships beging to pull away from the CF fleet and then they dissappeared
ooc CF if you somehow managed to get tat nessage you wouldn't understand it as its in thee shivan language
OOC: Cf ive got to pull out, Civil war and an IB invasion of my space (thats what i get when my Emperor annoys the populas)
the 5th fleet had just amassed and was about to enter hyperspace to cross the border when they got the news, just then a Crow supercarrier,2 TC destroyers 4 northen destroyers 6 dreadnoughts and 15 She'Klan Corvettes exited opening fire on the 5th.
the Supercarrier unloaded its Fighters and moved to the back, the 5th was surprised as 3 destroyers exploded.
a Mason Dreadnought (RB) opened fire on the Flag ship of the 5th fleet tearing away at the armor as the Power cores Exploded throwing Shrapnal out, the shockwave destroyed the near by fighters and Damaged the surrounding ships just as a few Corvettes exploded.
Dog fights left and right the 5th was getting blown away, just as a Dreadnought opened a Hyperspace jump point it was blown away and the jump point became unstable, strikes of Power came out of it, the power was more then anything anyone could think of but it wasnt closeing, it destroyed 6 5th fleet ships.
what was left of the 5th entered hyperspace and went to Hive space, the battleship was struk by the Hyperspace lightning and exploded.
the Hyperspace jump point didnt close and didnt show any sign of it for along time.
Imperial Brits
04-06-2004, 15:06
Oh, finally a chance to flex my new Robotechnological muscle and knowlege of Shivan ships.
Pardon the Engrish inside the brackets. Poorly translated Mekantan.
-Mekantan Grand Armada, Mekantan Nexus
"{General X1! To have recieved report! Central Facehuggeria, to be under attack!}"
X1 whipped around, startling the Mekantan Messanger Robot.
"{To inform at General Axis! Of Tactical Command to take authorization to scramble!}"
"I already know." Axis said, hissing through his teeth as he walked into the area. "And we already have authorization from TacCom. The Grand Armada is already ready to shift to TrueSpace. We can SpaceFold to Central Facehuggerian space in moments."
X1 nodded. "Good. I'll take the fleet out. My turn, remember?"
Axis smiled and nodded. "Slag some hostiles for me."
Fleet will come later. Right now it's just being prepared.
Central Facehuggeria
05-06-2004, 02:27
ooc i was able to build it because i have 4 regions that i am either in control of or allied with. one has a solar system iam mining That one is Shivanas The other region under my control is The Shivan Imperium i am in A Corp and Have a ally in Corsec there is AI on the ships along with shivans there are also human citizens from fallen nations
ic "We can fire on them now"
"Prepare to fi..."
"Sir we just got a messaage from IB"
What did he say He said we are to attack the golden sector of Corpsac they have fallen into civil war we are to aid the rebels"
THen plot a course for the golden sector.
The Shivan ships beging to pull away from the CF fleet and then they dissappeared
ooc CF if you somehow managed to get tat nessage you wouldn't understand it as its in thee shivan language
OOC: I've already ignored A-Corp. Also, using puppets to control multiple regions is not very honorable. Most people ignore it. Myself included. (Otherwise, what is to prevent me from making ten million Facehuggerian puppets and annhilating anyone who I fought by sheer virtue of the fact that 10+ puppets would gang up on them?) No. Using puppets for a nation's IC gain is against the rules. Only if you RP conquering those puppets, and even then its iffy.
A 30 kilometer long ship that you built yourself is godmoding. Heck, Klonor's colossus is only 7 kilometers and took the contributions of more than 4 billion+ nations! (Plus, a 30 kilometer long ship would have to worry very much about such concerns as fuel, ammunition, and provisions for the crew. Plus, the thing would take an immense amount of money (probably more than 2 trillion a year) to keep running, with maintence and such.
Ah, back to the IC stuff.
In the asteroid field;
IC: "Admiral! We're picking up a single ship. Unknown type. Its a bit bigger than a destroyer. It's closing slowly. What are your orders?" The young sensor operator said at last, after staring blankly at his screens for a moment or two.
"Well, what do you think? We've got more ships, and most of ours are bigger too! Tell all ships to open fire!" Admiral Mertens replied.
"Aye sir!" Was the reply from all of the bridge crew.
The monsterous graviton beams on the dreadnoughts began to charge up. Preparing to emit their capital ship crushing beams.
"Fire!" The admiral yelled.
At that instant, space was lit up with weapons of all sorts. "Shieldbusting" Phased Particle Beam Cannons, Heavy Railguns, Graviton Beams, and especially plasma beam weapons. There were so many destructive beams of death crisscrossing the 'battlefield' that the inky black of space was turned to day for a brief moment. Indeed, it would have made a great painting.
The firepower in the alpha strike was probably enough to crush a planet. But when the smoke cleared, the Lucifer was still there, advancing just as ponderously as it had before. It showed no sign of damage.
The sensor officer's jaw dropped; "Admiral...Target is...unharmed..." he said somewhat djectedly.
"WHAT!?!?!?" Mertens yelled.
The sensor officer repeated his previous comment.
"Uh...err...um...We can't deal with that thing at the moment. Tell the fleet to try and scan it as much as possible, but stay out of weapons range of the thing! If it looks like it's gearing up to fire, I want the entire fleet to retreat immediately, am I understood!? I only pray that we can find a weakness for this monster." Mertens said, stuttering a bit before regaining control of himself.
Mertens slapped one of the young 'fresh fish' around. It helped him calm down and think rationally. Plus, it was a tradition of a young officer's first post. He has to get abused in some way. "Damn it!" he said after calming down a bit. "There must be some way to get through that bugger's shields!"
The fleet began deep, penetrating scans. At the first sign of that Myrmidon's weapons charging, they are going to get the hell out of dodge.
Grr... Stupid board won't let me post the Mekantan naval ships! Oh well. I'll do it later.
X1 cackled as he read the display, telling how much of the Steel Empire's armada is ready.
Mekantan Grand Armada - Core
1 Dis class Mobile Space Fortress
3 Jormungand class Battlecrusier
2 Manticore class Crusiers
5 Wyvern class Frigates
Mekantan Grand Armada - First Wing
1 Leviathan class Commandship ("[i]Shogun[/i]")
5 Jormungand class Battlecrusiers
5 Manticore class Crusiers
15 Wyvern class Frigates
Mekantan Grand Armada - Fifth Wing
3 Jormungand class Battlecrusiers
5 Manticore class Crusiers
9 Wyvern class Frigates
Not nearly as much as were planned, but enough.
"{Of General X1, this is. To Truespace, prepare to shift...}"
Central Facehuggeria
05-06-2004, 03:05
OOC: Thanks for the assist, Mekanta. TG is going to be in the mail real soon.
Response TG sent.
And of course I'd come and help. We have an alliance, don't we? Sure, the Phalanx may no longer be applicable, but the treaty still holds true. ^_^
Silently, the Mekantan fleet slipped out of seemingly nowhere, in deep space.
The first thing the Dis class Mobile Fortress did was send a heavily encoded transmission in Mekantan, which the Central Facehuggerians should still have knowlege to translate.
Mekantan Grand Armada, wings Core, One, Two, and Five in Truespace.
We are preparing to Spacefold to your location. Please give coordinates.
Central Facehuggeria
05-06-2004, 03:29
"Commander! We're getting a transmission in...Mekantan!? Translating now. They're requesting coordinates for a space fold. FTL probably." The chief sensor operator upon the Slayer reported.
"Tell them to keep away from that big enemy ship! It takes whatever we can throw at it! Tell them to fold in on the other side of the thing. Based on the fact that it isn't moving too fast, it probably won't be able to turn and shoot them with those big gun looking things." Mertens replied.
"Uh...Aye sir! Sending Coordinates now!" The officer announced
[code:1:6992c2b232]Coordinates are as follows: *The coordinates lead to the area behind the Lucifer.*[/code:1:6992c2b232]
OOC: Really tired...must sleep. :o
See y'all tommorow.
G'night, CF. ^_^
X1 nodded, leaning back in his chair on the Shogun.
"{Of Spacefold, begin!}"
As one, the fleet's ships slip into a Hyperspace Fold, making thier way to the battle...
We couldn't help but notice that you have a little military conflict going on. We would be honored to fight for the side that pays the most credits. If you doubt us just ask Ekardia about our "capabilities".
OOC: a little information about my nation's species is as follows: we basicaly have no government as everyone is in the army (mandalorian combat armor). All of my ships are controlled by what are basically battle droids as intelligent as the IG-88 version assassin droids after they were infected by the "virus" that made their artificial intelligence into actual intelligence. There are of course a group of mechanical personel on board but only for maintainance purposes. All of the machines are connected to a "central intelligance" hence the use of collective pronouns (in case you were wondering). Machines are very close to becoming equal to the humans as opposed to slaves .
Mekanta's military is 100% Machine based as well. Why not come to our side? Machine-sentients need to stick together. ^_^
There was an alliance I was working on before, for those who support Machines being equal to Biologicals. Let me see if I can find the link. ^_^
Indra Prime
05-06-2004, 06:36
An Indran Scoutship was following its normal scanning route on the edge of CF space when a shockwave blasted the ship off course and sent it careening out of control. Moments before the ship crashed into an asteroid the pilot managed to get the ship back under control and maneuver away from the asteroid. With systems coming back online after the shockwave had receded from sensors, long range sensors picked up heavy traces of multiple energy readings deep within CF territory. Almost immediately after picking up the fact that it was weapons fire, a screen came up that acknowledged that one of the energy readings belonged to the only race that had actually made the Indran Fleet work for its victory, the Shivans. Every ship in the Indran Fleet was programmed to identify and flag any Shivan energy readings and immediately open a communcation recording channel to the Space Command Headquarters in the Gamma Eridani planetary system. The purpose of this is to record all the events of the vessel that had contact, however fleeting with Shivan Technology, so that the data could be reviewed if the ship never made it home, which usually happened.
The commander of the little scoutship immediately opened a communication channel to the Central Facehuggeria Command to see if they needed assistance.
"This is the Indra Prime Scoutship Valient. Commander Robert Greeling here. We have detected Shivan weapons fire in one of your systems. Do you need assistance? We can have the Indra Prime Space Command Send a fleet here immediately if you need assistance. Please Respond!"
Central Facehuggeria
05-06-2004, 15:50
OOC: Not too much time, so I'll probably not be able to properly post until I get back. I've got to step out for a while.
IC: [code:1:0054513159]To Indran Prime Vessels:
Yes, any assistance would be appreciated[/code:1:0054513159]
OOC2: So wiseone is a merc? Eh, I can't afford to pay at the moment. All my surplus money is being funneled into ship construction. Sorry for the extemely short IC post, but I don't have much time. My parents are forcing me to go shopping with them. Bah. :?
Imperial Brits
05-06-2004, 16:09
IC: The Lucifer now in range of the fleeing ships opened fire on a destroyer with it's flux cannons. Just in range the beams smashed into the rear section of the destroyer. The Lucifer though not able to match the speeds of the CF fleet made it's way still towards they ever smaller size as the moved into the distance.
A signal was sent from Shivan command deep within subspace. The Lucifer was to proceed to Sol II to assist in the dealing of a new enemy.
The Mekantan fleet ripped into defolded just as the Lucifer jumped out, thier weapons targetting other Shivan ships.
Immediately, X1 sent a coded transmission to the Central Facehuggerian fleet.
Reinforcments have arrived. Now who's glad to see us?
Imperial Brits
06-06-2004, 09:03
lol sorry the entire Shivan fleet has jumped out long before this. You are too late.
Guess i got away Scott free.
Imperial Brits
06-06-2004, 09:03
lol sorry the entire Shivan fleet has jumped out long before this. You are too late.
Guess i got away Scott free.
Central Facehuggeria
06-06-2004, 15:10
OOC: Yes, you're scott free. Until I hunt down your people and enslave them that is. :)
Now, for the moment, I've got to speak with Klonor and see if I can borrow some subspace drives. :D
OOC: Yes, you're scott free. Until I hunt down your people and enslave them that is. :)
Now, for the moment, I've got to speak with Klonor and see if I can borrow some subspace drives. :D
i would also advise some Hyperspace drive but i will tell Indra why or you on MSN (if u TG your addy)
OOC: sorry for shortness but i need sleep.
Wiseone's newly finished task force enters the CF system (from directly above the planet whos moons were destroyed by Imperial Brits) and targets the Mekantaese ships.
Task force includes:
2 Eclipse class super star destroyers
3 Executor class super star destroyers
7 Imp Star Deuces
2 Lucifers
All star destroyers carry Chiss claw craft
Lucifers carry Dragon class fighters.
OOPS:oops:...almost forget to add that all turbo laser batteries have been replaced with razor cannons on the Executor class ships.
Central Facehuggeria
08-06-2004, 11:28
Star wars ships eh? Excellent. My tech is optomized to deal with Star wars and Star Trek tech. :twisted:
IC: The CF expeditionary force that had lingered in the area turned to face this new threat. Scanning the void, they discovered that the enemy fleet was still out of range. Although they were getting dangerously close to the Mekantan fleet.
"All ships! Prepare for emergency quasi-space jump! We've got to move up and put ourselves between the Mekantan and these new guys!" Admiral Mertens called out.
The fleet's XIRs charged and within moments, they entered the green void of quasi-space. Seconds later, they emerged from quasi-space, right behind the Wiseone fleet.
"Fire" The admiral ordered.
It was done. Monsterous plasma beams raked out through the inky blackness of space. Heavy Railgun slugs moving at relativistic speeds flew through the night sky. Particle bursts illumninated the somewhat small space between the two fleets.
The Dreadnoughts charged their monsterous main guns, the fearsome graviton beam weapons. These capital ship killers pack enough energy to vaporize a twenty five kilometer long asteroid.
OOC: What's a razor cannon? I've never heard of it.
Imperial Brits
08-06-2004, 11:34
OOC: Wiseone what race are you? As if you are anything other than shivan and have a Lucifer your crew will be dead. (If you purchased the Lucifers from Ekardia's storefront well you dont have then go have a look and you will see why) I would explain it in greater detail but trust me without major modifications which would mean the Lucifer would lose it's sheath shielding any crew except Shivan would die of radiation etc etc etc. Sorry to be an ass but i have to let you know about this.
Huzen Hagen
08-06-2004, 11:50
OOC: Can i join in? id be on CF's side but he wont have to pay a penny. Ill just write this short post and ignore it if you dont want me involved
IC: The Huzeny Fleet semerged from Hyper-space as close as the could get to the rear of the super star destroyers. With expert precision the ghostmaker ships turned broadside to the rear of the star destroyers and began firing. The rotation of the ships ment all the guns could eb brought to bear one after the other.
Within a few minutes the ships had managed to fire nearly 1000 times each. The ion cannons were fed by the huge fusion reactors on the ships, the fighters were prepared for launch and troops began suiting up for a possible boarding mission.
Imperial Brits
08-06-2004, 11:55
OOC: HH, go to the burning worlds rp with corpsac. that is where the fighting is at. I moved from CF to Corpsac.
ooc all of wiseones ships are controlled by AI he is human
a razor cannon is similiar to a beam cannon but its beam is more tightly focused , the only downside is that its can only be fired for 95 seconds before it needs too cool down for 1 to 2 minutes depending on how long it was fired for.
IC: " Admiral were being hit from beh czzzzzzk...."
"GET THAT TRANSMITTOR BACK ON LINE NOW!" came the screaming command from the lead Eclipse's centralized computer.
"Communication systems working at 97% efficency, reason for comm blackout being processed."
"Radar shows 7 Impstars completly destroyed and 1 Executor's engines going critical"
"Jump all eclipses to Wiseone immediatly"
the eclipses jumped immediatly to the homeworld and the remaining executors opened fire with all weaponry. the engines of the crippled executor shut down and all saftey systems were turned off for the razor cannons and they let loose continuous fire for almost 3 minutes before melting into unrecognisable slop.
a razor cannon is similiar to a beam cannon but its beam is more tightly focused , the only downside is that its can only be fired for 95 seconds before it needs too cool down for 1 to 2 minutes depending on how long it was fired for.
IC: " Admiral were being hit from beh czzzzzzk...."
"GET THAT TRANSMITTOR BACK ON LINE NOW!" came the screaming command from the lead Eclipse's centralized computer.
"Communication systems working at 97% efficency, reason for comm blackout being processed."
"Radar shows 7 Impstars completly destroyed and 1 Executor's engines going critical"
"Jump all eclipses to Wiseone immediatly"
the eclipses jumped immediatly to the homeworld and the remaining executors opened fire with all weaponry. the engines of the crippled executor shut down and all saftey systems were turned off for the razor cannons and they let loose continuous fire for almost 3 minutes before melting into unrecognisable slop.
... Okay, I'm better now... LoL. ^_^
Before the Mekantan ships could execute a short fold to outmaneuver the enemy fleet, it began jumping out.
The pinpoint and area field barriers stopped most of the enemy fire, but a Jormungand took a direct hit across its starboard side. Two of the Manticores took hits on their bows and flanks. The Dis, however, took the most hits of all.
The massive ship simply shrugged them off, it's thick armor already repairing itself.
We thank you for your assistance.
Central Facehuggeria
08-06-2004, 23:35
OOC: Mekanta, there is still a crippled executor Super Star Destroyer that you can kill. It doesn't really pose a threat to my ships, so if you want I can leave it alone. And I'll be moving to support CorpSac soon, if you want to get a chance to try out your new reflex cannons, there's plenty of targets. :twisted:
the remaining super star destroyers are also jumping to wiseone, except of course for the crippled one which drifts as close as it can to the enemy fleet and self destructs.
The Mindset
09-06-2004, 09:15
OOC: is this forum dead or what? Cause i still have two fully shielded lucifers in system waiting for my command to hit CF.
Imperial Brits
17-06-2004, 10:32
CF homesystem
A large subspace portal opened within the system just at the edge, only one ship emerged, a new vessel never see before by the ESUS alliance more powerfull than anything they had ever come up against the SJ Diablo. The diablo proceeded into CF space preparing to destroy the homeplanet.
Imperial Brits
17-06-2004, 11:20
Central Facehuggeria
17-06-2004, 11:23
IB: So...You're trying to destroy Earth? My nation is based on Earth. Also, over 2/3 of my fleet is defending my nation, as are numerous defensive batteries and an orbital star fortress, the 'Vigilance Platform.' What with the rest of the ESUS nations having holdings and defenses on Earth, you'd be hard pressed to get anything into Sol without it being destroyed. Try again.
Wiseone: I was under the impression that it was dead, what with you sending your fleet out and there being nothing left to kill when IB left earlier.
Imperial Brits
17-06-2004, 14:03
OOC: awwww, ill get you one day CF.
Central Facehuggeria
17-06-2004, 19:18
Don't worry. I'm planning a tragic fall for my nation that will result in much devestation. Perhaps you can assist my attackers. (It will happen sometime during the summer. I need to think up the story, etc.)
i didnt jump my whole fleet, just the star wars stuff not my shivan tech
Don't worry. I'm planning a tragic fall for my nation that will result in much devestation. Perhaps you can assist my attackers. (It will happen sometime during the summer. I need to think up the story, etc.)
Glutton for punishment, aren't you?
Achidna, anyone? ^_^