Do you support operation White Griffin?
Nova Hope
31-05-2004, 01:08
Operation White Griffin is the assisted used of milatary force to end the drug trafficing in Columbia. (Info found here if you want to be doing something in the thread talk to the AU it's not my RP)
Ooc: You can comment ICly but your votes will be representing parliament. The only reason I’m doing this is because the House of Commons is a minority government and I’m trying to RP out people disagreeing, as happens in a democracy.
A successful vote of operation 'White Griffin' would give the President the autonomy he needs to enter the country in question and occupy portions of it. The Operation would be complete when “A friendly independent government strong enough to combat the drug trafficking and reduce the export of narcotics by 95% was in power.” The operation gives a broad latitude to the President in how best to achieve the objective.
OOC: It's a one day poll for expediency on the RP.
Hattia does not support this, as we do not see the need for military action to stop something as minor as drug trafficking.
(Note: Hattia has no drug laws whatsoever and exports our fine drugs extensively.)
Nova Hope,
Our Legislate commends your effort for democracy. However, we find that your parameters for 'operation success' are a bit naive. Seeing as how our great friendship is not up for arguement, I wish to propose a few friendly amendments to your operation.
First, I think one must acknowledge that a possibility for the proliferation of the 'drug trade' comes from the fact that Columbia (actually the drug czars) makes a hefty profit on this. To make sure this does not occur again, a complete retooling of the economy is in order. How this would be done, I am not to say, as we are not an economic powerhouse such as yourself.
Also, to help with some other questions: Tarqys would be willing to spearhead any refugee movement/humanitarian airlifts. The latter are already being conducted over Columbia. We have passed two legislative issues that allow easy passage into our land. We do not want to see undue hardship on the civilian population.
We are voting to 'restructure the parameters.'
Reignbough H Buckingham
Director of the Tarqysian Legislate
Commonwealth of Tarqys
Nova Hope
31-05-2004, 09:00
just keeping it on the front page
Nova Hope
31-05-2004, 09:01
Hattia does not support this, as we do not see the need for military action to stop something as minor as drug trafficking.
(Note: Hattia has no drug laws whatsoever and exports our fine drugs extensively.)
ooc: Then why doesn't your vote show up as no
31-05-2004, 10:42
Technocracia has voted no, because we in Technocracia have legalised drugs and see military force as totally unnecessary to solving the problem of drugs: but military force seems to be the ususal republican answer to problems larger than 2+2 nowadays. Also, we support the revolutionary marxist guerillas in Coloumbia, the FARC.
Hasta la victoria siempre!
31-05-2004, 11:06
we agree totally with Technocracia, military intervention will soon lead to military occupation.
CorpSac is Helping in its own way, we have no drug laws and Columbia is a major surpply for us, but we dont buy from anyone we only buy from "drug lords" who help the people and not abuse them, we make shore that the money we pay is used for the people, many of the "Drug lords" we deal with are doing basic helth plans admittly this is not the best way but it is a safer way no lose of life on both side and in a way helps the people.
if a war was started we would only surpport the "drug lords" that we deal with know how they treat the people around them its only fair
31-05-2004, 11:20
The use of military force is acceptable to Starblaydia, but we believe the amount of force is slightly excessive and somewhat too public.