The red kristal
30-05-2004, 17:52
the red kristal is currantly working a number of tecnolgys. at the forfrount of this is offcive computing. in todays world of infomoation tecnolgy, the desction or hacking of a computer sistome can be a major facter. under goverment contract from the red kristals deffnses department orgnstion for wepons reserch, dogma, kristalsoft has just prodused the rks 1 and rks2, and well as magma and syanid.
the rks1 is a supercomputer with a clock speed of 700ghz, and is able to mange meta computeing networks. with over 40gb of ram, and a 400terrabite hard disk, this is a leath computer when used in conjuction with magma
the rks2 is the rks1's little brother. the rks2 has a clockspeed of 500ghz, just 20gb of ram and a 300tb hard drive. however, this reduction in power is made up for in price
magma is the red kristals sanctioned hacking softwere, and can crack 2012 bit encriptens, slip thoug firewalls undeticed, and genraly brack in to any sistome unnotsed. useing some of the finist codeing around, magma is nerly imposble to stop, espchuly when used with the rks1 or rks2 sistomes.
syanide is kristalsofts latest virce. when you dont want to hack a sistome your self, let syanide do the job for you. this virce can be hidden in word docmants, data document, almost anything, unobtsvl. it can infltrate the sistomes, doing anything asked. with over 12,000 dffrent optiont, this can slow down computers, give infomration about what on there hard disk, scan for and e-mail you files with key words, or wipe hard drive.
the rks1 is just $12,000,000
rks2 is $8,000,000
magma is $5,000,000
syanide is $3,000,000
and sepcal prises, when you get the rks1, magma and syanide as a pacge, it can al be your for just $17,000,000. be ontop of youe enimes plans today these sistomes, and stop them in there tracks by elimting there data today.
the rks1 is a supercomputer with a clock speed of 700ghz, and is able to mange meta computeing networks. with over 40gb of ram, and a 400terrabite hard disk, this is a leath computer when used in conjuction with magma
the rks2 is the rks1's little brother. the rks2 has a clockspeed of 500ghz, just 20gb of ram and a 300tb hard drive. however, this reduction in power is made up for in price
magma is the red kristals sanctioned hacking softwere, and can crack 2012 bit encriptens, slip thoug firewalls undeticed, and genraly brack in to any sistome unnotsed. useing some of the finist codeing around, magma is nerly imposble to stop, espchuly when used with the rks1 or rks2 sistomes.
syanide is kristalsofts latest virce. when you dont want to hack a sistome your self, let syanide do the job for you. this virce can be hidden in word docmants, data document, almost anything, unobtsvl. it can infltrate the sistomes, doing anything asked. with over 12,000 dffrent optiont, this can slow down computers, give infomration about what on there hard disk, scan for and e-mail you files with key words, or wipe hard drive.
the rks1 is just $12,000,000
rks2 is $8,000,000
magma is $5,000,000
syanide is $3,000,000
and sepcal prises, when you get the rks1, magma and syanide as a pacge, it can al be your for just $17,000,000. be ontop of youe enimes plans today these sistomes, and stop them in there tracks by elimting there data today.