Attention Major Oil Producing Nations
Communist Louisiana
28-05-2004, 03:48
We should form an OPEC of nationstates. It doesnt matter what kind of government your nation has. It is time we set a specific price for our resources produced that fuel the machines of the world.
Verboten Lufftewaffe
28-05-2004, 04:13
I would be interested in the endevor...My nation produces 50,000,000 barrels a day...Once we got into full production we expect this to triple
Communist Louisiana
28-05-2004, 04:23
bump for rough necks
28-05-2004, 08:01
Rather than export our oil to anyone who wants it, we keep most of ours to ensure that our fuel prices stay low... currently, Fuel in Roycelandia runs to about 10c/litre, and 5c of that is Tax...
Doujin, largely not using oil for fuel (at least in motor vehicles - they are hydrogen fuel cell based with government price regulation) stockpiles our oil. The exact number of oil within Doujin is classified, but will be released if Doujin ever decides to enter into the Foreign market for crude oil.
Daylam would be interested in such an endeavor.
Daylam sits on a virtual sea of oil, exercising control over Persian, Uzbek, Tajik, Turkmen, Kyrgyz, Kazak, and East Turk (Xinjiang) oilfields.
28-05-2004, 08:08
We should form an OPEC of nationstates. It doesnt matter what kind of government your nation has. It is time we set a specific price for our resources produced that fuel the machines of the world.
I respectfully decline your offer.
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