Praetonia Starts Embassy Exchange Program
27-05-2004, 20:40
Praetonian Diplomacy Thread
Praetonia is now opening the Praetonian Embassy Exchange Program! The program guidelines are as follows:
1) Your embassy in Praetonia will be located in Embassy Square. A picturesque and highly secure comound in the centre of our Capitol. It is but 100m from our Houses of Parliament.
2) Your embassy is the sovereign territory of your nation. Ours is the sovereign territory of Praetonia.
3) You may station up to 50 troops in your embassy. They may not leave the embassy armed without permission. You may not keep vehicles or aircraft in your embassy unless otherwise stated. You may not store heavy weapons in your embassy.
4) You may keep up to two helicopters in your embassy, neither of which may be armed.
5) You may keep up to four vehicles in your embassy. None of them may be armed.
6) Your embassy staff will enjoy diplomatic immunity whilst in Praetonia.
7) In the event of nuclear war or bombing in Praetonia, your embassy staff and guard may be moved to Praetonian nuclear bunkers if they so wish.
8) If you do not wish to provide your embassy with an armed guard you may request a Praetonian garrison.
If you wish to further diplomatic relations, set up a state visit or conference, set up a military base or enter into an alliance with Praetonia then please post below and something can, of course, be arranged depending on individual circumstances.
Nations with Embassies in Praetonia:
Fitzgerald Fields
Tasty Foods
Evil Gopher Eaters
The Island of Rose
Foolish Peasants
Nations with Praetonian Embassies:
Fitzgerald Fields
Tasty Foods
Evil Gopher Eaters
The Island of Rose
Foolish Peasants
Note: The above lists only include embassies listed in this thread and certain others that I can remember off the top of my head. If yours is not listed then please post below saying youm already have an embassy and it will be added. If you have any queries on Praetonia then post them below. I may update this from time to time depending on how bored I happen to be.
Premier Rufai requests permission to build an embassy for the ARR in the Praetonian capital. We will of course allow a Praetonian embassy in the capital of the ARR, Siphione City.
What are the building limitations? Our ConstructionCorps must know to begin work.
We will provide the 50 man security team, but we would be glad to accept Praetonian troops into the building. Security is a top priority.
Fitzgerald Fields
27-05-2004, 21:16
Fitzgerald Fields
27-05-2004, 21:17
Fitzgerald Fields
27-05-2004, 21:19
Fitzgerald Fields
27-05-2004, 21:21
The Commonwealth of McQuaide, a small yet ambitious state hoping to rejoin the international community, would be honored by an opportunity to establish diplomatic ties with The Democratic Republic of Praetonia. To further such aims, the Commonwealth of McQuaide is prepared to offer the following in an agreement to establish diplomatic relations:
1) A four-story embassy complex in the capital New Dublin's "Embassy Row," a newly-developed diplomatic sector of the city in the heart of New Dublin's cultural center.
2) An agreeable trade agreement minimizing tariffs on goods originating from The Democratic Republic of Praetonia. Such an agreement often leads to Most Favored Nation trade status.
3) A military non-aggression treaty providing guaranteed Commonwealth of McQuaide non-participation in actions against The Democratic Republic of Praetonia. This treaty can open the doors to a future military mutual defense pact should that be desired.
Should any other considerations be desired, the Commonwealth is willing to consider any other reasonable request.
Fitzgerald Fields
27-05-2004, 21:22
Fitzgerald Fields
27-05-2004, 21:23
Fitzgerald Fields
27-05-2004, 21:23
The Commonwealth of McQuaide, a small yet ambitious state hoping to rejoin the international community, would be honored by an opportunity to establish diplomatic ties with The Democratic Republic of Praetonia. To further such aims, the Commonwealth of McQuaide is prepared to offer the following in an agreement to establish diplomatic relations:
1) A four-story embassy complex in the capital New Dublin's "Embassy Row," a newly-developed diplomatic sector of the city in the heart of New Dublin's cultural center.
2) An agreeable trade agreement minimizing tariffs on goods originating from The Democratic Republic of Praetonia. Such an agreement often leads to Most Favored Nation trade status.
3) A military non-aggression treaty providing guaranteed Commonwealth of McQuaide non-participation in actions against The Democratic Republic of Praetonia. This treaty can open the doors to a future military mutual defense pact should that be desired.
Should any other considerations be desired, the Commonwealth is willing to consider any other reasonable request.
27-05-2004, 22:03
[OOC: I think I already have an embassy in Praetonia, right? If not, I'd like to have one built. If you don't have one in Sarzonia, you're more than welcome to build one in Embassy Cove in Woodstock.]
28-05-2004, 19:03
The Praetonian Government thanks Sarzonia, Fitzgerald Fields and Rufai for their proposals, and heartily accpets each one (Sarzonia I dont think we have embassies so Ill go ahead with this if it's ok with you.)
28-05-2004, 19:16
The Pratonian Government thanks Sarzonia, Fitzgerald Fields and Rufai for their proposals, andheartily accpets each one (Sarzonia I dont think we have embassies so Ill go ahead with this if it's ok with you.)
[OOC: That's fine with me. Sort of reminds me of when I was your ally in everything but name in one war. lol]
The deadly viper
28-05-2004, 19:36
Preatonia i know that we have been enemys in the past but I am hoping that we can put that aside and become allies we request permission to build an embassy in your capital city as we were hostile it is natural that you are suspicious so we will succumb to exensive searches as long as your diplomats do also
fangs retracted peace and frendship offered
28-05-2004, 19:36
Yes... I dont think we ever exchanged embassies but I would be willing to open up further diplomatic relations.
The deadly viper
28-05-2004, 19:44
we are a reformed relitivly peaceful nation now and thinking about joining the UN we are not our previous hot blooded self thanks to your reforming of our goverment and would like to extend diplomatic relations
Tasty Foods
28-05-2004, 19:45
I will set up an embassy in your nation.
To set up an embassy in our nation, however, we will need to provide you with transportation, as we live in our own solar system.
A Gallean Medium Transport is on the way, with an escort of 6 Assault Gunboats.
They will pick up your personnel and take them to our country.
31-05-2004, 10:06
Tasty Foods:
You have helped us greatly with our nuclear weapons project, and so we are happy to accept your offer. Living in another solar system makes this the most sought after embassy position in years.
The Deadly Viper:
We have had our differences in the past, as you say, but the entire point (for us at least) in the war was to try and reform your nation, so we are willing to give you a chance. Your embassy request is accepted.
Evil Gopher Eaters
31-05-2004, 13:43
The DEGE wishes to exchange Embassies, I hope it brings our nations closer
Gregory Yalsin
Proposed Ambassador
OOC: It sas there are 2 pages for this thread, but when I click on #2 it says "no posts exist", this happens to me a lot so is it a common glitch?
31-05-2004, 14:00
Technocracia would also like to exchanage embassies with Praetoria, as we seek to learn about cultures different to our own and open our arms in friendship to you. We also hope you can gain something from this deal too.
OOC DEGE: Yeh it does that to me too, its not just you dont worry!
31-05-2004, 14:03
The Nomadic Peoples of Luchamos (NPL) would like to exchange embassies as well.
OCC Happens to me too, I usually count the posts and see how it compares with the ones on the last page it allows me to access
31-05-2004, 14:45
We accept all three embassy offers. Space will be made available for your embassies, and constuction workers for our embassieswill be shipped over immediately.
OOC: Yes, it happens when a thread is just on the edge of needing another page, although it seems to be doing it rather a lot today. For me anyway.
The Island of Rose
31-05-2004, 18:19
I'd like to start an embassy exchange program. Security will be 30 Rose Soldiers, equipped with T-89s and standard flak jackets. Nothing more. I'll let you decide on how to build my embassy. I will send Vyashislov Lorta as the diplomatic envoy.
OOC: So hard to make these Russian names -.-
President Sergei Ilyanov of the Commonwealth of the Island of Rose
UN Delegate of The New Roman Empire
Member of the International
Tasty Foods
31-05-2004, 18:46
We have picked up your personnel and dropped them off at the Tasty Spaceport in Tasty City. Tasty City is our capital, and it is where you will be setting up your embassy.
Up to 50 security guards are allowed. We will also help guard your embassy.
Since you are a close friend of the Empire, we will also allow you to use our airspace if needed.
Picture the capital city as a capital city on Earth, except more beautiful, and much more advanced.
The Republic of Akiland, though young, would be pleased to open diplomatic relations with the nation and people of Praetonia. In reciprocation for our embassy in the Praetonian capitol, we will provide the required land and permits for a Praetonian Embassy in the capitol city of Carsonville. We would also be pleased to provide the requisite soldiers to protect the embassy in Praetonia, and also to assist in the security concerns of the Praetonian Embassy in Carsonville if so requested. It is my hope that by opening diplomatic relations between our two nations, we will begin a long and fruitful political relationship.
Any other nation interested in an Embassy Exchange program with the Republic of Akiland may send a request via Telegram.
31-05-2004, 19:16
The Island of Rose
We are pleased to accept your embassy into our country, and we find your security arrangements quite acceptable. As for design, would you like something like this:
Our embassy will be of a similar design and will be guarded by 50 Praetonian soldiers with assault rifles, if that is acceptable to you.
Tasty Foods
Thankyou very much for your kind offer, you are now free to use Praetonian airspace also. Our embassy will contain 50 guards as stated above.
19-06-2004, 17:11
19-06-2004, 17:44
The Allied States of Celtayoshi has no record of any embassy exchange, and therefore proposes and exchange, you may place ours in the captial of Celtayoshi, Belfast. Please note that Celtayoshi will accept your terms, however requests that you limit he number of guards which are armed to 100, the area in which the embassy is situatated is very well protected. There are a number of sites on the River Celtayoshi for you to choose from, or you may wish to choose a site slighly further back in our Embassy Quarter. Don't worry, Celtayoshi has very strict environmental laws, meaning you will get worldwide renound weather and clean environments around your embassy.
19-06-2004, 17:50
We thank you for your offer. We will begin construction of an embassy immediately. Your embassy in Praeton will be mere meters away from the parliament building in the inner quarter of the city, and will also be very well protected. Praetonia's weather varies... amazing on a good day, horrible on a bad day.
imported_Foolish Pesants
19-06-2004, 19:01
We, The Government of Foolish Pesants would be more than willing to begin diplomatic relations with Praetonia by use of your embassy exchange. This is especially true with recent troubles on home soil, leading us to beleive that new strengh can be found in diplomacy.
Reilock Coratha
To: Praetonia
From: Consul-General J. W. Gibbs
Re: Embassy Exchange
The Kingdom of Weyr would be honored to participate in an embassy exchange program with Praetonia. A delegation will be dispatched within 24 hours of the acknowledgement of this message. The delegation will consist of 1 ambassador, 1 economic attaché, 1 diplomatic attaché, 1 general attaché, 12 general staff, and 20 High Guard.
We would like to know of any restrictions placed upon embassy staff and what they may or may not bring in.
Due to limitations on space, all foreign embassies within the Kingdom of Weyr are now located in Embassy Tower. You may request as many floors as you believe are necessary. Each floor contains approximately 19,000 square feet of space. Security and basic services within Embassy Tower are provided and paid for by the Diplomatic Service. Any other services and equipment are provided upon request. You are more than welcome to bring in your own security teams.
It should be noted that all foreign governments are required to pay for court sentences incurred by their diplomats and/or delegates. Neither the Diplomatic Service, nrot eh kingdom of Weyr, can be held responsible for the safety and actions of any foreign officials traveling without Diplomatic Service escort.
Weyr has no restrictions on imports or exports aside from standard taxes. Thus, any equipment and/or weapons that you may wish to bring are fully permissible.
J. W. Gibbs
19-07-2004, 16:29
OOC: Sorry Im VERY late replying
We accept both nations' propositions. We are happy that diplomatic relations can be established with your two nations. Your embassies will be constructed to your own specification (although we will construct your embassy if you wish) and positioned in Embassy Square, only 300 metres from the Houses of Parliament. We believe that two floors should be enough space for our diplomatic corp that will be sent to Weyr.
19-07-2004, 16:33
The Dimmimaran Democratic government would be interested if we could set up an embassy in your nation.
Due to internal affairs, it is not possible to sort out any type of exchange at the moment, but once the civil-war has been won, we will be willing to exchange.
Baron Manfred von Konan
Minister for Foreign Affairs
Floors 43-44 will be prepared for your delegation.
Our only request for a building is that it be relatively inconspicuous. We will fund all construction costs.
23-08-2004, 22:31
Weyr: Thankyou, our embassy staff will be flown over at once.
Dimmimar: Now that your civil war has been won we would be more than willing to enter into such an embassy exchange. You will be given an embassy building in Praeton which can be garissoned with up to 50 embassy marines. Your embassy staff will be given diplomatic immunity and will be free to wander the city.
Greetings from Xeraph!
We would be honored to exchange embassies with Praetonia.
We have a long standing tradition of footing the entire embassy exchange. We have several buildings on Tanith Square in our capitol of Xeraphia. You may have as many as 1500 personnel, as well as up to 3 helicopter gunships.
Alaric, King of Xeraph, Protector of the Xeraphian Federation, Councilor Prime of GAPTS, Master of the Knights Templar (XF)
24-08-2004, 08:42
Thankyou for your most generous offer, which we hearilty accept. We must insist, however, on paying the cost for at least one of the embassies, as a gesture of kindness. Our personel will be flown across upon the completion of our embassy.
Foreign Office
OOC: I just realised the opening post is really old and outdated.