Terrorist Attack On AMF
Militant Islam
27-05-2004, 03:59
The infidels of AMF were repressing the muslims of the world, but today the greatest shall fall by the grace of Allah.
Ali Smiled, he had recently been converted into Islam and was now prepared to die for the cause.
He drove his Hummer toards the Convention Center. Inside there were 10,000 fools, the epitome of Wesern Arrogance.
He picked up speed and smashed his vehicle into the entrance, smashing the blasting caps and detonating 600 Pounds of C-4.
Great Mateo
27-05-2004, 04:02
The infidels of AMF were repressing the muslims of the world, but today the greatest shall fall by the grace of Allah.
Ali Smiled, he had recently been converted into Islam and was now prepared to die for the cause.
He drove his Hummer toards the Convention Center. Inside there were 10,000 fools, the epitome of Wesern Arrogance.
He picked up speed and smashed his vehicle into the entrance, smashing the blasting caps and detonating 600 Pounds of C-4.
What the hell is up with people being n00bish about terrorist attacks? No RPing of how you got into the country? No explanation for how he got 600 lbs of C4? No matter. Either AMF will crush you, or another nation I know of that has a plan in the works shall.
27-05-2004, 04:07
The infidels of AMF were repressing the muslims of the world, but today the greatest shall fall by the grace of Allah.
Ali Smiled, he had recently been converted into Islam and was now prepared to die for the cause.
He drove his Hummer toards the Convention Center. Inside there were 10,000 fools, the epitome of Wesern Arrogance.
He picked up speed and smashed his vehicle into the entrance, smashing the blasting caps and detonating 600 Pounds of C-4.I am on par with AMF in many respects, despite tech differences and I can't even get groups of special ops in and out without Damien being alerted.
I should ortillerize you on principle alone.
27-05-2004, 04:14
President Halvent: "Ooh! Our first customer! Bring it on!"
An hour later, transport and cargo aircraft start dropping T-Shirts all over Militant Islam, bearing "I got pwned by AMF and all my remains got was this T-Shirt!"
The infidels of AMF were repressing the muslims of the world, but today the greatest shall fall by the grace of Allah.
Ali Smiled, he had recently been converted into Islam and was now prepared to die for the cause.
He drove his Hummer toards the Convention Center. Inside there were 10,000 fools, the epitome of Wesern Arrogance.
He picked up speed and smashed his vehicle into the entrance, smashing the blasting caps and detonating 600 Pounds of C-4.
Why yes, a great way to help Muslims is to associate them with terrorists.
27-05-2004, 04:24
Allow me to take the first post and then uberize it:
*Assuming AMF has a coastline*
During the cold, waning hours of sunset the Dragon Thunder, a small internationaly registered fishing boat pulled into an AMF harbor, pulling along side a moor, tying up, and preparing for the fun of the rest of the day.
The Dragon's captain, Ahmed al-Muqtada, had other ideas than just recreational fishing. Disguised as various plastic portions of the interior of the small vessel were 600 pounds of plastic explosives, generously donated by a foriegn power (OOC: just say it is me for RP purposes). The captain smiled at the thought that he would give his life to help end AMF oppression against his Islamic brothers, and he became impatient.
He and the crew unloaded a golf cart onto the dock and drove out, not so corvertly, into town, covered slightly by the waning light. Upon being asked by a lone police officer what they were doing, the band got off the cart, surrounded the officer, and strangled and beat him to death, throwing his body hastily in a dumpster.
Stealing the officer's car, the group returned to the ship and unloaded the many explosives into the car, driving full speed into the town once again. This time the captain had them target a convention center. Driving full speed, the fighters thought 'the fools must be inside there in great numbers. They will die to the glory of our people!'
The overweight car lumbered through town and exploded into the wall of the convention center, setting off a massive explosion that rocked the town.
If he were to have writen this, how would this be?
27-05-2004, 04:27
OOC: Firstly, Automagfreek is an island in the middle of the Atlantic, and there's no way your terrorists are in my country.
You are forever ignored and labeled a n00b for thinking you can magically blink terrorists into my country. Read the FAQ at the top of the forum.
BTW, I never oppressed Muslims, you insurmountable cretin.
BTW, I never oppressed Muslims, you insurmountable cretin.
Remember, the USA never oppressed them either. But that didn't stop Al-Qaeda... We welcomed those people with open arms. I have always said and will always say. Under the guise of immigration, the largest fifth column in the history of the world has taken root in the USA. Europe is in similar trouble. It's time we carefully examine which direction our nations are heading... We need to establish who we want coming into our nation, and who we don't want. Obviously, we don't want ungrateful swine who just intend to crash planes into buildings.
27-05-2004, 05:11
Since AMF ignored the n00b, can I kill it? I have a 42% Muslim military that would love to beat the crap out of some terrorists making them look bad...
27-05-2004, 05:16
Since AMF ignored the n00b, can I kill it? I have a 42% Muslim military that would love to beat the crap out of some terrorists making them look bad...
OOC: I could care less. Feel free.