NationStates Jolt Archive

War on Light Red Germany

26-05-2004, 16:52

IC- It was a sad day for Camewot when the news came in that Light Red Germany started forced labout camps in his nation....
The Ministers immidiaetly decided - with the Civil War being offtopic (No more rebels attack) they decided it was important to free other nations of its Nazi Government...


The first Flying Squad rose up the air..
Theyre targets were the first SAM-batterys at the beaches to secure a safe landing by Marines...
Flying Squad:
20 Bombers

Marine being deployed:

5 Warships
10 Transports
5 Submarines

More is coming...

We hereby call our allys to fight with us!

The bombers are expected to see Light Red Germany land in about 5 hours...

OOC- Light Red please post a map of youre nation
The Godess Urd
26-05-2004, 17:13
There once was a man named BUMP!
Ponte Vedra
26-05-2004, 17:52
OOC: Now that you attacked unprovoked and without RP, you will undoubtedly be destroyed. Congrats, tard.

And if you haven't noticed, LRG tis Germany, fool!

Admiral Halsey's Command

The news did not come as a surprise, it was inevitable that the young and arrogant nation of Camewot would decide to attack the Ponte Vedran semi-allied state of Light-Red Germany. "Admiral Halsey, the taskforce is moving at twenty two knots on course zero-four-four. Estimated thirty minutes for the Remington battle group to reach the turning point."

"Very good, Lieutenant." The unnamed junior officer was dismissed back to his normal command. Admiral Halsey sat in his command chair in the CIC of the Carrier Washington. His decent sized battle group of twelve warships and two submarines were traveling up the English Channel to approach Amsterdam and give air coverage to the European nation.

Flight operations had already commenced and the F/A-18G Super Hornets had begun interception and escort missions for German forces. The F-23s on the RNS Remington were preparing flight to attack Camewot transports.

“Have we received radar contact with their expeditionary force yet?” The admiral questioned.

“Yes, sir. APAR-12 picked up their task force just now.”

“Send the coordinates to the cruiser Valderez. Communications, give me a fleet link and then a link with the enemy on all open bands.”

”Aye, Admiral.” After a few minutes, the orders had been broadcasted and the fleet was now with radio contact with the expeditionary force sent by the communist regime in Camewot. “Ponte Vedra Carrier Battle Group Remington to Camewot Expeditionary Force on course to Germany. You have arbitrarily attacked sovereign soil unprovoked. You are being ordered to turn about and leave the North Sea or face complete destruction.” Halsey clicked off the link and said, “How many ships are there again?”

“Approximately 10 identified surface combatants, five transports and at least one known submarine. The Harrison attack sub has moved in place to fire but is awaiting command.” The radar and contacts officer replied.

“Very well. You tell me the second they start turning around. If they don’t give, then green light to attack all of their surface vessels. I want the medium range ship-to-ships to fire first, but send in the F-23s after. And make sure our sub takes out the one we found!”

”Aye, sir!”

Currently I have the following in theatre:
2 Carriers
1 Battleship (in second group)
3 Cruisers
5 Destroyers
8 Frigates
4 Attack Submarines
1 Missile Submarine

If you do not turn around, assume that 45 medium-range heavy warhead ship-to-ship missiles were fired at your expeditionary force, followed by twelve F-23 fighters attacking with assorted air-to-ship missiles and guns. A third volley from similarly armed F/A-18 Super Hornets will follow if you do not turn around. As for one of your submarines, my attack sub will launch two Mark-48 ADCAP torpedoes followed guided by wire for four thousand yards, then followed by a second pair that will also be guided by wire for four-thousand yards.

If you do turn around, none of this will occur and your force will be escorted out of the channel. It is your choice. I have more forces enroute.
Light red germany
26-05-2004, 18:00
OOC: Thank you PV for ur help!

And why are you declarng war camwot? you havent had a declaration of war and you are unprovoked! Plus I am the original german states Do you still need a map? ok, adn did your bombers take losses? And how did your forces get there so quickly withour being interceped by my fleet or planes?

im not gong to post until you decide.
26-05-2004, 18:04
OOC: *Slow handclap* Well done Camewot.


Rufai is prepared to aid should this war continue. The war is unprovoked and needless. Camewot will cease or be destroyed.
26-05-2004, 18:07
Well, we did warn them...

Iuthia prefers to avoid military use until all options are exhausted and then only if our nation or allies are under threat. As it stands we do no agree with wars against nations whom "commit crimes" as there is no actual international law for or against actions a government uses against it's people. We may not like what happens in another nation but it's not our business to police the world, whats so say that a nation can't justify a war with Iuthia because our people have no democracy... we are still in the top 500 happiest people in the world despite this but it's no different from declaring war with a nation over slavery. Cultures are different and Iuthia will at most condemn and embargo such nations, but we will not go in guns blazing unless they present a serious threat to ourselves or other nations.

We will honor our defence obligations and assist in many other non-military matters, we will support you as much as we can without going against our beliefs but we will reserve our right not to aid you should you act without due cause.

Foriegn Minister Mick Lakely, Iuthian Diplomatic Corps

Iuthia wishes to declare it's neutrality in this affair but we would like to note that while we are not interested in getting involved we do have a minor peace keeping operation going on in Camewot and we would ask that any retaliation against Camewot should note that we have two ships in their port and 800 men moving towards a currently empty city within this nation, any damage to our assets will be taken as an act against Iuthia itself.

We hope that your reation to this aggression remains measured, personally I would advise diplomacy but given the history of the nations concerned I doubt it's going to be likely.

Lord General deGritz, leader of the Iuthian people.
Urbanites (

Apply for an Embassy in Iuthia (
OOC Information on Iuthia (
26-05-2004, 18:11
26-05-2004, 18:27
Rufai assures Iuthia that no attacks will be made on Iuthian troopsby ARR troops. We ask that flags be displayed on your ships and vehicles to avoid any accidents. Also, changes to troop positions should be wired to the ARR War Office.
26-05-2004, 18:32
26-05-2004, 18:39
It's quite simple really, we won't rely our exact positions to yourselves as we do not fully trust you to use them against us. However we simply ask that the port area be left alone and that the city of New Camewot be untouched as these are areas we are working in.

While I understand that this port is the only port of it's kind in Camewot we expect no attacks to be taken against this target while our operation in place, the city of New Camewot however is not a military target and shouldn't be bombed at all. Our ships should be flying the Iuthian flag but we understand that fighters and bomber are uncapable of reading these flags from their position.

We also ask that your nation conciders the implications of making a move against the mainland nation and instead take action against the attack force moving in on your ally... you seem a little too eager to invade Camewot and while we do not intend on getting involved we would prefer that you keep your response measured instead of making attacks that could kill many innocents.

Thanks for your concideration, your thoughts will be taken into account.

Foriegn Minister Mick Lakely, Iuthian Diplomatic Corps
Urbanites (

Apply for an Embassy in Iuthia (
OOC Information on Iuthia (
British Communists
26-05-2004, 18:39
We will not yet get involved, but with 200 troops in Camewot, we have to say that should any harm come to them, the consequences will fall heavily on the the form of bombs.
26-05-2004, 18:43
It's really odd, when someone posts about a nation being in a large alliance, certain nations feel the need to threaten other nations who are not in an alliance, are now or just follow their own policy.
Warhammer Syndicate
26-05-2004, 18:45
Since British Communist and I are allies, if any harm comes to his troops it will be considered hostile actions towards my foreign interests. I like this alliance system...
26-05-2004, 18:52
It's really odd, when someone posts about a nation being in a large alliance, certain nations feel the need to threaten other nations who are not in an alliance, are now or just follow their own policy.

In the case of Iuthia I will not deny that we are in an alliance with Camewot and on the whole we are willing to stand by them when they are in trouble... however we warned them that we would not be prepared to defend them if they started wars with other nations, especially if we had worked on calming down nations in the first place. Our agreement states

If it is said that the memberstate is in actual fact the aggressor, nations are free to choose a course of action as they wish, however the memberstate will not come under the protection of the alliance itself.

Providing things do not get out of hand we will not get involved.
26-05-2004, 18:53
OOC: Primo I dident attacked without a reason; he is commiting genocide with his people; he is building workcamps were people are shot and killed if they dont work
Secundo: I am not Communist, I just have strong bonds with Communists
Tertio: If you attack my only port these alliances will be on youre asses: Concordia ( Strong Allys + Anti-Nazi)
Red Bloc Army(Strong allys)
RIA(They have troops in my port)
The message has come clear, we will stay here, not turn backwards...

The General stand on his deck.....

Wilkins come here!

Aye aye sir
Whats going on?

Send a message to Flight Sqaud 1 to turn backwards and attack this fleet, tell them to fly on half capacity because you need to send a message to land to send more bombers

Aye, aye
26-05-2004, 19:06
ooc: one day anation was RP ing its actions in character, just minding its business. Some other nations decided to take offense.

Sound familiar.

Who will give me good odds this will turn into the next FWS incident? Im avoiding it now.
26-05-2004, 19:07
ooc: one day anation was RP ing its actions in character, just minding its business. Some other nations decided to take offense.

Sound familiar.

Who will give me good odds this will turn into the next FWS incident? Im avoiding it now.

OOC: If this turns into a FWS incident the world will be free of again another Nazi nation who thinks he can fool with his people!
Ponte Vedra
26-05-2004, 19:17

Washington Taskforce

"Sir, they are not turning around! They've re-routed bombers to us. Shall we intercept?" The Radar And Communications officer reported. "Radar has a portion of their bomber group breaking off to attack positions!"

"Scramble the F-14s! Now! Have the Ryan swing around and put her anti-missile weapons on our starboard side." Halsey ran to the interactive map and scrolled to the radar contacts. Within four minutes four Tomcats were in the air heading to intercept while another four were preparing for closer-contacts. The destroyer Ryan pulled along side with her broadside facing the oncoming bombers in the distance.

Just then the missiles from the Valderez fired into the enemy fleet flying fourty-five heavy, fast moving missiles into their formation on a re-configuring battlegroup attack system, meaning for every hit target the missiles would redesignate (if that was their target) to another ship until each missile was either destroyed or had impact. Halsey could see on the map that the F-23s moved into the fleet and fired their anti-ship missiles also, creating more of a hassle for their targeting computers and anti-missile operations.


Captain O'Henry stood over the helmsmen watching as his boat rolled to port. It was time to attack. "Weapons, do we have firing solutions?"

"Yes, we have firing solutions on Sierra 1 and 2 for Mk48 ADCAP! on all tubes." The six tubed attack submarine had caught a position where two of the submarines were in firing range.

"Weapons, flood torpedo tubes one through four and then open them! Designate tubes One and Three for Sierra 1 and two and four for Sierra 2."

"Sir, torpedo tubes open!"

"Fire tubes one and three! Cut wires at four-thousand yards! Fire tubes two and four! Also at four thousand yards!" The sub rocked as the torpedos launched. Their water-jet engines propelled them at speeds of excess of fifty-five knots to their targets. The wires guided each torpedo out so that when the submarine moved it would be tracked and the weapons officer could make adjustments to the torpedo. "Helm! Take us to port! Put us on course zero-two-seven! Tactical speed! Diving officer, bring us down to five hundred feet at two degrees down bubble! Weapons! Reload tubes one through four!" The submarine tried to get into a second firing position if necessary but from a different position which the sonar crews on the other team would have a difficult time tracking. They ducked below the thermocline, the depth where the temperature changed to an even colder median for which it became harder to pick up anything.


You fool, your force will be destroyed. You had the option of turning around. I have the capabilities of stopping you both here and in your home nation. I suggest you stop now.
26-05-2004, 19:19
OOC- Ignored, Bombers were a secret IC you fool!
26-05-2004, 19:24
26-05-2004, 19:24
Al-Sabir would like to declare its complete neutrality in this matter for Al-Sabirian forces are stretched thin in Gabon and SI and, more important, this is an aggresive act of war by Camewot, therefore not enabling mutual defense.
26-05-2004, 19:27
Al-Sabir would like to declare its complete neutrality in this matter for this is an aggresive act of war by Camewot, therefore not enabling mutual defense.
Light red germany
26-05-2004, 19:28
OOC- Ignored, Bombers were a secret IC you fool!

Oh, so Radar is ignored in this?
Ponte Vedra
26-05-2004, 19:30
I've asked for a non-biased RP mod, Taurevanime to assist in the rulings for this. Any questions, please contact his nation. Thank you.

And Camewot, if you refuse to admit your fleet is destroyed and your bombers will be too, I will go ahead and teach you another lesson at your homeland.
26-05-2004, 19:45
Well I read it over a couply of times. You're "bombers would easilly have been spotted and intercepted. You din't say what kind of bombers they were, just bombers.
Your fleet would also have been easilly spotted and fired upon, and there is no CIWS that can defend against 43 missles and 3 waves of aircraft. I have to agree with Ponte Vedra on this.
Fascist Enterprises
26-05-2004, 19:47
At the office of the priminister of fascist industries.

A man burst into the office.

sieg:what the hell are you doing in my office

aron:sorry sir but you know that country that threatened us ??? camewot!


aron:well they invaded another national socalist nation!!

Sieg:What i assume were deploying 'Gross Deuchland'

aron:allready there sir

Sieg:sometimes i wonder who rules this country........

At 03:00 a divison of the crack gross deuchland paraschute legion dropped down in front of the enemy's advance.There were 200 heavily armed men with anti armour and anti personell weapons.It took 5 minutes for therm toi be formed up and they immediatly opened fire on the enemy advance.With the benefit of cover they would reap a terrible harvest of descrution.

At 03:10 an envoy arrived at the office of red lights germany

Envoy:we have deployed troops in your country and are attacking your enemy,if you wish we shall withdraw.

OOC:red lights germany do you want to be in an alliance.
26-05-2004, 19:48
OOC: I trust that Taurevanime is fair in this role, he seems to be a good enough guy when I talk to him on IRC.

He's also a good RPer which say it all realy. I trust Taurevanime.
Light red germany
26-05-2004, 19:50
YEs i do! no they havent landde yet but somehoe they showd up at my door without knocking or realising that I didknow they were there. So ultimately they are screwed. thank you for sending troops.

what allinace is this that Im joining?
British Communists
26-05-2004, 19:51
I've asked for a non-biased RP mod, Taurevanime to assist in the rulings for this. Any questions, please contact his nation. Thank you.

And Camewot, if you refuse to admit your fleet is destroyed and your bombers will be too, I will go ahead and teach you another lesson at your homeland.

May I remind you that if nay of my troops stationed there are harmed in any way, I won't hesitate to destroy you.
Light red germany
26-05-2004, 19:52
I've asked for a non-biased RP mod, Taurevanime to assist in the rulings for this. Any questions, please contact his nation. Thank you.

And Camewot, if you refuse to admit your fleet is destroyed and your bombers will be too, I will go ahead and teach you another lesson at your homeland.

May I remind you that if nay of my troops stationed there are harmed in any way, I won't hesitate to destroy you.

Ok, yes. You can destroy my allies multi-billion person nation. Yes, yes...ok...move along now. And no, I am smart now, i have smart weapons and a relatively intelligent fighting force...I won't attack neutral nations.
British Communists
26-05-2004, 19:55
Not me alone, but my alliance of 46 nations, plus countless other single allies won't be happy.
Ponte Vedra
26-05-2004, 21:15
Well right...sure...whatever.
Light red germany
26-05-2004, 23:27
The president was eating while the news came. "There are bombers over our nation!"

"Shoot them down!" He yelled!!

Sir, the ponte vedrans are already here in combat and fighting. our sams at the beach were destroyed!" "what the hell?" he replied. "Thats not right! Unleash the landeswher!"

The military came up.

[code]500 Leapord Tanks
800 M2A3 Bradley Fighting Vehicles
100 Apache Helicopters
40,000 Front line troops in hummers with machineguns and grenades
150,000 front line infantry
10,000 marines
400 155mm Howitzers
100 203mm Howitzers[code]

*ooc im so proud that I learned that code!*

"Send the Landeswher to the front! They'll deal with them when they get to the beaches! And deal with those bombers!"

The Luftwaffe was deployed on constant air patrol. The Saab J-39 Grippen fighter squadrons searched for the bombers as they neared cities.
Light red germany
26-05-2004, 23:29
The president was eating while the news came. "There are bombers over our nation!"

"Shoot them down!" He yelled!!

Sir, the ponte vedrans are already here in combat and fighting. our sams at the beach were destroyed!" "what the hell?" he replied. "Thats not right! Unleash the landeswher!"

The military came up.

[code]500 Leapord Tanks
800 M2A3 Bradley Fighting Vehicles
100 Apache Helicopters
40,000 Front line troops in hummers with machineguns and grenades
150,000 front line infantry
10,000 marines
400 155mm Howitzers
100 203mm Howitzers[code]

*ooc :lol: :lol: 8) im so proud that I learned that code!*

"Send the Landeswher to the front! They'll deal with them when they get to the beaches! And deal with those bombers!"

The Luftwaffe was deployed on constant air patrol. The Saab J-39 Grippen fighter squadrons searched for the bombers as they neared cities.
26-05-2004, 23:50
Offical Announcement

It sometimes happens that nations guided by good are blinded by their naivety and do extremely stupid things.

One of these nations is Camewot. In their rush to correct "injustice" they attacked Ponte Vedra - a member of the Accord. If their intelligence officers would have done a little research, they would have found out that the Accord's motto runs "Ne conjuge nobiscum" - "Don't Mess with us." Camewot messed with an Accord nation.

That is a mistake a nation can make only once.

In Atlantic Island

RDF Forces are being prepared to be sent to attack Camewot.

The forces include 5 supercarriers:

Alex Norton (Yekaterinburg-class)
Thomas Jefferson (Yekaterinburg-class)
Ann Coulter (Yekaterinburg-class)
Howard Dean (Yekaterinburg-class)
John Fitzerald Kennedy (Yekaterinburg-class)

They are carrying far below their capacity in fighter aircraft (200 Ann Coulter Mark II fighter bombers only, total), but they compensate for that by carrying 10,000 Allanean Marines.

Further more, Celtayoshi RDF members are sent in:

Carrier Battle Group:
1 Lunar Class Carrier
2 Ticonderoga Crusiers
2 Thatcher Class Destroyers
2 Ardent Class Gided Missile Frigates
2 Furor Supply Ships
They are carryin 10,000 assault troops.

Moreover, 200 B-52's, 50 B-2's, and 200 B-747 Bombers set off Atlantic Island. They are escorted by 1,000 Allanean Ann Coulter Mark II planes. They are ordered to set course for the Camewot capital.
27-05-2004, 00:10
Rufai is pleased to see the nations rising to LSG's defence.

Forces being sent to LSG for defence are the following:

---100 000 ARR army troops equipped with Layna assault rifles and grenades.
---50 000 ARR StormTroop Elite, with Layna assault rifles/ Scartec sniper rifles with equipped scopes and grenade launcher.
---500 Stalker tanks with full crews.
---600 Stalker support vehicles (some with mounted .50 calibre guns, others with AA guns).
---400 155mm Howitzers.
---200 203mm Howitzers.
Unlimited POW0RZ
27-05-2004, 01:44
"Our Unlimited POW0RZ tech will be unleashed!"

"We are sending

1 000 000 battle POW0RZ clones armed with lazs and all have bionics
50 000 battle POW0RZ tanks with super laz cannons and AA systems
5 000 multi-role air superiority POW0RZ fighters armed with super laz cannons

and, I didn't want to do this, but you forced my hand Camewot. I will unleash 10 000 bloodthirsty POW0RZ space marines. Prepare to meet your maker!"

General Stallone

"We shall never dissolve our region! We shall not back ground! We shall stand firm! We shall defend our friends light red germany from teh warmonger Camewot! Death to Camewot!"

Madam Robbins - Supreme Leader of the Unlimitedz
27-05-2004, 01:51
This is modern tech, not space tech. Go play elsewhere. Anyways, Allanea apparantly will not be here until Sunday (maybe later tonight, dont know really), and as the official commander of the RDF anyways, I will have to fill in for Allanea while he is not here.
Unlimited POW0RZ
27-05-2004, 01:54
Unlimited POW0RZ
27-05-2004, 01:56
Unlimited POW0RZ
27-05-2004, 01:56
Unlimited POW0RZ
27-05-2004, 01:56
This is modern tech, not space tech. Go play elsewhere. Anyways, Allanea apparantly will not be here until Sunday (maybe later tonight, dont know really), and as the official commander of the RDF anyways, I will have to fill in for Allanea while he is not here.

OOC:I'm defending my ally! Camewot had to accept it. not my fault he can't do any rsearch.
27-05-2004, 04:33
OOC: Not really, seeing as you are blatantly RPing a completely different technology from everyone else who are at least trying to keep this remotely sane I don't see why anyone should have to take being attacked by "OMG POWAH ARMOR" especially a million suits which would be ignored by most nations...

Now in this case it's not like Camewots asked ignore you yet, people on your own side are telling you to tone it down so I would suggest that if you don't want this to turn into a ignore fest you either become modern tech with some sanity or RP your uber-death-mega tech else where.
Light red germany
27-05-2004, 05:56
Camewot, you need to post losses of your fleet and of your bomber force rightnow you should be destroyed or something.
Unlimited POW0RZ
27-05-2004, 06:17
OOC: Not really, seeing as you are blatantly RPing a completely different technology from everyone else who are at least trying to keep this remotely sane I don't see why anyone should have to take being attacked by "OMG POWAH ARMOR" especially a million suits which would be ignored by most nations...

Now in this case it's not like Camewots asked ignore you yet, people on your own side are telling you to tone it down so I would suggest that if you don't want this to turn into a ignore fest you either become modern tech with some sanity or RP your uber-death-mega tech else where.

OOC: Okay Okay! So can I used modern tech for this war but future tech if Swedish Dominions attacks? Come on, I'm basically future tech (it's pretty obvious from my before posts) so shouldn't a modern tech nation be more careful? This is dumb if I have to totally change my nation because my ally is being wrongly threatened and attacked.
Austar Union
27-05-2004, 06:41
As President Madison was riding his bicycle through Anatoba, a news crew spotted him and began to question him of his position on the conflict.

"Really," answered President Madison, "I think those leaders in Camewot need to learn a little something about public relations. If they want to go haywire and abuse their positions, then thats their choice, but they cant expect many of their allies to support them if this IS the case.

Camewot has little right to speak into the domestic affairs into any nation, especially considering his size. Bah, I think he needs to have a little sense smacked into him, and any retaliation will teach him a great deal. I will say however that if the reaction is EXCESSIVE, then I will commit the nation to his defense, but nevertheless, we will be monitering the situtation closely."
27-05-2004, 14:46

You must give up this foolish war. Rufai does not wish to go to war over a war with no reasoning behind it. We are prepared to defend Light Red Germnay to the death, but if you back down, my armies can go elsewhere to wars WITH SOME PURPOSE. The armies of great nations stands in the way of your goal. All you will accomplish is the death of your country and people. We await your response.

Premier Rufai of the Armed Republic of Rufai
27-05-2004, 17:55
First of all Light Red Germany (or whatever youre name is) you cant shoot my bombers over youre nation cause they turned to go for the fleet **sigh**
Second of all Ponte Vedra, you couldent have seen them on the radar cause they were like 3 hours away
Third of all I dident attack Ponte Vedra, he attacked me...
Fourth of all my fleet is destroyed and the bombers are turning home....
At the last: if you feel like attacking me, this thread is closed to me to attack me open a new thread

**I tried to make a good RP but people just dont care if nations kill theyre entire population, just go on like always and look how the world is taken over by stupid people**

To: Germany, yeh ofcourse mate, im destroyed by youre nation **sigh**

Edit: You could have just waited for me to post instead of just destroying me for 3 pages long....Infidels....
27-05-2004, 18:29
OOC: Tis true, Allanea. Ponte Vedra attacked Camewot because Camewot attacked LRG. Camewot isn't (directly) to blame for Ponte Vedra attacking, that was PV's decision...
27-05-2004, 18:41
27-05-2004, 18:44
Edit: Double Post
Fascist Enterprises
27-05-2004, 19:05
ooc:Red lights germany the alliance is only with me.

As the enemy troops seemed to withdraw the machine guns quietened,infront lay a feild of corpses,in the short conflict only 4 gross deuchland troops were wounded and none killed.Thanks to the cover of the woods they had reigned descrution on their enemy and notched up a victory for fascist countries everywhere.When the regiment returned home there would be many medals for victory and the regimental standard would gain another victory notch.
27-05-2004, 20:39
OOC: Right...The war is over. O...ho.

IC: Premier Rufai has ordered the airlifting of all troops previously sent to LRG's defence back to the Fatherland. Should LRG request it, we will leave a small detachment behind to keep the peace.

Premir Rufai wishes also to be granted an embassy in LRG. He will, of course, permit an embassy within the ARR.
Light red germany
28-05-2004, 02:51
Rufai, you are allowed to put an embasy in Berlin, Germany's capitol. Please post a picture of what you want it to look like and i will have my army engineers construct it with teh finest matreial.

Camewot, your bombers are destroyed because they were over my nation if you hadnt noticed and your forces never took looses even though my SAMs wer elined up all along the beaches and all active! how can youc al yourself an RPer.

Ponte Vedra, thanks very much for your support of both you in the accord. lets go after this guy.
28-05-2004, 03:10
Being a space tech nation we can't provide much aid but money and troops are a possible option. Largent is considering sending 1.000.000 troops to fight against LRG(I may not do this, cause ya, I'm space tech, but if I use modern tech(I ued to be modern so I could use that army) I may enter the conflict if not to many people have a problem with that)
Light red germany
28-05-2004, 03:22
War is over, I won
Unlimited POW0RZ
28-05-2004, 08:32
Excellent! The first of many victories LRG!
28-05-2004, 08:34
It is a sad day when an irresponceable nation is allowed to continue persecuting their citizens.
Unlimited POW0RZ
28-05-2004, 08:40
We don't think so! It's a happy day!
29-05-2004, 02:27
We don't think so! It's a happy day!

How about i make all the smiles go away...if you catch my drift :wink:
Light red germany
29-05-2004, 04:25
It is a sad day when an irresponceable nation is allowed to continue persecuting their citizens.

ithink you should be quiet my allies are bigger than you
29-05-2004, 09:18
Rufai, you are allowed to put an embasy in Berlin, Germany's capitol. Please post a picture of what you want it to look like and i will have my army engineers construct it with teh finest matreial.

Camewot, your bombers are destroyed because they were over my nation if you hadnt noticed and your forces never took looses even though my SAMs wer elined up all along the beaches and all active! how can youc al yourself an RPer.

Ponte Vedra, thanks very much for your support of both you in the accord. lets go after this guy.

Djees, how much did you got on youre last grades?
I asked my bombers to turn around and go for the fleet :S
They were never even near youre beaches....
Unlimited POW0RZ
29-05-2004, 15:20
Rufai, you are allowed to put an embasy in Berlin, Germany's capitol. Please post a picture of what you want it to look like and i will have my army engineers construct it with teh finest matreial.

Camewot, your bombers are destroyed because they were over my nation if you hadnt noticed and your forces never took looses even though my SAMs wer elined up all along the beaches and all active! how can youc al yourself an RPer.

Ponte Vedra, thanks very much for your support of both you in the accord. lets go after this guy.

Djees, how much did you got on youre last grades?
I asked my bombers to turn around and go for the fleet :S
They were never even near youre beaches....

I will shoot your bombers out of the skies Camewot! Man, you don't know what your messing with! I can call upon a super huge region to lay waste to your huts and meatmarkets!
29-05-2004, 18:46
Camewot lost. Simple fact. Let us put aside the bickering and move on.

LRG, a pic will be posted to illustrate what the ARR Embassy should be like within the next 3 RL days.