NationStates Jolt Archive


24-05-2004, 05:59
Fascian Secret Domestic Intelligence Services (Commonly referred to as the Teutonic Knights... They do more than provide domestic intelligence, they are an ultra-loyal band of fanatics)...

Well, the TK is looking to set up stations in other nations to help interrogation, policing, surveillance, etc... They would also like to be directly involved in questioning of anybody who attempts to attack FWS.

Any takers?

Did I mention, we'll pay 1,000,000,000 USD for each station you let us establish if we're also allowed to be directly involved.
24-05-2004, 06:01
Look up the carbombing thread, we have the suspect but do not know who he works for or what people hes working with.
24-05-2004, 17:20
Rufao grants FWS Teutonic Knights planning permission in a large area of land in the capital of the ARR. This land is equivalent to the size of a football pitch and was previosuly occupied by trade unions, before I abolished them and executed their leaders.

Of course, FWS Teutonic Knights will be allowed to aid the RdK in interrogation etc, and the RdK will be issuing details on terrorists/criminals involved in attacks on friendly nations.
24-05-2004, 17:48
Transnapastain considers the request

If the TK is allowed to enter and operate in our nation, the conditions are as follows
-The Transnapastaini branch of the TK is answerable to the Office of Internal Security
-The Transnapastaini branch of the TK is allowed to operate independently of the OIS, so long as thet follow OIS guidelines
-The Transnapastaini branch of the TK is not granted access to the intelligence reports coming from partner intelligence agencies unless an agreement is reached with all member nations, primarily; this includes Kaukolastains, ISA, Nailiak's NIS, and Armed Lumberjacks HSA
-The Transnapastaini branch of the TK will use the facilities provided by the OIS. Equipment being brought into the nation will be subject to inspection, as well as personal
-The Transnapastaini branch of the TK transmission into and out of the nation will use a pre-set encrypt agreed upon by FWS and the Directorate, the TK will Transmit all data to a relay station, located somewhere within the Directorate, which will then decrypt the message, review it, censor it as needed, and send a copy of the censored message forward to its intended location and return a copy to the TK facility
-The Transnapastaini branch of the TK will not divulge information gained about intelligence operation within Transnapastain and The Directorate to any nation not allied with the Directorate, even if they are an ally of FWS
-The Transnapastaini branch of the TK will allow the OIS unrestricted access to the TK facility in Transnapastain 3 times, randomly, a year for inspection.
-The Transnapastaini branch of the TK will have a liason OIS officer which will oversee its facilties

We reserve the right to add clauses until the final agreement is reached

Upon agreement of the terms, we will reduce the amount of money owed to a mere 1,000 dollar a month rent fee for office space, equipment used, and vehicle service. FWS is still responsible for the salary of its agents, agents can be provided with barracks living space, but are not required to take advantage of it. Transnapastain is willing to pay for hotel rooms, of an agents choice, excluding 5 star accommodations, for three (3) months until the agents are established and able to purchase their own homes, the money paid does not have to repaid tot he Transnapastaini government.
24-05-2004, 17:57
You can stay in Hogsweat. As long as you dont mind being gassed.
24-05-2004, 18:15
the Dark Empire Stigmata agency(make the CIA look like a gossip club) is willing to let you put up the following:

1 Station in CorpSac city
4 Stations around the CorpSac Earth Colony land (there is a map somewere)

you will be given the following:

Low Level Stigmata IDs (if your people are ever picked up by the Police just show it and they will run away)
1 Tower Building in CorpSac City

under the following Rules:
You will have a Undercover Stigmata Agent(s) following ALL you teams around
will not be allowed to take ANY photograpths
All Comm will be taped
a Stigmata Agent in all "interrogations" and "arests"
If any outside Intelligence Services find your TK agents the Dark Empire will not Admit we allowed you Agent(s) in our Borders and will be Exercuted and the Low Level Stigmata IDs will come up as Fake
Your Agent(s) must inform the Stimata of ANY "arests","Interrorgations" or Intelligence on ANY person(s) within our Borders
You will NOT be allowed in certain Areas of the nation
United Korean Nations
24-05-2004, 19:00
We will allow you to have an operating station in the UKN capoitol of Pyongyang. however;

they will not be allowed to have weapons legally
they must allow there station to be checked weekly
if they hide anyrhing from inspection, they will be expelled from te nation
they may not transmit to anywhere but the UKN Police Hq
the UKN Police Hq will transmit the data as it sees fit
TK Agents are subject to death if they use torture as an interrogation methed
Kelonian States
24-05-2004, 19:21
The deadly viper
24-05-2004, 19:26
you may have up to two stations in my country at your chosen place but they may not be armed (and weapons inspectors will be checking) but you need not fear for security as our armed police your gaurds are very skilled
The deadly viper
24-05-2004, 19:27
torture is enchoraged
24-05-2004, 19:30
Ummm people.....i put the most strict condidtions and even im lettingt hem have guns.....

Its kind of stupid not to provide Internal Security officers with guns.....
24-05-2004, 20:59
the Dark Empire Stigmata agency(make the CIA look like a gossip club) is willing to let you put up the following:

1 Station in CorpSac city
4 Stations around the CorpSac Earth Colony land (there is a map somewere)

you will be given the following:

Low Level Stigmata IDs (if your people are ever picked up by the Police just show it and they will run away)
1 Tower Building in CorpSac City

under the following Rules:
You will have a Undercover Stigmata Agent(s) following ALL you teams around
will not be allowed to take ANY photograpths
All Comm will be taped
a Stigmata Agent in all "interrogations" and "arests"
If any outside Intelligence Services find your TK agents the Dark Empire will not Admit we allowed you Agent(s) in our Borders and will be Exercuted and the Low Level Stigmata IDs will come up as Fake
Your Agent(s) must inform the Stimata of ANY "arests","Interrorgations" or Intelligence on ANY person(s) within our Borders
You will NOT be allowed in certain Areas of the nation

24-05-2004, 20:59
We will allow you to have an operating station in the UKN capoitol of Pyongyang. however;

they will not be allowed to have weapons legally
they must allow there station to be checked weekly
if they hide anyrhing from inspection, they will be expelled from te nation
they may not transmit to anywhere but the UKN Police Hq
the UKN Police Hq will transmit the data as it sees fit
TK Agents are subject to death if they use torture as an interrogation methed

No deal... Sorry.
24-05-2004, 21:00
you may have up to two stations in my country at your chosen place but they may not be armed (and weapons inspectors will be checking) but you need not fear for security as our armed police your gaurds are very skilled

Deal, if they are allowed to carry pistols only??? No long guns... What say you.
24-05-2004, 21:02
Transnapastain considers the request

If the TK is allowed to enter and operate in our nation, the conditions are as follows
-The Transnapastaini branch of the TK is answerable to the Office of Internal Security
-The Transnapastaini branch of the TK is allowed to operate independently of the OIS, so long as thet follow OIS guidelines
-The Transnapastaini branch of the TK is not granted access to the intelligence reports coming from partner intelligence agencies unless an agreement is reached with all member nations, primarily; this includes Kaukolastains, ISA, Nailiak's NIS, and Armed Lumberjacks HSA
-The Transnapastaini branch of the TK will use the facilities provided by the OIS. Equipment being brought into the nation will be subject to inspection, as well as personal
-The Transnapastaini branch of the TK transmission into and out of the nation will use a pre-set encrypt agreed upon by FWS and the Directorate, the TK will Transmit all data to a relay station, located somewhere within the Directorate, which will then decrypt the message, review it, censor it as needed, and send a copy of the censored message forward to its intended location and return a copy to the TK facility
-The Transnapastaini branch of the TK will not divulge information gained about intelligence operation within Transnapastain and The Directorate to any nation not allied with the Directorate, even if they are an ally of FWS
-The Transnapastaini branch of the TK will allow the OIS unrestricted access to the TK facility in Transnapastain 3 times, randomly, a year for inspection.
-The Transnapastaini branch of the TK will have a liason OIS officer which will oversee its facilties

We reserve the right to add clauses until the final agreement is reached

Upon agreement of the terms, we will reduce the amount of money owed to a mere 1,000 dollar a month rent fee for office space, equipment used, and vehicle service. FWS is still responsible for the salary of its agents, agents can be provided with barracks living space, but are not required to take advantage of it. Transnapastain is willing to pay for hotel rooms, of an agents choice, excluding 5 star accommodations, for three (3) months until the agents are established and able to purchase their own homes, the money paid does not have to repaid tot he Transnapastaini government.

24-05-2004, 22:02
Rufai would like to extend this offer to FWS.

-The branch of TK troops must report directly to the RdK HQ.
-RdK leaders are to be informed of operations, but the TK may operate on their own.
-Equipment for the FWS TK base are supplied by the ARR.
-Any additional supplies brought in must be inspected.
-TK HQ is to be inspected at irregular intervals by RdK personnel, who must be allowed unrestricted access.
-An RdK Special Officer is to run communications from RdK GQ to TK HQ.
-All communiques and telegrams are to be first sent to RdK satellite networks where they will be monitored and then sent on to their target areas.
24-05-2004, 23:03
Rufai would like to extend this offer to FWS.

-The branch of TK troops must report directly to the RdK HQ.
-RdK leaders are to be informed of operations, but the TK may operate on their own.
-Equipment for the FWS TK base are supplied by the ARR.
-Any additional supplies brought in must be inspected.
-TK HQ is to be inspected at irregular intervals by RdK personnel, who must be allowed unrestricted access.
-An RdK Special Officer is to run communications from RdK GQ to TK HQ.
-All communiques and telegrams are to be first sent to RdK satellite networks where they will be monitored and then sent on to their target areas.

Okay, they'll need numerous clubs, iron pipes, hot water irons (for clothing ironing), a water dripping device, an iron maiden (Without the spikes) it is used for sensory deprivation. They'll need a few other things also... We can work out the specifics later.
25-05-2004, 00:20
Rufai would like to extend this offer to FWS.

--TK HQ is to be inspected at irregular intervals by RdK personnel, who must be allowed unrestricted access.

Is it okay if my men torture and ruthlessly pummel prisoners?
25-05-2004, 00:46
We may need a deal with FWS to allow us to send Mossad prisoners (they are your enemies too) and have you beat the **** out of them.
25-05-2004, 02:19
We may need a deal with FWS to allow us to send Mossad prisoners (they are your enemies too) and have you beat the **** out of them.

My men prefer to "question" captured female terrorists. But they'll gladly smash a club into the head of some male terrorist.
25-05-2004, 05:25
Thank you FWS for your accetpance, should you need anything please Telegram me, if you have AIM or Yahoo, TG me asking for a Screename, should you wish
Kelonian States
25-05-2004, 05:51
We'd be willing to offer you the rights to build two facilities, one on the Kelonian mainland and one in the territory of Theohuanacu.

However, there are a few rules to abide by first;

Operatives of the TK are answerable to operatives of the Kelonian VQB on all matters concerning Kelonian soil or citizens*
Operatives of the TK are to share all intelligence gathered on matters pertaining to Kelonia or it's people - VQB/KSA** intelligence on matters related to FWS will pass the other way at our discretion.
Operatives of the TK are not to perform any action on Kelonian soil that may bring Kelonia into disrepute. Kelonia or it's government are not responsible for TK acts committed at these bases or by TK operatives anywhere in Kelonia*
Operatives of the TK are to understand that if these rules are broken or Kelonia comes under direct serious threat of war due to your actions, our offer and our protection will be null and void.

Excluding those circumstances, you can do what you like within your own bases. We just don't like the idea of getting blamed for some... unusual interrogation techniques carried out by TK operatives.

* These rules are in place to protect Kelonia from being drawn into a war with other nations over actions of foreign operatives such as the TK. It's a disclaimer and protection against getting blamed for what your operatives do.
** VQB: Valor Quin Bahil: Counter-terrorism/Special forces/VIP Protection group - basically a secretive cross between the CIA and the SAS. KSA: Kelonian Security Agency: Typical CIA-style international intelligence agency.
25-05-2004, 12:10
Rufai will provide for FWS. All that you require shall be granted to you. Of course it's ok for your TK to ruthlessly torture and pummel prisoners! Our RdK leader, General Anthony Strachan, would like to extend a friendly competition to TK troops.

We gather 100 criminals of different serious crimes. TK receive 50. RdK receive 50. Then we see how long it takes for them to win.

To make it fair, an RdK inviligator sits in on torture sessions, and a TK inviligator sits in on RdK toture sessions.

Let the best interrogators win!
25-05-2004, 12:12
25-05-2004, 14:07
No thanks. We had enough problems with your medieval precedessors during the middle ages.
25-05-2004, 14:28
Any member of the Teutonic Knights found operating in Momanguise will be arrested by the MPSA and taken to a cell where they will never see the light of day again.

That is all.
25-05-2004, 14:32
I ask why any nation would allow foreign spy agencies to operate in their countries. Surely your national security and secrets are more important that $1billion dollars.
25-05-2004, 14:42
Also I challange FWS to expalain just how he is paying for all this. You had a bloody civil war, were then invaded and lost one million men, you then invaded another country. Face it, your economy would be shattered.
25-05-2004, 15:17
Also I challange FWS to expalain just how he is paying for all this. You had a bloody civil war, were then invaded and lost one million men, you then invaded another country. Face it, your economy would be shattered.

It's called foreign assistance.. Also by selling detainees we've gotten loads of money... Also we lost about 1/30 the population.... Germany lost far more than that and they were back on their feet like that.

My civil war was far from bloody (Less than 10,000 died). No foreign army ever crossed the river so it wasn't really "An invasion"... No cities were occupied, the army in the field wasn't defeated... It was more of a trench war that took place in "No man's land" (the river region).

My businesses and foreign businesses operating in FWS are employing more people than ever to fill contracts to rebuild wrecked houses, etc... There is a population boom as soldiers return home to their wives etc... OCC: Face it, you're an idiot.
British Communists
25-05-2004, 15:30
You're one of the only idiots on NS FWS, Momanguise happens to be the opposite. The fact that all you can do to answer a valid question is insult him shows how immature, seriously, how old are you..11, 12? If you continue to insult my allies I'll make sure my army is the first to cross the river.
25-05-2004, 15:39
We'd be willing to offer you the rights to build two facilities, one on the Kelonian mainland and one in the territory of Theohuanacu.

However, there are a few rules to abide by first;

Operatives of the TK are answerable to operatives of the Kelonian VQB on all matters concerning Kelonian soil or citizens*
Operatives of the TK are to share all intelligence gathered on matters pertaining to Kelonia or it's people - VQB/KSA** intelligence on matters related to FWS will pass the other way at our discretion.
Operatives of the TK are not to perform any action on Kelonian soil that may bring Kelonia into disrepute. Kelonia or it's government are not responsible for TK acts committed at these bases or by TK operatives anywhere in Kelonia*
Operatives of the TK are to understand that if these rules are broken or Kelonia comes under direct serious threat of war due to your actions, our offer and our protection will be null and void.

Excluding those circumstances, you can do what you like within your own bases. We just don't like the idea of getting blamed for some... unusual interrogation techniques carried out by TK operatives.

* These rules are in place to protect Kelonia from being drawn into a war with other nations over actions of foreign operatives such as the TK. It's a disclaimer and protection against getting blamed for what your operatives do.
** VQB: Valor Quin Bahil: Counter-terrorism/Special forces/VIP Protection group - basically a secretive cross between the CIA and the SAS. KSA: Kelonian Security Agency: Typical CIA-style international intelligence agency.

25-05-2004, 15:40
We'd be willing to offer you the rights to build two facilities, one on the Kelonian mainland and one in the territory of Theohuanacu.

However, there are a few rules to abide by first;

Operatives of the TK are answerable to operatives of the Kelonian VQB on all matters concerning Kelonian soil or citizens*
Operatives of the TK are to share all intelligence gathered on matters pertaining to Kelonia or it's people - VQB/KSA** intelligence on matters related to FWS will pass the other way at our discretion.
Operatives of the TK are not to perform any action on Kelonian soil that may bring Kelonia into disrepute. Kelonia or it's government are not responsible for TK acts committed at these bases or by TK operatives anywhere in Kelonia*
Operatives of the TK are to understand that if these rules are broken or Kelonia comes under direct serious threat of war due to your actions, our offer and our protection will be null and void.

Excluding those circumstances, you can do what you like within your own bases. We just don't like the idea of getting blamed for some... unusual interrogation techniques carried out by TK operatives.

* These rules are in place to protect Kelonia from being drawn into a war with other nations over actions of foreign operatives such as the TK. It's a disclaimer and protection against getting blamed for what your operatives do.
** VQB: Valor Quin Bahil: Counter-terrorism/Special forces/VIP Protection group - basically a secretive cross between the CIA and the SAS. KSA: Kelonian Security Agency: Typical CIA-style international intelligence agency.

25-05-2004, 15:40
We'd be willing to offer you the rights to build two facilities, one on the Kelonian mainland and one in the territory of Theohuanacu.

However, there are a few rules to abide by first;

Operatives of the TK are answerable to operatives of the Kelonian VQB on all matters concerning Kelonian soil or citizens*
Operatives of the TK are to share all intelligence gathered on matters pertaining to Kelonia or it's people - VQB/KSA** intelligence on matters related to FWS will pass the other way at our discretion.
Operatives of the TK are not to perform any action on Kelonian soil that may bring Kelonia into disrepute. Kelonia or it's government are not responsible for TK acts committed at these bases or by TK operatives anywhere in Kelonia*
Operatives of the TK are to understand that if these rules are broken or Kelonia comes under direct serious threat of war due to your actions, our offer and our protection will be null and void.

Excluding those circumstances, you can do what you like within your own bases. We just don't like the idea of getting blamed for some... unusual interrogation techniques carried out by TK operatives.

* These rules are in place to protect Kelonia from being drawn into a war with other nations over actions of foreign operatives such as the TK. It's a disclaimer and protection against getting blamed for what your operatives do.
** VQB: Valor Quin Bahil: Counter-terrorism/Special forces/VIP Protection group - basically a secretive cross between the CIA and the SAS. KSA: Kelonian Security Agency: Typical CIA-style international intelligence agency.

25-05-2004, 15:48
It's called foreign assistance.. Also by selling detainees we've gotten loads of money... Also we lost about 1/30 the population.... Germany lost far more than that and they were back on their feet like that.

My civil war was far from bloody (Less than 10,000 died). No foreign army ever crossed the river so it wasn't really "An invasion"... No cities were occupied, the army in the field wasn't defeated... It was more of a trench war that took place in "No man's land" (the river region).

My businesses and foreign businesses operating in FWS are employing more people than ever to fill contracts to rebuild wrecked houses, etc... There is a population boom as soldiers return home to their wives etc... OCC: Face it, you're an idiot.

a) Would you care to name these foriegn assistors?

b) I call 10,000 bloody, especially for a nation of your (then) size.

c) The invasion was a you. Even though you put it in better grammar and spelling, effecitively what you were saying was 'HAHA. I MOBLIZED 10 MILLION OF MY SOLDIERS, SHOT DOWN YOR NOOKS, I PWN JOO!'

You are a n00b. Making zillions of posts cannot cover that up.

d)Yeah, look at Germany. Finacially shattered, politically scared, falling birth rates.....Then again you like Germany as a role model, as we have seen.

e) What soldiers? The teenage boys with Panzerfursts strapped to bycicles? Oh and guess what? Babies don't earn you money.

ooc: I am an idiot? No. I don't want to get into a childish mud slinging war with you. But I promise you, you don't want me to put down in writing what I would like to.
25-05-2004, 15:52
It's called foreign assistance.. Also by selling detainees we've gotten loads of money... Also we lost about 1/30 the population.... Germany lost far more than that and they were back on their feet like that.

My civil war was far from bloody (Less than 10,000 died). No foreign army ever crossed the river so it wasn't really "An invasion"... No cities were occupied, the army in the field wasn't defeated... It was more of a trench war that took place in "No man's land" (the river region).

My businesses and foreign businesses operating in FWS are employing more people than ever to fill contracts to rebuild wrecked houses, etc... There is a population boom as soldiers return home to their wives etc... OCC: Face it, you're an idiot.

a) Would you care to name these foriegn assistors?

b) I call 10,000 bloody, especially for a nation of your (then) size.

c) The invasion was a you. Even though you put it in better grammar and spelling, effecitively what you were saying was 'HAHA. I MOBLIZED 10 MILLION OF MY SOLDIERS, SHOT DOWN YOR NOOKS, I PWN JOO!'

You are a n00b. Making zillions of posts cannot cover that up.

d)Yeah, look at Germany. Finacially shattered, politically scared, falling birth rates.....Then again you like Germany as a role model, as we have seen.

e) What soldiers? The teenage boys with Panzerfursts strapped to bycicles? Oh and guess what? Babies don't earn you money.

ooc: I am an idiot? No. I don't want to get into a childish mud slinging war with you. But I promise you, you don't want me to put down in writing what I would like to.

I had about 4 million soldiers, not 10 million... And I lost 300,000 of them... Hardly a "poof I win" wouldn't you agree?? Although you're so messed in the head, you're like a lamb being guided towards the slaughter... You can see the other lambs going in and hear the knives being sharpened, but you'd rather live in your blissful delusion of a world, because 10 more seconds of bliss is better than 1 second of freedom for you.