Counter attack on Anti Terror Army
Because of ATA's unprovoked dastardly attack on the now destroyed nation United Korea, Belem is launching a full counter attack against the barbarians of ATA. That is all.
Ref threads:
Space launched missiles:
(5-15 minutes from launch to detonation): 30 10 megaton missiles(single warhead flash nukes use a laser to start a fusion reaction) directed at ATA nuclear assets to prevent them from launching their remaining birds.
1 50 megaton cobalt bomb- massive radiation bomb that makes an unihabitable for thousands of years because of the half life of cobalt.
10 50 megaton flash nukes(uses a fusion reaction) also directed against ATA nuclear assets
Land launched assets: 200 Peacekeeper missiles 10 warheads per missile each city killer scale targetted at ATAs major population centers
100 Minutemen missiles(modified 6 MIRV all city killer level) targetted against ATA military targetted across the country side mainly near military bases.
United Korean Nations
20-05-2004, 08:26
Added to the mix is a Single 6.2 Megaton ICBM That was our last resort weapon.
Meesage to the ATA
bon bo aje!
ooc: belem, can you rename this thread "Operation: Counter Glass"?
20-05-2004, 08:35
Weapons-Tech incorp
20-05-2004, 08:47
there is much money to be made here. is there not.
20-05-2004, 09:16
this is a sad day for the entire world. A nation is nuked, and responds by nuking them with bigger nukes. Do you not understand? Now we have two international catatrophes, twice as many deaths, twice as much radiation. You should be ashamed of yourselves.
Meh... as far as I'm aware this is the second time theey have been glassed, however seeing as their nation is now deleted from the looks of things you probably got them...
Irondin will move in and mine and sell the glass as an example of the power of nukes
20-05-2004, 18:14
Nianacio condemns this use of nuclear weaponry.
glassedSDIed. ;) (Well, as many as our combined ABM systems could knock out...I only really care about the ones that harm civilians, but there's no way of telling which will at the stage of flight at which I'd start shooting them down.)
1 50 megaton cobalt bomb- massive radiation bomb that makes an unihabitable for thousands of years because of the half life of cobalt.An uninhabitable what?
Secret IC action:
High-altitude interceptors are preparing for flight with anti-satellite missiles, SLEMs are being prepped for launch, and ABM forces are on alert in case of retaliatory strikes. Belemese weapons satellites will want to stay away.
OOC: At 50 megatons it will make the entire country unihabitable. The cobalt keeps producing radiation constantly with a half life of 5.7 years it will take roughly 280 years before the cobalt stops producing radiation.
Scandavian States
20-05-2004, 22:10
[Belem, not that it really matters now that ATA is deleted, but I want to know where you get your math. The half-life of a radioactive isotope is the time it takes for one half of the material to decay. That means that Cobalt 14 has a total life of 11.4 years.]
OOC: 50 megatons. 5 years later its 25 megatons 5 years later it 12.5 megatons and so on until there is nothing less. I probably screwed up with the math because I was doing it on the fly but it still doesn't change the fact that no one will ever be able to live there again.
Reference on Half Life:
To be honest, it's moot. The fact that they have been deleted assures that no one will live there again... with exception to the possibility that they get resurected in which case they can RP what they like even if they should be RPing radioactive monsters...
Afterall, we are freeform in NS... mob run freeform I'll admit but the idea is sound.
21-05-2004, 06:17
Holy God Belem, you nuked him so bad, he got deated! :wink:
*feels content* of course i have to build more nukes now
You have been referred here:
OOC: This is ATA.
Yet, it is unpredictable why you shall attack ATA. I had never 'nuked' UKN. My n'nukes' exploded in the air of UKN as I was trying to send them to Chellis for Defensive reasons.
that counts as nuking its called fallout over the country and I doubt all 1200 malfunctioned at once.
Great Mateo
22-05-2004, 03:39
OOC: 50 megatons. 5 years later its 25 megatons 5 years later it 12.5 megatons and so on until there is nothing less. I probably screwed up with the math because I was doing it on the fly but it still doesn't change the fact that no one will ever be able to live there again.
Reference on Half Life:
You don't get what megatons are and how half life works.
Megatonnage has nothing to do with the radiation. Megatons are used to show how many tons of TNT it would take to produce the same explosive force. 1 megaton is the equivalent of 1 million tons of TNT.
Half life shows how long it takes for half of a radioactive isotope to decay into non-radioactive carbon or other isotopes. No matter how much radioactive material you use, half of it will have decayed into harmless isotopes by the half life. So say you the material you use in your bomb has a half life of 5.7 years, after 5.7 years, half of that material will have degraded into harmless isotopes. Another 5.7 years, and half of what's left will have degraded into harmless nothing, and so and so on till no traces remain.