Wimachtendienk Region: WATO Congress
20-05-2004, 06:02
This is a Regional Hearing upon the decision surounding Wimachtendienk Allaince Treaty Organization and its purpose. All posters should be from the Wimachtendienk region.
Burlungame is honored to host this Caucus in Burlin, Burlingame
<<end transmission>>
The Butters
21-05-2004, 00:55
As what seems to be a recurring event here, The Free Land of The Butters, and it's citizens, is left in a state of chaos and confusion to the point where The Dictator Himself has had to resort to public floggings and massacres in order to maintain a silence while all wait eagerly for an explanation of WATO. Riots broke out upon the notice of a Regional Hearing in Burlin, Burlingame; nobody knows how to tune into this or how to attend. The Dictator Himself, upon arrival to the designated "forum" where he expected a hearing to take place, heard only of recognition that it was indeed, a hearing. The Dictator Himself was disappointed, however, to find that there was nothing present to be heard. This antsy nation is on its tip toes to find out what this fuss is about, and this reporter is following close behind. We're all ears for the hearing, y'hear?
Ron Rheinbeck,
The Daily Spread
The Butters
21-05-2004, 00:55
As what seems to be a recurring event here, The Free Land of The Butters, and it's citizens, is left in a state of chaos and confusion to the point where The Dictator Himself has had to resort to public floggings and massacres in order to maintain a silence while all wait eagerly for an explanation of WATO. Riots broke out upon the notice of a Regional Hearing in Burlin, Burlingame; nobody knows how to tune into this or how to attend. The Dictator Himself, upon arrival to the designated "forum" where he expected a hearing to take place, heard only of recognition that it was indeed, a hearing. The Dictator Himself was disappointed, however, to find that there was nothing present to be heard. This antsy nation is on its tip toes to find out what this fuss is about, and this reporter is following close behind. We're all ears for the hearing, y'hear?
George Storewell,
The Daily Spread
21-05-2004, 02:51
Wimachtendienk Alliance Treaty Organization
WATO is a cooperative defensvie allaince towards self defense of the Wimachtendienk region. This is a forum for voicing concerns or questions about its formation. Eventually, this congress will be a forum for international or regional crisis that need addressing.
And NO PRESS is allowed in the Congress. WATO will issue statements, but, due to the level of military and political issues being addressed in the WATO congress, it would be unwise to allow any press in the congress.
WATO Representative, Burlingame
Official Statement. Holy Empire of Wiatava WATO Delegation:
It is an honor of our delegation to arrive at this esteemed congress with our fellow Wimachtendienk allies. As the Delegate appointed by our lofty leader, Captain Jack, It is my duty to inform the congress of Wiatava's building of a grand WATO Hall to hold the WATO Congress once it is approved in this session. I also would like to say that we endorse WATO's goals and endorse the point of "An attack on one is an attack on all." However, to substantiate that point "If someone attacks you out of line...we have your back. If you attack someone out of line...sorry buddy you are on your own."
The Delegation from Wiatava looks forward to the rest of this Summit of Wimachtendienk Association for a Treaty. otherwise known as SWAT. This SWAT meeting is to decide WATO's goals and to ratify WATO. Once ratified, the ratifying nations will ratify when to have the first ratifying meeting of WATO, ratified to be held in WATO Hall in Jonagrad, Wiatava.
For a better Wimachtendienk,
Randall "Randy 3000" Benjamin
WATO Delegate
Holy Empire Of Wiatava
The Butters
21-05-2004, 04:24
My friends, accept my sincere apology for the presence of press groups on the behalf of The Free Land of The Butters. They clung to the bottom of my car and smuggled themselves in through the ventilation ducts. Their stories will not escape Burlin however, their floggings have already been arranged to occur as soon as they reach our embassy, where they will later be executed along with a few political activists we rounded up earlier in the day.
On a more serious note, I, the brother *cough,* excuse me, I mean delegate of The Great Dictator Himself of The Free Land of The Butters, am glad to announce that my opinions are slowly beginning to sway towards the path of WATO, and I am prepared to state that once I confer with my brot--dictator, I believe that our nation of pawns shall march beneath this region's expansive wings.
Cory Uptman
Delegate of the Free Land of The Butters