Elves Security Forces drops out of Concordia
Elves Security Forces
19-05-2004, 12:04
Today in a press confrence CeleKorn addressed the issue of staying in Concordia.
"Its clear to me now that this alliance is slowly decaying and as the ruling figure, I will not let our nation fall down with it. Therefore The AESF officialy withdraws from Concordia. Thank you that is all."
OCC: I'm just to busy with RL things to mess with an alliance that seems to be crippling in the inside.
Lessr Tsurani
19-05-2004, 12:37
Lessr Tsurani is very sad about this. While we are not in the allience we find it sad that such a great nation should have to leave an allience as it is incompitent. We hope You find what you want.
Although disappointed at the withdrawal of the Elves Security Force from our alliance, Eredron nonetheless respects the decision of CeleKorn.
Austar Union
19-05-2004, 13:53
Official Statement from the Republic of Austar Union
We are saddened to see that the ESF is withdrawing from the Concordia Alliance, for they have made far too early a desision. We would like to also like to put down claims that Concordia is failing. In fact, I have found Concordia alliance to have gone through a trial which has made all existing members stronger with one another, barring a few individual things.
However as it currently stands, Concordia now stands a strong chance of survival, with VERY minimal losses, the only loss to the alliance being the withdrawal of the ESF.
Dictator of the Austar Union
Elves Security Forces
19-05-2004, 18:02
OCC: Eh yeah it aint falling to pieces but I'm not ready to go through this trail, espicially with many of my greatest friends bickering with another. Also I wouldn't be much help in helping get through this trail because I'm bogged down with schoolwork on working for some money. Anyways ttyl.