19-05-2004, 04:10
at the birth of time 2 races were born, one race was kind and pure the other was evil and currupt with power.
As the to races grow and entered space there knowlage grow over time there empires expaned millions of younger races, these races were never incoporationed into the empire but protected, the younger races saw them as gods.
at first contact between the to races the Devilons attacked the Angelons sparking the grate war that would last for billions fo years, but the last battle would be on terra, the Gratest Leader of the Devilons was infact a Angelon a trator to the his brother Jes'us'card leader of the Angelons, his name was Sa'Ta'nos. in the last grate battle Jes'us'card was in hand to hand combat with Sa'Ta'nos, stricking a deadly blow to Sa'Ta'nos but befor Jes'us'card could kill him the Devilons attacked takeing Sa'Ta'nos away in to a destant planet were he told him to save him and that one day he would return but to keep the his name alive.
millions of year passed the Angelons went into hinding there numbers were low, Jes'us'card went to all the planets in the universe as he saw the cruption grow he decided to tell each planet the last teaching of the angelons. befor he died on terra he vowed he would one day return whan Sa'Ta'nos returned.
the Angelons died out or vanished it was never know so to did the Devilons many belived they were gearing up for the last grate war.........
PX-4801 a barron Planet
a research team had been on the planet for 6 months now sudieing the ruins of this forgoten people.
for 6 months now they had found nothing to tell them who or what they were, apart from old writeing that would take years to translate. till one day Team 9 found a Temple like building, inside was a coffin of some kind hooked to a Giant machine.
"john look at this" one of the researchers sead "my good its....dermonic" he add as he looked at it, a 2 feet high wall lined it made out of skulls from 1000s of races, Human, CorpSacian,Elven and 100s if not 1000 more races.
"my god....what the f*** is it?" he sead stunned sa he looked at it "power reading are off the chart why the hell didnt orbital scans pick it up? theres a life sign in that coffin it seems to be getting stonger"
the other guy was looking at the wall, he had noticed a text on it as well as pictures.
"hay look at this, some of its in Latin,CorpSacian, Elven, Orkish my good theres 100s of languages" he sead "bloody hell"
"this is team 9 to base we've found something interesting...." he stoped as a voiced sead something but he couldnt understand it "Milldar did u say something?"
"no why" hte guy who was looking at the text sead
"nothing must be the old age catching up" he replyed grabing the radio "its in sector 581 the old temple like building"
"....roger that sending team 5" came over the radio
"make it Team 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8, and the technomages your not going to belive what we have found" john sead.
a few hours later the temple was teaming with people, takeing Carbin samples, scans the works.
---technomagi High Temple 2nd homeworld---
a technomage burst into the High Lords chambers, "sir we've found somthing on PX-4801" she sead
"what is it Sila it can be that important?" the High Lord replyed
"it is my lord, it seems somthing from the Old text but we cant tell what" she replyed handing him the report
"my god....tell the research team im on my way" he replyed after reading the report "and contact the Emperor tell him to inform our allies"
at the birth of time 2 races were born, one race was kind and pure the other was evil and currupt with power.
As the to races grow and entered space there knowlage grow over time there empires expaned millions of younger races, these races were never incoporationed into the empire but protected, the younger races saw them as gods.
at first contact between the to races the Devilons attacked the Angelons sparking the grate war that would last for billions fo years, but the last battle would be on terra, the Gratest Leader of the Devilons was infact a Angelon a trator to the his brother Jes'us'card leader of the Angelons, his name was Sa'Ta'nos. in the last grate battle Jes'us'card was in hand to hand combat with Sa'Ta'nos, stricking a deadly blow to Sa'Ta'nos but befor Jes'us'card could kill him the Devilons attacked takeing Sa'Ta'nos away in to a destant planet were he told him to save him and that one day he would return but to keep the his name alive.
millions of year passed the Angelons went into hinding there numbers were low, Jes'us'card went to all the planets in the universe as he saw the cruption grow he decided to tell each planet the last teaching of the angelons. befor he died on terra he vowed he would one day return whan Sa'Ta'nos returned.
the Angelons died out or vanished it was never know so to did the Devilons many belived they were gearing up for the last grate war.........
PX-4801 a barron Planet
a research team had been on the planet for 6 months now sudieing the ruins of this forgoten people.
for 6 months now they had found nothing to tell them who or what they were, apart from old writeing that would take years to translate. till one day Team 9 found a Temple like building, inside was a coffin of some kind hooked to a Giant machine.
"john look at this" one of the researchers sead "my good its....dermonic" he add as he looked at it, a 2 feet high wall lined it made out of skulls from 1000s of races, Human, CorpSacian,Elven and 100s if not 1000 more races.
"my god....what the f*** is it?" he sead stunned sa he looked at it "power reading are off the chart why the hell didnt orbital scans pick it up? theres a life sign in that coffin it seems to be getting stonger"
the other guy was looking at the wall, he had noticed a text on it as well as pictures.
"hay look at this, some of its in Latin,CorpSacian, Elven, Orkish my good theres 100s of languages" he sead "bloody hell"
"this is team 9 to base we've found something interesting...." he stoped as a voiced sead something but he couldnt understand it "Milldar did u say something?"
"no why" hte guy who was looking at the text sead
"nothing must be the old age catching up" he replyed grabing the radio "its in sector 581 the old temple like building"
"....roger that sending team 5" came over the radio
"make it Team 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8, and the technomages your not going to belive what we have found" john sead.
a few hours later the temple was teaming with people, takeing Carbin samples, scans the works.
---technomagi High Temple 2nd homeworld---
a technomage burst into the High Lords chambers, "sir we've found somthing on PX-4801" she sead
"what is it Sila it can be that important?" the High Lord replyed
"it is my lord, it seems somthing from the Old text but we cant tell what" she replyed handing him the report
"my god....tell the research team im on my way" he replyed after reading the report "and contact the Emperor tell him to inform our allies"